- The new year party

The only one

As Sowon saw the cars arriving she frowned, so many people were entering her house right now and it wasn’t what she agreed with her little sister. Sowon walked past the people to find her sister. She bumped into SinB, her sister's best friend, the one that organized the party with Umji.


“Where’s Umji?” asked Sowon getting closer to SinB’s ear as the music started to play very loudly in the house.


“I don’t know where you sister is, probably taking care of the drinks we will need a lot more.” said SinB and Sowon sighed.


“Look I agree to use the house because it was supposed to be a small party but there’s like 60 people in there now.” complained Sowon as they both looked at the entrance door opening and more people entering. “This is just the beginning and it's already out of control.” added sowon mad now.


“Some of our friends probably invited more friends, it happened, just relax okay, Umji and I will take care of everything, just go around dancing and try to meet some new people, you deserve some fun. It’s the new year celebration Sowon!” said SinB winking and Sowon rolled her eyes.


“Is that my sister that asked you to tell me this?” asked Sowon and SinB smiled while shaking her shoulders.


Umji arrived closer to them. “Wow this is so cool, look who came.” said Umji to SinB pointing her fingers to some popular kids from their school. “This party is the best idea we ever had!” she added before looking at the mad glare her big sister was giving her.


“It’s okay Sowon, just relax SinB and I are in total control of the party.” said Umji to Sowon who didn’t look satisfied with this party getting bigger. “Look I know there’s more people that what we agree on, but the party will be awesome, we celebrate the new year Sowon, just let go and have fun too.” said Umji and Sowon sighed, every time her little sister was looking at her like that she couldn’t be mad or say no, so Sowon nodded.


“Okay but you are the one that will clean all the mess tomorrow.” said Sowon crossing her arms on her chest and Umji and SinB jumped happily before both of them kissed Sowon’s cheek and ran away from her before she changed her mind.


Sowon looked around, it was all the stuff she hated, strangers in her house, drinking and touching her stuff, loud music and a lot of noises. She wished she could just disappear in a more calm environment and relax for real before the new year really began. 


If she had to suffer this all night she better take a drink, Sowon walked to where her sister put the drinks and got herself a glass, she just had time to taste this low price bad beer before her sister came back and took her arm pulling her with her.


“Sowon I need your help, I have this shy friend that arrived and we want to introduce her to some cute guy we know because they would be perfect together but he’s not there yet and we don’t want her to stay alone.” explained Umji to her sister while they walked into the house to join that girl. “I thought you could keep her company the time he arrives?” asked Umji but Sowon fronwed.


“I don’t know her, why did you think I would be good to keep her company ? I’m bad at all this small talk nonsense, and you know it.” said Sowon but Umji gave her this look that she can’t say no to.


“Please, it won't be long, and Eunha is very nice and smart, she’s shy too so it’s better if someone like you stay with her, we are scared she won’t stay if we leave her alone.” said Umji and Sowon stopped suddenly.


“Eunha as Eunha the cute photographer for the school journal?” asked Sowon and Umji looked at her sister confused.


“Yeah this Eunha.” said Umji. “Do you know her?”


“No.” said Sowon quickly. “I mean yes but just because she works for the journal, she always writes about our matches so that’s how I know her.” explained the tall girl not mentioning that she read all the articles the girl wrote not only about basketball but about anything, and that Sowon would often be distracted when her eyes would catch the short girl by the basketball court taking pictures of the players. “But since when is she your friend?” asked now Sowon curious.


“Since some time, we did a science project together some months ago and started to hang out more often.” explained Umji.


“But you never invited her here before?” asked again Sowon.


Umji glared at her sister. “Since when are you interested in the people I hang out with?” she asked not understanding her sister questioning right now. “You do know her too right? From the journal?” asked Umji now and Sowon nodded.


“Well barely I told you.” said Sowon and before she could elaborate Umji talked again.


“Well it’s better than nothing, you already know her so you can keep her company.” said Umji as she continued to walk and pulled her sister with her.


“No Umji this isn’t a good idea…” begged Sowon but they arrived in front of the girl already so Sowon didn’t have a choice anmore.


As Umji stopped they faced the very cute short girl that smiled at them, she looked a little annoyed to be there and worried. Sowon smiled back at her.


“This is my sister Sowon, as you may know she’s the best basketball player of our school.” said Umji with pride but Sowon hit her arm.


“I’m not the best so shut up and stop introducing me to people like this.” she said and Eunha smiled at them. “And she already knows who I am.”


“Yeah I know who your sister is, everyone knows her.” said Eunha to Umji before looking at Sowon. “Congratulations for your latest match, it was quite a good one, you did so well.” said Eunha shyly.


“Thanks.” said Sowon shyly too. She looked at the girl and tonight something was different. “You changed your hair, you are blonde now.” said Sowon as she looked at the short girl from the journal and Eunha nodded.


“SinB said I would easily find a guy with this color.” said Eunha blushing now. “Not that I’m looking for a guy or anything but she said I've been single for too long and should find one so…” explained Eunha embarrassed.


Sowon looked at Eunha. “Don’t listen to SinB, she always says bull.” said Sowon and saw Eunha looking down embarrassed and Sowon realised she didn’t choose her words very well. “I mean the blonde hair does suit you very well but pink and black were nice on you too. You must already have many guys that are into you, that’s what I mean.” said Sowon sincerely as she remembered how Eunha’s hair was before and at any color of length change Sowon would think it was really suiting the girl so nicely. 


Umji eyed the two of them weirdly, those two looked so awkward it was painful to watch, so the younger girl excused herself and walked away.


Eunha looked at Sowon blushing. “I’m not that pretty, no guys want to go out with me.” she said sadly but Sowon frowned.


“You have a pretty face and you look beautiful so I’m sure most guys are actually shy to ask you out, too impressed by your beauty.” she said to reassure the short girl who tried to hide her smile by biting her lips and then blushed madly.


They stayed silent a moment till Sowon finally decided to talk. “You maybe want a drink?” she asked Eunha who hesitated looking at the red cup Sowon was holding. “I mean this beer is quite horrible but I know where we can have a decent drink if you want, no pressure, we also have water or sodas if you don’t want any alcohol.” said Sowon putting down her cup on the table. 


Eunha nodded, “Show me what you have to offer.” said Eunha smiling and Sowon offered her hand to Eunha to follow her.


Sowon guided Eunha to another room that was locked but Sowon took out the key from her pocket and opened, letting Eunha enter first then closing behind them.


The room was nice and big. It was calm even if they could still hear the music. It wasn't as loud and annoying as in the rest of the house. Sowon walked to a large furniture and opened the bottom door.


“This is our dad’s office, he's out of town for the weekend.” explained Sowon while taking out some nice bottles. “What do you like?” she asked the short girl with two bottles in hands.


“The red wine looks like the best option.” said Eunha, smiling. “Are you sure this is okay with your dad?” she asked and Sowon nodded.


“Yeah don’t worry.” she said before taking nice glasses and offering a decent drink to Eunha. 


“It’s nice to see the real Sowon.” said Eunha looking around as Sowon looked at her wondering what she meant by the real her. “Not the perfect and so popular basketball player, just Sowon, being awkward as so many people are in her house.” said Eunha as she turned and looked at Sowon now. “You are clearly uncomfortable with this party, and I must admit that I was expecting something different from you, I didn’t think you were so shy actually.” confessed Eunha.


“I’m not that shy, I’m just not a party animal.” said Sowon, smiling and taking a sip of her wine. “If Umji wasn’t pushing me to go out from time to time I would just stay home and read some books or go play basketball in the yard.” said Sowon. “I’m more of a boring girl than a shy girl you see.”


“Boring is not a bad word.” said Eunha sincerely. “I’m more of an indoor girl too, but it’s the first time I got invited to a party like that and Umji has been really nice to me so I couldn’t say no.”


Sowon giggled. “It’s hard to say no to Umji.” she said and Eunha smiled seeing how close the sisters were.


They sat on the nice leather sofa and enjoyed their drink slowly while talking some more. Eunha asked Sowon about the basketball team and Sowon learned more about Eunha’s job at the journal club, they opened to each other and Sowon must admit that her sister was right, Eunha was so nice, it was so easy to talk to her, she was also smart and so interesting. Sowon wondered how come they never met before, of course sowon knew her from the journal and did remember the cute girl that was always interviewing her, she also read all of Eunha’s articles about her or the team but they never interacted outside of sport and journal reasons.   


It never happened to Sowon before to click with someone so fast and so easily, it was like they were made to meet, like they kinda belonged in each other lifes. But Sowon’s fantasy stopped when her phone rang. 


“Sorry.” she said to Eunha before answering the call, it was her sister. “Umji?” asked Sowon as she was barely hearing what her sister was saying because of the music in the room her sister was in.


“Where are you? Where’s Eunha?” asked Umji and Sowon sighed, understanding her time with Eunha was over. “We are in the office, let’s meet in the kitchen.” said Sowon before hanging up.


“Umji is looking for us so we should head back to the party now.” said Sowon quite disappointed.


Eunha seemed disappointed too and it made Sowon happy to see the other girl was sincere about spending a nice time with her.


They put the glasses on the desk and left the office. Sowon locked the door behind them and they walked to the kitchen where they found Umji with a guy by her side. Umji rushed to Eunha and took her arm pulling her away from Sowon who looked at them walk away together. Umji seemed eager to introduce Eunha to that boy and it made Sowon mad.


But it wasn’t Sowon’s business after all, she just met the girl. Sowon decided to go around and check the house hoping nothing was broken but it annoyed her to see how disrespectful people were. The music was really loud and she tried to pick up the empty red cup on the floor before it got even more dirty. She put everything in the trash and yelled at a guy that started to pee in the kitchen sink.


Sowon was tall and sporty, she was in the basketball team she was respected and admired by most students in their school so she wasn’t scared to yell at some random drunk dude at a party, like she said she wasn’t that shy, she just didn’t liked being surrounded by so many people at the same time. She took him by the collar and pulled him away from the kitchen and pushed him out of the house by the door.


“Get out now.” she told him, he stood up and left the house. As Sowon was about to go back inside she sighed, she needed to take a breath. She sat on the porch bench and enjoyed some fresh air.


Suddenly the door opened and Eunha ran out, Sowon stood up and saw the guy at the door yelling at Eunha.


“You ! You're so fat no guy will want you!” he yelled and Sowon turned to face him.


“You bastard.” she said calmly before kicking him in the nuts, he fell on his knees and cried in pain, Sowon ran after Eunha. The tall girl found the blonde against her car, keys on the floor, crying.


“Hey, come here.” she said with a reassuring voice before taking Eunha in her arms. Eunha didn’t hesitate and went into Sowon’s embrasse. “I’m gonna kill Umji and SinB for letting such an into our house…” said Sowon and Eunha calmed down.


“It was my fault…” she said but Sowon frowned.


“How can it be your fault that this dude is a bastard?” she asked confused and Eunha looked down.


“I wasn’t really nice to him… we clearly didn’t get along and when Umi asked how the date was going, he went to pick up more drinks and I explained to her that I didn’t really like him that he wasn’t my type and he overheard us and started telling me bad stuff too…” said Eunha sadly. “I feel so bad…”


Sowon shook her head. “Hey, no no no.” she said taking Eunha’s face in her hands slowly to make the short girl look up at her. “You did nothing wrong, you don’t have to force yourself to enjoy time with a guy if you don’t.” she said sincerely. “You are your own person and can decide whether or not you want to hang out with someone without feeling like you owe them something.”


Eunha nodded. “Yeah… but Umji organized all this and she was so eager for me to meet him and then I met you first and you were so nice and polite, and he was just so full of himself, offering me that awful beer and telling me I wasn’t polite to refuse the drink after he nicely went to get me one even if I didn’t ask for it and he didn’t want us to go in a more calm place to talk, he wanted to stay in the party and dance and drink and it wasn’t what I wanted…I realised I was enjoying myself way more with you some minutes ago than I would ever with him...” explained Eunha and Sowon was even more mad at the guy now and also at her sister for introducing Eunha to him.


She just met the girl but the time they spend talking together made Sowon see what kind of person was Eunha and she liked it, she liked how Eunha was sweet and smart, she liked how her cheek were blushing each time Sowon would complimenting her, she liked how Eunha looked so interested when Sowon talked about the stuff she liked, she liked the smile on Eunha’s face when the short girl talked about her interest. Sowon kinda liked Eunha already, her little crush on her kept growing each time Sowon’s would catch the short girl in the school corridors, so discovering this side of the short girl, getting to finally know her made Sowon fall even more for her. It was the first time Sowon met someone like Eunha and she wasn’t ready to lose her.


“Is it your car?” asked Sowon pointing at the car Eunha was standing in front. The short girl nodded. She picked up the keys she let fall earlier in her little panic moment and unlocked. “It’s a nice car but I’m not sure you should drive right now, you drank a little and-”


“I won’t drive right now.” cut Eunha smiling at Sowon caring side showing. Eunha opened the back door and made a sign for Sowon to enter. They both sat in the car where it was warmer than under the cold night breeze outside. “Aren’t we better here?” asked Eunha and Sowon nodded.


“I’m so exhausted, this party literally drained me.” said Sowon and Eunha smiled.


“You can stay here and rest as long as you need.” said Eunha and Sowon looked at her smiling. “I also need a break, my heart is still beating like a hammer after what happened with that guy…” added the short girl and Sowon put her hand on Eunha’s arm to reassure her and show her she was here now. “So than you for coming after me and… like help me feel better.” continued Eunha sincerely. “So the least I can do now is help you feel beter too.” she smiled and they sat comfortably letting their head rest on the seat while looking at the car ceiling that was a window allowing them to see the stars. It felt so relaxing.


“You’re so perfect.” breathed out Sowon without thinking. “I mean, so nice and all and so pretty, this guy is such a loser for letting you go and treating you like he did.” said Sowon trying to not make her attraction to Eunha too obvious but she wasn’t sure it was making things better as she couldn’t stop ranting now. “He didn’t realise how lucky he was to have a chance with you and he totally wasted it as he’s so stupid.'' suddenly Sowon realised she was rambling and stopped talking, making Eunha giggle.


“Did you drink more of that wine without me?” laughed Eunha and Sowon felt embarrassed, it was true that the alcohol may not help her get her thoughts straight but she didn’t drink that much, she was drunk of Eunha, of her beauty, of her sweetness. “I’m not pretty, you only say that to be nice, he’s right, I’m fat and I hate my double chin…no one would want to be with a girl like me...” said Eunha sadly. Sowon frowned.


The tall girl straightened and sat facing Eunha who was still looking at the sky. “Look at me.” said Sowon and Eunha turned her head to the tall girl, surprised to see Sowon facing her. Sowon took Eunha’s face in her hands. “You look amazing, like look at you.” said Sowon, caressing Eunha’s cheeks softly. “I told you, you are perfect.” insisted Sowon really wanting Eunha to realise how pretty she was. “I love this.” added Sowon softly pinching Eunha’s double chin making the short girl giggle.


“Really?” asked Eunha unsure.


“Yes.” added Sowon. “I do really find you beautiful Eunha since the second I saw you.” confessed Sowon, hoping she would not scare the girl away.


Eunha swallowed hard and hesitated. “I can’t believe it…” said Eunha and Sowon stared right in her eyes. “You are our basketball champion, everyone loves you, all the school respect you and admire you, you’re the prettiest girl on earth and I’m just… me… there’s no way a girl like you finds me pretty…”


“Well I do.” said Sowon sincerely. “I really do.” she added her hands still on Eunha’s face caressing her cheeks slowly. Without realising Sowon got closer and kissed Eunha slowly. Shyly. The hesitation in Eunha’s eyes as she broke the kiss made Sowon pull away quickly.


“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… It’s probably not okay to jump on you like that I’m-”


Sowon got cut off by Eunha’s lips on hers again, without hesitation this time. Sowon kissed her back and let her hands cup Eunha’s face again. Sowon liked this feeling, the soft skin of Eunha on her hands, her warm breath, and sweet taste. Eunha’s hands went on Sowon’s side, pulling her close to keep kissing her.


The kiss became more hungry, eyes closed, the girls were letting go and embracing each other fully. Emotions and feelings filling their heads. Everything was feeling more intense, more nice, more hot.


Sowon stopped kissing Eunha’s lips and kissed her cheeks making her way to the girl's neck, kissing her there. “So pretty…” she whispered as she kept kissing Eunha’s neck gently. “So sweet…” Sowon continued to compliment Eunha.


Eunha let her head fall back allowing more space to Sowon. “I really like this chin of you.” said Sowon pulling away slowly and looking at Eunha’s eyes. “I love everything about you.” she added sincerely and Eunha pulled her closer to kiss her again.


After some more minutes of kissing the girls calmed down and pulled away resting calmly on the seat, Eunha let her head lay on Sowon’s shoulder. “This party wasn’t that bad in the end…” she smiled and Sowon nodded. “Umji did introduce me to an amazing person tonight, not the one I was expecting but way better.” said Eunha sincerely and Sowon blushed.


“Do you mind if we just stay there and look at the sky some more?” asked Sowon and Eunha shook her head.


“I told you you can stay as long as you need.” she said as they both looked up. Time to time Sowon would point at some stars and tell their names to Eunha who was nicely surprised by Sowon knowledge in stars.


They let this relaxing silence surround them till some fireworks appeared in the sky above them.


“I guess it’s midnight.” said Eunha and Sowon nodded as they both looked at the colorful illuminated sky. Sowon turned her head and looked at Eunha. She looked so pretty with the fireworks color reflecting in her eyes. Eunha felt Sowon’s eyes on her and turned to look at her.


“What’s wrong?” she asked but Sowon just smiled and shook her head.


“Nothing, you just look amazing right now.” said Sowon and Eunha blushed again.


Eunha moved closer to Sowon and kissed her one more time as the fireworks continued to shine in the sky.


“Happy new year.” whispered Eunha as she let her forehead against Sowon and looked at her.


“Happy new year to you too.” said Sowon smiling. “What a better way to start the year than looking at the beautiful sky and kissing the prettiest girl in the world.” she said and Eunha giggled.


“Stop making me blush and kiss me again.” she said and Sowon did kiss her more. After some more kissing, Sowon's phone vibrated. It was her sister who asked where she was because they needed her right now.


Sowon sighed that she didn’t want to leave Eunha just now but she had to go check on her sister. “I have to go check the house Umji needs me.” said Sowon looking down.


Eunha took her hand. “I will come with you, maybe I can help.” said Eunha nicely.


“You don’t have to.” answered Sowon.


“I want to.” 


Sowon nodded. 


“But….” started Eunha shyly. “Can we keep all this for ourselves for now…?” she asked shyly. “Not that I’m ashamed of you or anything it’s just so new and we just met and I don’t-”


“It’s okay.” said Sowon gently caressing Eunha’s cheek. “We will take our time, no pressure, if they ask anything, let’s just tell them we went for a walk and that’s all.” said Sowon and Eunha nodded grateful Sowon understood her.


As they entered the house, it was more chaotic than before, a lot more people were there, some were passed out on the floor, the lights were darker and the music so much louder. Sowon felt Eunha grip her top to not lose the tall girl in the crowned house. 


“What the hell…” whispered Sowon as she arrived in the living room and saw why her sister called, the couch was half burned. “What the hell happened here?!” asked Sowon as she pushed the people around to give a better look.


“I… I think it burned…” said Umji looking down and knowing it was bad but Sowon saw that her sister also drank a lot and was quite drunk right now, it was the first time she saw her like that. She looked at SinB beside her.


“What happened?!” she asked her as she seemed less drunk.


“We were doing a drinking game when I let my drink fall on the couch just as Umji tried a cigarette…and...” started SinB and Sowon took a deep breath not to kill them both.


“Okay that’s enough.” said Sowon. “Everyone out, the party is over!” she said as she turned around and started to shout for people to leave but as she music was making it hard for her to be heard. “ing music!” cursed Sowon and suddenly she saw Eunha leave.


She didn’t have that time to go after her when she saw the girl fiercely disconnecting the music. It went silent then people started to complain about the music. Sowon went on top of the coffee table and asked everyone to leave as no one was really moving to leave Eunha decided to help.


“The police is on the way!” she yelled and then saw everyone gather their stuff and leave almost running, she looked at Eunha with a raised eyebrow. Eunha walked back to her. “I saw this in some movies.” smiled the short girl. “Do you need help?” asked Eunha nicely as now the house was empty.


Sowon looked at the mess and sighed. “No you should go back to your house and rest, I will put these two to bed and we will deal with this tomorrow.” explained Sowon.


Eunha nodded. “Okay.”


Sowon walked Eunha to her car and realised the garden was a mess too as everyone walked in the flowers and destroyed the bushes and other plants there.


“You will be okay?” asked Eunha worried.


Sowon nodded. “Yeah, don’t worry, you should go now, be careful on your way.”


Sowon wanted to hug Eunha good night but she felt awkward so she just opened the car door for her and Eunha smiled as she entered her car, she opened her window and let Sowon close the door for her.


“I will see you at school?” asked Sowon and Eunha nodded as she started the engine.


“Thank you for the night Sowon.” said Eunha before driving away.


As Sowon watched Eunha leave she remembered the two drunk girls in the house and the mess they will have to clean tomorrow. They will also need to give their dad some explanation for the couch but everything could wait a little more. All Sowon wanted to remember was how nice it was to celebrate the new year with Eunha.


She was excited to see how this new thing with Eunha would go after all this time passed at looking at the girl from afar at school and not be brave enough to talk to her, Sowon finally was able to get close to her, so close then she felt like her heart would explode and she really couldn’t wait for going back to school and see her again.


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Chapter 7: Well we all know that karma is a... you know ☺️☺️☺️

And Revenge are best served cold.. with SinB's Hammer... haha ☺️☺️☺️😆😆😆

Wonderful Ending!
kairi65 #2
Chapter 7: Awww, I love a fluff 🥺 but I would have liked if the sentence ended with them both walking together instead of eunha watching sowon walked away. Just my 2 cents haha
Only0t6 #3
Chapter 7: This story was really amazing. I can't stop laughing at sinb holding a hammer.😄 I need more gfriend stories like these.
Chapter 7: kyaaaahhhhh!!! best best best!!! thanks authornim.. I didn't want it to end yet but it's alright... I love it a loooot!! ❤️❤️❤️
18 streak #5
Chapter 7: I’m soo glad sowon redeemed herself but yerin & sinb are soo cute towards the end but this was really good lol
167 streak #6
Chapter 7: Short but sweet. Amazing story~ Thank you! 😊
_NightDrive #7
Chapter 7: Wahh finished already (˃̶᷄‧̫ ˂̶᷅๑ ) its such a good story so well written~ thank u 🥰
wonbwon #8
Chapter 7: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1469679/7'>- Back to the truth</a></span>

your stories are always well written! and i like how theres always a flashback explaining how the characters met. i really love your plots theyre cool and remind me of 90s movies
Chapter 6: yes an update! Hoping things between wonha will be good now, thank u authornim!!
Chapter 6: ohhmyy.. this is what I totally need...kamsa kamsa ❤️👌❤️❤️