Paint On Spring

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PLAYLIST: “Paint on Spring,” Martin Smith




Good news! I got a date.

My tinder match’s name is Lee Chansung. He seems like a decent guy, from what I’ve seen from his pictures and the way he talked to me so far. Today, after three days of texting and calling, we agreed to meet up for a first date. I hope this goes well! I’m so nervous, I feel like my heart’s going to pop out of my chest. Since it’s a special day, of course, I need Baekhyun’s magic hands, as usual. I shyly grin as I check myself in with the salon’s receptionist. Baekhyun gave me a small nod and smile as our eyes meet. I hope whatever weirdness happened between us in the grocery store a week ago has been completely forgotten—like it never happened at all.

I follow him as we get to the main floor. “Guess what?” I ask.

He leads me straight to the shampoo bar to be washed. “I have a date today,” I reveal before he could even actually guess. “Good for you. Who’s the lucky guy?” He asked. Awe, this silly boy. He’s such a , but that’s okay, I need that today. He placed a towel over my shoulders before gesturing me to lay back. I take out my phone to show him a picture of Chansung. “He’s a teacher, isn’t he handsome? Would you date him? You seem like a teacher’s pet type of guy.” He didn’t answer my question. I guess not. Maybe he’s too tall for him? It says here that Chansung is 180cm—I am a tiny bean so that is humongous for me.

Baekhyun begins washing my hair and I close my eyes in delight. “You think he’d like me? I’m not too smart and I fear that he’s going to think I’m dumb. He’s a teacher after all. So, try to make me look as beautiful as possible so any red flag he notices later on today will be overlooked.” I joke with a shy grin. “You’re already beautiful, I don’t have to do anything but to style your hair. You just have to be yourself and he should like you.” He answered, as always. When will he be just comfortable and honest with me? We’ve said so many personal things about each other already but he still treats me like a new client, showering me with empty compliments!

I sigh. “Okay, Confucius, I get it. But tell me, if you were Chansung, let’s say you’re this 180cm thirty-seven-year-old single and readily available teacher who’s looking to settle down. What would be your first impression of me?” I ask and I’m pretty sure I ask him this same question every time I have a date. “Physical or emotional?” He asked. Why does he have to be so specific? How do you have an emotional impression of someone you just met? Of course, I meant physical! “Oh, come on, Baekhyun. When you go on a date, do you focus on the guy’s emotions only? No, right? Of course, I meant physical.” I laugh.

Again, he didn’t answer this time. “I guess the vibe should be important too, but how do I read his vibe?” I decide to ask. “It should show on its own, you don’t have to read anything because it will show. A man will either show you or not show you, it’s up to you to see it or not. To acknowledge it or not, for that matter.” He finally replies. Hm, that makes sense but it doesn’t make sense at the same time. “How do I see it if I don’t have to read it?” I ask. At this point, he’s now on the best part of the washing—conditioner and scalp massage.

Ooh, that feels amazing. His fingers are literal magic—he makes me feel so good. “Oh, that’s so good, can you like do this forever? If I was a cat, I’d be purring.” I comment in between moans. “If a man cares, you will feel it, you don’t have to figure out or solve anything. You just feel it.” He said calmly. At this point, I could barely understand what he’s saying. The massage is just purely amazing. He gets a big tip today for this. He lifted my head up and his fingers firmly lower down to the back of my neck. Ooh, right there. Oh my god, why is he giving me this kind of massage all of a sudden?! I mean he always gives me good massages but he doesn’t usually include my neck.

He finished and I lower my head back down. “Woah, that’s awesome. Where’d you learn that?” I ask, moving my eyes to glance up to him. He only shook his head as if he’s amused by my reaction. “Your head felt tensed today so I went for the neck too, it was tensed as well.” He responded before turning the faucet on again to finally wash off the conditioner. “I don’t know how you can feel if something’s tensed or not, that has to be talent. I just feel skin and skull when I touch my head, that’s it.” I tap my forehead.

I hear a light chuckle from him. That’s nice, I made him laugh a little. He doesn’t laugh a lot to be honest so, it’s nice to hear that.

He wrapped my head with a towel and led me to his chair. “So, how do you want your hair today.” He asked as he began brushing and untangling my hair. Ouch, that hurt but I’m used to it so whatever. “Uh, I want a cute look today. Like a bouncy look maybe, to make me look bubbly.” He simply nodded before calling over their apprentice for help to dry my hair. I shyly bow my head as I look at the apprentice from the mirror. I think her name is Haebin, if I’m not mistaken. I then shift my gaze at Baekhyun. I try to see his emotion as he advised me to.

He seems … pretty calm but with a tinge of exasperation? He must be tired already, I’m pretty sure I’m not his first client today. Anyway, let’s see more. I pucker my lips, swaying them side to side as I figure him out. To be honest, I don’t see much. He’s always poker face—how do I do this?! He suddenly looked back at me from the mirror. “Everything alright?” He asked. I look away and clear my throat. I shake my head but kept quiet. I can’t do it, I’m really bad at reading people. Maybe that’s why I’m scared of meeting them because I get too anxious about what they feel or think about me. I can’t see it and that’s the scariest part. I always fear that they’re judging me so I’d rather not socialize. I know it’s a big issue but I’m working on it.

Oh, who am I kidding? I’m not working on anything. It’s like I have given up.

Once my hair’s all blown out smoothly, the apprentice left the rest of the work for Baekhyun. He grabbed a swivel chair and sat right behind my chair to start sectioning my hair. “Are you excited about the date?” He said, picking me up from the daze I’ve fallen into. I shrug my shoulders. To be honest, I don’t even know anymore. I don’t want to hope too much because if I do, I’d be disappointed if I see a red flag. It may not be obvious but I long to finally settle down with someone. I’m not getting any younger and I have a promise to myself that if I’m still single at the age of thirty-five, I’ll just get artificial insemination or something like that. Speaking of which, I probably should start saving up for that seeing as I only have three more years until then. I want to have kids but I think my future husband hasn’t found me yet—if he even exists at all.


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I will be back, this will only for a very short time. And thank you for the condolences, I will make sure it reaches my boyfriend. I love you.


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0 points #1
Chapter 1: whdbxndjd i nearly forgot how savage he was in the early chapters😂 LOVE IT
Chapter 31: Goddamnit i am loving this story so much!!!!
ByunBossHyun #3
Chapter 1: First chapter and I already have this stupid crush on baekhyun
Chapter 36: Too early for these tears but ugh she breaks my heart
Chapter 32: Best boyfriend best man written
Chapter 31: What miserable people to speak like that and tear down their child. No one deserves that kind of treatment
Chapter 28: This whole chapter with how she feels for him and the slow realization that he’s always treated her like he likes her, that he in fact has liked her and that she’s crushing on him and the “mine” thoughts she’s having of him make me smile the whole time I’m reading
Chapter 27: Chapter 27: We should all be so lucky to have a first bf like him
Chapter 17: I keep holding my breath as of Byun Baekhyun is looking at ME like that lol
Chapter 15: I forgot what an utter miserable asss his father is as well as the whole family is to him