The Things You Can Learn While Doing Your Homework

Ever Dream (It's Back... Again... For good)

Jun Hong grumbled beneath his breath to himself he stared at the blank paper in front of him. The brunette looked to him with a small knowing smile, “can’t think of anything to write either?”

Nope,” he sighed in defeat, laying his head on the table. “What exactly is the teacher expecting us to write?”

Jong Up shrugged, “what does your class have to write about?”

We have to come up with some type of adventure story,” Jun Hong sighed. “What about you?”

Same thing,” he smiled. “I guess even he was a little bummed about the break being over.”

The pink haired maknae nodded, “it would seem so. I have no idea what to write about.”

Me neither,” the elder boy played with his pencil.

What are you two so glum about?” Him Chan asked as he walked in to the kitchen.

We don’t know what to write about for Literature,” Jun Hong looked up at the black haired man.

What do you have to write about?” he asked opening the fridge, looking for the gallon of apple juice.

Jong Up watched his pencil fall to the floor, “we have to write an adventure story.”

Why not write about our little adventure?” the black haired man suggested as he grabbed several cups from the shelves. “You’d just have to change it up a bit."

The pink haired maknae shrugged, “sounds like a good idea but we both can’t write about the same thing.”

The brunette continue to stare at his pencil that now laid on the floor hoping that it would magically fly back up so he wouldn’t have to bend down. “We could probably write it from both sides.”

What would be the second side?” the maknae asked. “The Facility?”

The brunette just shrugged. Him Chan laughed noticing that he was still watching the motionless pencil, “just pick it up already.”

Jong Up sighed in defeat, groaning as he reached down for the object. Pouting as he placed it back on the counter in front of him. “why not? Though it would be completely made up.”

Why not one write about our adventure and the other write about our time at the Facility?” Him Chan continued to throw ideas at them.

Jong Up smiled, “can I write about how you and Yong Guk mated?”

Yong Guk laughed scaring the four, “I thought your assignment was supposed to be about an adventure not a love story.”

Yah, Bang Yong Guk,” Him Chan scolded, “you’re going to make me go into early labor if you do that again.”

The purple haired man smiled as the maknae rolled his eyes. He huffed, “love is in everything, it just depends on how much you through it and if you add a lot of details.”

Well then I don’t know what to write about,” Jong Up glowered.

Yong Guk patted his back, “why don’t you write about your confession to Jun Hong?”

Then you can make Jung Min into an evil warlord and that one chick into his assistant,” the maknae was loving the idea.

The Jung Min from the Hardware Store?" the purple haired man asked ready to strangle somebody. “You went on a date with him?"

Him Chan shook his head, “there’s a boy their age with the same name, he works at the Grocery Store."

The maknaes nodded; Jun Hong adding, “they’re related. I think their uncle and nephew... Something like that."

The brunette laughed in thought, “I guess I could write about my confession but then I would have to make Jun Hongie a princess.”

The elder couple laughed as Jun Hong’s cheeks matched his hair. Yong Guk adding to his embarrassment, “You could make it into Snow White.”

You might as well make him the witch,” the maknae pouted. “And Him Chan the mirror.”

Why would I be the mirror?” the black haired man asked folding his arms across his chest.

The maknae shrugged, “because your full of vanity.”

Yong Guk hugged his mate, “just ignore him he’s just jealous.”

Jong Up shook his head laughing, “so much for adventure, this is just becoming a twisted fairy tale.”

Well then just ask your teacher if you two can work together,” Him Chan suggested.

I doubt he’d let us, especially since we have different classes,” Jun Hong sighed as he drew random picture on his paper.

How many pages do you have to write?” the purple haired man asked as his mate filled the cups with juice before putting the gallon away.

I think he said five,” Jong Up thought about it, “maybe twenty.”

Jun Hong shrugged, “he wasn’t very clear.”

Then tell him that your stories go together and it would be well over a hundred pages,” the black haired man gave them each a glass before grabbing an extra glass to take to the bedridden blonde.

Maybe you two should get a few pages together first before asking your teacher,” Yong Guk suggested.

The maknaes nodded in agreement as the elder two left them alone to concentrate on their homework. Jun Hong sighed, “We could spilt the story in half, I could do the first half and you could do the second.”

Than would I begin the night we arrived here or the morning?” Jong up asked.

The younger boy shrugged, “maybe you should start a little sooner... How about the day you tried to 'prove your love' to Young Jae?”

Jong Up winced, “are you serious?”

Why not, it’d make a great cliff hanger for my half,” the maknae shrugged no longer effected by the event. “We’re changing names and certain parts of the way things went, so it doesn’t sound entirely like us.”

The brunette nodded then smiled, “alright, then we need to share the entire story.”

You know I was kind of planning to just to put what I know,” he laughed. “That way you can put the way you saw things and begin when we left you guys at the river.”

Jong Up nodded, “I guess that could work.”


How‘s your homework coming along?” Yong Guk asked as he and his mate entered the house.

Meh,” the maknae grumbled. “I need help with a few things.”

Like what?” Him Chan asked as he took off his jacket.

The maknae looked over to them with a small pout, “I think it‘s more of a question for Yong Guk.”

The purple haired man laughed, “what do you need to know?”

Don‘t get all smug on me just because I need your help,” Jun Hong joked. “But anyways, what do you feel when you sense your mate is in their third month?”

Yong Guk had to think of a way to describe the feeling. With a shrug he answered, “I don‘t really know exactly how to tell you but I‘ll try. It might be different for other Dominates but I sort of felt uneasy. Like I don‘t know. Like someone else was with my mate but then it didn‘t. I could sense the baby there but I was little jealous.”

Him Chan chuckled softly at his mate’s explanation. The purple haired man gave gummy smile, “that’s just what I felt. Why? Did that help at all?”

Ugh, I’m such an idiot,” Jun Hong yelled out in frustration after a while.

What’s wrong?” Him Chan asked worriedly trying to hurry to the maknae’s side with a little help from his mate. The elder couple looking to the brunette was just as lost as them; He didn’t even know why the maknae was mad.

Jun Hong glared at nothing in particular, “Dae Hyun did sense when Young Jae was in his third month.”

The two looked to each other before looking back to the maknae; Him Chan speaking, “what do you mean.”

When we first left the Facility.” He explained, “Dae Hyun kept staring at Young Jae.”

Oh, I remember that,” Jong Up smiled brightly. “Wasn’t that when you told Young Jae he was ually frustrated and that he like his ?”

Yes, but that’s not the point I’m making,” he laughed with the elder couple. “When I talked him, before he hit me, he mentioned that there was something about Young Jae that he couldn’t figure out. He was really suspicious of him.”

So if he would’ve said anything to me then I would’ve been able to tell him sooner?” Yong Guk asked not really sure how he should feel at the minute.

Him Chan shrugged, “I’m sure that wouldn’t have made much of a difference.”

The elder male nodded, “I guess this means Dae Hyun’s able to use his instincts to the fullest and that he was able to learn without his parents’ help.”

The black haired man nodded, “I guess there is some hope for Young Jae.”

Couldn’t you teach him?” Jun Hong asked. “If he isn’t able to catch on right away for what he needs to, couldn’t you help him?”

You probably could,” Yong Guk shrugged. “I’m surprised you weren’t asked to teach him.”

That’s because he has you safe guarding him,” Jong Up laughed.

Yong Guk gently pushed him, “are you calling me a dog?”

Jong Up shook his head, “no you just attach yourself to him and won’t let anyone near. When you moved to the Facility you followed him around the first three months.”

Him Chan laughed, “he’s right you know. I’ll talk to Young Jae about his instincts later.”

Oh, another thing,” Jong Up said out loud. He looked to the maknae at his side, “when you mentioned to Him Chan about going ahead when the snow melt.... you didn’t say ‘we’. You just said that I could go ahead, I thought we were going to go together.”

The maknae gasped in realization. The sorrowful look in the brunette’s eyes made him feel worse. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize that.”

Don’t you want me to go alone? You don't want to be with me?” the brunette whined slightly.

Of course I want to go with you,” he was desperate to show the slightly older boy know just how sorry he was. “I didn’t mean for it to come out as just you going.”

The couple watched trying to keep their laughter quiet. Jong Up showing mercy to his boyfriend, “then we’ll go together if they let us.”

Jun Hong nodded, “right. We will stick together like super glue.”

Super glue?” the brunette question not fully understanding the maknae.

The younger boy nodded, “well, you could probably be considered as gorilla glue.”

Him Chan couldn’t contain his laughter anymore, his mate following after him. Jong Up still didn’t understand why the maknae wanted to be consider glue. That was until the maknae pulled him into a tight hug and said, “because we’ll never be separated.”

The brunette wrapped his arms around the maknae with a smile, “not matter what happens.”

Ugh, I think I just got a cavity,” Him Chan smirked. Yong Guk playing along, “and I have a toothache. You should make an appointment at the Dentist for the both of us.”

The maknae glared at his hyungs, “At least we aren’t as bad as Dae Hyun and Young Jae.”

Don’t even drag us into your little fight,” Dae Hyun called out as he walked into the kitchen for a glass of water.

Hey we figured out you aren’t broken,” the purple haired man laughed earning a glare from the silver haired boy.

What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked before taking a sip of his water.

It means you did sense Young Jae’s third month,” Him Chan gave his mate a light shove. “Jun Hong mentioned how you were acting towards Young Jae when we first left the Facility.”

So, I already knew without realizing?” Dae Hyun asked in surprise. The four nodded. He was still confused, “then what was I sensing after that?”

The elder two shrugged. Yong Guk thinking out loud, “maybe you were sensing that there was more than one baby inside of Young Jae. Just none of us realized. Maybe if you would’ve told me or Him Chan that you were feeling a little suspicious of Young Jae then we would’ve figured out you were the father a lot sooner.”

Well, it’s a little late now,” the silver haired boy shrugged. “Probably would’ve made me a little more mean to him.”

That you or you might’ve figure your feelings out sooner,” Jong Up smiled.

Yeah, then he would’ve really mated him at the river,” the maknae smirked wickedly.

What?” Him Chan was beyond confused. Yong Guk laughed having been told the story. The black haired man looked between the laughing three and the blushing boy, “did I miss something?”

Nothing,” Dae Hyun grumbled as he refilled his cup and walking back to the room where his mate was leaving a very confused Him Chan with three laughing hyenas.

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Chapter 84: Toss between Nocturnal Bloodlust, Arlequien, Razor, and Lynch., but considering Versailles, the Gazette, or even Manteru Opera.
I think about this story from time to time and try to remember my favorites parts. (I made a movie in my head when i read it, and just played the bits i could remember). I knew it was removed but i was sad i couldn't remember the title in case it came back. Thank you for uploading it again, it's one of my favorites story, and i love that there are many chapters.
Sinii92 #3
Chapter 83: I just spent whole night reading this. Like I went to sleep in morning... I just wanted to know what is going to happen. And now I’m crying because of chapter 83 and I’m scared because of completed status but it’s not finished but at same time I think this is older fanfic and now my brain is malfunctioning