Rest Well

Garden in The Air
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“Good morning, Moyeon.”


Instead of heading straight down to the corridors to her office, Yeonbin strolled over to the reception desk where Moyeon and the rest of the team were sitting at. The small group stood up in her presence and gave a curt bow along with a greeting.


“Good morning, Ms. Min,” Moyeon greeted with a small smile. 


“Hey, I have these for you,” Yeonbin handed over a small stack of folders to the latter. 


“Oh, thank you,” Moyeon accepted the stack of folders. “I’ll file them away for you.”


“Thank you so much. Have a good day, hm?” Yeonbin smiled briefly at Moyeon and then to the rest. 


Turning to her right, she noticed Baekhyun walking toward her hurriedly. Hiding the stunned expression on her face, Yeonbin whipped her head to the other direction and made her way toward the elevators that were only down the nearest corridors.


“Ms. Min,” Baekhyun called from behind loudly but soft enough to not get any outside attention.


Yeonbin continued to ignore him. She didn’t really want to talk to him at all, not because she was angry from that day but because she didn’t want to face him. Her steps quickened even though part of her was morally obligated to acknowledge his calls.


Baekhyun’s footsteps behind her began to quicken as well. Her heart began racing as he continued to repeatedly call for her, his voice gradually became louder.


Yeonbin now stood in front of the elevator doors, her finger was close to touching the top button.




She halted hearing him call her first name and that pleasant feeling came back. Pushing that feeling away, her finger pressed the button and eagerly waited for the metal doors to part as Baekhyun slowed down his pace.


Baekhyun finally caught up to her. Standing beside her, his chest was heaving as he tried to momentarily catch his breath. After a moment, he asked, “Can we talk?”


Those three words were powerful enough to make someone turn into a nerve wracking mess and she was no exception. It was definitely going to be about what happened two days ago. Part of her wanted the whole ordeal to be long forgotten but it would be rude to simply pass it off like nothing happened, plus the guilt was still present within her.


“S-Sure,” Yeonbin hesitantly replied with a slight nod. “We can.”


Baekhyun’s face beamed just as the elevator door opened. He gestured for her to enter first and followed after. The pair entered into the elevator and stood beside each other. Glancing at the buttons in front of her, Yeonbin clicked on the button with the numerical “twelve” on it. Silence brewed over them as the elevator doors closed, surprisingly it wasn’t the awkward kind. 


Baekhyun broke the silence. “I want to apologize for what I’ve said two days ago.”


Yeonbin turned towards Baekhyun, whose eyes reflected the sincerity of his words. Before she could open to respond, he continued.


“I… shouldn’t have been so pressing on you about us being soulmates. I thought bringing up the topic repeatedly would help change your perspective but you still weren’t fond of the idea, which I apologize for failing to acknowledge sooner. And I shouldn’t cross the workplace boundaries either.” Baekhyun paused momentarily before continuing, “So from now on, I won’t mention anything about soulmates anymore and I’ll even act like it’s nonexistent.” He then softly smiled at her.


His usual smile didn’t feel the same as it was before. The guilt continued to run through the course of Yeonbin’s veins as she absorbed in his words. She should be happy that topic would no longer be brought up yet there was some uncertainty. She wasn’t fully satisfied at all. It was odd.


“You don’t have to apologize,” Yeonbin said. “I should be the one to apologize. I blew up for no reason and I’m really sorry for walking out on you like that.”


Baekhyun stuffed his hands into the pockets of his white coat and smiled with his lips. “You don’t need to apologize since your reaction was understandable. But, I’ll say it anyway. You’re forgiven.”


Now Yeonbin felt satisfied, a smile crept upon her lips before she shyly looked away to hide herself from his gaze. She could hear a small snort from Baekhyun before the elevator came to a stop, they still hadn't reached the twelfth floor - it was only the sixth.


The metal doors parted, revealing Nayoung, a neurosurgery resident, standing in front of them. 


Nayoung beamed at the sight in front of her, mostly toward Baekhyun. “Morning, Dr. Byun.” She then turned to Yeonbin, her smile almost faltered before she nodded, “Morning, Ms. Min.”


Baekhyun and Yeonbin greeted her as she stepped onto the elevator and stood to Baekhyun’s left, prompting the anesthesiologist to scoot closer to Yeonbin. Awkward silence mingled over the trio as the doors closed.


Baekhyun broke the silence again, asking Nayoung, “What floor?”


“Tenth, please.”


With a nod, Baekhyun leaned in and reached for the button of the said number. However, Yeonbin beat him to it as her finger quickly pressed the button. Baekhyun paused before he slowly drew back his hand and returned into his pocket. In the corner of her eyes, Nayoung almost narrowed her eyes at Yeonbin.


The doors closed.


“Dr. Byun was going to press the button, Ms. Min,” she then stated, a hinted edge of venom mixed into her tone.


Her eyes widened, noticing the tone. There was no tolerance from Yeonbin in being spoken to in that manner, considering the hierarchical differences between them. However, Yeonbin didn’t want to deal with conflict early in the morning and Baekhyun was present, so she decided to not let it affect her. “Since I’m standing closest to it, I figured it would be easier if I would press it,” Yeonbin responded, forcing a smile. 


There was a soft sigh. “I suppose it would’ve been,” the resident then nodded. She then turned to Baekhyun with a grin. “How are you, Dr. Byun? I bet those daily rounds must’ve been tiring.”


“I’m well,” Baekhyun responded with a soft smile. “I'm used to it now, so they’re not exactly tiring.”


“You know, I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to work with you one day. I hear you’re very talented in your field and a wonderful person to be with in a surgical team.”


Yeonbin raised a brow, Nayoung was simply complimenting him yet she can’t help but think it was for another intention. Maybe she was being overly critical of the woman. She continued to stare at the red numbers counting up in front of her as she listened to their conversation.


“Thank you, Nayoung. Hopefully, I have the opportunity to work with you as well.”


Somehow, hearing his response made her uncomfortably tense.


“Hopefully it will come up once I’m finished with my residency, which is quite soon,” Nayoung responded as she lightly shifted her weight on her feet. “We should talk over this when we have our own free time. Maybe over lunch?”


After what felt like forever, the number ten appeared. “Nayoung,” Yeonbin began. “We’re at your floor.”


The elevator came to a stop before the doors opened at the tenth floor.


“Ah,” Nayoung’s smile dropped. “Thank you, Ms. Min. Goodbye.” She walked out of the elevator and bowed to the pair, her stance leaning more towards Baekhyun.


She walked away as soon as the doors closed. Yeonbin softly sighed as she continued to stare at the space in front of her.


“I’m guessing you two don’t like each other,” Baekhyun questioned.


Over the time Yeonbin had worked here, she met Nayoung a couple of times. They were all brief interactions. But for some reason, there was bitterness that radiated off of Nayoung whenever they would meet and talk, and to her awareness she had yet to do anything that could cause that. She was unsure why she acted that way but that bitterness would rub onto her. Now whenever she saw Nayoung, she couldn’t help but feel a tinge of distaste toward her.


“I guess, it’s more like she doesn’t like me for some reason. I haven’t interacted with her much to really form an opinion on her,” Yeonbin answered. 


Baekhyun nodded, “I see.”


As the numbers approached her designated floor, Yeonbin asked, “Don't you have a certain place you need to be?”


“Not really.” He shook his head. “I’m just here to be with you, that’s all. But once you leave, I’ll be working.” 


“Ah, okay then.” The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Slowly, Yeonbin stepped off and turned to Baekhyun. “Goodbye, Dr. Byun.”


Baekhyun nodded his head before shooting her a smile. He held up his hand. “Goodbye…  Ms. Min.” 


Yeonbin hesitantly held up her hand back just as the doors began to close. Before the doors fully closed, she managed to catch Baekhyun biting down on his lip to stifle a smile that seemed to get wider as he glanced down at the floor. And just like that, all that was staring back at her now was her distorted reflection on the metal doors. 


With a short sigh, Yeonbin walked down the corridor to her office. Her pace slowed down as Seulgi was already standing by her door, looking over her phone. 


“Seulgi?” Yeonbin called as she came closer to the woman. “You’re here early.”


Seulgi looked up from her phone. She didn’t look as cheerful as she would normally, all that was on her expression was unease. Yeonbin’s eyebrows furrowed as she unlocked the door to her office and pushed the wooden door open.


“I know, but there’s something urgent and I thought you needed to know about it,” she responded as she strolled into her office and closed the door behind her. 


After setting her belongings down on the couch, Yeonbin then sat herself down on her desk chair and glanced at Seulgi worriedly. “What is it?”


Seulgi ran her hands through her brown locks and sighed, “I’m getting those dreams.”


Yeonbin sat up in her chair, looking at the woman across from her with widened eyes. She wasn’t going crazy, right? Seulgi was dreaming as well?


“A-Are you serious right now?”


“I am very serious, Yeonbin,” Seulgi replied. “I didn’t think I would experience it but now I am.”


Maybe it was just a random dream. She then asked, “How do you know for sure though? What if it’s just a regular dream?”


Seulgi raised her shoulders. “That’s what I thought initially. But it’s repeating. I just dreamt of it again last night.”


It definitely wasn't a random dream. Yeonbin leaned forward toward her desk and

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Garden in The Air || Chapter 012 is here~ I’m alive finally and please share your thoughts, thank you <3


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0 points #1
Chapter 12: It's sad that you don't update this anymore but i hope someday you will be back here. I really wanna know how they develop their relationship ✨💕
Chapter 11: i miss this!!!
Chapter 12: i love this!!! it is so cute!!!!!
Chapter 12: Baek is such a tease hahaha I love him!!!
Chapter 12: “You must be flustered imagining me with out a shirt”
Yes, I did.
I surely did.


The moment when they were at storage room was sooo sweet. I’m soft like a microwaved marshmallow

Ps. I missed ur storyyy! Welcome backk
Chapter 12: BOHUHUHU I MISSED your story so much!! Thank you for updating! It made my day now🥺♥️
Yes they’re so cute i feel like melting!! his teasings tho..does he perhaps like to see her cheeks red? he’s crazy ahaha but i know he’s whipped for her :’) also, it’s so nice to see her in love as much as him! They became the cutest couple for real🥺 i’m looking forward to their home dates too!! Cuties🥰
Btw i hope you can have a bit rest now that you finished your semester authornim!~
Have a nice day ^^
Chapter 12: Welcome back!! Its okay if this is short. We love it tho. Finally they shared their 1st kiss 😍😍😍
By-Unje #8
Chapter 12: F**k my life :) I’m so single
Omg I'm so happy you're back!! This fic never got removed on my open tabs ksksks. I hope you're doing well! ♥️