Minji & Yoohyeon

Dreamcatcher Imagines

Night comes pretty quickly for young Yoohyeon as she waits patiently in bed for her sister. 

It's 10:20 when the door opens quietly and Minji comes in looking ragged and dirty. Blood covers her, blood that is not normal, not like human blood. The blood that covered Minji from head to toe was a dark purple, blood from a vampire.

Yoohyeon beams at her older sister jumping out of bed, "You're back!" She exclaims with a giant smile.

Minji's face softens, chuckling as arms wrap around her into a warm hug.

"I'm back Yoohyeonie. Were you today? I'm sorry I wasn't here all day." Minji apologizes, a small frown in her face. Yoohyeon shakes her head, burying her face into Minji's stomach.

She was still so small. Minji smiles, gaze filled with love and adoration for her baby sister.

They stay like that for an awhile, enjoying the warmth and peacefulness that their hug and home brings to them.

It's different outside the safety of their clan. Minji sighs, tension slowly leaving her body.

Outside was filled with danger, filled with blood thirsty vampires that sought to kill all hunters alike. The reason for their declining numbers.

Minji tightens her grip onto Yoohyeon, kissing the top of her head. The memories of today replaying in her head like a movie. Her close encounter with death, the deaths of her fellow hunters, the way the small vampire had her hand wrapped around Minji's throat, teeth baring down to take a bite.

She shivers at the memory shaking her head to rid of it, even just for the rest of the night. Though the bruising in her neck is a reminder of today.



"Let me take a quick shower okay? Wait for me in bed." Minji says, causing a small whine from Yoohyeon and a laugh from Minji.

"I'll be quick, I promise." She laughs, not being able to contain her smile.

Yoohyeon is sprawled in bed, snoring quietly as Minji exits the bathroom.

She chuckles, "Yooh, I now you're not asleep."

Yoohyeon whines, legs kicking up and down in a small tantrum, "How do you even know?! What If I was really sleeping?!" Yoohyeon exclaims, eyes wide. How was it that Minji always knew?! It must be a superpower that all older sisters have, yeah that must be it.

Yoohyeon huffs, dropping back to bed. Minji joins her shortly after, not before tickling her, laughter erupting in their room.

It's late at night when alarms ring through the clan. Minji jumps out of bed, already half way at the door when Yoohyeon wakes up, rubbing at her eyes.

"Big sis..?"

A million thoughts run through Minji's mind. Her head snaps at the door. The screams and cries of those outside crying for help, the sound of deep and emotionless laughter coming from outside, the sound of bodies dropping like flies.

But Minji's only thought comes back to Yoohyeon. Her baby sister.

Yoohyeon barely registers her sisters voice or the sounds of screams outside. But she does remember, vividly remembers Minji's sad smile and her last "I love you." Before putting back the wooden planks back in place.

Minji's heart clenches, beating so fast she wonders if she'll die right there and then. But that thought doesn't last long.

The front door's kicked open. Minji curses under her breath, her weapons on the other side of the room, where the vampire stood.

"Well you're y." He husks, fingers running over their furniture, before stopping at a pile of clothes. He grips it in hand inhaling the scent, a wide grin makes it way to his face.

Minji's eyes widen at the piece of clothing he's holding.

"Looks like someone else is here." He taunts.

Minji is quick to snap out of her thoughts, dodging and keeping up with the vampires inhuman speed.

Fists clash, laughter echoing as she's thrown into the wall with a groan.

Head fuzzy, rough hands wrap around Minji's throat. She winces, the purpling bruising from last night tender.

Yoohyeon can hear the groans of her sister, the sound of furniture being thrown. She does her best to drown of the sound, but a part of her is curious. Minji's talked about vampires, her clan has schooled her about them. She's been taught that vampires are demons, emotionless, strong and beautiful.

But what little Yoohyeon can see from the crack of the plank is one ugly vampire. 

She gasps as Minji is thrown against the wall, a large hand wrapping around her sisters throat. Minji is struggling to get out of his hold, but she's doing her best to protect Yoohyeon no matter what.

Yoohyeon sees. How the male vampire bares his fangs. She screams out.


Minji's eyes widen," No Yoohyeon! Stay back!" She cries out.

It's no use against the vampire. Her strength was quickly depleting, her body heavily exhausted. She silently cries as her baby sister fights, her tiny fists punching and kicking, but with no avail.

Yoohyeon...I'm so sorry...

Yoohyeon screams out in horror as her sister's body goes limp. Head twisted in an odd angle.

She falls to her knees, cradling Minji.

The vampire steps back scoffing, a sinister smile on his lips.

Yoohyeon holds her sister in her tiny arms, her cries coming out as puffs of air.

Minji...big sis...please wake up.

Rough hands yank her as she screams, arms flailing to be free. It's no use. Yoohyeon just hopelessly watches as she gets further and further away from Minji.

There was something Minji had told her once.

"What do you mean?" Yoohyeon tilts her head, not understanding.

Minji is looking at her all serious, "Do you know why vampires don't kill children?" She shakes her head.

Minji sighs, "To turn them to vampires...and in doing so they forget all their memories, of their loved ones, everyone. All they know and see when they wake up are vampires around them, brainwashed." She finishes looking down at their intertwined hands, she smiles softly at it, a hint of sadness behind her eyes.

Yoohyeon frowns looking down, "Is that what happened to Bora unnie?" Minji lets out a soft whimper, eyes pooling with tears, memories flashing, the sound of Bora's voice ringing through her ears, as if she was next to her.



Yoohyeon is 9 when she looses her humanity and her memories.

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I wan to thank you to all of you that have subscribed and upvoted this story! ❤️

I hope you enjoyed reading it even if it was not the best writing, but I doI hope you all enjoyed it till the end! Thank you!


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1197 streak #1
Chapter 156: Oh now that's just being a tease Dongie!!!
akrr1997 #2
Chapter 154: <3
Chapter 110: why are they so cute😭
akrr1997 #4
Chapter 141: So cute ~
akrr1997 #5
Chapter 142: Lol I can totally see Bora act like a clingy koala!
IceStar #6
Chapter 140: You can count on Pie to get them to make up. Lol 😆
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 140: That was a roller coaster ride! Good job, Pie!

Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 139: I definitely can’t blame you, Bora or Yoohyeon. Handong is driving me insaneeeeeeeee!

Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #9
Chapter 136: You had me all mushy with Yoohyeon x Handong, only to stab my heart with Dami x Jiu, just to stitch it back with Sua x Yoohyeon! And as always, I enjoyed the roller coaster ride :)

Thank you for updating!