
Secretary's Secret
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"Miss Kim. Your secretary... Eunbi... she's passed out cold, could you please come and grab her?"



Sojung's fingers fumbled over the keys as she jumped into her car, nearly missing the ignition. "Where is Jung Eunbi?" she pressed the woman on the other line, her voice rising in urgency. It had been a long time since Sojung had driven herself. The engine roared to life and Sojung slammed the pedal to the floor, the tires squealing in protest as she flew out of the parking lot. Her knuckles whitened as she gripped the steering wheel, her gaze darting from the GPS to the road in front of her. Every second counted and she was determined to get to the specified location as quickly as possible.



"Damnit Eunbi..." She cursed under her breath, as she stared up at the red light that had her stuck in place. The woman's slender finger beat a rapid rhythm against the driver's wheel in frustration. Her impatience was reaching its peak, and the dull hum of the engine was the only sound in the car as she waited for the light to change.



The CEO did not like to wait at all.



It's the middle of the night, there are no cars on the road just why is the red light taking so long!? she would frantically think to herself.



Her foot hovered over the accelerator, debating if she should risk it and speed past the red light. Her eyes scanned the area for any signs of hidden cameras as the light stayed red. She was just about to press on the gas when the traffic light finally changed to green. Her heart rate kicked up a notch as she stepped on the gas, taking one more quick glance around to confirm she was not being watched before speeding off.






Sojung almost passed the bar by, its entrance was so lowkey she'd never have noticed it if not for the neon-lit sign on the door. She had never heard of the neighbourhood before, and the area was rather questionable.



Stepping in, she took in the smells of stale beer and cigarettes, and the sounds of old rock music blaring from inside. Her eyes surveyed the people inside as she began to walk deeper into the bar. Every head turned as she entered, and she could feel their stares burning into her like laser beams, being the only one dressed differently in the room. She had a feeling in here, nobody would recognise who Kim Sojung is, her status being left long away, deep in the city, rendering her nothing but an outsider.



The CEO couldn't remember the last time she had stepped into a vicinity like this.



"Eunbi, where on earth are you?" She muttered to herself as her eyes scanned the area before locking onto a security guard. She walked up to him with a determined stride, and the tall, muscular man instantly responded, leading her to a room at the back, meant for staff only. When Sojung opened the door, she was met with the sight of her secretary sprawled out on an old, saggy couch. Beside her, a woman was seated on the ground, her demeanour exuding exhaustion, although the CEO couldn't be completely sure as her eyes hardly left Eunbi. A hundred questions ran through her mind then, but one thing was certain: she had finally found her secretary.






Two heads snapped her way, but her eyes only focused on the blonde as she ran and kneeled beside her. "Eunbi... are you alright?"



"Sojung..?" The secretary stirred, her eyes slowly opening at the mere sound of her boss's voice. She was barely conscious..

"Sojung, you idiot...You idiot you--" The shorter figure began, throwing light punches at the taller one whilst still lying down. Not a single one connected, her drunkenness taking over again, her head swaying as she slipped in and out of consciousness.


"She's been like this for a while," the woman who took care of Eunbi spoke up, "but it'll be alright. She's just had a few too many tonight"



Sojung's eyes stayed fixed on the blonde woman, "I see..." her words began to trail off as she took in her secretary's appearance. Even in her drunken state, the woman's face was clearly distressed, her body limp and unsteady. Her clothes, normally pristine, were now dishevelled and stained with some kind of dirt, and her hair was a tangled mess of blonde curls. Sojung watched the younger with a feeling of dread, her heart clenching as she took in the sight before her. Eunbi's eyes were puffy and red from crying, and the smell of alcohol was sharp in the air; the way she had also spat out Sojung's name in disdain was like a knife through her heart.


Every detail was like a physical blow, and she hated that Eunbi was suffering, all because of her. All she wanted to do was protect her and keep her from any type of pain. But here she was, the cause of it.



"It'll probably be best to take her home and let her rest up. She'll sober up by tomorrow morning" The bartender added.



"Thank you... for taking care of her... I appreciate it." Hands holding onto Eunbi now, Sojung turned towards the kind stranger, she wanted to give the other her regards... until seeing the other quite literally made her entire body stop as her eyes widened in shock.



Sojung's hands that were gripping onto her secretary suddenly loosened as she stood up in shock, her eyes widening in disbelief. Her mind raced a million miles an hour.



"E-Eunbi!?" she gasped. "Hwang Eunbi?"



The kind stranger in front of her slowly stood up and offered her a sad smile. "It's been a while hasn't it?"



The usually composed CEO who always had something to say, could find no words to express her inner turmoil. Every single emotion she was feeling at that moment was written all over her face.



She stood there motionless, her gaze fixed on the woman whom she had not seen for some time now. She was no stranger at all.






She was someone Sojung once held dearly to her heart....



Someone who came into her life and swept her off her feet in the most unexpected of ways...



Someone who was always able to make a snarky remark at the older whenever she gave the other an order... acting as a refreshing wif of fresh air.



Someone who would confidently challenge Sojung despite her CEO status.



Someone who was never afraid.



She was the first person to show Sojung what a life of carefreeness and freedom could look like... and the last person to show her how that very treasure can be taken away just as quickly when you get too greedy.



Hwang Eunbi...



Sojung's very first secretary...



The one that got away.






The one that was taken away from her.



"Eunbi- I- you-" The CEO was struggling to find the right words to say. "You work here now?" was all that her racing brain could come up with in the end.



"Over a year now" The girl gave her a small grin... but her eyes told a different story. They reflected the same story as Sojung's. At that moment, the very same thought spiralled around them... reminding them of the tragic day when both their lives would change forever.



No words could explain the amount of remorse Sojung felt for the girl and for a very long time, she wanted nothing more than to stand in front of her and just apologise over and over again.






"Sojung" the now bartender interrupted the CEO before she could say something they really shouldn't discuss right now. "It's fine, let's just get your secretary home." She gestures at the now unconscious woman still lying flatly on the couch, unaware of the commotion happening around her.






Without any further thoughts on the matter, Sojung instinctively grabbed hold of the blonde Eunbi into her arms and carried her up bridal style.



"I can call for a cab"



"No need. I drove here"


"Oh." Hwang Eunbi, during her entire time as Kim Sojung's secretary had never once been driven by Sojung before.

"Here" she placed the blonde's wallet in Sojung's right coat pocket before she could forget. "It's her wallet. She dropped it when she fell unconscious. I had to look for her ID so I could call someone for her... didn't think I'll end up seeing you again." The ex-secretary took a step back before giving Sojung another one of her charming... yet sad smiles again.



"Eunbi was it? the world has a weird sense of humour doesn't it"  She continued trying to make the atmosphere lighter, but Sojung knew better.



There was one point in Sojung's life when she swore she knew Hwang Eunbi better than herself.






"It's SinB now, actually."



"Oh.. SinB-" Sojung really didn't know what to say to that at all. It's funny really... because there were so many words stuck in her chest, just beaming to come out at once... so many unresolved feelings that have yet to be said... yet when push came to shove... the CEO found her mind to be completely blank.



"I'll help you get her in the car. Come on."


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Chapter 39: Great story, I'm glad you finished it 😊
Chapter 1: gfriend stories are so scarce, I'm glad I found this one 😍
SahyoForLife #3
Hi author-nim!! So I just read this fic (literally within 5 hours it was so good 🤌) and I was wondering if maybe you could add like a bonus chapter ( a chap maybe🤭) because we're desperately missing both of them so so much! anyways thank you for this story entirely because it is the best no doubt 🙌
162 streak #4
Chapter 39: I just finished this and all I can say is that I’m in love. I’m in love with their story and I’m absolutely in love with the way you write author-nim. Not exaggerating or anything but I truly love your writing style so please keep it up. I’m so happy they got their happy ending, they both deserved it!!! Can’t wait to dive into your other stories!!!
162 streak #5
Chapter 33: DAMN, that last sentence gotta hurt. I do agree with Eunbi but I can also understand Sojung, it must be extremely hard having to come to terms to confronting your father
162 streak #6
Chapter 30: Crying while throwing up, neither of them deserve to go through this pain 😮‍💨😮‍💨 this is soooo good
162 streak #7
Chapter 28: Sojung’s feelings were portrayed here amazingly, I can even feel the frustration she is feeling. Not being able to live your life as you want to and love the people you want to love must be extremely horrible. Btw author-nim I’ve been reading this and it’s soooo good!!!! Thank you for mentioning it in your other storie 🤭 hehehe
Chapter 9: I wonder what kind of ual harassment policy does Aphrodite’s Fashion have.
Andrea_97 #9
Chapter 35: I came time to time to reread this, thank you so much for finish this fic. hope you can write some fic with wonha and sinrin...really miss those ships and you write teally good so I'll like to read something with this ships writing by you
otherwise_decision #10
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: You had me in the first half (dream sequence), not gonna lie.

I did a double take and had to flip back to end of Chapter 1 just to make sure I hadn't lost my marbles XD