Secretary's Secret

Secretary's Secret
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The taller woman walked over to the bench the latter had been sitting on, gazing at the grassy sea of colors within the flower park as she waited for Sojung's arrival.


"It's SinB," the now blue-haired woman corrected as she watched the other take a seat next to her.


"Sorry, I'm still trying to get used to that."


"I would think it would be easier, considering your girlfriend's name is Eunbi."


Sojung stared at SinB in silence in response to that comment, wearing a small smile. However, SinB misinterpreted the signs.


"Wait." The younger turned her whole body towards Sojung "She is your girlfriend now correct?"

Sojung couldn't help but emit a soft, almost musical laugh at SinB's question. The mirth danced in her eyes as she responded, "Yes, SinB. She's my girlfriend now."


The younger's shoulders visibly dropped in relaxation before turning back around to face the scenery ahead and letting out a content sigh.


"Good. I did not go through all that trouble just to have you two play hide and seek with your feelings again."


"You were the one that gave us that chance. I wish there were more words to show you my gratitude... but really, SinB, thank you."


A warm sensation enveloped SinB's chest upon hearing Sojung's words. It seemed that some things in life didn't change as quickly as one might anticipate. "You don't have to thank me, Sojung. As I mentioned, I wanted to uphold the promise I made. Besides, I wouldn't have managed any of it without Yewon and your Eunbi's assistance."


"Yewon is the police friend you met, correct?"


"I assume Eunbi filled you in then?"

"Bits and pieces" 


"She's a chatty one that girl' SinB lets out a small laugh out of her nose before facing the taller with a subtle smile. "She gave us a good percentage of incriminating evidence of your old man's corruptions. I'm offended Ma'am even I was never able to tap into your father's work share, but she literally just pulled out her laptop and gave us everything."

"Those were desperate times, I suppose. But I don't regret it now."


"Neither. It was the finishing touches we needed after Yewon's team's private investigation of your father. It gave them enough to form a case and carry out the arrest."


"And you were able to convince her to do that?" The taller inquired with a lifted eyebrow.


"Not entirely. I mean, we became quite close, and she empathized with my situation, but they had been suspecting the company's wrongdoing for a while now, even before we met. For a long time, there would be reports received of company corruption that had gone conveniently and mysteriously missing. Let's just say your father and Eunwoo will not be the only ones facing the bars. Her chief officer will also be charged for taking their bribes."


"Well... that definitely sounds like my old man." Sojung leans back and joins SinB in admiring the scenery.


"Did you have a clue at all?"


"No, I thought I was the only one that was played into his hand."


"I figured." The younger picks up a flower below her and begins to pick at the petals. "You might look like a massive meanie, but deep down you care about the people around you more than anyone else." SinB's mind wavered back to the old days as she spoke when, as Sojung's secretary, the CEO would quite often order SinB to order coffee for various departments, check up on their well-being, and indirectly give permissions for early days through her. "Although you weren't short on being tough either; at the same time, you probably beat the world record on how quickly you scare and fire employees."


"Employee morale is important. But incompetence should never be tolerated. I pay them well for their time, after all."


"Here's to the scariest but nicest CEO in the world."


With a few lighthearted laughs, the two fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying the colorful natural scenery together.


Sojung was quite glad, at that moment, that she had taken her hay fever pills.


"They want someone to stand in now that my father's no longer able to take charge," Sojung finally broke the silence after a couple of seconds of listening to the blissful sounds of nature.


"I heard the board had asked you as their first choice."


"It was quite an awkward phone call, to say the least," Sojung responded sheepishly, scratching the back of her nape as she did so.


"I think you would be able to do it. You can finally turn it around."


"It would be ironic, wouldn't it?" Sojung lets out an amused sigh and shook her head. "The one place I had tried to escape might genuinely need me now. But I'm not sure if I'm up for the challenge. I already have Aphrodite's Fashion to worry about."

With a sly smile, SinB leans in towards Sojung as the latter instinctively backs away slightly. "Then go hire a secretary"


The CEO's pupils changed sizes as SinB's words registered in her mind. Silently, she began pondering the possibilities after all.


"SinB," Sojung suddenly called out. "How is your job so far?"


That question made SinB lean back. "Way to ruin the mood, Miss Double Down CEO. But no, it's fine. Management can get quite tough, and a bar job is a bar job, but overall I like the staff there. I wish I just had some more authority to change things, though."


"Like what?"


"Like... the management is . I wish I could change that... I'm managing the place half the time, to be completely honest."


"That's great!" Sojung's enthusiasm for SinB's complaint made the younger raise an eyebrow as the older scurried into her bag and brought out a file in her hands. "Here."


Curiously, the blue-haired woman grabbed the documents from Sojung's palms. "What's this?" Her entire mind came to a halt as she read the first sentence.



"I was looking to splurge recently," Sojung responded with a guilty grin on her face, "And I thought a bar investment would fit the list perfectly. Unfortunately, now I have to consider taking care of two companies, and I will be preparing for my father's trial soon, so my hands are really quite tied, you see... so I thought it would be a smart decision to hand this over to you instead. You can change anything you like there that displeases you now."


"Sojung- this- I can't-"


"SinB," Sojung placed her palm on top of SinB's hand, "Please take it," she continued in a much more serious yet sincere tone. "I have already fired the incompetent staff and hired a completely new management team." Sojung checked her wristwatch. "This morning."


SinB, in response, could say nothing but keep agape as she continued to listen.


"After that, you can let the management team run it and passively take the profits and control the finances of the business comfortably. If you ever have any problems with that aspect, you can contact me anytime, but knowing you as my prior secretary, I think you can do it with no problem." Sojung grabbed the other's hand tighter as she continued, "You will be the sole shareholder; please take this passive income and go live your life how you want. Continue your travels, practice new hobbies, and find a second job on the side... anything you like."


"Sojung- I really don't know what to say- I can't take this, it's way too much."


"No, SinB, it isn't. I want you... no, I need you to take it. It's the least I can do after everything you've done for me. After freeing me."


"Don't be so dramatic; I was just holding up my promise-"


"So am I."




"The day I hired you, I had told you: All that worked for me and worked for me well will be set for life under me. I failed that promise to you once; I don't plan on breaking it again. If you don't take it, you will be doing me a disservice."


"Sojung... you're... I..." She hid her face, eyes behind the documents she was holding but failed to cover the bottom of her face where water droplets could be seen trickling down towards her chin, despite those lips quivering into a small smile.


"I'm just so happy I was able to be your secretary, even if it was temporary, I'm just so happy I was your first"






As Eunbi gradually regained consciousness, her eyes adjusted to the surroundings. The rhythmic beating sound in her ears drew her attention, prompting her to lift her head to see what lay below.


She had drifted into slumber to the soothing rhythm of Sojung's heartbeat.


They were lying on Sojung's couch in the living room. A room that no longer mirrors the emptiness it had once possessed. With an array of colors, bringing warmth and life to the space. The once sterile atmosphere transformed into a cozy haven filled with memories of laughter, shared moments, and the undeniable presence of love. The walls, once bare, now whispered tales of the couple's journey, a testament to the transformation that occurred within the heart of the mansion.


Gazing at the woman beneath her, a warm and fluttering sensation spreads across Eunbi's chest as she becomes captivated, losing herself in the sight of the sleeping figure.


Without conscious thought, she starts to the older woman's hair gently. Her hands then descend, tracing a delicate path down Sojung's cheeks, chin, and neck. Even with disheveled hair and no makeup, Sojung still holds the title of the most beautiful angel Eunbi has ever laid eyes on.


Sojung.. you must be art... a masterpiece at that... because I am endlessly drawn to you...


She couldn't help but ponder to herself before the woman beneath her began to stir in her sleep. Finally, an eye opened and met hers as Sojung's hand grasped Eunbi's, which was still placed on her neck.


"Eunbi" Sojung's voice was slightly croaky from the slumber... but it did wonders to make the pink-haired woman's heart to skip a beat.


"Did I wake you?"

"I'm glad you did," she continued with a lazy smile before placing her free hand behind the shorter's nape and pulling her down, their lips meeting in a soft kiss. "Hmm... yeah," Sojung said between the kisses. "Definitely happy I'm awake now."

"Since when were you able to be so cheesy?" Eunbi lightly chuckled into Sojung's lips one more time before nuzzling her head into the latter's neck."

"I'm not quite sure... but," the CEO gently Eunbi's hair. "I think it has something to do with you."



"Something to do with the way your hair always smells like cherry blossoms," she said as she continued to Eunbi's hair, her fingers gliding down towards her cheeks. "And the cute little expressions you make when I compliment you."




Her voice was full of mirth, but her fingers continued to trail down, slowing towards the neck and collarbones, where her index fingers traced the defined contours. "And the way your body feels to the touch."


Eunbi found herself reacting to Sojung's touch, her heart rate picking up as the tone in Sojung's voice began to change. As the exploration continued, a warm rush of blood deepened the color of her already blushed cheeks.


She had an idea of where Sojung was going with this.


"And the way you react to my touch"

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Chapter 39: Great story, I'm glad you finished it 😊
Chapter 1: gfriend stories are so scarce, I'm glad I found this one 😍
SahyoForLife #3
Hi author-nim!! So I just read this fic (literally within 5 hours it was so good 🤌) and I was wondering if maybe you could add like a bonus chapter ( a chap maybe🤭) because we're desperately missing both of them so so much! anyways thank you for this story entirely because it is the best no doubt 🙌
162 streak #4
Chapter 39: I just finished this and all I can say is that I’m in love. I’m in love with their story and I’m absolutely in love with the way you write author-nim. Not exaggerating or anything but I truly love your writing style so please keep it up. I’m so happy they got their happy ending, they both deserved it!!! Can’t wait to dive into your other stories!!!
162 streak #5
Chapter 33: DAMN, that last sentence gotta hurt. I do agree with Eunbi but I can also understand Sojung, it must be extremely hard having to come to terms to confronting your father
162 streak #6
Chapter 30: Crying while throwing up, neither of them deserve to go through this pain 😮‍💨😮‍💨 this is soooo good
162 streak #7
Chapter 28: Sojung’s feelings were portrayed here amazingly, I can even feel the frustration she is feeling. Not being able to live your life as you want to and love the people you want to love must be extremely horrible. Btw author-nim I’ve been reading this and it’s soooo good!!!! Thank you for mentioning it in your other storie 🤭 hehehe
Chapter 9: I wonder what kind of ual harassment policy does Aphrodite’s Fashion have.
Andrea_97 #9
Chapter 35: I came time to time to reread this, thank you so much for finish this fic. hope you can write some fic with wonha and sinrin...really miss those ships and you write teally good so I'll like to read something with this ships writing by you
otherwise_decision #10
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: You had me in the first half (dream sequence), not gonna lie.

I did a double take and had to flip back to end of Chapter 1 just to make sure I hadn't lost my marbles XD