- Consequences

The only one

The next morning, the atmosphere was electric at the school. The rumor that Eunha had written an article about what happened with Sowon was in everybody’s mouths and most students were waiting for the journal to be distributed with impatience.


So when the journal team students walked around with the school’s newspapers they didn’t had time to reach the place they usually deposited them, that some students walked to them, circled them and took the newspapers directly from their arms. Within one minute all the newspapers were gone, the team was standing empty hands processing what just happened.


When Eunha saw that she was a bit scared, she didn’t want her article to create more chaos in the school.


When she went to her classroom for her first class she met Umji and SinB waiting by the door. She greeted them and the girls immediately turned to her.


“Oh Eunha, are you okay?” they asked worried since the football team claimed they would revenge their captain.


“I’m fine, for now I think.” said Eunha before sighing loudly.


Umji nodded and took her arm while walking with her in the classroom. Everyone was looking at them. Eunha was between Umji and SinB. They were like bodyguards. 


They sat together and Eunha hesitated. “You guys shouldn’t stay with me, people may start to talk badly about you too…” she said worried for her friends. The teacher entered and asked them to take their notebook out to start doing some exercises.


“We don’t care.” said SinB as she took out her stuff from her bag and the other girls did the same. “We are friends and you shouldn’t be bullied for who you are.” she said sincerely in a lower voice and Eunha felt very touched, Umji nodded and smiled at her.


“You will have one less problem, Sowon got expelled for one week so she won’t bully you for the rest of the week.” explained Umji before looking down a bit sad suddenly. “Even if I think she deserves it for hurting you like that and all I feel bad for her… she looked so devastated yesterday after her talk with our dad and when I went to sleep I heard her cry in her room… I think she regrets what she did…” explained Umji and Eunha felt bad too. “I so wanted to go hug her and comfort her but I just can’t forgive her for what she did to you that easily…” said Umji a bit stuck as she wanted to help her sister but also her friend.


SinB started to think. “You know I still wonder who asked her to do that bet.” said suddenly SinB. “Like I really don’t see your sister do that either so for her to agree must be for a good reason or something…” started to say SinB as Sowon was like a big sister for her too, she knew her for so long as she spend a lot of time with Umji at their house.


“Maybe I should have talked to her before publishing this article... “ said Eunha, already regretting it. “But I was so mad and hurt… I wanted to hurt her too… but now you guys start to make me wonder if Sowon is really the bad guy here…” said Eunha looking down.


“Hey no no, you did was you needed to, Sowon hurt your feeling and used you, she bullied you and now all the school is treating you badly, she’s not innocent, we are just wondering what pushed her to do that, and even if I don’t recognize her these days I think something probably happened for her to react like she did…” explained Umji more clearly.


The teacher looked at them and they faked being very focused on their work then Umji looked at SinB then at Eunha, “After this class we should go talk to her teammates and try to understand who really started all this.” and the girls nodded.


During their lunch break, they went to the basketball training room. They knew most girls would be at the cafeteria but maybe they could find at least one teammate there. When they entered it was empty, they walked near the locker room when the door opened.


They turned their back to the door they just passed and saw Yerin.


“What are you doing here?” she asked the younger girls arching an eyebrow at them.


“ Yerin you scared us.” said SinB and Umji relaxed too.


“We have some questions about Sowon.” said Eunha shyly as she didn’t know Yerin much compared to the other two girls who knew her very well as she was Sowon’s best friend.


“I read your article.” said Yerin seriously and Eunha bit her lips looking down. “It was very good, very well written, but Sowon isn’t like that and you know it.” she said taking a step closer to Eunha who looked up.


“I don’t know actually, I spend only an evening in her company, I know nothing about her.” said Eunha as she frowned at Yerin. “What do you know about the bet?” she asked and Yerin hesitated. 


“You should talk to Sowon about that.” said Yerin, “You should leave now, I want to play a bit before the new captain arrives with the team.” she explained.


“You don’t train with the team anymore?” asked Umji and Yerin shook her head.


“The new captain is an , she’s the one Sowon had an argument with,” she started looking at Umji then she looked at Eunha again. “ She was the one that painted on your locker, Sowon did her best to clean it and went to confront the girl about it.” she said then the door opened again.


“Yerin, you aren’t in the team anymore, so get out.” said the new captain as the team followed. “And what are you all doing here? You are Sowon’s sister right?” she asked looking at Umji, “Look what your stupid sister did to me.” she said, showing the mark on her arm. “I don’t want to see your face or your sister’s anymore so get out too, and bring that dyke away too, we don’t want her to on us.” she said and Eunha clenched her fists. She was so mad.


“Leave them alone, they came to see me.” said Yerin, taking a step in front of the other girls.


“Actually no.” said Eunha suddenly. “I want to know, was the bet your idea? Why me?” she asked more determinedly as she stood beside Yerin.


The girl laughed. “The bet?” she asked, rolling her eyes. “Sadly it wasn’t my idea, and to be honest I had no idea who you were till now so why would I make something like that?” she asked with a mocking tone. “You better all leave my court now I have to train my team for the next match.” she said coldly and pushed Yerin out of her way.


SinB quickly put her hand behind Yerin’s back to catch her, their eyes met and Yerin thanked her before making a sign for them to leave.


“You should avoid this girl and also be careful about the football team.” said Yerin looking at Eunha. “Try to be discreet for the rest of the week because no one is there to protect you anymore.” she said before walking away.


“What did she mean?” asked Umji while SinB looked at the girl walking away.


Eunha frowned. “I think Sowon did all this to protect me…” she said. “But I don’t understand why… She’s probably feeling guilty about what happened.”


Umji slapped SinB’s arm so the girl focused on her friends again. “Sorry.” she said as she didn’t follow what the girls were talking about. “Don’t you think Yerin looked different?” asked SinB to Umji who shook her shoulders. “Like she seemed worried and… I don’t know, I think she knows more about all this but doesn't want to tell us.” said SinB and Umji sighed.


“She’s Sowon’s best friend. I bet she’s mad about the article.” said Umji and the girls sighed.


Yuju finally joined them and they went to eat. They waited for the football team to finish before going to the cafeteria. They sat at a table and started to eat. Eunha was lost in her thoughts. Why was Sowon so confusing… She was so hard to understand and Eunha didn’t know who was the girl anymore, was she a bully, was she protecting her, was she hating her, was she caring about her? Eunha didn't know anymore.


“Did you guys hear the new rumor?” asked Yuju now but the other girls shook their heads. “They say Sowon bullied her basketball teammates and that’s why she got kicked out of the team. One girl even had bruises on her arm and said Sowon used to beat them when they were losing matches.”


“That’s bull.” said Umji. “Sowon would never do that, she’s a weirdo but she’s not like that.” said Umji a bit mad to hear some lies about her sister. “She changed recently and got into troubles but seriously she’s not like that at all.” she said and the other girls nodded.


“We believe you.” said Yuju and SinB at the same time as SinB patted Umji’s arm softly to reassure her.


“It’s all my fault.” said Eunha looking down. “Now everyone reads the article, some people will use that to make up some stories about Sowon….” she said feeling guilty.


“Hey no it’s not your fault, and at least now Sowon will see what it feels like to have everyone start rumors about you in school.” said Yuju trying to reassure her best friend.


Eunha sighed. “I still don’t know who would make that bet with Sowon… that girl is right, I’m just nobody, why would they target me…?” said Eunha trying to understand.


They decided to try to find more information after their afternoon class, they hoped to find someone that knew about the bet. “We should try to go to the place where Sowon spend more time.” said Yuju.


“Well she just goes to her classes, hangs out with Yerin, trains on the basketball court and goes read in the library…” said Umji realising how boring her sister was. “I doubt we will find anything…” she said but the other girls seemed convinced that they would end up finding something.


“Well it’s a start.” said Yuju. “Do you know her school schedule?” asked Yuju to Umji who nodded. “She probably has people she talks to in her classes, like lab partners or something?” she said and Umji nodded. “Good, you can take care of this, find them and ask about your sister, if they know about the bet or something.” said Yuju taking control of the situation.


She turned to Eunha, “You will go to the library and see if you can find out anything, maybe the books she rented or if anyone know something about her there.” she continued then she looked at SinB. “You and me will go back to the basketball lockers and see if we can ask more stuff to other girls of her team.


“Good idea, that girl don’t wanna see Umji nor Eunha but she doesn’t know you, you could distract her making her believe you will write an article about her while I sneak around and check her locker and try to ask some girls, some of them may be like Yerin and actually like Sowon as a captain, they could know something.” said SinB excited to play the detective with the girls.


“Okay.” said Umji, still not really sure they would find anything but going with it. She was sure her sister wasn’t the type to hide anything, or have a double live, she was just a shy boring girl… but the more she thought about it the more she was curious too, her sister was also quite mysterious sometimes, she never told her about any crushes or any other friends beside Yerin, and recently Umji find out her sister was the kind of girl to start fights and that she could be quite brave to dare confront the football captain all alone. Umji started to wonder if she really knew her sister in the end… “Let’s find out who my sister really is.” she said more determined and they went separate ways.


Eunha went to the library, she used to come here often before starting the journal activities, she greeted the library lady who was putting some books back on the shelves. Eunha hesitated, it would be so weird to ask about Sowon out of the blue. 


“I… I….” Eunha hesitated and the lady looked at her nicely.


“What can I do for you?” she asked, smiling and Eunha smiled back feeling reassured by that kind smile.


“My friend recommended the last book she borrowed.” said Eunha hoping she could at least see what book Sowon read last.


The lady smiles again. “Okay what’s your friend’s name?” she asked while letting the books she was putting away on the trolley and walking to her desk. 


Eunha followed her shyly. “Kim Sowon.” she said and the lady looked up at her arching an eyebrow.


“You are friends with Sowon?” asked the woman and Eunha swallowed hard before nodding shyly. “Well let her know she still didn’t bring back that math book she took last month.” she said before eyeing Eunha some more. “I heard she got expelled.” started the lady. “What a shame she’s such a sweet girl, I can’t believe this trashy piece of paper.” she said pointing to the journal and Eunha looked down.


“Why that? you know her that well?” asked Eunha a bit on the defensive.


“She’s helping at the library every wednesday so I can go home earlier to take care of my son.” explained the woman. “She’s an angel.” 


Eunha looked down again. “Is she hanging out with other students here?” asked now Eunha and the lady shook her head.


“No, she’s often alone, she’s reading or doing homeworks.” she explained thinking about it.


“What kind of books does she read?” asked Eunha and the lady frowned.


“Are you sure you are her friend?” she asked and Eunha swallowed hard.


She took a step back. “I’m sorry to bother you and thank you for your help.” said Eunha quickly before running away but as she passed the library’s doors, she felt someone grabbing her arm and putting something on her head…




On the other side of the school Yuju convinced the new basketball captain to let her interview her for a great article, Yuju lied saying she would make her famous and explain how Sowon bullied her too.


The captain took Yuju on the bleachers to sit more comfortably and send the rest of the team away, canceling their training, SinB cursed at herself seeing all the girls were leaving, she was hoping to talk to some of them but it was too late, so she discreetly went to the lockers and looked for Sowon’s. When she found it, she tried to open it but failed. Umji was sure about the code as Sowon gave it to her once so she could pick up some clothes she forgot after a match.


SinB tried again but it was locked.


“She changed it.” said a voice behind her making SinB jump.


“Wow Seriously Yerin you almost killed me…” said SinB touching her heart and looking at Yerin who stood beside her.


“What are you doing here again?” asked the basketball player looking around. “Where are the other girls?” she asked but sinB sighed.


“I know you Yerin, you know something we don’t.” started SinB regaining some confidence now her mini heart attack was over. “Something’s off with you, did Sowon tell you something, maybe about the bet?” she insisted but Yerin looked down.


“Why don’t you girls go ask Sowon?” she asked, looking around. “It would be so much easier than sneaking around like this.” she said sincerely and SinB shook her shoulders.


“It wouldn’t be as fun.” she answered back. “Plus Sowon isn’t the type to just open up, she got mad a Umji and started fights, she’s not herself.” said SinB honestly. “We just want to understand.”


As she looked at the basketball player SinB frowned, she saw Yerin hesitating. The older girl came closer to her. “Promise me to not tell the other girls?” she asked and SinB swallowed hard as Yerin was so close to her, she could feel how sweaty she was as she probably trained alone on the outside court while the team was using the one inside. But Sinb didn’t mind, it was kinda y to see the girl all sweaty and dressed in her sporty clothes. SinB shook her head and tried to forget her thoughts, why was she thinking about that now…


“Tell me.” she asked Yerin who still hesitated.


 “Sowon asked me not to interfere but you guys are going too far and will end up in trouble if you continue like that.” she started and SinB looked at her, her eyes went on the girl’s lips then on her sweaty neck before going back to her eyes.


“What is it?” she asked Yerin who was still close to her not moving but still careful as she looked around making sure they were alone.


“She likes her.” said Yerin but SinB frowed.


“Who are you talking about?” she asked, not understanding.


Yerin rolled her eyes. “Gosh I forgot how stupid you are sometimes.” jocked Yerin and SinB hit her before giggling. “Sowon, she likes Eunha, she likes her a lot since a long time…” said Yerin and SinB suddenly looked up at her and understood.


“So there’s no bet…? That night Sowon was sincere about liking Eunha…?” she asked, connecting the dots. “They why talking about a bet?”


Yerin sighed. “Sowon panicked, it was so new for them both and when that girl started talking about Sowon kissing a girl and being gay, Sowon just tried a way out… I guess she didn’t thought it would escalate that quickly and also end up putting Eunha in such a situation…”


“Why didn’t she denied it simply..?” asked SinB


Yerin looked at her. “One girl saw her that night.” she explained. “Sowon hoped that as it was just a bet or something the other girls would just leave her alone and give up on this… But that new captain is determined to make Sowon’s life hell, she’s dating the football captain and that boy is kinda jealous that Sowon’s team is now the most popular of the school..” she explained and SinB nodded understanding.


“But then-”


Sinb got cut as Yerin put her hand on and pushed her in a corner of the locker room, pushing herself against SinB as they hid between the material shelves.


“Is there someone?” asked the captain's voice and Yerin looked at SinB, her eyes begging her to stay silent, SinB stayed still trying to calm her breathing as she felt Yerin’s chest against hers, the older girl’s breath against her face, her hand still on SinB’s mouth.


They heard some steps then a phone rang, the captain answered. “Oh you got her, great, the little dyke will pay for Sowon’s actions.” she said before walking away.


Yerin let go of SinB who looked up, still shocked by Yerin's quick reflex. “Did you let Eunha alone?” asked Yerin and SinB made a face.


“Well we needed to investigate… she was in the library, I don’t think they could bully her there or anything…” explained SinB.


Yerin rolled her eyes. “I told you to be discreet and avoid problems, the football team won’t leave her alone that soon.” she explained a bit annoyed, “let’s go get her.” she said, taking SinB's hand and pulling her out, they met Yuju in the corridor.


“Sorry, I tried to make the interview as long as possible but she’s such an …” said Yuju as she looked at Yerin there too. “Everything's alright?” she asked, seeing the worried expression on both girl’s faces.


“We think that they got Eunha and will make her pay for what Sowon did…” said SinB and Yuju’s eyes widened. 


“We need to do something…” said Yuju worried.


“You guys wanted some action, I think I got a idea.” said Yerin as she asked SinB to call Umji and ask her to join them as fast as possible.


Yerin knew how those kids were thinking, she was part of the popular students too, she was quite social and friendly with everyone, close to all her other teammates. She knew where the captain of the football team would take Eunha.


“We need to stay discreet.” she warned the girls as they approached a place behind the football field. It was a bit away from the rest of the school and hidden by the bleachers. “If they see us it won’t work.” said Yerin seriously. “We need to prove that they are indeed the bullies. If we can film them and show it everyone, the school will take actions, and it will prove Sowon was really defending Eunha against them all this time and didn’t start fight out of nothing.” she explained and all the girls nodded. “Umji, I bet that all the school’s students are following you on your social apps?” she asked and Umji nodded.


“Maybe not the school but yeah I’m quite famous.” said Umji proudly.


“You need to go live and show everyone what they are doing.” said Yerin and Umji looked around. Yerin walked closer to a wood fence and pointed between a broken plank showing where the football team was, the captain was even here and some girls from the basketball team were here too but from here they were too far away to see what was really happening.


“How do you want me to get closer to them to film, they will see me…” said Umji unsure, she was kinda scared of the football team, those guys were big and strong and very stupid. Totally capable of doing ty stuff. “I can’t…” whispered Umji looking at Yerin. “They will beat the hell out of me if they catch me.” she said, worried.


“Plus they will humiliate Eunha, we can’t let them do that while we film and do nothing.” said Yuju worried.


“Where is SinB?” asked Yerin suddenly, trying to find a better plan but SinB was already gone and Umji’s phone vibrated, Yuju’s too.


“She’s doing it.” said Yuju as she opened the notif and saw SinB’s live, she was filming the football team as they had tied Eunha to a chair and were throwing eggs and other stuff at her while calling her a dirty dyke.


SinB informed all her followers that Eunha was being bullied behind the football field, most players saw her and stopped what they were doing trying to walk to her, she filmed their faces and asked them to let go of Eunha immediately, but they took her phone and throwed it away. It continued to film but all was black as the camera was facing the ground.


“They got her too.” said Umji ready to run but Yerin caught her arm. 


“Wait!” she said worried. “What do you think you are doing?”


“Helping my friends.” she said freeing her arm and walking to the place SinB went, to her surprise she saw some other students arrive. There was the journal team, some classmates of theirs, their other friends, even some students Umji never talked to before.


Umji followed them and they all asked the player to let go of Eunha, seeing how many other students were against the bullies now they all let go and ran away. Umji ran to Eunha and freed her, taking her jacket off to wrap it around her. 


SinB brushed herself too as they threw some eggs at her too. She looked around trying to find her phone and finally got it. She quickly closed the live and put her phone back in her pocket.


The group of students that came to defend Eunha and SinB circled them asking how they were doing, Yuju and Yerin arrived and asked them to let them pass. Suddenly the director and the sports coaches arrived too. Umji put her arm around Eunha and helped her walk through the crowd. 


The director made a sign for the girls to follow him while the coaches asked the other students to go back to classes.


They were all in the director's office and he sighed.


“You are following your sister's step and putting a real mess in his school.” said the director and Umji was about to talk back but the door opened.


The girls turned around and saw Sowon entering. “What are you doing here?” he asked the tall girl who apologized for entering so suddenly then she looked at her little sister, “You okay?” she mouthed and Umji nodded.


“I’m here to show you what really happened.” she said standing in front of the desk and giving her phone to the old man.


“What happened young lady is that these girls here made a show in our school, calling the attention of almost all the school.” she said standing up mad. “I had to deal with teachers coming in a hurry because their students were suddenly leaving their classes,” he said coldly.


“And I want to show you why all this happened.” said Sowon determined. The coaches arrived and entered the office too, the basketball coach was surprised to see Sowon here.


Sowon the video she recorded from SinB’s live and pointed it at the director. “SinB was alerting everyone about a dangerous situation. The full football team with their captain and some basketball girls with the captain too were all bullying Eunha.” she said pointing to the girl who looked down as she was still soaked in eggs and dirty. “You told me that if I needed to talk or anything I could come to you right?” she asked as she looked at the director then at her coach. “I just need you all to see the truth.” she said, and they all nodded, approaching to see the video.


The coaches looked at the director who sighed loudly. 


“I think it’s time to do something so those people can’t continue to humiliate other students like that.” said Sowon and the director nodded.


“Well can you give us the video?” asked the basketball coach and Sowon nodded, giving the woman her phone.


“We will take care of this now.” said the director and the basketball coach walked to the girls.


“You can go use the team showers to get cleaned up.” she said, making a sign for Sowon to guide them out.


The girls walked in silence to the basketball court. Yuju and Umji went to sit on the benches beside the court while Sowon and Yerin walked SinB and Eunha inside the changing room, Yerin took out some jogging that she gave to Eunha and a sweater she handed to SinB. Sowon took off her vest and t-shirt before giving them to Eunha who shyly took it without looking at the tall girl standing in front of her in her sports bra and jeans.


Sowon turned around and took her basketball jersey before putting it on. SinB took out her top and put the sweater Yerin gave her, she wasn’t that dirty as she only received some eggs on her top before the bullies were stopped but Eunha would need a total shower. 


SinB looked at Yerin who took her arm and guided her out leaving Eunha and Sowon alone...


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Chapter 7: Well we all know that karma is a... you know ☺️☺️☺️

And Revenge are best served cold.. with SinB's Hammer... haha ☺️☺️☺️😆😆😆

Wonderful Ending!
kairi65 #2
Chapter 7: Awww, I love a fluff 🥺 but I would have liked if the sentence ended with them both walking together instead of eunha watching sowon walked away. Just my 2 cents haha
Only0t6 #3
Chapter 7: This story was really amazing. I can't stop laughing at sinb holding a hammer.😄 I need more gfriend stories like these.
Chapter 7: kyaaaahhhhh!!! best best best!!! thanks authornim.. I didn't want it to end yet but it's alright... I love it a loooot!! ❤️❤️❤️
18 streak #5
Chapter 7: I’m soo glad sowon redeemed herself but yerin & sinb are soo cute towards the end but this was really good lol
167 streak #6
Chapter 7: Short but sweet. Amazing story~ Thank you! 😊
_NightDrive #7
Chapter 7: Wahh finished already (˃̶᷄‧̫ ˂̶᷅๑ ) its such a good story so well written~ thank u 🥰
wonbwon #8
Chapter 7: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1469679/7'>- Back to the truth</a></span>

your stories are always well written! and i like how theres always a flashback explaining how the characters met. i really love your plots theyre cool and remind me of 90s movies
Chapter 6: yes an update! Hoping things between wonha will be good now, thank u authornim!!
Chapter 6: ohhmyy.. this is what I totally need...kamsa kamsa ❤️👌❤️❤️