The pleasure is all mine

The Cat's Meow
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"Now, now Kitten." "My name is not kitten! You do realize how inappropriate it is to call me that at my place of work." I was fuming. "And will you please unhand me." "Alright but I must remind you that I asked for your name several times the other day and you refused and to be fair you do remind me of a feisty, little kitten with it's hackles raised.  Please put your claws away for now. Now. Since we are to do business together I think it very necessary to know your name, at least your first?" "Emmy. Which company are you with? "Kim Medical. I hope it won't be too difficult for you to forget. Of course, your facility has been doing business with our company for years." "Where is Mr. Zhang? He was the rep just last week."  I questioned with surprise in my tone. "Yixing moved back to China and agreed to an arranged marriage. He finally got himself a wife." "What? An arranged marriage? They still do those? I thought those were just in Asian dramas."  "Incredible, right? She is rather a nice girl. They have known each other for a while. So it is not like they were strangers. That would be an Asian drama. Haha. Emmy, you are a riot. So do you watch many of those? Which do you prefer? J-dramas, C-dramas or how about the K-dramas? Do you like Korean dramas the best? I understand there is a shower scene with a hot Korean actor in almost every show now days. Have you ever thought about living out your own K-drama?" "Oh my gosh! You full of yourself!  If you have taken over for Mr. Zhang I do not think I can deal with you. I would like to talk to your supervisor." "Hmmmm Emmy Sweetheart. That will be a little difficult. I want you to do me a quick favor. I am the rep for? Go ahead, tell me." "Kim Medical." "And I am 100% sure you remember my name, my full name. Go ahead beautiful, let it roll off your tongue." "Minseok. Minseok...Kim.  No. Way." "Yes. Way. It is a pleasure to officially meet you, Miss Emmy. I am Mr. Minseok Kim of Kim Medical. I recently inherited the company from my grandmother after I wrapped up my M.B.A. in Business. I must say I might have pushed myself a little harder if I had known that my reward would be to meet a client such as you. So Emmy, I can see that it is lunch time. I would love to take you out and get to know the center better so I can meet it's needs. Now, now, I can see a refusal welling up on your lips and I would hate for you to say no so soon." His tone was anything but charming and inviting to me. "You can go over old invoices to see what we usually order from Kim Medical. I really do not have time for lunch today or maybe any other day, thank you."  My voice was stern and my irritation was palatable.


That was when he released a slight sigh and I noticed his shoulders dropped down from their previously blustery stature. The next words from him were in a quiet yet dignified manner, a far cry from the outrageous flirtatious way he had been addressing me to my previous annoyance. "I would like to genuinely apologize for my words and behavior to you Miss Emmy. I know that I have come on strong and rudely. When I saw you yesterday I wanted to have a little fun and unfortunately I carried it over to today. Please accept my sincere apology for my actions, I really am sorry. Please do not think that I would handle my business dealings in such a manner. May I have another chance at a first impression, Miss Emmy?"


The words could be lies but there was a look in his eyes that shone as truth. I had no idea why this strange, beguiling man had decided to be so outrageous with me in the two times we had been presented to one another. It seems now was the time to make amends and get down to business. Kim Medical had been one of the leading suppliers for many years and I would hate to see the connection destroyed because of a personal dislike for the new owner. I would have to keep on my toes for the future in our dealings. For now, I would give another chance. "All right Mr. Kim. I actually try to be a fair person." "I can see that Emmy. May I call you Emmy or will you tell me your last name." "It is Jones but you may still call me Emmy.  Yixing and I were on a first name basis. His marriage and returning to China is all rather sudden isn't it? He never talked about any of that." "Haha I know. He talked little of his actual personal life but trust me, his friends and family have been trying to get their little sheep back home for a long time.  His brothers here, work brothers finally had to let him go. But we will always keep in touch. Like I said, the lady he is marrying is very nice." "Well that is good at least. Is there a way I can send along a card from everyone here? He made several friends, I'm sure a gift card would be appreciated."  "I will see what I can find out and give you that information. So I am forgiven?" "I am giving you another chance since you are the new head of a place my facility does regular business with. Your words and actions to me personally are hard to just overlook. Do you pick up a lot of women that way Mr. Kim?" "Not as many as you would think. Miss Emmy. I can see that I have a lot to make up for." I wanted to skim over personal issues for now at least.  "Since you are the new CEO you surely do not have time to go to each of your clients all the time. Is this just to introduce yourself? Will you be replacing Yixing soon?" "I suppose I should find his replacement soon. It threw me off that it happened so soon after Grandmother summoned me, I mean when Grandmother handed over the operations of the company. You see, I thought I would be going to our site in Busan, South Korea and another relative would take over the operation here but it is switching the other way., What can a person do with them sometime." "Be happy that they are fortunate enough to have them Mr. Kim." I mumbled as I turned from him. "I might have some of the most recent invoices here if that would help. We get most of our most standard supplies and equipment from your company." "You don't have close family Miss Emmy? I did not mean to sound so flippant. I seem to be apologizing to you a lot." His eyes were so appealing again. The most perfect cat-like tilt to them and then there was the beautiful chocolate brown color with what appeared to be gold flecks. Entrancing would be a great descriptive, if only he had just been a gentleman from the start. "My mother lives about 2000 miles away with my stepfather and their family. I see them once in a while. There is no need to apologize over something like that. How on earth are you to know. Why should you know. So getting back to business. We may not need anything just yet, we received an order 4 days ago." "Hmmmm ok. I'm not sure how long it will take me to replace Yixing but I am thinking you may have to put up with me again a few more times. I know you could probably order online but it would help me out too. I would get to know the center better. Hey, I have an idea. I would like to arrange a dinner for everyone. It is something that we have done at our location in SoKo with some of our bigger clients. I know that is not really a practice here but it would be a great way to meet people. "I'm not sure. We usually only get together for holidays or certain events like a wedding or" "I got it! I could host it to introduce myself but we could place a video call in to Yixing for his upcoming wedding. That is an event right?" "I guess. I still am not sure. I will need to see what the others think."


Just then my office door was flung open and in walked Chanyeol and Baekhyun. "Emmy! Why aren't you at lunch yet? We were worried. You ok?" asked my taller friend. "Uh. Chanyeol. Baekhyun. This is Minseok Kim of Kim Medical. He is the new CEO of the company and came by to introduce himself." A round of greetings occurred between the three men. "Mr. Kim was telling me that Yixing has moved to China and is getting married." "WHAT? HE NEVER SAID ANYTHING! WE JUST PLAYED POKER FIVE NIGHTS AGO!" Chanyeol exclaimed rather loudly. Baekhyun added, "You have got to be kidding. Yixing always laughed when we asked him about dating. He said he knew nothing about love." "Hmm it was an arranged marriage." "NO FREAKING WAY!" Minseok and I just nodded our heads in agreement that yes way, the statement was correct. "Guys, since you are both here. Mr. Kim had the idea to host a dinner party and inviting the employees of the center. That way he could introduce himself as well as video call Yixing so his friends here could give their congratulations. What do you think of that?" Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun and then back toward Minseok and myself and uttered the most truthful thing anyone could ever say, "Why not. Who turns down free food. We're in. Hey Em, we are heading across the street to get a smoothie, want one?" Oh Lord, Yes I did want one!  "That would be awesome. Let me get you some cash."


Before I could go around my desk to get a few dollars Minseok had already opened his wallet and handed Chanyeol a bill telling him to use that for all of them. I could not even voice a protest before the two men had made their way out the door. "What kind of smoothie do you like?" Miseok asked. "Errr I have a couple of favorites so hopefully it will be one of them. Otherwise it will be whatever weird combination those two will think will be the funniest to give me. I have to keep an eye out on both of them." "Ohhh. Kind of like annoying little brothers?" "You could say that. That was very nice of you to pay for drinks but unnecessary. Still thank you. Ummm??" I had been heading toward my desk again as I spoke. "I have a feeling that you are trying to chase me out."  He took that moment to raise both hands then a blindingly bright, full toothy smile over took his features along with a small chuckle. "No. No. I have other places to be yet so I do not want to overstay my welcome. It was a pleasure to meet you in a professional setting today Miss Emmy. I will be in contact. How about a week, week and a half for company dinner? I will start making some arrangements.  I hope you get a delicious smoothie and thank you for allowing me another chance. Good afterno
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TtTrying to jump back on the writing horse with a fairly dull update. Like they say, Ya gotta wade through a lot of filler to get to the good stuff. Let's just hope and pray I deliver on something halfway decent to "good stuff."


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Chapter 7: From cuddly cat Xiumin to cheeky Minseok, and now Emmy has an Oh-so-handsome Sehun Oh! Just how much more luck does Emmy really have? 😍😍😍
Chapter 3: Emmy and Minseok are gerting close 😍. And... I would love to have protective brothers ChenBaekYeol! 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 2: Oh, Xiumin the cat and Minseok Kim are so mischievously cute! I'm having fun reading how both of them are so playful around OC... 😍 (Or should I refer to THEM in singular form? 🤭💚)
744 streak #4
Chapter 7: 🌹💗🌹💗🌹

I have to admit that I missed your writing so much! It's easy to imagine it all and there is a mix of everything, from work to private life, comedy, etc.

I adore the scenes with the kitty and it actually made me laugh as well, with the little accident and the egg bump and her way of apologizing to the little kitty. 😂 LOVED IT!

Also, I missed the interaction between Chanyeol and Baekhyun. XD Baekhyun was all in the game and Chanyeol suddenly drops the bomb and says he wasn't home and Baekhyun goes on with his dirty thoughts. XD I was dying!

Oh Sehun is still a mystery so I am not sure what to think about him just yet. But for the compliment parts, ah I hate those, as it makes me feel uncomfortable XD

Thank you for the update! Can't wait to see what happens next!

744 streak #5
I had to read the previous chapters first just to remind myself about what I had read earlier, but now that I have, it's time to read the newest chapter! Let's see what you have in store for us *winks*

Thank you!
Chapter 7: Ohhh, is Mr. Oh potentially dangerous to our hearts?
Chapter 7: I'm so glad to see an update! Yay! This was a sweet chapter, I loved the interaction. Emmy has such...presence. I'm not sure how to describe it, but in some ways, she seems so no-nonsense about stuff. On those rare times I get compliments about one thing or another, (luckily cause I really don't like getting them), I get rather uncomfortable too. It's obvious she's slightly uncomfortable with it also, but she handles it so well, that I wish I could be that casual about it.

I have to say, the Xiumin scene I rather enjoyed as well. I could literally see it, which is always so nice while reading a story, it was fun. I realize now it sounds as if I am taking joy from Emmy's pain, sorry Emmy!!!

I hope there will be another update soon!!
Chapter 7: Welcome back!!! Wow.. minseok AND sehun?? Emmy is one lucky girl <333