One and Only

Garden in The Air
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"Earth to Min Yeonbin.”


Yeonbin glanced up from the table and up toward Seulgi, who waved her hand up toward her face to snap her out of her supposed daze. Her eyes rapidly blinked before she dug her chopsticks into her lunch.


“Is something bothering you?” Seulgi eyed her worriedly. “You’re not eating your lunch well like the other times.”


Everything that had happened last night etched into her mind. It all felt like a dream but instead, it was all real: their faces at an extremely close proximity, Baekhyun’s confession, and that kiss. Later that night, it was all she could think of which resulted in a long, sleepless night. Her eyes still felt somewhat heavy but the coffee from earlier was starting to help.


“I just didn’t get much sleep…” Yeonbin forced a small laugh as she took a bite of her food, which prompted her to take more quick bites as savored for more.


“Ah, you should’ve napped in your office instead of letting me drag you into the cafeteria,” the latter commented with an amused smile. She was silent momentarily before asking, “Something happened between you and Dr. Byun?”


Yeonbin froze with the chopstick midway toward her lips. Peering up at Seulgi, who raised a suspicious brow at her action, she chuckled almost nervously. It was far too late to play it off. “Kind of, yeah,” she replied reluctantly. She proceeded to eat her food to avoid whatever look Seulgi had on her face.


“Oh my god. What happened?”


Glancing down at her tray, images from last night ran through her head again. Biting her lips to prevent herself from reacting to it, she then sighed. “He confessed and we kissed, that’s it,” Yeonbin answered almost nonchalantly. It was a huge deal for her yet somehow she only talked about it like it was nothing new.


“Are you kidding me? You’re saying this so casually,” Seulgi pointed out after sitting in shocked silence. “You both kissed? Who initiated it? Him? Or you? Tell me everything in detail right now.”


“One question at a time please,” Yeonbin rolled her eyes with a smile. “I’ll explain everything to the best of my ability.”


“Okay okay.” The gynecologist smiled and wiggled in her seat excitedly. “So, tell me how this all started.”


Yeonbin breathed in before explaining the entire situation in detail just as she said she would. Seulgi was engrossed the entire time, not even interrupting for a brief second - but only when she needed clarification. As she explained it, she really couldn’t believe it happened - it was as if she was only telling a story or even a dream like before.


“No way.” Seulgi rested her back against the chair with an open mouth after Yeonbin had finished. “I can’t believe it! You two kissed.”


Yeonbin jumped in alarm knowing there were people around and said in a whisper, “Lower your voice…” The last thing she would want to happen is some other colleague eavesdropping on them and having rumors spread around.


“Sorry,” Seulgi apologized before softening her voice. “It’s just that… I didn't expect you of all people to do that here.”


She was surprised too. How could she have kissed someone - a colleague especially - while at work? “I didn’t either but look where we are now.”


“What I don’t get is how you’re still conflicted about your feelings for him. You guys kissed and you didn’t even pull away. You even said it felt right when you two kissed - so how are you still unsure?”


After much toss and turns in her bed, Yeonbin still hasn't come to a definite conclusion on where her feelings lie. Attraction was hard to decipher as it was her first time feeling this way. She didn’t want to jump toward conclusions and mistaken another feeling for love.


“I don’t know. I just don’t know. It’s the first time that I’ve ever felt like this towards anyone and I’m not sure if this is what I think it is.”


“It’s love, Yeonbin. As someone with experience - it definitely is.”


Unlike her, Seulgi had her own numerous experiences. She would be considered as a veteran when it comes to love. Yeonbin knew better to take her thoughts and input into consideration.


“I just don’t get how I’m at this point, all because of dreams and soulmates.”


“Fate has funny ways.”


“It sure does.”


Funny that out of all the situations that could lead toward their meeting, Yeonbin had to get into a terrible car accident in order to meet her soulmate. 


“Anyways,” Seulgi attempted to steer the conversation toward another topic. “Are you excited for that fundraising gala that’s coming up soon? It's too bad I'll be working at that time…”


The gala was an annual thing for Asan and Yeonbin attended every single one ever since she began working there. It was the most dreaded event of her career. She’d rather stay at home or even work at the hospital instead.


“Not really,” Yeonbin sulked while shaking her head. “I’d rather stay at home and do nothing really.”


“Why not? You get to play dress up, drink champagne, network with people…”


“But networking drains me…” A whine escaped from . “It’s exhausting talking to people constantly, I’d rather drink some champagne out on some terrace from the crowd or even stay home.”


“Now that sounds fun. But you’re still going anyway… How about this? Show me your outfit before you leave. I want to compliment you to make you feel better.”


“You know I will, Seulgi,” she smiled. “You’re the only person who’ll make my night.”


“I know I do,” Seulgi giggled. “Now let’s eat so we’ll be well fed for the entire day.”


After lunch, Yeonbin had yet to run into Baekhyun for the rest of the day. Usually, she would always run into him or he would always stop by the office but today wasn't the case. She couldn't help but think if it had something to do with the kiss yesterday though she forced herself to think it’s due to the fact that he’s busy. Yet no matter what, that thought still stuck. Maybe that kiss changed him and he didn’t want to pursue it anymore because of her way of complicating the entire situation. Or he couldn’t face her anymore out of embarrassment. It led her to wonder that while she thought of it, could she even face him?


Yes… No… Maybe?


Yeonbin gripped the steering wheel tighter as she was only a street away from her home. Last night played in her mind and she even imagined numerous scenarios of how she and Baekhyun would meet for the day - only to not even see him. She couldn’t tell if she was relieved or rather upset. It was easier to imagine rather than do.




After finishing up a meeting with her supervisors, Yeonbin strutted her way back toward her office. The day was mundane as it was starting to be without Baekhyun’s presence. Normalcy was starting to come back and it had hardly been over two days.


Making her way towards the elevators, she quickly pressed the button and waited for the doors to open, hoping she could just end up in her office and continue to work. As the metal doors parted, her plans only faded into nothing. Standing in front of her was Baekhyun himself standing beside Nayoung. But she didn’t matter as Yeonbin’s eyes only settled onto him. Everything else disappeared.


She realized she was staring after a moment, clearing to ease the awkwardness. She curtly bowed her head and greeted the two of them, with them returning the same greeting.


Maybe she should take the chance to talk to Baekhyun, seeing how his gaze was awfully strong on her. It made her nervous for some reason but she was willing to push that feeling off seeing how Nayoung was standing there.


“Dr. Byun,“ Yeonbin began. “Are you available as of now?”


He seemed shocked by her question as his posture stiffened. However, a small smile grew as he relaxed his shoulders and nodded before answering. “I am, Ms. Min. What am I needed for?”


Out of all the scenarios she had planned in her head, this wasn’t one of them. Yeonbin's eyes darted in several directions before she could look at him. “I would like to discuss something with you.” In the corner of her eyes, Nayoung gave her a dirty look thinking she wouldn’t notice. She then sighed before ending with, “....privately.”


A subtle smirk appeared on Baekhyun’s face before he responded with, “Ah, okay then.” He then turned to Nayoung, who was unsuccessfully hiding her face of envy. “I’ll talk with you later, Nayoung.”


“Of course,” the resident answered sweetly as she turned to Baekhyun. She quickly bid her goodbyes before walking away, leaving only the two of them.


Baekhyun looked at Yeonbin, her heart leapt at that simple action of his. “So… where are we going to talk?”




Sitting on the same bench where they had sat the last time they were together in the garden, Yeonbin took a quick sip of her water before setting the bottle beside her. Today wasn’t as hot as it was in the past few days but with Baekhyun

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Garden in The Air || Chapter 012 is here~ I’m alive finally and please share your thoughts, thank you <3


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0 points #1
Chapter 12: It's sad that you don't update this anymore but i hope someday you will be back here. I really wanna know how they develop their relationship ✨💕
Chapter 11: i miss this!!!
Chapter 12: i love this!!! it is so cute!!!!!
Chapter 12: Baek is such a tease hahaha I love him!!!
Chapter 12: “You must be flustered imagining me with out a shirt”
Yes, I did.
I surely did.


The moment when they were at storage room was sooo sweet. I’m soft like a microwaved marshmallow

Ps. I missed ur storyyy! Welcome backk
Chapter 12: BOHUHUHU I MISSED your story so much!! Thank you for updating! It made my day now🥺♥️
Yes they’re so cute i feel like melting!! his teasings tho..does he perhaps like to see her cheeks red? he’s crazy ahaha but i know he’s whipped for her :’) also, it’s so nice to see her in love as much as him! They became the cutest couple for real🥺 i’m looking forward to their home dates too!! Cuties🥰
Btw i hope you can have a bit rest now that you finished your semester authornim!~
Have a nice day ^^
Chapter 12: Welcome back!! Its okay if this is short. We love it tho. Finally they shared their 1st kiss 😍😍😍
By-Unje #8
Chapter 12: F**k my life :) I’m so single
Omg I'm so happy you're back!! This fic never got removed on my open tabs ksksks. I hope you're doing well! ♥️