Life Within Two Worlds • (MICHAENG)

Mina sigh when she arrives at her school “Another tiring day” she walks inside of the campus to find her room for her first subject in the morning.

On the second floor where her room is located she saw Nayeon is having a talk with her another classmates.

“Hey Mina you are finally here.. oh my god what happened to your face! You look horrible! What is that thing on your face?? Is that a band aid?! Who did that to you!” She stood up from her seat and she tries to touch her face.

“Hey that hurts” she remove Nayeon’s finger on her face.

“Who did that to you?” she pouts.

Mina didn’t want to talk about what happened to her face that’s why she let out her medical books that are so thick.

Nayeon just sigh when Mina just let our her books “Mina, you are also a person don’t let anyone touch that beautiful face of yours”

Mina and Nayeon startled when a loud voice interrupts their conversation “Everyone! our professor said that our class for today got cancelled. You may go home now”

Mina pack her belongings and she stood up while Nayeon is on her back following her.

“Someone slap me last night while i’m on my shift in Itaewon”

“SEE! You need to quit that part time Mina! That environment is not good for you!” Nayeon wants to quit Mina because she noticed that every time she attends the morning session she always have a bruise on her face it is not that huge “I know but the salary is quite enough to survive me in this world”

“What happened to that person then?”

“He is dead”

Nayeon became confused and they stop from walking “W-what? Why? How? Don’t tell me... you killed him?!” Mina shook her head.

“Ridiculous” she chuckled to the thought that she has a guts to kill someone “He had an heart attack while he is attacking me. Thank god someone stopped him” she added.

What really actually happened last night:

The blasting sound of music that is coming out from the speaker makes Chaeyoung’s mind dizzy. 

So this is the club, looks terrible.

Some people are looking at Chaeyoung because of her eyes that are glowing in the dark.

Sometimes I regret that I became also a human

Dahyun and Chaeyoung found themseleves seating on a bar stool where different types of drinks are showing in front of them.

“One choco tequila please” Dahyun asked to the bartender who is busy shaking some orders.

“How about you Master Chaeyoung?”

“Just Juice”

“And juice also!”

The bartender nods and he start to mixing up some liquors that are on the glass shelf.

Chaeyoung on the other hand is staring to those people who are dancing. While she is looking to each individual, her left pocket became heavy.

Another person who will die this night

Chaeyoung fish out the envelope from her left pocket.

Lee Min Seok

3:56 AM

Cause of Death: Heart Attack

Chaeyoung leans to Dahyun’s ear “Don’t drink too much we have a job to do” Dahyun stops from drinking and she wipes the corner of .

“Who is it?”

Chaeyoung is looking at the crowd, looking for the person who will died for that night.

The grim reaper heard a shout from a man. He looks on his east where the noise came from.

“YAH! Don’t you know how to work properly?!”

So you are Lee Min Seok

A 25 year old man and he looks very young, he got the idol look, tall, rich but boastful.

“Can’t you see I am wearing an expensive clothes? Then you have the guts to spill the drinks on my expensive shirt?! Now how you gonna pay this where in fact your salary is just a cent to me” Min seok scoff

Chaeyoung on the other hand she is just sipping her juice while looking at the chaos.

3 Minutes left and your time is up.

“Chaeyoung i am bored” The white girl is already tipsy but Chaeyoung shakes her head.

Stubborn tofu she hissed

The grim reaper raises her eyebrows when she saw the person got slapped from Min Seok. Chaeyoung squinted her eyes and she saw Mina, the human that she save last time. She saw that the girl is crying from the slap and Chaeyoung couldn’t handle anymore she goes to the bathroom to shift her body from her original character.

In a speed of light Chaeyoung saw that Min seok’s body is already on the ground and his Soul is looking at his body; surprised, he cannot believe what happened. People are gathering to his body, everbody became chaotic. The night that they thought they will be happy it became horror to everyone.

“Kim Min Seok, your time is up”

“W-who are you”

“As I have seen you earlier I am able to judge you already in this place”

“You are not even a god to judge me!”

“I am a god...soon, but yeah I have the authority to do that Mr. Lee” Chaeyoung gives this man a stern face which Min seok got a chills on his spine.

Min Seok can’t even say a word, he kneel down in front of Chaeyoung while he is crying. Begging that he will have the eternal life.

“Please.. I am sorry for what happened earlier”

Chaeyoung laughs

“You are sorry that you are caught or you are sorry because you really mean it?”

“I.. I really mean it” he held Chaeyoung’s legs but Chaeyoung slightly kick him to get away from her.

“You didn’t mean it Min Seok.” Chaeyoung smirks, she lowered her body to see his face.

“See that person” Without looking Chaeyoung pointer her left index finger at Mina who is trying to wake up Min Seok’s body.

“She is suffering in this world and you make it more miserable! Almost of her life is dedicated at working then you!” Chaeyoung shouts at him, her eyes are flaming in yellow and red and dark flares are coming out to her body, she aggressively grips Min Seok’s expensive shirt that made him fear and stumble to his place “You just slap someone because they spill a drink on your expensive clothes?” Chaeyoung chuckled but it is different, different from usual it is an indignant feeling.

This is unusual for grim reapers, to get angry to a person.

Dahyun saw what happened and she stops Chaeyoung from gripping his clothes.

She whispers in Chaeyoung’s ear “Chaeyoung at this moment there’s a high possibility that you could kill someone, double dead you know?”

When she heard that, she realized that she is a candidate for god of living.

Chaeyoung stood up while fixing her clothes, the dark flames that is coming out to her body and the intense flares on eyes are gone.

Chaeyoung gupls and her decision is fully made “I, Son Chaeyoung convicts you Lee Min Seok, 25 Years old. Not to grant an eternal Life! 25 years of living but you didn’t use that life into a good one. The decision has been made!” The sound of gong became visible it is started from a vibration until it became loud. The soul of Lee Min Seok is starting to fade away he is shouting but he is already mute.

Dahyun who saw what happened became sober.

“What will happen to his soul?”

“Gone forever” Chaeyoung left

Dahyun cannot take what is happening, she just realized what Chaeyoung’s capabilities are.

The authorities came in to the scene they invite Mina for a statement and she agreed to come with them.

Chaeyoung’s body is still not visible in human’s eye that’s why she shift her body from the club to the police station.

She waited until the police arrives.

The sun is rising and the car is arriving, Chaeyoung waited for another hour because of the statement that Mina will say to the authorities.

After an hour of waiting Mina finally left the police station. The girl looks sullen because of what happened.

Behind the tree Chaeyoung shifts her body that can be seen by the humans.


Mina stops from walking and she turns around. Chaeyoung squinted her eyes while walking to see the bruise on her face.

“What is that?” she stops in front of her and she touch the bruise on her face

“Ouch! That hurts”

“Who did that to you and why you are here in police station?”

“Me? I just walking by and this?” she points the bruise on her face “I scratch it while working” she smiles softly.

Chaeyoung immediately drag Mina and they walk near this convenience store.

“Seat” Chaeyoung command, Mina obeyed what Chaeyoung said to her. The grim reaper left Mina. After a while Chaeyoung have these plastics on her hand and she just throw the plastic on top of the table and she seated.

“Put that on your face you look ugly when you have a bruise on your face”

Mina hissed and she pouts.

“why are you there in the police station?” Mina asked while she is putting the first aid on her face

“It’s morning and I need to walk outside, the weather is good” Chaeyoung lied but Mina is convinced to her excuse.

Mina stood up “Thank you for these don’t worry if I got my salary I will pay you back”

Chaeyoung nods “You should! Life is never easy nowadays. Since I already know you I won’t add any interest to that. Pay whenever you want”

“I’ll promise i will pay you as soon as possible, thank you. I need to go now I still have class” Mina smiles and she left Chaeyoung sitting in front of the convenience store.

A working hard person that she almost forgot the word rest.

When she saw that Mina is far away she stood up from her seat and she shift her body from the convenience store to Mina’s back.

“Mina” she taps the girl’s back who is walking peacefuly. Mina almost got an heart attack knowing that Chaeyoung would already go home.

“AH!” she put her hand on her chest that made Chaeyoung slightly smile “What are you doing? You almost gave me an heart attack” she exhales.

“Let me walk you home” The grim reaper said with a stern face.

Mina’s eyes somewhat widened “What?” she tilt her head because she is not sure of what she had heard.

“I said let me walk you home”

When Mina finally heard it clearly she smirk as she crosses her arms “Why?”

“It is morning and I should walk”

“You are just a mere stranger to me” Mina smirks.

“I’ll take that as a No” Chaeyoung turns around and she started to walk away.

“I’m just joking! From the day you saved me I already consider you as my friend

Chaeyoung stops from walking and she turns around “How can you trust someone who is just a stranger for you?” She raises her left eyebrow

“Well, you have something that is unique... I feel that I am safe with you?”

“Safe with me? What if I kill you?”

“Much better” Mina laughs that made Chaeyoung hissed

“You are already late for your class” the grim reaper changed the subject. She walks towards to the girl who is waiting for her and they started walking.

“Even if I’m late things are still in the same way”

“I see”

“Do you want to eat?”

“I don’t eat foods”

“Are you on a diet?”

“Die- what? What kind of word is that?”


Mina laughs and they walk together to her home.

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Chapter 8: I like this story very much! :D
Chapter 8: I suddenly remember this fic after I watched their MV I can't stop me, because chaeyoung's eyes there are different too hehe. Btw Stream I can't stop me!
reuzkie02 #3
Chapter 8: ...yey! thanks for the update
Chapter 7: Sht. Life is really too short so we better do good things and make a right decision before it's too late. Or else we might hear a gong and vanished eternally XD
Blackholes #5
Chapter 6: This story so good. Cant wait for the next chap
Chapter 6: I think the girl in her past memories is Mina. We know you two are meant for each other <3
Girlslover #7
Chapter 3: Uwu,cant wait to rwad the next chapter😍
Onseu_chu #8
Chapter 3: yaasss 😁
reuzkie02 #9
Chapter 3: ...mmmm! another good chapter eh,
Chapter 1: This is interesting.