Another Glass

Secretary's Secret
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For just how long had Eunbi been walking now...?


From the ache of her legs... surely it's been ages...


Crap... why? Why won't it just stop aching already?


It honestly seems no matter how much her legs ached... no matter how far she would drag them along the sidewalk, it truly seems the pain in her legs was nothing compared to what she was feeling within her chest.


You should've seen this coming Eunbi, you have no one to blame but yourself.


The blonde would repeatably torture herself with those dull, yet piercing words.


Perhaps pain isn't the right word to describe how she is feeling... because whatever she was feeling right now in her heart... oh boy... it was so much more than just pain...








Eunbi doesn't know anymore.


The only thing she's remotely aware of is no matter how hard she tries, she can't get the image of Sojung and Eunwoo out of her head.


Why Sojung? Just why?


You promised you promised me it would all be okay, you promised me this would all be over.. so why? 


Why in the world did you kiss him?




If the pain won't go away, at the very least Eunbi would like it to be numb. 


And that's when her legs finally came to a halt.


In front of a door, she would've otherwise never imagined herself to step in front of.


A bar.




It hurt her like a wave.


A smell she had grown to despise so much.


The very pungent wif of strong booze, searing its way through Eunbi's nostril burning them in the process, but still, she continued walking... deeper and deeper into the hive, choosing the closest seat to the bar table to get served immediately.


"Hey there pretty lady" A man in his 40s, very obviously on his last straw and drunk as a bat, took his seat next to Eunbi as soon as the secretary sat down. If it wasn't obvious from his demeanour then it was for sure no secret from his breath. 


Now under normal circumstances, Eunbi would've immediately gotten up and distanced herself from the stranger, not wishing for any trouble to arise her way...


However, today wasn't a normal day and the secretary really does not have any s left to give. Any fear that her body might've once had, has completely vanished along with every other emotion.


She was absolutely drained.


"It's rare to find a beauty sitting here alone at such an hour, care for the company?" His sweaty skin left the biggest ick in Eunbi's stomach not to mention he didn't try at all to hide the ring on his ring finger. 


A sad attempt indeed. 

" off" was all Eunbi said in the end, looking away before ordering herself the strongest drink she could find on the menu.


"Excuse me!?" The man was getting angry, she could tell, his beer belly bounced as he stood up from his seat, trying to grab Eunbi's arm amidst the moment. "What did you say to me?"

"I said" The blonde slapped his hand away before he could grab her. ". Off."

"You got some nerve" The man was really angry now, his voice boomed across the bar, causing a few heads to spin. "Who do you think you are you bit-"

"Sir!" A voice intercepted from behind the bar. It was the bartender who had Eunbi's drink ready in her hand. "Quiet down, please. You are disturbing the other customers" She continued. 


The woman looked to be in around her early to mid-20s. Her skin was nice and pale, with her hair tied up in a neat bun and her voice was very stern yet feminine. Honestly, if you were to ask Eunbi, the woman looked way too pretty to be working at a sleazy bar like this. Her sense of style was not bad either, it was not at all over the top or anything, actually, it was quite subtle and clean... very different to how she would expect a typical bartender to dress, but all in all it's not as if it didn't suit the role either.


As pretty and neat as a secretary. Was the first thought that came to mind.


"Mind your own business!" The old man retaliated before giving the bartender girl a glare. "I'm paying you a tip, so you better shut your mouth if you still want your money."


"Ok. Listen, dude." The girl slammed her hand down on the bar table making Eunbi and the man flinch "I don't give a about your tip, you're scaring away all my customers who could've left way more money than your tiny pockets, so why don't you go home to your little wife and try to fix your ty marriage instead of harassing this poor girl who's clearly not interested."



"Leave. Now" Her voice was final. "Or I will have one of my security guards throw you out."


The man wanted to say something back, maybe even considered throwing hands for a moment, but as soon as he saw the big, tall and buff security guard approach him... he could do nothing but mutter a few curse words under his breath before quickly leaving the vicinity. 


"Good riddance" the bartender placed Eunbi's drink down in front of her, giving the girl a small apol

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Chapter 39: Great story, I'm glad you finished it 😊
Chapter 1: gfriend stories are so scarce, I'm glad I found this one 😍
SahyoForLife #3
Hi author-nim!! So I just read this fic (literally within 5 hours it was so good 🤌) and I was wondering if maybe you could add like a bonus chapter ( a chap maybe🤭) because we're desperately missing both of them so so much! anyways thank you for this story entirely because it is the best no doubt 🙌
162 streak #4
Chapter 39: I just finished this and all I can say is that I’m in love. I’m in love with their story and I’m absolutely in love with the way you write author-nim. Not exaggerating or anything but I truly love your writing style so please keep it up. I’m so happy they got their happy ending, they both deserved it!!! Can’t wait to dive into your other stories!!!
162 streak #5
Chapter 33: DAMN, that last sentence gotta hurt. I do agree with Eunbi but I can also understand Sojung, it must be extremely hard having to come to terms to confronting your father
162 streak #6
Chapter 30: Crying while throwing up, neither of them deserve to go through this pain 😮‍💨😮‍💨 this is soooo good
162 streak #7
Chapter 28: Sojung’s feelings were portrayed here amazingly, I can even feel the frustration she is feeling. Not being able to live your life as you want to and love the people you want to love must be extremely horrible. Btw author-nim I’ve been reading this and it’s soooo good!!!! Thank you for mentioning it in your other storie 🤭 hehehe
Chapter 9: I wonder what kind of ual harassment policy does Aphrodite’s Fashion have.
Andrea_97 #9
Chapter 35: I came time to time to reread this, thank you so much for finish this fic. hope you can write some fic with wonha and sinrin...really miss those ships and you write teally good so I'll like to read something with this ships writing by you
otherwise_decision #10
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: You had me in the first half (dream sequence), not gonna lie.

I did a double take and had to flip back to end of Chapter 1 just to make sure I hadn't lost my marbles XD