Hello Tutorial

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PLAYLIST: “Hello Tutorial,” Zion.T, SEULGI





Ding. I release a maddened moan when the oven goes off. At the same time, I am rather thankful. Otherwise, I don’t know how far we’ve gone uninterrupted. I couldn’t stop. She was so much. I don’t know what came over me but … I almost lost control, entirely. I’ve gone farther, much farther, than what I have planned in my head. Not that I have a concrete plan. But that wasn’t slow, I almost messed everything up—if not for the oven dinging me back to reality.

It was just an unbelievable experience. Her lips dragging gently across my skin, the way her fingers shakily wander around my shoulders and chest like I’m a piece of jewelry. Her moans—god her moans make everything much harder for me. I mean everything. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her lips as I my own. Her taste that lingers in my mouth is so tempting. Hot, wet, just pure delight. With the remaining patience inside of me, I slip my hands in her waist and put her down from the kitchen island.

I knew taking her up there to sit wasn’t a good idea. However, I was … deliberately giving in to my own fantasies.

I wanted to see her there, watching me. I wanted to see her settled on my kitchen island looking so innocently appealing to my eyes. I want to get close enough that she has to spread her legs open for me. She doesn’t understand a thing. She doesn’t know what she does to me.

I used to have just pure love for her.

Then came lust.

Those two things put together … can be very dangerous.

I force a nod. “You go take a seat on the dining table; this is done. I’ll just transfer them into a bowl, just give me a moment.” I manage to turn away and grab my mittens. I take out the pan of potatoes. A nice warm aroma welcomes my nose but somehow, it doesn’t work much to distract me. My eyes search for her again, she’s now sitting in the dining area, patiently waiting. Her eyes look out to the window. I watch her fiddle with the hem of her shirt over her lap. She looks quite stunned but I know she liked it. I felt it. I felt her.

Byun Baekhyun, focus and remember to take it slow. For her.

Introduce her slowly but don’t ever force her into anything she’s not ready for. But the thing is, good lord, she was acting just as passionate as I was. I could feel the lust from her kisses. It felt like she’s ready. But I know she’s not. At least, not all the way yet.

I set up my table while she watches me silently. Her gaze feels like fire bullets shooting me right across the chest. It’s either she’s freaking out and is trying to find a way to get upset with me or she simply wants more—I couldn’t tell which one it is.  In my defense, I didn’t start it. She kissed me first. I know I kind of led her into it but she still kissed me first. “You must be hungry.” I try to come up with a proper conversation as I serve the food. “Yeah—I’m—I’m starving.” She replies, surprisingly, although there’s still stuttering involved.

Before I settle down on my chair across her, I look out to the kitchen one last time. “What drink would you like? So, not tea, not coffee, not juice—” I peer at my open cupboard. “Uhm, I have—well, I mean—” I clear my throat. I have a bottle of champagne that hasn’t been opened. I don’t want her to get the wrong impression. I just want her to drink something nice with the steak. “Water’s fine?” I ultimately ask, scratching the thought of any kind of alcohol in her system.

She thinks first while tapping her chin. She’s so adorable. How can she be so hot one minute and then back to adorable on the next? Only Shim Dohee, indeed.

“Do you have champagne?” She asks. My eyes get rounder but I manage to hide such reaction from her. Is she sure? I tried not to go there at all. Did she happen to see it in my cupboard earlier? “Uh … you sure?” I double-check as I walk to the kitchen. I wait for her to second guess her request but she never does. “Ma—maybe one glass wouldn’t hurt.” She answers.

I gulp. “Oh—okay, of course.” I look away as quickly as I can. I feel the heat climbing back through my system as I reach for it. She’s unknowingly pulling me in, closer and closer, to combustion. I am falling apart and I don’t know how to get myself back together. I mentally curse as I reach for the bottle. I open it with a corkscrew. I aim it to the sink as I pop it open. “Ooh, that’s a fun sound.” I hear a nervous laugh from Dohee at the dining area.

Not for me, Dohee. It’s just triggering me even more.

Fancy dinner at my place with a bottle of champagne. This gorgeous lady alone with me tonight has no single clue whatsoever of what she is doing to me, my head, and my body altogether. I have to somehow make a way for me to get back to my reality. “Uhm, we probably should eat first, and then you have the champagne a little later? I don’t want you to get intoxicated too easily.” I suggest and she just looks up to me innocently.

Oh god, I don’t think she even knows how alcohol works in your system.

“You know, uh … when you haven’t eaten anything and you drink alcohol, you get drunk much more easily and I know you work tomorrow.” I pour a good amount in her glass and serve it to her. “I’ll get you water to start with. Okay?” I walk back to the kitchen for the last time to get us some water. Once everything is set up, I get back out to see her drinking the champagne already. “Hey, later—woah, slowly.” I motion her to stop when I see her drinking it like juice again. Is she doing this on purpose? “Sorry, I just want … to relax a little. It tastes good.” She puts the glass down and looks away.

She manages to look at me again and with a shy smile this time. “I feel like it’ll be easier for me to get through our lesson tonight if I’m a bit tipsy, right?” I sit on my chair and sigh. I don’t even know what to tell her at this point, nor do I know if we’re even doing any sort of lesson at all. What was my initial plan anyway? Nothing. I just … want to be with her, that’s it. I want her to get comfortable—in which, I think we both got far too comfortable at one point. I give her a smile of defeat. Whatever makes her feel better, she’s free to do as long as she’s with me.

We begin eating and I watch her every delighted expression as she chews. She points the knife at me while wiggling her brows cutely. “You, I have my eyes on you, this is good.” She gives me an eager nod. Well, she sure does have her eyes on me but for some reason, she hasn’t seen me just yet. She is so oblivious and at the same time … she is so expressive. I can’t even explain it. Her actions tell me every emotion, no matter how big and small they are, she has for me.

I watch her take another sip of champagne. “This is so much better than what I had in Busan. Where’d you get it?” She asks while staring at the glass like it’s a piece of art. “I don’t know, it was just a gift from Taewoo on my last birthday, you know Taewoo, right? The other director stylist in Elite.” I answer her before taking another bite of the steak. “Oh, right! I think I know; I think I went to him for a haircut first before I decided to try you. I’m not sure if that’s him.” She nods eagerly.

Right, I know that.

“Yeah, it’s him,” I confirm it for her. It’s not that I am a creep or anything but when she first went to me, of course, I had to check her history and I saw that she was a new but returning client of Elite and she only had one existing booking with Taewoo at the time. Then when she came to me, she never went to another. I’m lucky. You could say I technically stole a potential regular away from Taewoo but … it’s not like deliberately tempted this woman to come to me instead. “Am I wrong again that I think he’s gay?” She asks with a reluctant smile. I shake my head to assure her. “That, you’re right about. He is openly gay.” I confirm and she snaps her fingers like she just won the lottery. Well, at least she gets one correct, right?

“Is it good?” I ask, finally. She nods quickly while struggling to cut the steak. “Here.” I stand across the small table to lessen the gap between us and I take the fork and knife from her. I cut the steak into small pieces and she just watches me with a shy smile. “It—it’s really good, Baekhyun. You cook very well. Your future wife would be very lucky, I think.” She finally complimen

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I will be back, this will only for a very short time. And thank you for the condolences, I will make sure it reaches my boyfriend. I love you.


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0 points #1
Chapter 1: whdbxndjd i nearly forgot how savage he was in the early chapters😂 LOVE IT
Chapter 31: Goddamnit i am loving this story so much!!!!
ByunBossHyun #3
Chapter 1: First chapter and I already have this stupid crush on baekhyun
Chapter 36: Too early for these tears but ugh she breaks my heart
Chapter 32: Best boyfriend best man written
Chapter 31: What miserable people to speak like that and tear down their child. No one deserves that kind of treatment
Chapter 28: This whole chapter with how she feels for him and the slow realization that he’s always treated her like he likes her, that he in fact has liked her and that she’s crushing on him and the “mine” thoughts she’s having of him make me smile the whole time I’m reading
Chapter 27: Chapter 27: We should all be so lucky to have a first bf like him
Chapter 17: I keep holding my breath as of Byun Baekhyun is looking at ME like that lol
Chapter 15: I forgot what an utter miserable asss his father is as well as the whole family is to him