A helping hand.

Secretary's Secret
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Italics = Eunbi's thoughts

Bold Italics = Sojung's thoughts



Cold droplets of water, landing on her face, managed to do the trick of simmering down the initial heat that had erupted all over Eunbi’s body from earlier events.


By the time she had finished blow-drying her hair, the blonde would say her heart has mostly stopped doing star-jumps and her brain is definitely less mushy…


Now changed in her pyjamas and exiting the bathroom though, she couldn’t help but tell herself to check up on Sojung one last time before heading off to bed.


Bringing a basin of cold water and a fresh towel with her, Eunbi kneels besides the sleeping woman, relieved she can finally act normal around the taller again, she swaps over the towel that had warmed up from the woman’s concerning fever and wonder if it would had been better curtesy to had let the Sojung  sleep on her bed instead, rather than the couch.


It just didn’t seem appropriate for Eunbi to sleep comfortably on her own bed, whilst her boss sleeps on an almost decade’s old second hand piece of furniture.




She guesses it doesn’t really matter now…


After all, it’s not like she had any energy left in her to carry the said woman back to her bed…


Although she must admit the very thought of bridal carrying Sojung to her bedroom made her feel… some type of way… but Eunbi will never say that out loud.


Finishing up the changeover, the blonde picked up her things and was about to leave, when the sound of faint sleepy hums catches her attention.


Looking over her shoulder, she noticed that the once sleeping woman now had her eyes half-opened.


“Ms Kim!” Quickly putting down the basin, Eunbi dashed beside Sojung and gently push the latter back down on her back. “Please don’t try to get up, you’ve caught a really bed fever and need to rest!”


“Eunbi?” Sojung’s voice was extremely hoarse and her head felt so heavy, she could hardly turn her neck to face the secretary. “Where am I?”


It took a second for the older’s brain circuits to start turning, but the moment they did, the only thing she could think about was her unfinished workload.


“The documents!” Sojung’s eyes widen in realisation “The documents, where are they? I still have yet to finish them!”


“Hey- WAIT!” Eunbi quickly holds the older down before she could fight her way off the coach. “Please Ms, don’t worry about the documents for now, not whilst you’re in this state”


“No. I can’t just-”


“Ms Kim!” The sternness of her secretary’s voice, managed to at the very least, catch the CEO’s attention enough to listen just for a second…


“You need to rest, or your condition is going to worsen” The shorter tried to reason…


She literally overworked herself till she got sick! Why in the world would she want to continue?


“You don’t understand” Sojung pushes away Eunbi’s hands before attempting to sit up again. “I need to finish everything by tonight, or we’ll be behind- URGH” only to find exhaustion taking complete control over her body as it forces her back to fall right back down from where she started.


“If you won’t listen to me…” The blonde picks up the towel that had fallen of the CEO’s head and places it back to where it belonged. “then at the very least, please listen to your body”


“No Eunbi! I CANNOT DO THAT!” okay… now the secretary was really getting triggered… “I-“


“I’ll do it then!”


That seemed to have caused a brief silence for a second…




“I’ll finish off the paperwork. So just rest up alright?”


And that second turned into a couple of seconds…


“Do you even have any idea what you’ll even be doing?”


“I’ve worked in plenty of office jobs prior to this one, so I’ll figure it out. Leave it to me. I’m more than qualified enough to handle a few files, so please for once in your life stop thinking you’re the only one that can do this and just let me help you!” Her tone and the way she had worded everything came out way more authority-like than Eunbi had wanted… but at that moment, the scretary was just way too concerned… way too annoyed… to be able to hold it back… heck she was even a tad pissed…


Honestly, if Sojung isn’t sick, she wonders if she’ll even be alive right now…


With her body and mind currently too weak to move an inch further… Sojung had no choice but to hesitantly nod before instructing her secretary to where she could locate the documents… it only took her a minute to pass out, after she was finished explaining..










Eunbi wasn’t sure if she should be celebrating her victory against Sojung or not, but hands now digging through the bag that the older had told her to look, one thing was certain…


The bag is way bigger than it had looked on the outskirt… cause the amount of documents and files stacked in here were just ridiculous.


All those trees that died… but for what good?


Eunbi just couldn’t believe it, she just can’t fathom how that woman wanted to tackle all this by herself tonight with a burning fever.


Like.. you actually have to be insane to attempt such unrealistic tasks.


Flipping through the files though, if there’s one thing the secretary had noticed after skimming though page after page, it’s that the workload itself wasn’t actually too difficult, if anything, it was the quantity of it all that made the whole thing scary.


Anyone with basic marketing and contracting experience could finish it and she knows for a fact that Sojung knew about her prior work experiences, heck she saw the woman flip through her resume herself…



So it does bear one question doesn’t it…


Why in the world is Kim Sojung so adamant about doing everything by herself when she’s literally surrounded by overly-qualified people in and out. Eunbi included.


The secretary is aware that the company’s slogan is perfection. She’s been aware since the day she joined… and trust her, that ideal was very prominent the moment you stepped into the building… but is Sojung really so obsessed with the idea of

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Chapter 39: Great story, I'm glad you finished it 😊
Chapter 1: gfriend stories are so scarce, I'm glad I found this one 😍
SahyoForLife #3
Hi author-nim!! So I just read this fic (literally within 5 hours it was so good 🤌) and I was wondering if maybe you could add like a bonus chapter ( a chap maybe🤭) because we're desperately missing both of them so so much! anyways thank you for this story entirely because it is the best no doubt 🙌
162 streak #4
Chapter 39: I just finished this and all I can say is that I’m in love. I’m in love with their story and I’m absolutely in love with the way you write author-nim. Not exaggerating or anything but I truly love your writing style so please keep it up. I’m so happy they got their happy ending, they both deserved it!!! Can’t wait to dive into your other stories!!!
162 streak #5
Chapter 33: DAMN, that last sentence gotta hurt. I do agree with Eunbi but I can also understand Sojung, it must be extremely hard having to come to terms to confronting your father
162 streak #6
Chapter 30: Crying while throwing up, neither of them deserve to go through this pain 😮‍💨😮‍💨 this is soooo good
162 streak #7
Chapter 28: Sojung’s feelings were portrayed here amazingly, I can even feel the frustration she is feeling. Not being able to live your life as you want to and love the people you want to love must be extremely horrible. Btw author-nim I’ve been reading this and it’s soooo good!!!! Thank you for mentioning it in your other storie 🤭 hehehe
Chapter 9: I wonder what kind of ual harassment policy does Aphrodite’s Fashion have.
Andrea_97 #9
Chapter 35: I came time to time to reread this, thank you so much for finish this fic. hope you can write some fic with wonha and sinrin...really miss those ships and you write teally good so I'll like to read something with this ships writing by you
otherwise_decision #10
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: You had me in the first half (dream sequence), not gonna lie.

I did a double take and had to flip back to end of Chapter 1 just to make sure I hadn't lost my marbles XD