Sua & Yoohyeon

Dreamcatcher Imagines

Just when nothing could get any worse, the girl that Bora detests walks into her room.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Bora rolls her eyes at the girl. Walking unannounced into her room? She was walking right through her death.


"What do you want Kim." Yoohyeon pouts, leaning against the door, eyes never leaving the small woman.

"Oh nothing. Just Kim Yoohyeon your favorite girl wanting to bother you. Why else?"


Bora scoffs, annoyance on her face as she turns around to fix her bed.


Both girls stayed silent, the awkwardness in the room making a small brunette girl uncomfortable, the other? Not so much. In fact she was enjoying it.


Yoohyeon is the first to break the silence. "How much?" 


The brunette girl furrows in confusion. "What? Wha the hell are talking about?" She questions, but the tall girl is standing right in front of her when she turns around.


Yoohyeon was too close. To close for Bora's comfort. Too close for her stupid heart. Too close that she could feel her breath.


"Yoo-Yoohyeon wh-what the ware talking about?" She amantes to utter out. But Yoohyeon, the stupid Kim Yoohyeon was making it hard for the older girl.


Yoohyeon leans even closer, whispering to her ears. "You know what I mean. You can't lie to me." Lips brush against her ears. Bora shudders, swallowing the lump in .


Why did Yoohyeon have to so pretty? Why did her stupid heart beat for the girl? Bora hated it. Hated that Kim Yoohyeon laws her like this. Like how she desperately wants to kiss those lips.


Bora manages to look away form those lips. Lips that were so god damn kissable. She wondered how they would feel against her own.


"Bora." She snaps back to reality. Yoohyeon was eyeing her very closely a teasing smirk on her lips.


Bora's eyes widen.


She's been caught.


"You know Bora. You're not very good at lying, your body language betrays you." She laughs.


Oh god. Even Yoohyeon's laugh is making Bora feel things.


"I-is that right?"


Yoohyeon leans forward, body pressing into Bora's, their body's fitting perfectly against each other.


Neither girl wanted to admit it, but they both knew there was no going back to what was about to happen next. Maybe they didn't want it.


"Yoohyeon..." Bora whispers, voice hush. Yoohyeon hums, eyes searching for something.


"What are we doing?" Bora continues, eyes looking into Yoohyeon's hesitating ones.


"I don't know." Yoohyeon whispers back.


Lips brush against each other. Even that little brush of lips, felt like electricity running though their entire body's.


What would it feel actually kissing? They thought.


Yoohyeon leans forward, hands gently gripping Bora's hips against her. Bora wraps her hands around Yoohyeon's neck, gently tugging her to her lips.


And just when they were about to kiss, a loud voice makes them jump away from each other, startled by the intrusion.


Bora looks between a flustered Yoohyeon and to the person who very rudely interrupted them.


"What's going on?" Gahyeon looks between the two girls who looks visibly flustered.


"I-I got to g-go!" Yoohyeon hurriedly replies, stumbling with her own two feet on the way out.


Bora groans, eyeing Gahyeon.


Gahyeon looks at Bora with wide eyes.


"Oh my god! Don't tell you were about to ki—"


"Lee Gahyeon! Knock next time!"


Gahyeon being a third wheel, now barging in on a suyoo kiss? Gahyeonie how could you 😔

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I wan to thank you to all of you that have subscribed and upvoted this story! ❤️

I hope you enjoyed reading it even if it was not the best writing, but I doI hope you all enjoyed it till the end! Thank you!


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1197 streak #1
Chapter 156: Oh now that's just being a tease Dongie!!!
akrr1997 #2
Chapter 154: <3
Chapter 110: why are they so cute😭
akrr1997 #4
Chapter 141: So cute ~
akrr1997 #5
Chapter 142: Lol I can totally see Bora act like a clingy koala!
IceStar #6
Chapter 140: You can count on Pie to get them to make up. Lol 😆
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 140: That was a roller coaster ride! Good job, Pie!

Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 139: I definitely can’t blame you, Bora or Yoohyeon. Handong is driving me insaneeeeeeeee!

Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #9
Chapter 136: You had me all mushy with Yoohyeon x Handong, only to stab my heart with Dami x Jiu, just to stitch it back with Sua x Yoohyeon! And as always, I enjoyed the roller coaster ride :)

Thank you for updating!