Lay Your Head On Me

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PLAYLIST: “Lay Your Head on Me,” Crush




Is a week enough for a person to move on from a big breakup?

My gaze follows his path as he enters the café with the usual smile in his face. His eyes still looked pretty dark—well, not literally, just for exaggeration—but his smile is back.

Should I be happy? I flinch on my spot when he stops right across me, I didn’t even notice he coming this way. “He—hey—hello, good morning, sir. Happy Tuesday!” I might have overdone that greeting but he smiles wider. I giggle in embarrassment as I glance at the other staff who just shook their heads, most likely used to my awkwardness. Sometimes I question how they handle having this kind of manager. But hey, I’m pretty good at managing, I think.

Anyway, the staff is already aware of the break up of course but I made it a point to make sure they don’t mention anything about it when he comes back—which is today. There’s one thing I am really curious about though and I am not sure how to ask it without ruining this smile of his that I bet he had to work on for a while.

I wonder what’s going to happen to this café now … I mean, I think Jihyun is already a part-owner of this, and so as many others of their franchises aside from cafes. Yup, Kyungsoo’s and the woman’s families have been doing business together for a long time. I don’t know what’s supposed to happen now? I have no idea how such break-ups work, it sounds so complicated. I’m surprised their parents even supported the break-up, I mean they weren’t arranged or anything. It was … real love that took place as they grew together in the business.

How do I know this? Actually, I’m not sure.

I kind of made that up in my head as I go but I know they went to the same universities and worked together for years before eventually dating and it wasn’t because of their parents. This is not some fictional romance movie, I wish because that could mean this heartbroken main lead would eventually move on and find a new love—me.

I laugh at my creativity sometimes, actually, it’s not that creative. Pathetic is the more suitable word for me, for my whole life basically. Snap. I startle from the sound right on my face. A couple of familiar giggles echoed behind me. I go back to earth and see Kyungsoo still standing there. “You zoned out right there, are you okay?” He asked me. Oh crap, I should be the one asking him that. “No, sir. I was just—I was trying to remember something that I forgot.” I make an excuse.

He nods before putting a hand in his pocket. He takes out something and I recognize it right away. “Uh, here’s your handkerchief. Thank you.” He tells his gratitude very quietly before walking out, squeezing in a pat on my shoulder as he did. Oh, I forgot I even lent him my handkerchief that day, must have been a reflex when I did. It smells nice and clean, oh holly mother of cream cheese—it smells just like him. Anyway, I need to stop zoning out because I’m working. I skip to my office and place the handkerchief safe in my desk drawer that has the lock. This handkerchief will be kept safe and intact here—it shall never see the face of the earth and most especially the face of another washing machine, except for occasional sniff sniff from me when I’m feeling blue. I’m such a creep, oh god.

I leave my office again and went back to the work area to check inventory. With my tablet on one arm, I start searching through our cupboards and storage. My staff are working very hard behind me, like always, so I never really have to worry about too much. Most of them are already trained to this job so when they started, I didn’t have to do much training. I have two of them whom I had to really have my eye on for three months before I could finally decide. They’re good now though.

“One Honey Chamomile tea latte, please.” I suddenly hear a very familiar and distinct voice behind me. I quickly turn around and my face lit up. It’s my very very good friend, Baekhyun! Oh wait, isn’t today his day off? I walk to the cashier’s area and my eyes travel down to his outfit, hm, he looks like he worked out? He wore a black muscle t-shirt and white joggers.

Okay, he may be gay but … he’s kind of pretty hot in this?!

A small smile forms on his lips as our eyes meet. “You came to visit me?” I ask, leaning comfortably on the counter. Sora who’s taking his order looks at me with a teasing smile. All the staff here already know him pretty well, even before we got closer recently. I always tell them about my favorite hairstylist, of course! Also, we’re literally in one neighborhood, as a family. “No, I came for my honey chamomile tea latte,” Baekhyun answers blankly, like always, but a hint of smirk forms on one side of his lips. I roll my eyes while suppressing a smile. “Tch, you’re lucky you’re looking good today.” I tease with a wink before walking back to what I was working on, the inventory.

I hear three loud taps making me turn and I see Baekhyun pointing a finger right down the counter, was that him calling me like some badass boss? “Dohee, come here.” He calls. He nods at Sora once he’s done paying before moving to the pick-up area of the counter, to give way to the other customers. I follow his direction. “What’s up?” I ask while adjusting my jacket. He suddenly leans over, his elbows meeting the granite counter and I could see his muscles contracting as if they’re ready to pop out of his skin. He’s very veiny—why do I need to inspect him anyway?!

Damn you, muscle tee. It feels wrong to even check him out, I should not be checking him out. He’s like a family to me, at least that’s how much I care about him.

I glue my eyes to him, as much as I can. “Is he back?” he asked softly. Oh, I get what he means right away. A giddy expression forms on my face as I nod. I turn to Kyungsoo’s office, although the door is currently closed. “He’s in there but he seems better,” I whisper back. I see him eyeing the office too. Jesus, did he come here to ask me that? Wait, does he like Kyungsoo too?! Is it because I constantly talk to him about Do Kyungsoo’s perfection that he ended up getting interested himself? I cannot let a man get in between our friendship, not even Do Kyungsoo! I care about Baekhyun a lot, I don’t want to lose him over love! I will never go on that path with the only friend I have. The thought alone scares me.

I never thought … I would even have a friend ever. Now that I have one, I can’t lose him.

I let out a struggled chu

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I will be back, this will only for a very short time. And thank you for the condolences, I will make sure it reaches my boyfriend. I love you.


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0 points #1
Chapter 1: whdbxndjd i nearly forgot how savage he was in the early chapters😂 LOVE IT
Chapter 31: Goddamnit i am loving this story so much!!!!
ByunBossHyun #3
Chapter 1: First chapter and I already have this stupid crush on baekhyun
Chapter 36: Too early for these tears but ugh she breaks my heart
Chapter 32: Best boyfriend best man written
Chapter 31: What miserable people to speak like that and tear down their child. No one deserves that kind of treatment
Chapter 28: This whole chapter with how she feels for him and the slow realization that he’s always treated her like he likes her, that he in fact has liked her and that she’s crushing on him and the “mine” thoughts she’s having of him make me smile the whole time I’m reading
Chapter 27: Chapter 27: We should all be so lucky to have a first bf like him
Chapter 17: I keep holding my breath as of Byun Baekhyun is looking at ME like that lol
Chapter 15: I forgot what an utter miserable asss his father is as well as the whole family is to him