Waiting Room & Names

Ever Dream (It's Back... Again... For good)

Yong Guk laughed, “he was.”

The maknae laughed. Jee Hye looked shocked, “I haven’t seen him hiding anything.”

No, because Dae Hyun was already doing all that.” Yong Guk tried to explain while moving his mate’s hands off his mouth. “He’d help every now and then or take what ever Dae Hyun put aside for Young Jae so Dae Hyun learned to split things between the two.”

Jun Hong laughed, “and he tells us to share when he doesn’t even want to share himself.”

The purple haired man nodded, “he didn’t want to share a room with Young Jae either. I had to force him to stay downstairs. And when ever Young Jae gets something he gets mad so you have to take one for each.”

He was acting the same way,” Him Chan defended.

That’s because you would fight with him,” Jong Up pointed out with a small laugh. “Dae Hyun would finally be able to get the babies to stop kicking so Young Jae could sleep and Him Chan would throw something at him, because he wanted attention.”

Not true,” he pouted offended that everyone was picking on him.

Jun Hong pressed on, “yes it is. I was sleeping next to him and you disturbed us just to argue with Young Jae. Dae Hyun had to bring in some snacks just to calm you down.”

You made Dae Hyun into your personal slave,” Yong Guk gently nudged his mate. “And whenever I was in the room you said I was in the way.”

Him Chan shrugged, “you were. Dae Hyun was going to bring us food and my food goes on the stand that’s next to the bed.”

Seo Gu laughed cutting into their arguement, “Yong Guk, let me tell you something that I learned: never argue with a pregnant Carrier.”

Why?” Jong Up asked.

Jee Hye giggled, “because once the baby is born the Carrier will go after the Dominate for everything he’s done wrong while they were pregnant.”

Seo Gu nodded, “her cousin knows all to well.”

Him Chan laughed while poking his mate’s ribs, “I have a lot to do to you once she’s born.”

Have you guys thought of a name for her?” Jong Up asked not meaning to interrupot anything.

Him Chan sighed before pouting, “no, we can’t agree on anything.”

I thought you both wanted a pretty and meaningful name for her,” Jun Hong rested his arms in his lap.

The purple haired man shrugged, “that’s still hard to agree on.”

Name her after a flower then,” Jong Up suggested. “Or food.”

I think Dae Hyun is already going to name his kids after food,” Jun Hong joked.

Maybe we should name them to something he can relate to,” Jee Hye asked.

That’s kinda why we said ‘food’,” Jun Hong said with a small laugh. “Then again that might sound a little too weird.”

I know what he should name them,” Yong Guk smiled widely. Him Chan shook his head, “if it relates to that show you’ve been watching then please hold you tongue.”

The purple haired male shook his head, “it’s not from the show.”

What is it then?” Him Chan prepared himself for the worst. His mate’s smile grew wider, “They’re serious names. What about Eun Kyung and Eun Ji?”

The room was quiet, four pairs of eyes stared at the purple haired man in surprise. Him Chan cocked his head to a side, “those could work, but we’re out here. So what ever we come up with for them would be pointless.”

Jong Up yawned, “How much longer do you think it’ll be?”

It depends on how everything goes,” Him Chan sighed with a frown.

The pink haired maknae huffed with boredom, impatiences and curiosity. With a small pout he looked to the black haired man,“is it possible for a male Carrier to nurse?”

Him Chan shrugged. Thinking carefully before he answered the maknae. “There are some reports stating that some male Carrier’s have been able to nurse their children, but that’s a very small number. I’ve also read that male Carriers have only experienced some tenderness and swelling of their but haven’t lactated; most haven’t experience any of this.”

Did you?” Jong Up asked fully intrigued.

The black haired man chuckled, “no, I haven’t.”

Has Young Jae?” Jun Hong changed his position, making himself comfortable by laying his head in the brunette’s lap.

He shrugged, “I don’t know. He hasn’t said anything about it, neither has Dae Hyun.”

The maknae nodded, “I still want to know what their going to name the kids.”

The purple haired man chuckled, “we’ll know soon enough.”

But I want to know now,” the maknae whined. Jong Up laughed as he ran his fingers through the younger boy’s pink hair, “do you guys have any ideas of what names your going to use?”

Well, since I can’t use Spartacus,” Yong Guk grinned as his mate glared softly, “I was thinking about Mi Young or Jae Hwa.”

Aww,” Jee Hye giggled, “those are such cute names. What do you think Him Chan?”

The black haired man sat quietly thinking over the names his mate offered. He looked to his mate as he tried to come to a decision. Every one waiting patiently to hear his thoughts on the name. Him Chan cocked his head to a side, “we could combine them to make Hwa Young.”

Yong Guk smiled with a thoughtful nod, “I like that.”

There, now you two idiots have a name for your daughter,” Jun Hong smirked from the safety of the brunette’s lap.

Jong Up cut in before his boyfriend could do any more teasing, “should we come up with a few names if they don’t have any? Or guess what they named them?”

The elder couples shrugged. Jye Hye sighed, “we don’t want them to be nameless. Might be fun trying to guess what the chose.”

Hopefully they agred on something,” Him Chan chuckled, Yong Guk nodded his agreement.

Whose name are they going to use?” the maknae asked.

What do mean who's name?” Him Chan asked.

The pink haired boy sat up, “Are they going to use Young Jae’s last name or Dae Hyun’s last name?”

Yong Guk laughed shaking his head, “they’re mated so Young Jae’s last name would be Dae Hyun’s.”

So is it going to be Yoo or Jung?” the maknae persisted. “They haven’t said whose name they’re using.”

Carriers keep their last name, only the children take the Dominate’s family name,” the black haired man explained.

Jun Hong pouted giving a playful glare to the boy next to him, “great, my kids are going to be Moon.”

What’s wrong with Moon?” Jong Up asked not realizing the younger boy was playing with him.

Jun Hong shook his head, “nothing, hyung. I was just joking.”

Seo Gu spoke, “You think they will keep their names similar?”

Most do,” Yong Guk said with a shrug, “but I’m not too sure with those two.”

Jun Hong being in a mischievous mood smirked, “we just got to prepare ourselves to keep from laughing at whatever they come up with.”


Jun Hong looked up with bleary eyes as he was gently shaken. Looking up he could make out Yong Guk’s fuzzy figure. He groaned out a ‘what’, earning a laugh from him.

Don’t you want to see the babies?” the purple haired man asked softly.

The pink haired maknae jolted up only to groan once again, this time placing a hand over his eyes, “ugh, head rush.”

The brunette next to him laughed softly as he helped him up. Jong Up wrapped his arm around the pink haired boy’s waist as the six of them followed a nurse to Young Jae’s room. They meet Dae Hyun at the door. The silver haired boy barely able to contain his excitement, only able to keep himself quiet enough not to scare the newborns in his mate’s arms.

Yong Guk chuckled softly as he congratulated the new parents with Him Chan doing the same. Jee Hye gave him a hug and a smile before moving to stand next to the blonde on the bed. Seo Gu patted his shoulder with a smile and a small nod. Jun Hong showed the elder boy some mercy, giving him a simple hug and a congratulations and maybe some 'words of encouragement’. Jong Up’s congratulations came in the form of pulling the pink haired maknae away from Dae Hyun.

Dae Hyun moved to sit on the bed next to his mate. Gently he took a baby into his arms, a smile shining on his face. The silver haired boy spoke to everyone, “I’d like you all to meet Hyun Ok and Hyun Ki.”

Which is which?” Jong Up looked between the two babies. The maknae at his side sighed heavily as he shook his head, “look at the blankets; pink for girl and blue for a boy.”

Young Jae chuckled softly, “This is Hyun Ki.”

And this is Hyun Ok.” Dae Hyun carefully got to his feet walking over to the makneas. “Do you want to hold her?”

Jun Hong’s eyes lit up, “can I?”

The silver haired boy nodded. Carefully he placed the small baby girl into the tall boys arms, gently moving his hands into the proper position. Jun Hong gently rocked her, with shimmering eyes and a bright smile. Jong Up moving closer to get a better look at the little girl. The maknaes looked to each other with a knowing smile.

Jee Hye snuggled baby Hyun Ki in her arms. Seo Gu gently moving the blanket out of his face when she stopped smothering him. Him Chan and Yong Guk helped Young Jae get a little more comfortable in the bed.

How long is Young Jae going to be in the hospital?” the maknae asked as he handed the black haired man the baby girl.

They want to keep him for a few days,” Dae Hyun explained with slight disappointment. “They want to make sure he’s alright and to make sure he doesn’t get postpartum depression.”

What?” both maknaes asked, Jun Hong getting the baby boy from Seo Gu and his mate.

Him Chan explained, “some Carriers will become depressed after having a child.”

Why?” the pink haired maknae asked.

The black haired man shrugged, “pregnancy and childbirth can be traumatic to some. Since Young Jae had twins and he almost gave birth naturally, he’s at high risk.”

The maknaes nodded even if they didn’t fully understand. Jong Up asked carefully, “is Young Jae going to be okay? Does he have to use a wheelchair?”

They said they aren’t sure yet,” Young Jae sighed with a sad smile.

Hyeo Rim said that he might just be sore,” Dae Hyun spoke seeing the confused look on the black haired man’s face.

Him Chan huffed softly, “she should’ve checked him over.”

She said that he’s a little swollen, but they can’t tell until the swelling goes down,” the silver haired boy tried to appease the elder. “If he still feels pain tomorrow then they’re going to have to do a scan on him to see if there’s any damage.”

Him Chan nodded letting his anger subside in favor of cuddling Hyun Ok. Yong Guk gently patted her little head before asking, “so you guys named them after Dae Hyun?”

Young Jae shrugged, “I’m hoping that if we name them after him they’d take after me.”

Yah,” Dae Hyun looked to his mate in shock as the other’s chuckled softly.

The blonde smirked, “that’s pay back for what happened in the van.”

I’ve been meaning to yell at you for that,” Him Chan glared softly at the silver haired boy as he handed Jee Hye the baby. Taking Hyun Ki from Jun Hong he turned to look at Dae Hyun, “there’s no way in hell that you can get Young Jae to give birth naturally.”

Yea, I know,” he folded his arms walking to sit next his mate. “He yelled at me in the van about that already.”

Then I guess I have nothing to lecture you about right now,” the black haired man laughed.

Seo Gu handed Hyun Ok to her mother, “how about trying to move into the barn.”

Oh, that’s right,” Him Chan looked to the couple. Everyone laughing softly as the black haired man lectured them with a few comments from Jun Hong. Young Jae defending his mate and Dae Hyun argued back using the elder’s own actions against him.

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Chapter 84: Toss between Nocturnal Bloodlust, Arlequien, Razor, and Lynch., but considering Versailles, the Gazette, or even Manteru Opera.
I think about this story from time to time and try to remember my favorites parts. (I made a movie in my head when i read it, and just played the bits i could remember). I knew it was removed but i was sad i couldn't remember the title in case it came back. Thank you for uploading it again, it's one of my favorites story, and i love that there are many chapters.
Sinii92 #3
Chapter 83: I just spent whole night reading this. Like I went to sleep in morning... I just wanted to know what is going to happen. And now I’m crying because of chapter 83 and I’m scared because of completed status but it’s not finished but at same time I think this is older fanfic and now my brain is malfunctioning