- One month before the party

The only one

Eunha was working on the new science project, since the previous one was a success, SinB and Umji asked her to be partners again. They were a great team. The 2 popular girls invited Yuju and Eunha twice to eat outside of the school and they would waves at them in the corridor without really hanging out with them all the time but Eunha didn't mind, she was glad to know them, the girls were really nice, the more they worked together the more she had time to get to know them.


They decided to meet at the school library like they did some months ago for the other school team project. As Eunha arrived the girls were already there whispering to each other and giggling.


“Hello.” smiled Eunha as she sat down.


Umji turned to her all excited. “Here we are!” she said before remembering they needed to stay more calm and silent. “The new year is coming…” she said in a whisper now.


“New year?” asked Eunha, confused.


SinB nodded. “Umji and I will organize the best new year eve party ever.” explained SinB.


Umji nodded. “My sister just agreed, it wasn’t easy to convince her but we did our best right?” she said, winking at SinB who nodded. “Of course you are invited.” said Umji, seeing that Eunha was still silent.


“Oh thanks.” answered Eunha not really how to react. “Can Yuju come too?” she asked as she would usually spend her new year eve with her best friend.


“Of course, invite her,” said Umji smiling. “We need to make sure we have the best music and some alcohol,” said Umji thinking and taking her phone out of her bag. “I know Sowon will be furious but it will be an epic party,” said Umji standing up. “You two start the work. I have some phone calls to make.” she said as she walked out.


Eunha looked at SinB. “Wow so you will really make one of those big parties?” she asked and SinB nodded. 


“Umji really wanted to do it. She’s one of the most popular girl here and doing this party will make her even more cool and popular.” explained SinB.


“Isn’t she already the coolest?” asked Eunha, smiling and SinB giggled.


“Of course she is but here, in this school, if you don’t do your best to stay at the top, your popularity disappears in a snap.” said SinB sighing. “Everyone wants to rule this school and some are not as nice as us.” said SinB before opening her notebook.


Eunha did the same and they started working. Even as she was working on the project Eunha was thinking about what SinB told her. It was true that this school was ruled by a group of popular rich kids, Umji and SinB were part of it, in the senior classes, the basketball team was the most popular and followed group.


Eunha remembered how difficult it was some years ago, she heard stories when she was younger about how hard high school was, the football team was ruling the school, most of them were bullies, they would terrify younger students, hit them if they were in their way, insult them. They would treat girls badly too, they were awful and the school wasn’t doing anything as they were the stars and futur great champions.


Eunha shook her head, this time was over it’s been three years now that the basketball team was the most famous and popular team, they kept winning and making the school proud. Eunha smiled. Sowon was a big part of the change, since she entered the team and became the leader, the team was more in harmony. The girl was talented and hardworking but she was also doing very great in teamwork, she wasn’t selfish and looking for being popular, she was very popular of course but it wasn’t what she was looking for.


Eunha sighed, she didn’t talk to Sowon again since that day at the auditorium. She went to the two matches and took some pics for the journal but didn’t get a change to talk to the player again. Eunha hoped to meet her in the corridor or begged her journal team leader to make another interview but he said it was useless for now.


The short girl was making up fake scenarios in her head, scenarios where she would see Sowon, talk to her again but it didn’t happen. She wanted to ask Umji how her sister was doing but they would rarely talk about Sowon, Umji once complained how some people wanted to befriend her just to get close to Sowon and it was hurting her to be used like this.


Eunha knew she wasn’t doing that, she wasn’t getting close to Umji to get to know Sowon, she liked Umji and SinB’s company. The sisters were very different, from what Eunha knew till now, Sowon was more discreet, distant, but ambitious while Umji was the opposite, confident, sociable and looking for attention.


Umji joined them to continue working on the project then they parted ways at lunch time, deciding to meet again the next day after school to continue. Eunha went to join Yuju, she just finished her spanish class so Eunha stood in the corridor waiting for her.


As Yuju came out she spotted Eunha and smiled as she walked to her.


“Hey bestie.” she said giving Eunha a shoulder bump. “I’m starving, can we quickly go to the cafeteria before there’s too many people?” she asked and Eunha smiled.


“Of course let’s go.” she said, taking Yuju’s arm in hers and they walked to the cafeteria. 


As they got their food and found a table they sat down and started talking and having fun. Then Eunha remembered her talk with Umji earlier.


“I almost forgot.” said Eunha, full, she took some seconds to swallow before continuing, a bit excited. “Umji invited us to a big new year eve party at her house, all the popular kids will be there.” she said and Yuju’s eyes opened wide putting down her fork.


“So cool.” she said before suddenly sighing and making a sad face. “I won't be able to come.”


“Why?!” asked Eunha. “I can't go there without you…” she said, stuffing more food in .


Yuju sighed again and looked down. “I know, I dreamed of being invited to that kind of party all my life…” she said sincerely. “But this year we will go visit my grandpa, my parents said that he’s being more sick and they want us to spend as much time as possible with him.” she explained now playing with her food.


“I understand,” said Eunha. “I know you love your grandpa, there will be other parties.” she said and Yuju nodded. Eunha hated to see Yuju sad, she was almost raised by her grandpa because her parents were working a lot. But then her parents moved over there when she was 13 and she couldn’t see her grandpa much. At that time Eunha met her, and since then they became best friends.


“Yeah I can’t let him down, it would be silly to waste time partying when I can be with my family, my parents are trying to make him come live with us so we can take care of him and spend time with him, he’s not able to live by himself anymore.” explained Yuju and Eunha nodded in understanding.


“Well without you I don’t think I will go to that party…” said Eunha shyly. It would be weird to go without her best friend, she doesn’t know many people and Umji and sinB will probably be busy with all their popular friends…


Eunha jumped as Yuju slapped her arm. “You better go and tell me everything about it!” she said seriously. “You have to party for the both of us!” she said laughing and Eunha smiled.


“I don’t know…” started Eunha opening her yogurt drink and finishing it in one shot.


“Of course you know.” answered Yuju standing up. “You go and have fun, you will make many new friends, you’re so sweet everyone will want to spend time with you!” she said and Eunha took her empty plates following Yuju, they put it away and Eunha saw that Yuju didn’t eat much, talking about her grandpa probably upset her.


As they walked away Yuju looked at her. “Seriously Eunha you need to go and have fun, and maybe you will meet your charming prince.” she added with a wink making Eunha blush and roll her eyes.


“Which prince charming?” asked a voice from behind.


Eunha turned around and saw Umji followed by SinB who was on her phone, apparently massaging people about the party.


Yuju smiled. “I was telling Eunha that she will maybe meet a nice guy at your party.” explained Yuju and Eunha hit her side with her elbow embarrassed and still blushing.


“I’m not looking for a prince charming.” said the short girl shyly and Umji smirked.


“SinB did you hear?” she asked and SinB looked up putting her phone in her pocket.


“What?” asked the girl confused.


“Eunha needs a boyfriend.” said Umji and Eunha was making “no” signs with her hands but she got ignored as SinB stood in front of her.


“Why didn't you tell me earlier, I know all the good looking guys in this school, I can find you the perfect boyfriend.” she said putting her arm around Eunha’s shoulders and pulling her with her while Umji and Yuju smiled and followed them. “I promise to find you a nice date for the party okay, I already know a guy that would be awesome for you, he’s handsome, very popular, quite rich, his dad is the CEO of the city airport, and he’s in the football team.” explained SinB. “Maybe we could also change those hair of yours for the occasion?” she added, taking some of Eunha’s hair between her fingers. 


“Wow Eunha you are so lucky.” said Yuju and SinB turned to her.


“You want a cute date too for the party?” she asked her but Yuju shook her head.


“I won’t be able to come, we will be out of town with my family for the vacation.” she explained. “But I would die to find a handsome boyfriend.”


“Don’t say more.” said SinB. “I will organize a little something, maybe after the vacation if you want?” she said and Yuju smiled brightly.


“You would do that?” asked Yuju surprised.


“Yeah of course, I can’t guarantee anything, but Umji and I have very cool and handsome friends, maybe we could organize a bowling hangout or something so you can meet them then maybe some magic will happen.” said SinB.


Eunha looked at them confused. “Aren’t you and Umji single?” she asked and both girls nodded shyly. “Then how come you can arrange us to help us find boyfriends while you two are single?” she asked and Umji bit her lips.


“The guy I want is playing hard to get.” confessed Umji. “Let’s say he still doesn't know it but he will be my boyfriend soon, this party is a part of my big seduction plan.” explained Umji.


“Who is it?” asked Yuju curious.


“Can’t tell yet, but if everything goes well you will soon know.” she said, staying mysterious.


“What about you SinB?” asked Eunha now and SinB shook her shoulders.


“I’m not looking for a boyfriend for now.” she just said. “I dated 3 diferent guys last month and I don’t know, it didn’t feel right.” she just said.


They walked together then parted again to go back to their respective classes.




It was finally time for her last match of the year, Sowon was getting ready and looked at her team, all the girls were ready, determined, if they won this match they could get to the final and pretend to enter the national competition. They would be the first basketball team of this school to achieve this. It was a really important match and Sowon tried to focus on the game, they all needed to be focused and remember their training, making sure to win.


Their coach entered and soon Sowon was on the court, facing other team player the orange basketball between them, as soon as it was throwed up, Sowon jumped, she was faster and jumped higher than the other girl, she hit the ball and send it over to Yerin who caught it, the match started and Sowon’s team was dominating the other team. They were fast and coordinated, no missed balls, good intercepting and Sowon would never miss the basketball hoop.


They took a break and drank water, the coach gave them some new instructions and Sowon looked at the bleachers, her eyes scanning the space, she was looking for one girl, that one girl she was hoping to see here. As she saw her, Eunha was holding her camera and taking pics of them, her face hidden behind the big camera. 


Sowon kept looking at her then Eunha took down her camera and their eyes met, Eunha smiled and Sowon looked away as Yerin hit her with her elbow.


“Okay so let’s go!” said the coach and the match continued.


The other team tried harder and almost catch up scores but Sowon gave everything in the last minute and as Yerin send the ball to Sowon who got circled by two girls of the opposite team she looked around and saw her teammate alone, she tricked the other team making them believe she would try to score again but she quickly passed the ball to her teammate who scored without problem making her team the final winner. 


As the match was over they celebrated and regained the locker room happily.


“It was an amazing match, we are going to the final next month.” said the coach happily. “It won’t be easy, we will be against an excellent team in January but if we play like today we have a great chance of winning and going to the national competition.” she said and the team cheered happily.


Sowon smiled seeing her team happy, after showering and getting dressed the girls decided to go out to celebrate but Sowon didn’t feel like going. She wasn’t a big fan of this type of celebration, she wanted some calm after such a match. As she walked out Yerin ran after her.


“Hey, you sure you don’t wanna come?” she asked and Sowon nodded. “You don’t know what you are missing,” she said with a smirk. “There will be more drinks for me then.” she said seeing Sowon wasn’t changing her mind.


“Maybe I will celebrate when we win the final.” she said and Yerin rolled her eyes. 


They almost reached the parking lot. “You’re such a kill-joy Sowon sometimes.” said Yerin with a dramatic tone.


Sowon had a hard time finding her car keys in her bag and saw that Yerin was still standing there while the rest of the team was already driving out of the school.


Sowon opened her car and looked at Yerin. “Want me to drive you somewhere?” she asked and Yerin smiled before entering the car quickly.


“Maybe I can make you change your mind on the way so you will celebrate with us for once.” she said and Sowon shook her head.


“You know me Yerin, that’s too noisy and too many people, I don’t like this kind of stuff.” explained Sowon again to her friend.


“I know but during the matches you are surrounded by 100 people, it’s very noisy and all but you are okay with it…” she said, not understanding.


“I’m okay with it because I only focus on the team and the game. Plus I know that it only lasts the time of the game, then it’s over. Your parties never end, Yerin, I have a hard time escaping and it totally drains me.” explained Sowon and Yerin sighed.


“You can be so boring sometimes.” said Yerin laughing. “Plus I know you are lying, I saw you again today you know.” she said with a more teasing tone now.


“You saw me do what?” asked Sowon, focusing on the road as she was driving Yerin to one of their teammates where the girls agreed to celebrate.


Yerin sat down correctly and looked at Sowon. “You were not only focused on the team and one the game tonight, you were focusing on that cute photographer too.” she said smirking and Sowon didn’t look at her friend just focused on the road.


“Her name is Eunha.” said seriously Sowon and Yerin smiled.


“Eunha.” she said and saw Sowon swallowing hard. “So?” she asked and Sowon finally looked quickly at her arching an eyebrow before focusing back on the road.


“So what?” she asked, a bit annoyed. Sowon didn’t like talking about herself, and she knew her best friend was always teasing her on those kinds of stuff. Sometimes she hated her for that, everytime Sowon would confide something important to Yerin, the girl would joke around and . 

It wasn’t easy for Sowon to open up and sometimes Yerin would make it difficult for Sowon to talk about important subjects, it was as if Yerin wasn’t taking this seriously. 

She trusted Yerin, knew she wouldn’t tell anyone else but still it was complicated sometimes.


Sowon stopped the car. “Here we are.” she said pointing to the house.


Yerin glared at her. “So you won't come?” she asked with hope again and Sowon shook her head.


“I told you already I wouldn’t Yerin, but have fun and don’t drink too much, okay?” she said with a motherly tone.


Yerin smiled. “How can you tell me when I need to celebrate for both of us!” she said joking and Sowon rolled her eyes again.


“Go now.” she said, pushing Yerin who laughed and got out of the car. “See you tomorrow.” said Sowon and Yerin nodded, waving at her as she walked out and joined the other girls in the house.


Sowon looked at them and sighed before driving back to her house. As she parked in front of her house, she stayed there in the calm and comfy silence of her car. She thought about the match again and about Eunha, she didn’t talk to the girl since that day at the auditorium. 


Sowon saw her at the matches but never got a chance to talk to her again or anything, it was clear Eunha interest in her was only for the sport and her articles but Sowon had hope they could get close maybe. Sowon never met someone like Eunha before, the girls immediately caught her attention and now she couldn’t get her out of her mind. Sowon couldn’t help but think that this crush was ridiculous, she seriously needed to stop thinking about Eunha.


Suddenly Sowon jumped as someone knocked on her car window, she looked outside and saw SinB standing there.


“Are you dead?” she asked and Sowon shook her head while sighing, she got out and saw her little sister arriving too, SinB’s car was parked behind hers.


“I can’t believe it, this is throwing a party too!” complained Umji as she showed her phone to SinB and both of them walked in the house.


Sowon locked her car and entered too. The two younger girls were on the couch, snack and sodas on the coffee table talking about their party.


Sowon already regretted agreeing but she had a hard time saying no to Umji, since their mom left Sowon was like a mother for Umji and all she wanted was to see her little sister happy. This party was clearly something Umji wanted and Sowon couldn’t be the one taking this away from her. After all it was just a party, Umji said it would be a small simple party to celebrate new years with her friends, there was no reason she said no.


Sowon looked at the time, her dad would soon arrive, she started cooking and preparing the table.


“SinB??” she yelled from the kitchen. “Are you staying over??” she asked and SinB yelled back that she had to go soon.


After half an hour SinB left and Sowon looked at the time again, she took her phone and saw that her dad wouldn’t eat at home as he had a last minute business dinner. She sighed and looked at the food she made, she cooked for at least 4 people and it would just be Umji and her again.


“Umji, food’s ready!'' she called and Umji came to join her, they ate together, Umji spent her night focusing on her phone, barely paying attention to her sister. Sowon didn’t mind, she wasn’t feeling like talking much anyway. Once they were done Sowon cleaned and went in her room while Umji stayed in the living room, video calling SinB. Sowon rolled her eyes at her wondering why SinB simply didn’t stay over like most of the time...



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Chapter 7: Well we all know that karma is a... you know ☺️☺️☺️

And Revenge are best served cold.. with SinB's Hammer... haha ☺️☺️☺️😆😆😆

Wonderful Ending!
kairi65 #2
Chapter 7: Awww, I love a fluff 🥺 but I would have liked if the sentence ended with them both walking together instead of eunha watching sowon walked away. Just my 2 cents haha
Only0t6 #3
Chapter 7: This story was really amazing. I can't stop laughing at sinb holding a hammer.😄 I need more gfriend stories like these.
Chapter 7: kyaaaahhhhh!!! best best best!!! thanks authornim.. I didn't want it to end yet but it's alright... I love it a loooot!! ❤️❤️❤️
18 streak #5
Chapter 7: I’m soo glad sowon redeemed herself but yerin & sinb are soo cute towards the end but this was really good lol
157 streak #6
Chapter 7: Short but sweet. Amazing story~ Thank you! 😊
_NightDrive #7
Chapter 7: Wahh finished already (˃̶᷄‧̫ ˂̶᷅๑ ) its such a good story so well written~ thank u 🥰
wonbwon #8
Chapter 7: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1469679/7'>- Back to the truth</a></span>

your stories are always well written! and i like how theres always a flashback explaining how the characters met. i really love your plots theyre cool and remind me of 90s movies
Chapter 6: yes an update! Hoping things between wonha will be good now, thank u authornim!!
Chapter 6: ohhmyy.. this is what I totally need...kamsa kamsa ❤️👌❤️❤️