Something Beating

Garden in The Air
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Following that day, Dr. Byun was slowly becoming a frequent part of Yeonbin’s everyday life. Though they continued to somehow cross paths at the hospital, their interactions were always short due to the heavy demands of their jobs. And with the soulmate idea continually being brought up between them, Yeonbin’s tolerance toward the idea started to grow despite still believing it was still an impractical thing. It wasn’t worth debating over its existence anymore, she would simply pass it off and ignore it. 


Yeonbin sipped the warm drink from the porcelain mug that she was gifted earlier. Out of all the gifts she had received, it was the most used. It was convenient to use it instead of using single-use plastic cups that would add on to the trash building up in the city’s landfill. To this day, she had yet to learn who it was from but once she does - she hoped to repay them.


Setting the mug down on her desk, her fingers danced over the keyboard; all that could be heard were the quick taps of the keys being pressed down. 


After staring at her computer screen for an unhealthy amount of time, Yeonbin decided to take a break. It was starting to get tedious working with the same couple of tabs in the past few hours. Getting up from her desk chair, she then stretched with her arms reaching towards the ceiling. Her body turned toward the window that overlooked parts of the city, reminding her of just how nice it was outside. 


She figured it wouldn't hurt to stop by the hospital’s garden temporarily, it had been awhile since she had visited the place. Throughout her time working in the hospital, she rarely went there. Her daily responsibilities were enough to keep her occupied in her office for the majority of the day. 


As Yeonbin exited out of her office, her hands reached up to her hair and tied it into a low ponytail with the hair tie around her wrist. The amount of times her hair would fall in her line of vision while working was annoying.


While walking down the hallway, she wondered if it was really okay to take a break. Despite being told that she would have to take things light, she wanted to make sure her time was spent worthwhile. Slowly, her pace came to a stop, unsure if she should go. Biting her lip, Yeonbin turned around and glanced at the door to her office. It was calling - begging - for her to return and finish everything. With a sigh, she figured taking a short break would work and continued down the corridor. 


After navigating through the building, Yeonbin finally approached the entrance to her destination. Pushing the glass doors open, she entered the garden. Its healing effect was already starting to make its effect on her as she was starting to liven up. 


Walking on the stone pathway, Yeonbin watched as patients strolled around the area with signs of content over their faces. Either with their loved ones or a nurse - regardless who they were with - their expressions didn’t falter from bright positivity. A small smile donned over her face before she continued on her way while admiring the perfect plants and grass by her feet and over her head.


Sitting herself down on one of the benches, Yeonbin sighed dreamily before leaning herself back to relish in the beauty of her surroundings. The spring sunlight that poured its bright rays onto the lush, green plants underneath. It practically made them glow, you wouldn’t even think it was possible but somehow they were more vibrant and unreal in some way. In the distance, she can hear the water flow from the fountains.


All the worries about her job were starting to fade. Everything didn’t seem to matter anymore; the deadlines, the stress, the amount of papers and documents she had to fill out, everything from inside the building was nothing more than just a figment.


Maybe resting her eyes wouldn’t hurt. As a small little breeze blew in her direction, Yeonbin slowly closed her eyes to take in the cooler air. Her mind was slowly easing off from work, her posture was relaxing itself, everything was peaceful and quiet - it was just her and her consciousness.


Throughout the entire time her eyes were closed, people would walk by allowing her to listen to their soft footsteps before they shortly faded. It wasn’t much of a distraction. With her eyes remaining closed, Yeonbin continued to relish in the fresh, spring air amplified by the presence of numerous plants. A pair of footsteps were coming to her direction but she could care less, it was probably a visitor simply going around the area. However, she realized it wasn’t fading but only grew louder each passing second. It then stopped. 


Suddenly, Yeonbin felt like she wasn’t alone. 


Someone was probably standing in front of her, she could feel it. With hesitance, she slowly opened her eyes and glanced down at the pavement beneath her feet. It was bright, allowing her eyes to take several seconds to focus. Once they were, she realized someone was indeed in front of her. Their pair of dark shoes contrasted with the light-colored stones. Slowly her eyes drifted up, they were wearing dark pants and the end of their white coat was drifting in the direction of the soft breeze. 


As her eyes continued to glance up, she finally reached their face. A chill ran down her spine. That part of the dream was now a reality. 


Everything that Yeonbin had dreamt of became true. They all happened so seamlessly and so effortlessly, she didn’t realize it would even lead up to those moments until it actually happened. It was astonishing how they all felt natural like it wasn’t planned out by anything. She wondered why she really dreamt of being in those two places and why they were coming true, refusing to believe that it was purely because of soulmates.


Snapping out of her thoughts, Yeonbin focused on the person in front of her. Baekhyun stood before her with a subtle smile on his lips. The sun shined down on him like it was a spotlight and the breeze flowed through the loose strands of hair that hung over his forehead. 


“I hope I wasn’t interrupting your sleep,” said Baekhyun. “Mind if I sit with you?” He gestured with his chin to the empty spot next to Yeonbin.


As much as she would like to decline or give an excuse to say that she would have to leave soon, she couldn’t bring herself to.


“Sure,” Yeonbin slowly nodded before slightly shifting over for him to sit next to her. 


Sitting himself beside her, his shoulders brushed against hers. A tingling sensation was starting to form from where they touched that nearly made her figuratively jump. With extremely little space between them, Yeonbin could smell that faint scent of cinnamon from him, wondering how it could still be there consistently - not that she was complaining. 


“Water?” Baekhyun offered while holding a unused water bottle toward her. 


She shook her head. “No, I’m good.”


Pulling the water bottle close to him, Baekhyun then unscrewed the cap and drank from the bottle. Yeonbin noticed how his subtle Adam's apple bobbed as the liquid went down his throat, she then quickly turned away realizing how weird it was to stare. 


“Do you come here often,” Baekhyun asked after letting out a satisfied sigh from drinking water. 


“Not as often as I hope to. How about you?”


“I try to come here whenever I can,” he responded. “So, just like you… not as often,” he then smiled.


Of course, they were busy with their jobs, too busy stressing over certain tasks to really sit down and relax for once. 


Yeonbin’s mind trailed back to that moment, still in disbelief that it came true. Part of her wanted to tell him but that would lead to that topic of soulmates again which she tired of. Despite feeling that way, her body acted differently and before she knew it, opened to speak. “You know, I’ve dreamt of this moment.”


Cursing herself in her head, Yeonbin then glanced down at her lap to avoid seeing Baekhyun’s reaction.


“Ah, when you saw me standing in front of you here,” Baekhyun recalled from their first conversation. “Right?”


“Yes, it was.”


If Yeonbin managed to dream of those moments that later became true, she wondered what happened in Baekhyun's dream and if he had dreamt of her in those two places as well - if he truly did dream of her. She then asked, “When you said you dreamt of me… What happened in your dream? And did you see me in the same two places that I’ve mentioned?”


Baekhyun was quiet before he opened his mouth to speak. "To answer to your first question, I just dreamt of our first meeting in my perspective, that's it."


"I know that, but what did you see? I think you can remember what happened clearly like I can right now."


The fact that it happened in real life was enough to make her remember everything clearly including the coffeshop and garden part of her dream even though at that time, it was the first time she dreamt of two other different places.


"Okay," Baekhyun said before trailing off to his thoughts and began to speak. "I was rushing into the OR as I was notified on short notice. So, I hurriedly and carefully got scrubbed in and went into the OR to prep for the arrival of the victim - which is you - and just as I was finished, they wheeled you in." He then paused to ask, "Are you sure you want me to tell you everything? I don't want you to relive that day and be uncomfortable from what I'm saying."


Seeing the reluctance and worry drawn over Baekhyun's face, she found herself comfortable. It was awfully considerate of him to ask. Though the experience itself was almost traumatizing, Yeonbin wanted to know everything. During her recovery and up to now, she had the help she needed to mentally recover somewhat from the collision. 


"Please do, I'm fine with it," Yeonbin replied.


With a nod, he continued, "As you were wheeled closer to me, I looked over your physical condition briefly; you had fresh cuts on your skin, there was blood staining the side of your head, and you looked drained of color, life even. I rarely come across administering anesthesia for victims in urgent situations like car accidents, so seeing you in that condition - I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit scared. Not because of what you looked like but just wondering what you went through." He then smiled, "However, despite the awful condition you were in, I had immense hope you would make it. So that's when I said you would be okay and smiled even though you could only see my eyes," he ended with a light chuckle.


Yeonbin couldn't help but smile knowing that he had done that for that reason alone. "I noticed it."


"I was hoping you would," he smiled, "But anyways, after inserting the IV into your arm... I wanted to comfort you from all the pain that you were feeling at that time. So I spoke more softly and calmly even though time was ticking and your life was almost literally in my hands. When I started counting down and looked into your eyes while inserting the anesthestic in you, I noticed you were counting down with me subtly." He paused momentarily, biting his lip. "When that happened, I couldn't shake off this feeling like that moment was special - I didn't know why. As soon as you fell asleep, the dream ended there. I could go on but the following events weren't part of the dream itse

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Garden in The Air || Chapter 012 is here~ I’m alive finally and please share your thoughts, thank you <3


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0 points #1
Chapter 12: It's sad that you don't update this anymore but i hope someday you will be back here. I really wanna know how they develop their relationship ✨💕
Chapter 11: i miss this!!!
Chapter 12: i love this!!! it is so cute!!!!!
Chapter 12: Baek is such a tease hahaha I love him!!!
Chapter 12: “You must be flustered imagining me with out a shirt”
Yes, I did.
I surely did.


The moment when they were at storage room was sooo sweet. I’m soft like a microwaved marshmallow

Ps. I missed ur storyyy! Welcome backk
Chapter 12: BOHUHUHU I MISSED your story so much!! Thank you for updating! It made my day now🥺♥️
Yes they’re so cute i feel like melting!! his teasings tho..does he perhaps like to see her cheeks red? he’s crazy ahaha but i know he’s whipped for her :’) also, it’s so nice to see her in love as much as him! They became the cutest couple for real🥺 i’m looking forward to their home dates too!! Cuties🥰
Btw i hope you can have a bit rest now that you finished your semester authornim!~
Have a nice day ^^
Chapter 12: Welcome back!! Its okay if this is short. We love it tho. Finally they shared their 1st kiss 😍😍😍
By-Unje #8
Chapter 12: F**k my life :) I’m so single
Omg I'm so happy you're back!! This fic never got removed on my open tabs ksksks. I hope you're doing well! ♥️