- 6 months earlier...

The only one

Sowon was training, she had an important match soon and she needed to perfect her game, her team trained already all afternoon but Sowon stayed behind and continued her training alone. 


This match was a good chance for her to get recruited in her dream university, even if her dad could easily pay for her, she wanted to get there because of her talent, she wanted them to want her. 


Sowon threw the ball and scored, she ran to get the ball back when the gym door opened in a loud noise. Sowon looked back thinking it was her teammates coming back but she saw it was Eunha. The short girl, with round glasses, a camera around her neck and a notebook in hands looked back at her.


“I’m sorry.” immediately said the short girl closing down the door but making sure to hold it this time, “The door was so heavy I didn’t think it would make such a noise when I pushed it…” she said and Sowon shook her head.


“Don’t worry, you never see how the team treats this door.” answered Sowon smiling wanting to reassure the girl but Eunha smiled shyly and didn’t said anything, Sowon felt like she should have shut up and felt stupid. “Are you looking for something?” she asked now wondering why this girl would be here at this time, it was past class time and most students left to go back to their homes by now.


“Oh right I’m sorry... My name is Eunha, I’m in the school journal team, I'm the photographer and will also be in charge of the sport articles now.” she explained taking a step closer to Sowon, “I saw your teammates and Yerin said I would find you here, she said that since you were the team leader you would be the one dealing with the interview.”


Sowon nodded, she already knew who Eunha was, the short girl was in the journal team since the beginning of the year. She would be sitting in the gym for each match to take pictures of the team during the games. 


Sowon once was so distracted by the cute short girl that she got hit in the face with the ball by her best friend Yerin who since that day about the cute photographer. 


“Yeah I’m the team leader but… hmm... I’m sure my teammates could talk about the games too… We… I… I’m not...'' Sowon stopped herself and took a note in her head to remember to kill Yerin. Sowon was shy to be alone around the short girl, Sowon wasn’t the talkative type, especially when she was in front of a cute girl that was making her even more nervous… 


It was so stressful and now Sowon couldn’t help but think that the cute photographer would think she’s so stupid.


“I’m sorry….” sighed Sowon, “I’m really not used to this…” she said pointing her fingers between them. “Talking.” she added to be more precise.


Eunha smilled, “Well see this as a training.” she said nicely and Sowon arched an eyebrow. “You will have a lot of interviews when you will be a pro player.” she explained and Sowon blushed lightly.


“I don’t know…I’m not that good...” said Sowon but Eunha giggled.


“Are you kidding me?” she asked and Sowon was surprised. “You’re the best in this school and probably in all schools around.” she said seriously but Sowon looked down and stayed silent. “You should believe in yourself more. You’re a great player.” said Eunha more shyly and looked away avoiding her eyes then she took out her notebook. “Do you have time for some questions...?” she asked now and Sowon nodded.


Eunha asked her questions about training and the games. Sowon was surprised to see that Eunha was actually understanding everything about basketball, knowing the rules and way to play. It was making Sowon more confident to talk more and explain stuff to her. Last time her team had an interview, the guy asked stupid questions because he didn’t actualy knew anyting about basketball with was really frustrating. With Eunha it seemed more easy.


They spent half an hour talking about the game and Eunha was carefully taking notes. Her cute small hands holding the silver pen and her cute handwriting sliding over the notebook, Sowon bit her lips together. The girl was just so cute and sweet. It wasn’t helping her little crush on the girl to get to see her so close and interact with her.


Eunha was also smelling so nice, a scent mixed between agrums and roses. Sowon liked this smell. It was natural and kinda sweet.


“Sowon?” asked Eunha and Sowon got out of her thoughts.


“What?” she asked a bit lost and Eunha giggled.


“Nothing.” said the short girl. “Thank you for giving me some of your time.” she said, closing her notebook. “I will write the article this weekend and it will be in the school journal on Monday. I can send you a copy before… if you want?” she asked but Sowon shook her head.


“I read some of your articles before, about the school theatre class and the art class. It was good, I trust you with this.” said Sowon as she stood up seeing Eunha was putting her stuff in her little bag.


“Well I will see you at the match then.” said Eunha as she shyly walked away.


“Yeah…” breathed Sowon as she watched the short girl walking away.


Sowon continued to train some more then decided to leave. As she arrived at her house, her little sister Umji was already there with SinB, they were studying together. Sowon passed by them and looked over their shoulders.


“What are you doing?” she asked them as she kept walking to the kitchen to get herself some water then she walked back and stood behind her little sister. Putting her hands on the young girl’s shoulders.


“Science project…” said Umji, frowning, “We need to choose a theme...” she explained to Sowon.


“Why do you sound so annoyed by this project, you two are good in science no?” asked Sowon and Umji sighed.


“Of course we are the best!” said SinB, “But it’s mixing with art class, we need artistic presentations too and we both are so bad at art…” explained SinB.


Sowon giggled, “Don’t you have someone in your class that is good in arts?” she asked and the girls started to think.


“Most people already get into groups…” said Umji, “but I think someone could help us.” she said like she suddenly had an idea and SinB looked at her curious now.


“See, I’m sure your project will be good.” said Sowon as she left them and went into her room.


She let herself fall on her bed, she was exhausted. She rolled around and hugged her pillow, she smiled as she thought about Eunha. She really enjoyed talking to her even if it was only for the journal.


Suddenly her phone rang making her jump in surprise. She sat on her bed and took her phone out of her pocket.


It was her best friend Yerin.


“Hey!” said Yerin, clearly excited. “So how was your little interview with Miss photographer?” she asked with a teasing tone and Sowon growled as she let herself fall on her bed again.


“I hate you.” just said Sowon staring at her ceiling and Yerin laughed.


“Don’t lie, you love me, I’m sure you enjoyed yourself.” she said teasing the tall girl again who blushed and stayed silent. “Come on.” said Yerin. “Tell me, how was it?” she insisted and Sowon smiled.


“It wasn’t that bad…” she confessed and Yerin laughed again.


“I knew it!” she said happily. 


“Ah shut up!” said Sowon laughing then she calmed down, “But seriously I was so nervous I’m sure she thought I was kinda stupid of something.” explained Sowon.


“No I’m sure she was nervous too, she looked so shy when she met us and asked for an interview, she looked like a sad lost puppy!” said Yerin giggling. “So did you get to know her better at least?” she asked now and Sowon sighed.


“Not really we just talked about sport and the journal.” confessed Sowon sadly.


“Why?!” asked Yerin not believing it. “I sent you your crush on a silver plate and you didn’t do the first move?” asked Yerin.


Sowon rolled her eyes at her best friend even if Yerin couldn’t see it. “She’s not my crush…” said Sowon more seriously. “And I don’t know anything about her, it was the first time I talked to her, what did you think?” she asked, a bit annoyed now, “That I would jump on her or something? plus she probably has a boyfriend anyway, she’s so cute and nice…” said Sowon and Yerin sighed.


“Yeah sorry…” said Yerin more seriously now. “It’s just that you rarely get interested in anyone, you don't have many friends, you’re so lonely… I thought it could help you to have a chance to get to know her…” said Yerin and Sowon nodded.


“Yeah well, that’s nice of you to worry about my social life but I’m fine like this…” said Sowon, “and I do have friends.” she said as Yerin giggled.


“Well our other teammates don’t count and your sister’s friends either.” said Yerin as Sowon tried to think but Yerin was right... Besides those people she didn’t make many friends in the school.


“Okay, you got me but maybe I don’t need more friends if I have you.” said Sowon smiling knowing Yerin would smile too hearing this.


“Don’t make my heart melt like this!” joked Yerin and Sowon giggled.


Sowon and Yerin chatted some more about sport, class and many other things then it was time for dinner, SinB stayed over. The three of them ate together then decided to watch a movie as Sowon and Umji’s dad were out of town, they were alone and could do what they wanted.


As Sowon laid in bed that night she thought about Eunha, her nice smile, cute voice and sweet perfume...



On Monday morning, Eunha opened her eyes and looked at her phone and she jumped. “ !” she hissed as she jumped into her pants and put on hoodies before running down stairs to get her breakfast. She was late, very late.


She had full when she heard a car honk. It was her best friend Yuju. Eunha got to the window and made a sign for Yuju to come in.


Yuju got out of the car and went to Eunha’s house. She entered while Eunha quickly stuffed with more food.


“Omg…” said Yuju eyeing the short girl. “Your alarm didn’t ring right?” she asked and Eunha just nodded as she swallowed her food and almost shocked on it. 


Yuju giggled but helped the girl gather her school bag while Eunha put on her shoes then they ran to the car and Yuju drove them to school just on time.


As they arrived they quickly separated to go to their respective classes. Eunha and Yuju have been friends since kindergarten and have always been best friends. So even if they didn’t choose to study the same classes they were still very close and were both part of the school journal’s team.


On her way to her classroom Eunha grabbed the school journal, she sat in class and opened it discreetly, she gave a look at her article and the other stuff they worked on, checking everything was printed as expected.


Sowon looked at her article, to illustrate it, she used a pic she took of the team after Sowon scored on their previous match, she liked this pic as the girls all gathered and hugged Sowon. She wondered if the tall girl already read her article or not, and what she was thinking about it…


Eunha felt two hands on her shoulders, she put down the journal and looked on her left, she saw SinB, then on her right was Umji, both girls sat beside her.


“Hey Eunha.” said Umji smiling and Eunha didn’t know what to say as she was in this class with 2 girls since the beginning of the year but they never really talked to her.


“Hey…” she shyly answered.


“Do you already choose partners for the science project?” asked Umji and Eunha sighed. She completely forgot about the project, she wanted to ask the nice couple that she already did projects with before but realised they added another girl in their group already.


She looked around and shook her head. “No, I usually pair up with them but seems they chose someone else.” said Eunha, pointing to the people sitting in the front.


“I was thinking that you could join us.” said Umji happily. “SinB and I are very good in science, and you are great in art so…” explained Umji and Eunha looked around again but everyone was already paired so she didn’t really have a choice, the science class was the only one where she didn’t have friends yet. To be honest she was sleeping most of the time during this class, it was just so hard, she felt like she wasn’t understanding anything... She took this class but wondered why because she was more into litterature field anyways.


“Humm okay.” said Eunha as it would help her get a good grade for sure, it was true, Umji and SinB were very good and Eunha was good at art so they could help each other out and maybe Eunha would gain partners for next projects.


“Great.” said SinB as she took out her notebook and they started working on the theme of their project.


They chose to talk about the solar system and Eunha already had many ideas to make a model of it, they shared their ideas and the project slowly started to grow.


As it rang, Umji invited Eunha to eat with them but Eunha had to join Yuju so Umji told her to bring her friend too.


Eunha texted Yuju to join her and quickly Yuju arrived. “Hey, Yuju over there.” called Eunha making a sign for Yuju to join them. To Eunha’s surprise they all got along pretty well. Umji and SinB were from a rich family and were pretty popular in school, plus Umji’s sister was the basketball school star so it was making Umji popular too because of her sister. Eunha and Yuju were just normal girls, quite boring if Eunha had to describe them but it was nice to see that no matter the popularity they could get along with girls like Umji and SinB that were quite nice and fun actually.


When they were done, Yuju and Eunha had to leave because they needed to go work on the next journal. As they walked away Yuju looked at Eunha curiously.


“So you are friends with these two now?” she asked curiously.


“Well we have some classes together but we never really talked until this project, they asked me to join them.” explained Eunha as they entered the journal room now. “They chose the worst day to come talk to me, I look awful dressed like that, I was in such a hurry this morning, I wonder if they find it weird… this is so embarrassing.” said Eunha looking down.


“We don’t care.” said Yuju, elbowing her and smiling. “That’s not the most important, and you look cute like this.” she said winking and making Eunha feel better.


“I still can't believe they talked to us and invited us for lunch…” said Eunha sincerely and Yuju giggled.


“Well that’s great, Umji’s sister is very popular, everybody wants to be friends with them.” said Yuju, still not believing it either and Eunha giggled.


“Well it was fun, they were cool right?” asked Eunha and Yuju giggled.


“Yeah so cool.” she said sincerely. “Do you think they will be friends with us?” asked Yuju and Eunha shook her shoulders.


“No idea… maybe.” she said and Yuju seemed happy.


“Well back to work, I read your article about the team and Sowon, it’s very well written, you met her for the interview?” asked Yuju and Eunha nodded.


“Yeah, she was training but took some time for me.” explained Eunha shyly.


“How is she?” asked Yuju curious.


“What do you mean?” asked Eunha, eying her best friend.


Yuju rolled her eyes, “Well you know she seems cold and distant, like almost untouchable, I wonder how it was talking to her.” said Yuju and Eunha blushed.


“It was great, she’s not that cold actually, nor distant, I think she’s quite shy you see?” explained Eunha, “She’s so humble and contrary to what everyone thinks she’s not that confident.” said Eunha and Yuju nodded.  


“You didn’t mention that in your article,” said Yuju pointing to the journal.


Eunha shook her head. “I was there to describe her basketball skills and the team work, not her personal feelings or talk about her like that.” said Eunha seriously.


“Well you did a great job, and this pic is awesome.” said Yuju, smiling. “Will you be at the match friday?” she asked and Eunha smiled.


“Of course, I can’t miss it.” she said arching an eyebrow, “I’m officially in charge of the sport part of this journal now!” she said laughing and Yuju rolled her eyes at her.


“I still wonder why you wanted to be in charge of this, you hate sport.” said Yuju and Eunha shook her head.


“I don’t like doing sport but I enjoy watching it.” she said and Yuju glared at her.


“Then you must be eager for the guys football team’s season next month, at least you can enjoy yourself better.” said Yuju with a wink and Eunha blushed.


She wasn’t really into the guys from the football team even if most girls were into them and would find them really handsome and hot, especially without their shirts. Eunha just admired Sowon a lot and loved to see her play, how she would run and jump to score, how her hands would just control the ball so easily, like a magnet she could do everything she wanted with the ball. For Eunha, Sowon with her high ponytail and sweaty forehead, red checks from running, looked so much hotter than those muscled guys walking around without their shirts but Eunha would never say this to her friend... 


“Well stop thinking about hot shirtless guys, and get your to work!” teased Yuju seeing Eunha was daydreaming and had red cheeks. 


Eunha shook her head. “No no I wasn't thinking about that...” she said shyly and embarrassed but Yuju just smirked and shook her head, not believing her. Eunha sighed and they both worked on more articles for the school journal.


At the end of the day after her last class Eunha stayed in the school and worked on the flyers for the theatre's new play. She promised them it would be over today so they could dispense them around the school as soon as possible.


Eunha finished the last touch and went to print them, they needed a lot of flyers, Eunha put them in a cardboard box she found in the printing room and walked to the auditorium. As her hands were holding the box she opened the door with her elbow and turned around pushing the door with her before quickly passing and leaving the door closing itself. She walked down the corridor as the school was almost empty. She walked faster as the box was quite heavy.


She didn’t know if the theater students would be around by that time but if not she would leave the box of flyers backstage with a note so they would find them there the next morning.


Eunha turned left at the end of the corridor and bumped into someone who arrived facing her. The box fell and the flyers got away all around them flying away.


“I’m so sorry.” said a voice Eunha recognized, she looked up and saw Sowon kneeling and picking up the flyers to put them back in the box.


“It’s my fault I was in a hurry…” said Eunha nicely as she knelt down and helped Sowon. Their hands touched as they reached for the same flyer and Eunha quickly took her hand away before picking up other flyers feeling her cheeks burning, she hoped Sowon wasn’t looking at her right now, it was so embarrassing. 


Quickly they gathered all the flyers. Eunha tried to put them correctly back in the box and not leave them too messy. Sowon took the box and carried it, surprising Eunha.


“Wow that’s quite heavy, you didn’t hurt yourself when I hit you?” asked Sowon with a worried tone and Eunha shook her head shyly. 


“No it’s fine, thanks.” she said as she held her hands up so Sowon could give her the box back.


The tall girl hesitated and Eunha looked at her confused. “Where are you heading?” asked Sowon and Eunha swallowed hard. 


“Auditorium.” she just said.


“I will help you.” said the tall girl turning around in the direction of the auditorium. Eunha noded and followed Sowon shyly, as they arrived she opened the door for Sowon who smiled at her and entered. As expected no one was there.


Sowon put the box on a table and Eunha grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, she wrote down a note and left it on top of the box. 


They got out and Eunha felt awkward around Sowon, she had been so nice to her. “Thank you for helping me with this.” said Eunha and Sowon nodded.


“You’re welcome, and sorry for bumping into you…” said Sowon shyly too. “You sure I didn’t hurt you?” she asked again but Eunha shook her head.


Sowon hesitated again. “Humm… I read your article by the way.” she said and Eunha looked up at her curious now.


“Really?” she asked and Sowon nodded.


“It was… it was great, very good.” said Sowon sincerely and Eunha smiled feeling good that Sowon liked it.


“I’m glad you like it.” she said nicely.


Sowon nodded. “Well I have to go.” said the tall girl pointing to the gymnase direction. “I will… I will see you Friday at the match, right?” she asked shyly and Eunha nodded while smiling.


“Of course, I'm in charge of the pictures so I don’t have a choice.” she said smiling and Sowon looked down before nodding. 


Eunha realised it wasn’t sounding as she hoped, she didn’t want Sowon to think that she watched the matches only because she had to for the journal… Eunha actually liked to watch the basketball girl play…


“And I really don’t want to miss an amazing match.” she added and Sowon smiled back.


“We can’t know if it will be an amazing match yet, we aren’t sure about winning.” said Sowon sincerely.


“I’m sure you will.” said Eunha nicely and Sowon smiled again. 


“Well, see you at the match then..” said Sowon before waving at her and walking away.


Eunha looked at Sowon walking away till she left the building. She smiled, it was nice to talk to Sowon. Eunha hoped she could get to know the tall girl, she was just so curious about her and wanted to discover more about the mysterious basketball player...


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Chapter 7: Well we all know that karma is a... you know ☺️☺️☺️

And Revenge are best served cold.. with SinB's Hammer... haha ☺️☺️☺️😆😆😆

Wonderful Ending!
kairi65 #2
Chapter 7: Awww, I love a fluff 🥺 but I would have liked if the sentence ended with them both walking together instead of eunha watching sowon walked away. Just my 2 cents haha
Only0t6 #3
Chapter 7: This story was really amazing. I can't stop laughing at sinb holding a hammer.😄 I need more gfriend stories like these.
Chapter 7: kyaaaahhhhh!!! best best best!!! thanks authornim.. I didn't want it to end yet but it's alright... I love it a loooot!! ❤️❤️❤️
18 streak #5
Chapter 7: I’m soo glad sowon redeemed herself but yerin & sinb are soo cute towards the end but this was really good lol
157 streak #6
Chapter 7: Short but sweet. Amazing story~ Thank you! 😊
_NightDrive #7
Chapter 7: Wahh finished already (˃̶᷄‧̫ ˂̶᷅๑ ) its such a good story so well written~ thank u 🥰
wonbwon #8
Chapter 7: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1469679/7'>- Back to the truth</a></span>

your stories are always well written! and i like how theres always a flashback explaining how the characters met. i really love your plots theyre cool and remind me of 90s movies
Chapter 6: yes an update! Hoping things between wonha will be good now, thank u authornim!!
Chapter 6: ohhmyy.. this is what I totally need...kamsa kamsa ❤️👌❤️❤️