Our Great Escape, Going Beyond the Border

Ever Dream (It's Back... Again... For good)

Smoke. That was all Young Jae could smell. It was that smell that had woken him up. He cautiously exited his room, but it was in the other room that he felt the heat. Curious he continued to walk where the room grew hotter. In the small office he wondered without really thinking of what was happening, his mind still slow from sleep. Once he saw the angry red orange flame his eyes grew wide. The room was engulfed in flames and blame fumes, making it hard for Young Jae to breathe. Instinctively, his hand went to his stomach, he and his child we're in danger if he stayed in there. His eyes scanning the room frantically in hopes of finding way out. His vision becoming blurred due to the smoke and tears. He was trapped. He slowly backed into the middle room tears streaming down his cheeks, watching as the fire steadily drew closer. He and his unborn child will either burn or suffocate to death, possibly even both.

He curled himself into a ball crying. The only comfort he had was the crackling of the fire and the heat it provided. He had given up hope almost not hearing his name being called.

"Young Jae-ah! Young Jae! Young Jae where are you? Please Young Jae answer me!"

Young Jae dizzily sat up seeing a dark hazy figure looking around in the fire. His voice cracked, dry from crying and the heat, "Him Chan-hyung!"

Him Chan's heart was pounding hard and fast, he turned after hearing his name called. There! He rushed to the frightened blonde, "Young Jae, hang on. We’re getting out of here."

He pulled Young Jae to his feet; the youngster struggled against the clashing waves of dizziness as they ran out of the office through a thin path. Him Chan continued to pull Young Jae behind him, avoiding certain areas within the Facility Hospital. Hearing people approaching he pulled the younger blonde into a dark hallway, waiting for them to pass, so they could continue on their way. A hand slipped over his mouth as they were pulled down another hall. Quickly turning to his side he saw it was Yong Guk he sighed in relief. Young Jae was beyond confused and in too much shock to say or do anything other than follow Him Chan.

"We’re not out of danger, yet," Yong Guk whispered, grabbing a hold of Him Chan's hand, guiding them through the labyrinth of hallways and doors. A tug caught his attention; Him Chan was now dragging an unconscious Young Jae. Without a second thought Yong Guk quickly threw the young blonde over his shoulder and reclaim Him Chan’s hand rushing to make their escape.


Running and running Him Chan didn’t know how long they’d been running nor how far they’d gone. His lungs felt as though they had been pierced and had the oxygen squeezed out of them, his legs burned and screamed for rest. He was becoming dizzy, but he refused to stop, though his legs had given out a few times.

Yong Guk pulled them off the road, heading into the forest until the tress grew closer together. He came to a halt trying to catch his breath carefully leaning the youngster against a tree; Him Chan collapsing to the ground to calm his own breathing, smiling as he ran his fingers through the dirt.

After a while Him Chan spoke, “where are the kids?”

They’re with Dae Hyun,” Yong Guk assured, “they’re probably a good ways ahead.”

Oh,” Him Chan was having mixed emotions, thinking he’d lost them already. Seeing Him Chan’s saddened expression Yong Guk spoke again, “don’t worry; they’re waiting for us, they just trying to keep a safe distance between them and the Facility, as much as they can at least.”

Him Chan nodded in relief. Yong Guk smiled, “come on we better keep moving, help me get the kid on my back.”

Him Chan followed his mate as they wondered through the forest. Keeping their eyes peeled for their companions or anybody from the Facility, keeping themselves prepared for anything. Him Chan smiled as he spotted threw blondes waiting anxiously, the two youngest spotting them as well ran over to greet them. He was glad they had made it out unharmed.

Who’s that?” Dae Hyun pointed to the unconscious blonde on Yong Guk’s back. Him Chan smiled, gently pushing some of Young Jae's hair out of his face before speaking, “this is Young Jae.”

Never met him,” Dae Hyun stated flatly. Him Chan rolled his eyes, “of course you haven’t; he was locked away in the Facility Hospital.

Is he sick?” Jun Hong stepped closer to see the strangers face, his eyes curiously taking in every detail. Him Chan released a soft laugh, “no, he’s not sick.”

Then why is he knocked out?” Jun Hong questioned.

His room was close to where the fire started, he just inhaled too much smoke.” Him Chan turned to Yong Guk, “do we keep moving?”

Yong Guk nodded, “yeah, we’re all on foot, so we’re probably not far enough to breathe.”

How far are we going to go?” Jun Hong asked excited and nervous about their new adventure.

As far as we can get,” Yong Guk answered readjusting the blonde on his back a bit. Taking the lead, he continued on with Him Chan and the maknaes grouping up behind him and Dae Hyun trailing behind; his eyes sharp, examining everything they past for any hidden danger.


Hyung! Hyung. Hyung!” the maknaes were taking turns calling him from behind holding on to Him Chan for support as they walked on. “We’re tired.”

Yong Guk let out a tired sigh; stopping. He scanned the layout of the area around him, nodding off towards the west, “we’ll stop over there near that stream. Careful heading down.”

The maknaes bolted towards the stream, leaving Him Chan in a giggling fit, “and they said they were tired.”

They have the strangest phases of energy,” Dae Hyun gave a small smile. The eldest two nodded as they made their way to join the maknaes. Dae Hyun helped Yong Guk get Young Jae off to lay him the ground as Him Chan made a small snack, hoping to restore some of their lost energy with a bit of rest and some food so that they may continue on their way.

Young Jae slowly opened his eyes, the bright light blinding him, and the various colors caused his mind to go blank. Ignoring the pain in his head he sat up with a rush, the clean fresh air, the soft grass and vibrant color had sent him into a shock; his heart pounded rapidly as his fear rose high bringing small tears to his eyes.

Him Chan jumped up when he noticed Young Jae was sitting up and his body shaking lightly. Rushing to his side he could see the fear and confusion clearly written on his face. Wrapping his arms comforting the younger blonde whispering softly to him, hoping to ease his mind, “shh, Young Jae-ah it’s alright. It’s okay.”

Where are we?” his voice was shaky. Him Chan smiled sheepishly, “we’re outside the Facility.”

Young Jae’s eyes opened wide in disbelief, but he could clearly see the proof; the colorful world around him was more than enough to prove that they we’re in fact outside; world that he had never seen before other than a few measly pictures; now he was literally feeling the outside world. “But how?”

Him Chan smiled, “it’s kind of a long story.”


Yong Guk and Dae Hyun returned to their make shift camp to see the new blonde surrounded by the maknaes and Him Chan cleaning up, making sure not a trace of them was left. Yong Guk smiled when his mate looked up at him returning his smile. His mate called the new blonde, whom he learned was called Young Jae, over to his side to introduce them, “Young Jae-ah, this is my mate Yong Guk and the other is our friend, Dae Hyun, his just a few months older than you.”

Both said their hellos to Young Jae before Dae Hyun walked to the maknaes. Young Jae turned to Him Chan, “where are we going.”

Somewhere that is isolated and far, very far away,” Yong Guk answered instead smiling as he ruffled the blonde’s hair. Young Jae pouted at his action, quickly attempting to fix his hair. Yong Guk continued, “But first we gotta figure out how far Facility property reaches.”

The Facility property reaches just a little over sixty-four kilometers in each direction.” Young Jae informed, the couple looking to the younger blonde in shock. Young Jae looked down, “I study company papers when nobody’s around. The areas fenced off and they have patrols ever twenty kilometers, but they change at dawn, noon, dusk and midnight, leaving a ten minute gap between.”

Him Chan smiled, Young Jae had done some research that no one would even bother about. Him Chan didn’t know that such information was lying around. Yong Guk looked up to the sky, “looks like we don’t have much time.” Everyone looked at him, “we only have few minutes to make it to that fence, probably ten at the most and we have about ten more kilometers to go.”

Everyone jumped to their feet and with Yong Guk leading they ran as fast as they could. Their window of opportunity was closing in fast and they couldn’t afford to miss it. Without a doubt they would be caught before the sun had set, if they missed it.


The group neared the fence slowly and quietly, they didn’t know the exact time but they knew it had to be noon. Yong Guk scanned the platform above them, seeing no one he signaled for Dae Hyun to sneak under, “go, now.”

Dae Hyun quickly yet carefully made his way past the bushes and under the fence without a sound moving to hide behind nearby tree. He looked to the platform, from his side he had a much clear view, and turning to Yong Guk he nodded.

Alright, Him Chan, you’re next,” Him Chan nodded following Dae Hyun's lead, sliding under the fence with ease. They were running low on time. A nod from Dae Hyun and Yong Guk sent the maknaes together;; helping each other under fence and Him Chan pulling them to hide within the bushes.

Yong Guk looked up to see someone walking, he quickly grabbed Young Jae and hiding in some bushes hoping they would provide them with enough cover. He looked through the bush to see the guard taking his time walking along the platform. “.”

Young Jae buried his face into the elder’s chest, “what do we do?”

I don’t know,” he admitted. He needed some sort of diversion, but that would be too risky, it might expose one of the members or all of them. His sigh was deep.

Him Chan was close having a heart attack; his mate and Young Jae were still on the other side. His heart pounded loudly as he desperately searched for something, anything that would give them an opening.

Dae Hyunie,” Him Chan whispered, the other leaned in, “do you think you can set up some sort of distraction from in there?”

Dae Hyun looked to where Him Chan gestured to; it was a small cube like building. He thought for a moment nodding, “I can try.”

Silently Dae Hyun snuck on to the platform and in to the building. Looking around trying to plan some sort of distraction he noticed several monitors on one side of the room.

,’ he thought, ‘none of us even considered there were cameras along the perimeter.’

Studying the monitors for a second longer he realized there were several blind spots. This could work to their advantage.

Him Chan was growing anxious. Was there another guard that they didn’t know about? Did something slow him down? What could possibly be taking him so long?

An alarmed sounded loudly. Him Chan froze; everything seemed to shatter before him. Was there a trap set for them? The maknaes held on to each other tightly, fear showing on their faces.

Young Jae clung tighter to Yong Guk who wrapped his arms protectively over him. Both their hearts beating like crazy, frozen like a deer in headlights.

Dae Hyun gave Yong Guk a gently shove to get him and the other blonde moving. The three running to the opening; Yong Guk and Dae Hyun slid under without any problems, but Young Jae’s shirt had been caught on the bottom of the fence.

Yong Guk pulled the shirt free ripping a rather large hole, but that wasn’t their problem at the moment, quickly pulling the blonde to his feet and began running.

Seeing the three sliding under the fence brought him to his senses; he pulled the maknaes to their feet having them run ahead; all six of them running as fast as they could. Young Jae tripping a few times only to be brought back to his feet by Yong Guk or Dae Hyun.

Too afraid to stop they kept on until the sun was low in the sky, their legs were jelly, their lungs felt like a pincushion, and their body’s soaked in sweat. Falling to the ground trying to catch their breaths.

That was too close,” Him Chan wheezed.

Dae Hyun got to his feet in a fit of rage standing in front of Young Jae, “yah, what the hell was that?!”

Young Jae cringed in fear trying to bite back his tears. Dae Hyun only grew angrier, “you almost got us caught. How the hell did you get stuck?”

Looking to the hole in Young Jae’s shirt he scoffed, “no wonder why your fat couldn’t fit.”

Him Chan ran to Young Jae, shielding him form Dae Hyun, Yong Guk pulled the offending blonde away. Dae Hyun walked away in a huff. Yong Guk shook his head to himself, and followed him.

I’m sorry,” Young Jae choked out. “I didn’t mean to get stuck. You should’ve just left me behind.”

No, no, it’s alright, Young Jae,” Him Chan hugged him tighter, “he’s just scarred. He doesn’t mean it everyone’s just stressing out, right now.”


That was a bit harsh don’t you think?” Yong Guk called after they were out of earshot.

Dae Hyun shrugged, “he should’ve been more careful.”

That doesn’t mean for you to yell at him,” Yong Guk crossed his arms, “or to call him fat.”

Well he is,” Dae Hyun pointed out childishly. Yong Guk shook his head, “it’s just his baby fat.”

Him Chan said he was only a few months younger than me,” Dae Hyun glared, “how does he still have it?”

Everyone is different. We don’t know him that well, so there may be a reason.”

That’s the problem, we don’t know him. Why is he even with us?”

Him Chan wanted him.”

Why they hell did he want him? He’s jeopardizing everything.”

He was going to be forced to mate someone just like you were. Have some sympathy for the kid. He wanted to be free just as much as we did, and if it wasn’t for him, Him Chan would’ve never thought about leaving the Facility. I would’ve neither. You three would be on your own right now.” Yong Guk moved to leave.

I’m sorry,” Dae Hyun spoke quietly.

It’s not me you need to apologize to,” Yong Guk half smiled, “I’m pretty sure Him Chan will demand one from you and make you beg for forgiveness.”

Dae Hyun laughed lightly, “I believe it and I’m sure he’ll influence his friend to do the same thing.”

Probably,” Yong Guk pulled Dae Hyun in a half-hug, “now let’s go look for a place to set up camp, there should be a stream or something nearby.”

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Chapter 84: Toss between Nocturnal Bloodlust, Arlequien, Razor, and Lynch., but considering Versailles, the Gazette, or even Manteru Opera.
I think about this story from time to time and try to remember my favorites parts. (I made a movie in my head when i read it, and just played the bits i could remember). I knew it was removed but i was sad i couldn't remember the title in case it came back. Thank you for uploading it again, it's one of my favorites story, and i love that there are many chapters.
Sinii92 #3
Chapter 83: I just spent whole night reading this. Like I went to sleep in morning... I just wanted to know what is going to happen. And now I’m crying because of chapter 83 and I’m scared because of completed status but it’s not finished but at same time I think this is older fanfic and now my brain is malfunctioning