Yoohyeon & JiU

Dreamcatcher Imagines

"JiU?" Yoohyeon whispered, slowly opening the bedroom door.


Sniffles could be heard from inside, guilt started to fill her up.


She walked in slowly making her way to where JiU was all wrapped up in blankets like a burrito. "JiU, I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it you know." She slowly said, sitting by the end of the bed, far enough to give JiU some space.


She looked down to her hands, nervously playing with them. She didn't really know what to say or how to apologize. Sure JiU and her have had their fair fights since the start of their relationship, it's what every couple goes through.


But still...whenever they fought...Yoohyeon was the one to always apologize.


JiU heard her, and it was her fault to begin with, for doubting Yoohyeon that she cheated on her. She knew she was at fault and should be the one apologizing instead of Yoohyeon.


Guilt was eating her up, she didn't want Yoohyeon to be the one apologizing, it should be her.


She sniffled unwrapping herself from the piles of blankets that covered her. She sat up facing Yoohyeon who was looking down on her hands.


Her heart ached seeing her like that. "Yoohyeonie..." she began. "I-I should be the one to apologize, for doubting you like that. I know you would never cheat or would ever dare to, I just..." she choked up tears falling once again. "I-The thought of loosing you scared me." She finished looking down at her lap.


Yoohyeon felt sad that JiU would ever think that, she would never think to ever cheat on JiU, that girl was her whole world.


Yoohyeon stood up walking to bring JiU into a hug, JiU gladly accepted it, patting an empty spot so Yoohyeon could sit down and hug her.


"I still want to apologize I was still in the wrong as well—" Yoohyeon began but was cut of by soft lips on her own.


JiU kisses her sweetly. "Let's just forget about this whole thing."


"Cuddle me?"


Yoohyeon happily gave JiU her cuddles. "Of course bunny."

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I wan to thank you to all of you that have subscribed and upvoted this story! ❤️

I hope you enjoyed reading it even if it was not the best writing, but I doI hope you all enjoyed it till the end! Thank you!


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1197 streak #1
Chapter 156: Oh now that's just being a tease Dongie!!!
akrr1997 #2
Chapter 154: <3
Chapter 110: why are they so cute😭
akrr1997 #4
Chapter 141: So cute ~
akrr1997 #5
Chapter 142: Lol I can totally see Bora act like a clingy koala!
IceStar #6
Chapter 140: You can count on Pie to get them to make up. Lol 😆
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 140: That was a roller coaster ride! Good job, Pie!

Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 139: I definitely can’t blame you, Bora or Yoohyeon. Handong is driving me insaneeeeeeeee!

Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #9
Chapter 136: You had me all mushy with Yoohyeon x Handong, only to stab my heart with Dami x Jiu, just to stitch it back with Sua x Yoohyeon! And as always, I enjoyed the roller coaster ride :)

Thank you for updating!