Healing Me

Garden in The Air
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Usually her computer screen would have numerous tabs and files opened - let alone be on. Instead, Yeonbin stared at her reflection on the dark screen. She noticed how tense and uneasy she looked, leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed over her chest and unrest clouded over her eyes.


It was obvious what the reason was. The dream continued to play out in her mind even though it had been hours since it had occurred, it was about two in the afternoon. For the first time, she was distracted from her work by something.


She wasn’t sure if that dream had any correlation to the other ones but since it involved Baekhyun, it had to. And remembering how each of them came true, she couldn’t help but ponder in horror. The dream itself was already overwhelming for her and the possibility of it becoming real left her in a frozen state of unease. What will lead her to be in the storage room? What would make the both of them be in the same room?


Questions ran through her mind, Yeonbin reached for her navy mug that wasn’t far from where her mouse was and quickly drank some water to ease her nerves. As soon as the warm liquid came into contact with her lips, it reminded her of Baekhyun’s lips. Quickly, she took a sip and set down her mug.


Even though the moment itself was brief, she could recall how soft and warm his lips were on hers as time passed, just as she was to expect from all the times she had looked at them. Her heart started to race and her body felt light suddenly.


“No, what are you thinking? Stop that,” Yeonbin whispered to herself as her thoughts began to trail off and she forced herself to drink more water from her mug.


A knock on her door broke the rigid silence in her office. With lips forming themselves into a thin line, she glanced at her door puzzlingly. She wasn’t expecting anyone to visit her and if she were to have visitors, they would usually notify her in advance before reaching her office.


“Come in,” Yeonbin called out reluctantly. 


The door slightly cracked before fully opening, revealing the person she had seen last night. Instantly, she sat up in her chair and her posture stiffened. Setting her mug down, Yeonbin then stood up from her seat.


“What… What are you doing here?”


Baekhyun then gave her a bewildered look. “You’re not going to greet me? A simple ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ would’ve been a bit better,” he chuckled as he closed the door behind him.


Forcing a small smile, Yeonbin lowered her head sheepishly. “Sorry, I was a little shocked to see you here,” Yeonbin replied. “Hello, Dr. Byun.”


“Hey,” Baekhyun smiled. “Even though it’s just the two of us, we’re still formal with each other?” He raised a brow, his smile turned into a teasing one. 


They were at work anyways. “Of course, we’re at work, aren’t we?”


Baekhyun then nodded his head, “Right.”


She wondered how he was able to find her office. Opening , she then asked, “How did you find uh, my office?”


“Well, I remembered you got off at the twelfth floor when we were in the elevator together and I just looked around til I saw your name on the sign by your door.”


Yeonbin nodded. It was a dumb question to ask, knowing how observant he can be. “Oh, I see.” Noticing how he was standing in the middle of the room, she then gestured toward the chair in front of him. “You can sit here.”


“Ah, thank you,” he smiled before planting himself on the seat, prompting her to sit down as well. 


“So,” she began, curious to know why he would drop by. “What brings you here?”


Baekhyun inhaled sharply before shrugging, “I just wanted to see you, is that a valid reason?” 


Somehow that made her feel warm inside. A smile was threatening to appear on her face, her teeth sunk into her bottom lip to stop it from happening. She shrugged, “Well, if you’re not busy then I guess that can be a valid reason.”


Baekhyun smiled, “I thought it would be.” He then paused to look around the room silently for a moment. “You have a lovely space here, do you use that couch often?” He turned and pointed toward the couch that was adjacent to her desk.


Yeonbin shook her head. “No, not really.” 


The couch functioned more as a decoration in her office as she hadn’t used it in a while. It was unfortunate since it looked so inviting to sit on and rest but alas, there was no time for that.


“Ah, that’s unfortunate, it shouldn’t be collecting some dust. I’ll probably use it the next time I come by. If that’s okay.”


“Feel free to.”


Baekhyun then gestured with his chin toward her mug. “You like that mug?”


Yeonbin momentarily glanced down at it before smiling. “Yeah, it’s quite functional. I got it as a gift as I was recovering.” She held the handle to admire the simple item up close before setting it back down on her desk.


A soft chuckle came from him as he scooted himself closer to her desk. “I’m glad you like my gift.”


Still, Yeonbin looked at the anesthesiologist with widened eyes. She heard correctly, didn’t she? “You gifted me this?”


“I did.” His arm reached up to rub his nape before it dropped down to his lap. “I had no idea what to get since we didn’t know each other at the time. And I thought a mug would be good enough.”


All this time, the mug was a gift from Baekhyun. Of all people, it had to be his. And out of all the gifts she had received, it was this one she liked most. “Well, it’s w-wonderful,” she began with a stammer. “I use it a lot.”


A satisfied smile came upon his face and she couldn’t help but smile back. “I can tell.” 


Silence then formed over them as Baekhyun’s eyes settled upon her intensely as his fingers brushed over his bottom lip. Yeonbin gulped as her eyes laid on his lips. They looked soft and luscious, she wondered what it felt under the pads of her fingers or better yet with her - no. Yeonbin caught her breath knowing that thought was out of line and her body’s reaction to it was doing no good. She then tore her eyes away from him as the image of their kiss entered into her mind. It seemed like he noticed. 


“Is something going on?”


Yeonbin glanced back at him and shook her head. “No, not at all,” she replied softly. “Why do you ask that?”


He didn’t seem to buy her answer as a skeptic looked glossed over him. Shifting in his seat, he then crossed his arms over his chest. “You look nervous.”


“Me?” She forced a chuckle before continuing, “I’m not nervous.”


Truth is, she was. The thing that has been terrorizing her thoughts like vines rapidly growing over her brain. And Baekhyun’s mannerisms that pointed toward his lips weren’t helping her either.


“I don't know, something about you is different today.” His eyes - even more captivating in the sunlight - rested over her, trying to pinpoint what was going on.


Yeonbin only denied it, “I feel the same as always.”


“Ah, so nothing happened at all?” He raised a brow to make sure.




Even her direct answer didn’t sound believable. “You can tell me if there’s anything bothering you, Yeonbin.”


There it was, her name again. “Baek-” Yeonbin stopped herself halfway, realizing what she was going to utter. With a sigh, she corrected herself. “Doctor Byun, there’s nothing really.”


Baekhyun was silent for an uncomfortable amount of time. He then nodded, “Okay, I believe you.”


Yeonbin dipped her chin as a response. Her hand reached for the handle of her mug for her to drink briefly. As she brought it closer to , her eyes locked with Baekhyun who was fortunately looking around as he sat silently. The thought of using his gift in front of him now was nerve wracking. Suddenly, the mug itself felt heavy in her hand as she brought it closer to her lips. And as if her hand had lost all of its strength, the handle slipped from her grip and the porcelain made its contact with the floor.


The navy-colored porcelain shattered into millions of pieces, tiny bits of the pieces alongside with droplets of water flew into numerous directions by her feet. The sound of it was familiar, reminding her of that day.


“Oh my god,” Yeonbin said softly to herself as she quickly got off her chair and bent down to the floor to pick up the pieces.


“Yeonbin,” Baekhyun said in alarm. Though he wasn’t in her line of sight, she heard him get up from the chair and heard his footsteps approaching her. “Are you okay?”


Quickly, she picked up fragments that were large enough to be held and carefully gathered them into one hand. To have that happen in front of Baekhyun only made heat creeping from her cheeks to spread across her face and somehow her eyes were beginning to be pricked with incoming tears. “I-I’m fine.”


As Yeonbin reached for a piece nearby, the sight of Baekhyun’s shoes came into her view. Her eyes were fixed onto them as her hand blindly continued to reach for the broken piece. A sharp, painful surge formed on her palm, prompting her to drop the piece of porcelain in her hand and the other pieces in the other. It was a mistake to be so blinded. To her horror, there was a bloody cut along the palm of her right hand.


As blood began to flow from the cut, the pain was stinging and it seemed to be worsening with every second passing. With a wince, she continued to look at the dark red liquid that slowly pooled on her palm.


“Don’t touch anything.”


Slowly, Yeonbin looked up at Baekhyun who looked at her hand from where he stood while cautiously looking around at the broken porcelain pieces around them. “But-”


“Yeonbin, listen,” he began sternly as he bent down from where he stood and looked into her eyes. In a low voice, he repeated again softly, ”Don’t touch anything.” He then looked around her office quickly before turning back to her. “Do you have a first aid kit around?”


She shook her head. “No, I don’t.”


It was funny that she worked in the hospital yet she didn’t have a first aid kit around her at all.


He quickly looked up at her desk and reached for something. As he bent back down to her level, there were numerous tissues in his hand. Extending it toward her, he then said, “I need you to apply some pressure on the cut, okay?”


Nodding her head, she quickly took the tissues and placed them over her cut and slightly pressed down. She softly replied, “I know that.”


Baekhyun slightly smiled and slowly he extended his hand out to her. “Take my hand and watch your step.”


Yeonbin glanced at his hand in bewilderment before looking up at him. “W-Where are we going?”


“You don’t have a first aid kit here so I have to take you somewhere to treat it myself.”


“Right, okay then.”


The idea of holding Baekhyun’s hand made her heart jump and the pain in her palm seemed to have intensified. Her face twisted from pain as she quickly held his hand that was soft and warm to the touch. 


“Watch your step,” he warned as he backed up as he led her out, giving her space to carefully maneuver around the maze of broken porcelain pieces. 


As soon as she stepped out of the area, Baekhyun let go of her hand, allowing her to continue to press down onto the tissue that was already a bit damp in the center from the continuous blood flow. His hand then placed itself onto her forearm, making her almost jump out of her skin.


“Sorry,” Baekhyun chuckled. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”


“It’s fine.”


Baekhyun walked ahead and opened the door of her office, holding it open for her to walk through. As soon as she exited out of the office, he quickly followed and led her to the nearest room to treat her cut.




After cleaning her cut with warm water and soap, Yeonbin sat herself down on the bed just as Baekhyun rolled a tray of supplies near her. As the stinging sensation persisted, she continued to stare down at her hand. Though it wasn’t unbearable, tears began to stick themselves onto her lash line, pricking her eyes. It wasn’t even painful as it was just moments ago. 


The shuffling from Baekhyun’s feet came to a halt as she tried blinking away her tears to hide her sudden vulnerability that she hated for anyone to see. He must’ve noticed her head hanging low as he strolled over to her, prompting her to swallow the lump in while taking deep breaths. 


“Hey,” he said almost quietly as he stood before her, allowing her to look up. Her vision was partially blurred but she could tell his expression of concern had deepened. Quickly, he took some tissues nearby and dabbed at her dampened eyes before flashing a comfortin

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Garden in The Air || Chapter 012 is here~ I’m alive finally and please share your thoughts, thank you <3


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0 points #1
Chapter 12: It's sad that you don't update this anymore but i hope someday you will be back here. I really wanna know how they develop their relationship ✨💕
Chapter 11: i miss this!!!
Chapter 12: i love this!!! it is so cute!!!!!
Chapter 12: Baek is such a tease hahaha I love him!!!
Chapter 12: “You must be flustered imagining me with out a shirt”
Yes, I did.
I surely did.


The moment when they were at storage room was sooo sweet. I’m soft like a microwaved marshmallow

Ps. I missed ur storyyy! Welcome backk
Chapter 12: BOHUHUHU I MISSED your story so much!! Thank you for updating! It made my day now🥺♥️
Yes they’re so cute i feel like melting!! his teasings tho..does he perhaps like to see her cheeks red? he’s crazy ahaha but i know he’s whipped for her :’) also, it’s so nice to see her in love as much as him! They became the cutest couple for real🥺 i’m looking forward to their home dates too!! Cuties🥰
Btw i hope you can have a bit rest now that you finished your semester authornim!~
Have a nice day ^^
Chapter 12: Welcome back!! Its okay if this is short. We love it tho. Finally they shared their 1st kiss 😍😍😍
By-Unje #8
Chapter 12: F**k my life :) I’m so single
Omg I'm so happy you're back!! This fic never got removed on my open tabs ksksks. I hope you're doing well! ♥️