I’ll always love you - SuA & Siyeon

Dreamcatcher Imagines

two years, its been two years since I've last saw you. I miss you. You've probably already moved on, but i haven't, yet. I've always been a hopeless romantic, I saw our future together, getting married, adopting kids, growing old together. It didn't happen like that.


It hurts, it still hurts till this day. I'm sorry for not being there as much, I had a reason, but now that reason doesn't matter anymore. 


I love you Siyeon, with all my heart. I'll always love your contagious smile, your laugh, your beautiful body.


I got your invitation, your getting married!Congratulations! I'm happy for you. I promise I'll make it, I will make it just to see your beautiful smile one last time.


So, this is the end of my letter, I guess? This so awkward, I'm not good with writing handwritten letters, you should know by now.


Ah, I'm so going to cringe when reading this over.


Anyways, Lee Siyeon, my beautiful Siyeon, my first lover, my second kiss, (I lied when I said you were my first kiss, sorrryy) you Lee Siyeon will always have my heart, I'll always love you my beautiful Singnie.



your little beast Sua ;)


Siyeon shed tears of guilt and regret. Feeling  all kinds of emotions while holding the crumbled piece of paper in her heart.


"You liar! You never made it." She quietly whispered the last sentence with more tears running down. I'm sorry i hurt you Sua, I never meant to hurt you.


She looks up at the cloudy sky, remembering all their happy memories they made together, all their dreams, their wishes.


Siyeon smiles at all their memorable memories together, all the fun times they had, the good times where we were both happy.


You'll always be in my heart, I'll always love you Sua.

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I wan to thank you to all of you that have subscribed and upvoted this story! ❤️

I hope you enjoyed reading it even if it was not the best writing, but I doI hope you all enjoyed it till the end! Thank you!


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1197 streak #1
Chapter 156: Oh now that's just being a tease Dongie!!!
akrr1997 #2
Chapter 154: <3
Chapter 110: why are they so cute😭
akrr1997 #4
Chapter 141: So cute ~
akrr1997 #5
Chapter 142: Lol I can totally see Bora act like a clingy koala!
IceStar #6
Chapter 140: You can count on Pie to get them to make up. Lol 😆
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 140: That was a roller coaster ride! Good job, Pie!

Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 139: I definitely can’t blame you, Bora or Yoohyeon. Handong is driving me insaneeeeeeeee!

Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #9
Chapter 136: You had me all mushy with Yoohyeon x Handong, only to stab my heart with Dami x Jiu, just to stitch it back with Sua x Yoohyeon! And as always, I enjoyed the roller coaster ride :)

Thank you for updating!