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PLAYLIST: “idontwannabeyouanymore,” Billie Eilish




I look up from the papers I was signing when I hear a knock on my door. “Go ahead, come in, please.” I put on a professional smile as I have always. To my surprise, it’s my boss, Kyungsoo. My face lit up brighter as soon as our eyes meet. I haven’t seen him in a few days. He looks so much better than the last time I did. I am actually quite surprised. There’s a rumor running around the café that I’ve only heard about yesterday. Apparently, one of our staff saw Jihyun in a store, with a new man. Yikes, I guess she moved pretty quickly. I wonder if Kyungsoo even knows? I hope not. He doesn’t need to know, right? It shouldn’t matter now; it’s been almost a month since the breakup. “Hey, Dohee. You’re done soon right? I hope I’m just in time.” He comes in, closing the door behind him. “Yes, sir. I’m just finishing some records I have to sign off. How are you, sir?” I greet back. He walks to my table and sits on the edge of it.

My hands tremble against the table but I try my best not to show it to him. Why is he suddenly smiling at me like that? Did I do something? Am I in trouble or what? Oh my god, his smile is melting me right now. Can he see that I am melting before him? “Okay, so.” He clears his throat as if he’s about to share the most important work-related information. I brace myself for a possible smart talk that I may have to participate in. I hate doing it. I know I manage his café but I feel like sometimes, his family just didn’t have a choice but to promote me when our former manager quit and recommended me. “There’s a business seminar for local business runners in Gangnam that I am going to attend and I was hoping you could come with me cause it’s also going to be helpful for you as my manager. Do you want to? I’d really love for you to be with me there so I’m not taking no for an answer.”

I gulp a heavy lump that manages to form in my throat within a microsecond since he started speaking. Me? And him? Attending something together? Wait, oh my god, he used to go with Jihyun in this kind of thing. Why is he taking me instead?! I am freaking out. “Uh—sir—well, when—when is it?” I stutter into my words and he responds with a light chuckle. “It’s tomorrow, so you’re excused from work most of the day. I’ll pick you up here at around, say, one? I already talked to Junsoo and he’s gonna take over whatever you need to be doing tomorrow, sounds good?” He gives me a thumbs-up as he leans away from the table.

I may be reading too much into his words but I feel like he’s asking me on a date.

“Sir, it’s just … the two of us?” I ask and my grip on the edge of the table tightens. “Of course, I mean, I’d love to take everyone with me to learn but the café needs to keep running, right? And it’s going to be helpful for you the most.” He laughs so coolly. Ugh, so cool. He’s so cool. I feel like I’m in a Korean drama right now and my boss is the main lead that ends up falling for me after long hours of working together. I consciously adjust myself on my chair while tucking my hair behind my ear. “Ok—okay, sir. I’d love to go then.” I can’t help but give him a shy grin but I keep my head lower to hide my blush.

He nods. “Uh, try to dress up a little. Okay? Be all pretty and presentable since we might come across some business elites, potential connections. You know, get dressed up, do your makeup and hair or whatever so you’re as elegant as possible. Alright? I want to show off my best manager, of course.” He informs and compliments me in one sentence. I nod eagerly at him despite the growing anxiety inside of me. Of course, this is going to be a social thing once again. I need to prepare myself mentally. I see him hesitate for a second until turning around again, leaning on the door that he had just grabbed. “Oh, uh … Jihyun might be attending too … so just—uh,” He chuckles as he looks down. “—let’s just try to be positive and show her that I’m okay. Alright? I need your help so I hope you do help me out.” He gives me a persuasive nod before leaving.

My help? With what? Oh my god, this is going to be awkward If Jihyun is really there, I won’t have a choice but to greet her out of respect. I can’t be stuck between them; I’d die of awkwardness! He should have told me that first before making me agree. I decide to follow him out. I catch him just before he gets in his office just across from mine. “Uh, sir,” I call out and he turns to face me. “What’s up?” He asks before getting in the office. I follow him in. “Can I ask—uhm, like—what do you mean I need to help you out? What can I do to help you in the situation, sir?” I ask just to clarify.

He walks to his table, turns around before sitting on the edge of it like he always does. He hesitates again before smiling at me. “I mean if you could help me in any way to just uh—” He laughs as if he’s embarrassed by wherever he’s going with this. “Just … I just want to look okay and to show her that I have moved on. Sounds silly but … it’s very important for me that she doesn’t think I’m miserable just because she dumped me. I mean, why would I be miserable when I have my gorgeous manager with me tomorrow night, right?” For the first time, I hear a determined tone from him but I still don’t understand. It gets me shier when he called me gorgeous. “Okay, sir. But … I still don’t understand that much. How can I be of help with that?” I reach for my head to scratch it.

He shrugs. “I honestly don’t know; I really don’t know, Dohee. Please … just be there and whatever happens, just back me up or something. Okay? Promise me?” He walks over to me, lowering himself to level my face before placing his hands on my shoulders. “Can you do that for me, Dohee? I only trust you that’s why I know I can rely on you whatever happens.” He asks sweetly. I look away while smiling, feeling my face getting hotter from this sudden contact with him. What does he mean back him up? What am I supposed to say? What am I supposed to show Jihyun? We know each other but it’s not to the point that I can just take over the whole conversation just so Kyungsoo can avoid it, you know? What am I supposed to do? I am freaking out. I cannot get in between two exes.

Before I could speak again for more clarification, I feel his finger pinch my cheek ever so lightly. I jolt from the gesture. “That’s why I’m asking you if you could get a little dressed up for me. I’m sure you will look dashing in a pretty dress, don’t worry about it, okay?” He smiles one last time before walking to his table. I reluctantly smile while nodding. “How about this, why don’t I take you to dinner tomorrow night after the seminar?” He suddenly offers. My eyes widen in complete shock. Is he asking me on a date? “Dinner, sir?” I fiddle on the hem of my shirt as I look up to him anticipatingly. He faces me again with an uncertain smile. “Ye—yeah, sure. Why not, right? I mean, let’s see how long the seminar takes first because I’m not sure yet though. We will see if we have time.” He smiles sweetly at me and I bet I am blushing even more.

What does it have to do with me dressing up? Why do I have to dress up for a seminar just because his ex-fiancée would be there? I don’t get it at all. How is dressing up and getting all pretty going to help him prove to his ex that he’s okay? But … oh my god … I will be alone with Do Kyungsoo for the very first time. I feel like good things are finally coming my way. I need to tell Baekhyun about this. Speaking of the devil, he hasn’t texted me for two days since we had that steak dinner at his place. Hmm, weird. I guess he doesn’t want to teach me how to t. I can’t blame him though, how is he supposed to teach me that when he doesn’t even like texting? I have gone too far on that one.

But it’s just … the way we made out in his kitchen was very … triggering for me.

Before it affects the rest of my day again, I go back to work to focus only on that. Shim Dohee, no Byun Baekhyun in your head for now. He hasn’t started teaching you anything yet so you have to wait patiently.

Also, I need to book a blowout appointment with him for tomorrow. Like Kyungsoo instructed, I need to look dashing for whatever he means … I still don’t know why I have to be all pretty for a seminar but what Kyungsoo wants, Kyungsoo gets!



I arrive for my hair appointment the next day. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand as soon as I meet eyes with Baekhyun. I haven’t had any communication with him in two days and somehow, it feels longer than it actually is. I’m quite relieved though because he looks his usual professional self so it may help me maintain my composure, unlike the previous days. Also, we’re in a public setup, nothing could happen.


Nothing at all.

Ugh, why are we in a public setup anyway? I seal my lips tightly before I end up thinking out loud again. “How’ve you been? You haven’t … texted me.” I make sure I said the right word, I was close to saying t but thankful I didn’t. He leads me to the shampoo station and takes a seat. I am wearing a shorter dress so he hands me one of their big towels to cover me up. “Thank you.” I grin as I let him put it over me. “Why are you so dressed up today? Are you attending a party?” He finally speaks up and I feel myself shudder for some reason. I feel like I haven’t heard his voice in two years. Two days, Shim Dohee. Just two days.

I all get excited as he started wetting my hair. “Actually, I haven’t told you yet. Kyungsoo invited me to go with him to a business seminar and he especially requested for me to get all pretty and dress up. Isn’t it exciting? We might also go for dinner after but that’s not sure yet, he said he doesn’t know how long the seminar would take but if it finishes early, we will go for dinner. Oh my god, I’m so nervous. I wore the best dress I own. Not the one you got me for the wedding party because that would be way too much, I guess this is the second-best I have.” I inform him of the good news before closing my eyes to relax. I am also excited for him to start massaging me again. I am just so obsessed with him—his massage, I mean. To my great dismay, he suddenly turns the water off and I feel my head instantly getting cold when the warm water left my skin. I look up to gaze at him and he’s looking at me skeptically. “You’re this dressed up for a business seminar.” He repeats as if he’s hoping he heard it wrong.

“Uhm.” I clear my throat. “Yeah? And like I said, we might go for dinner?”

Why is he making me nervous? And why do I feel guilty? He looks at me like I just said something vicious. He finally turns the water on again and I grin in pleasure. It’s nothing but the relaxing sound of warm water against my head for the first few seconds until he turns it off again. I shiver from the sudden lack of warmth. “Yah—why do you keep stopping?” I complain this time and glare up at him. “Why do you need to be all dressed up for a business seminar? It’s a seminar, you sit and listen to a speaker. So he wants you to dress like this and wear those uncomfortable heels. Why?” He asks. I raise my brow at him. Why is he being grumpy to me all of a sudden? I shrug. “I don’t know?” I argue back. “He said I need to be pretty because I need to help him out, his ex is going to be there and we need to show her that he’s doing okay. That’s all. I don’t know exactly how this is going to help him but—wait, why are you getting worked up by this?” I laugh at him but he only frowns even more.

Why is he so affected by this? Isn’t he supposed to be happy for me? I finally get to do something with the man I have a crush on. Also, this I didn’t get from Tinder. Why is he suddenly interrogating me right now?

This time, one of their assistants approach the shampoo station. “Sunbae, do you need a hand with shampooing? I have time.” She offers, probably also noticing Baekhyun’s sudden distress. What is happening? Is he having a mad busy day? He turns to the young lady and declines. “No, I have a lot of time. Go help Taewoo with his foils. I think he needs you.” He gestures the lady to leave before glaring down at me again.

I jolt from the intense gaze I get from him. “Uhm, hi? Earth to Baekhyun? Are you broken? Did I break you?” I attempt to get his full attention again, not knowing why he’s suddenly looking frustrated. “What else did he say?” He continued to interview about the seminar. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Why does he care about the business? What am I supposed to tell him? I am so confused. Why are men confusing me so much since yesterday? “Nothing much, he just said I need to back him up or something. He wants to show her that he’s moved on—okay, come on, are you going to shampoo me or not because my head is freezing now. Your A/C is blasting in here.” I grin while slapping me lightly on the arm.

For the first time, Baekhyun seems pissed. He looks away and his lips move in a weird way, almost like he wants to cuss? He leans on the shampoo bowl while adjusting the buttons of his shirt like he’s feeling hot. It’s literally cold here. I gulp on the intense action from him. Why does he look … insane for doing that? By insane, I mean … I actually don’t know what I even mean. I feel

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I will be back, this will only for a very short time. And thank you for the condolences, I will make sure it reaches my boyfriend. I love you.


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0 points #1
Chapter 1: whdbxndjd i nearly forgot how savage he was in the early chapters😂 LOVE IT
Chapter 31: Goddamnit i am loving this story so much!!!!
ByunBossHyun #3
Chapter 1: First chapter and I already have this stupid crush on baekhyun
Chapter 36: Too early for these tears but ugh she breaks my heart
Chapter 32: Best boyfriend best man written
Chapter 31: What miserable people to speak like that and tear down their child. No one deserves that kind of treatment
Chapter 28: This whole chapter with how she feels for him and the slow realization that he’s always treated her like he likes her, that he in fact has liked her and that she’s crushing on him and the “mine” thoughts she’s having of him make me smile the whole time I’m reading
Chapter 27: Chapter 27: We should all be so lucky to have a first bf like him
Chapter 17: I keep holding my breath as of Byun Baekhyun is looking at ME like that lol
Chapter 15: I forgot what an utter miserable asss his father is as well as the whole family is to him