A Distraught Him Chan & Yong Guk’s Decision

Ever Dream (It's Back... Again... For good)

Him Chan stared absentmindedly into the dark, his mate was long gone in his own little dream world. He hadn’t seen Young Jae in a few days and when he did the younger seemed so sad. When they talked he expressed his fears of meeting his Chosen and when he asked if he was pregnant he shrugged saying that they were waiting for the test results, but he doubted he was.

Young Jae’s words from months ago haunted him. It didn’t help that Dae Hyun was being force into having a Replacement Mate. What was going on? Things were spinning out of control, the Facility was not meant to be a prison, but it had begun to feel like it to Him Chan. Young Jae's words were now beginning to make sense to him.

He rolled over to face him mate. He smiled sadly, tracing his soft face. How will their future look? If anything happened to either of them would they be forced to mate with someone else? Had the Facility become nothing more than a high classed baby mill?

He couldn’t bear the thought of their child growing up in a world where his life was going to be chosen for him or her. Shaking his mate lightly Himchan called softly, “Bang. Bang. Wake up please.”

Yong Guk’s voice was thick with sleep, “what’s wrong Him Chan?”

I’m worried,” he stated flatly. Yong Guk repositioned himself to where he could look at him fully. He sighed, “About Dae Hyun.”

Partially,” Him Chan admitted, “I am also worried about a friend from work both Dae Hyun and my friend are both being force into mating with complete strangers and...”

Yong Guk shook his head, forcing himself to sit up his mate following his lead. “Okay spill it, what’s eating you up?”

Him Chan sighed, “Well something that my friend told me is really bothering me…”

Well?” Yong Guk coaxed him to continue. Him Chan played with his fingers, “He was born and raised within the Facility walls. He doesn’t know the outside world.”

Him Chan, several babies are born and raised here.”

Yes, but he seems really depressed about it. He sees the world as cold and indifferent.”

Did he tell you exactly how he sees the world?”

Him Chan nodded, “he says everything is so plain. The world is only divided in to so many colors: yellow, black, and white. He feels like he’s in a prison.”

And how are you feeling about it here?”

I don’t want our baby to be born into captivity,” Him Chan’s voice shook.

Him Chan-.”

No. Listen, every day I see how depressed he is and every day I see him die a little more,” Him Chan by now had tears running down his face. “He is so terrified of what his future hold. He doesn’t want a mate he wants love. You don’t know what he’s gone through, no one does because they don’t care. He’s not really allowed to talk to anyone so he’s socially awkward.”

Him Chan we can raise our child differently.”

And what difference will that make in a world full of clones?”

Clones?” Yong Guk looked at him as if he was crazy.

Look around you. Open your eyes and look,” Him Chan sighed. “Watch and listen to the children, your coworkers, and random people you pass by. Everything blends into one blur of clones. I’m sure this is what Dae Hyun sees.”

Yong Guk sighed, “And what are we going to do?”

I don’t know,” he shook his head. “I don’t want to be here anymore. I want to see the world again. It’s suffocating me. I don’t want our child to grow up depressed, forced to be mated to a clone and have their own bundle of depression.”

I doubt they’ll just let us walk out the doors.” Yong Guk pulled Him Chan close.

I know that,” Him Chan choked out.

Yong Guk sighed pressing their heads together, “we’ll figure something out. I promise. Try to get some sleep.”

Him Chan nodded slowly allowing his mate to pull him down. Their arms wrapped around each other. Their minds still replaying their conversation, though neither would speak. They let the silence over take them as they fell asleep looking into each other’s eyes for some sort of answer.


What’s wrong Dae Hyun?” Him Chan asked as the blonde barged into his kitchen. Dae Hyun took a seat at the counter. “They want me to meet my Replacement Mate.”

When?” Yong Guk stepped in to the kitchen.

Sometime next week.” Dae Hyun growled. The Bang-Kim couple looked to each other then turning to Dae Hyun who had his forehead on the counter. Him Chan spoke slowly stirring the soup, “oh I guess that would mean that your Replace Mate is pregnant.”

I’m rejecting the .”

Good luck with that Dae Hyunie,” Yong Guk rubbed soothing circles in to the younger blonde’s back, “it’s nearly impossible to reject the Carrier, especially a pregnant one. They won’t let you just to walk away from the Carrier; they always have some form of punishment.”

I don’t care,” he groaned. Yong Guk looked to Him Chan… should they talk about their plan? Dae Hyun rubbed the back of his head in annoyance, “Why can they just let me be. If I want a new mate I’ll look on my own. Why do they need me to be mated so soon?”

Him Chan shrugged not looking at either of them, instead focusing on cooking, “I don’t know, but things are looking a bit strange.”

I guess now is a good time as any to talk about it,” Yong Guk said to Him Chan, gesturing him to sit down. Him Chan turned the stove down to a simmer before taking a seat next to his mate. Dae Hyun looked between them, confused and a bit afraid of what they had to say. Did they know something he didn’t? Was it about who his Replacement Mate was?

Dae Hyun, don’t freak out on us or anything but we were talking and-.” A knock at the door interrupted Yong Guk. The three looked to each other questioningly. Dae Hyun spoke a little above a whisper afraid of the answer, “were you guys expecting someone?”

Both Him Chan and Yong Guk shook their heads. Yong Guk sighed standing up he headed out of the kitchen, pausing to say, “Calm down.”

Him Chan and Dae Hyun peeked out of the kitchen to see who it was. Steadily he opened the door to be forced on to his back.

HYUNG!!!” Yong Guk groaned when he realized what had happened; Him Chan and Dae Hyun laughing in the background and two teenagers hugging him to death in fear.

Yah, get off,” he grumbled. The two slowly got off of the eldest male with the help of his mate. Dae Hyun closed and locked the door as Yong Guk straightened out his clothes. Him Chan hugged each of them in his own death grip, “what’s wrong with my babies? Why are you crying?”

Hyung,” the youngest cried out, “they’re trying to have us mate.”

Already?!” Him Chan pulled out of the hug to look between the two. Both nodded tearfully. Him Chan tried to breathe, “But-but… to who?”

To each other!” the maknaes cried in unison. The oldest three were wide-eyed in shock; Yong Guk managed to compose himself quickly, “why?”

We don’t know,” they continued in sync, “but we don’t want each other, we’re only friends we can’t be mates.”

Calm down please,” Yong Guk rubbed his temples. Things were way out of hand, were they the only ones going through this or were others throughout the Facility having similar problems?

Alright, everyone into the kitchen,” Him Chan gently lead everyone in to the kitchen with Yong Guk trailing behind. Everyone took a seat at the counter with Him Chan serving each of them a plate before taking his own seat; glad that he had always made extra food, just in case they had an unannounced guest, which was mainly Dae Hyun recently, but the maknaes were a pleasant surprise.

Eat your food, then we’ll talk,” Yong Guk prevented the curly haired blonde from speaking. Everyone ate in silence each of them with similar thoughts in their minds, but each for a different reason. Yong Guk looked to each of them as he thought about everything that Him Chan had told him, what Dae Hyun was going through, and what the maknaes just learned. He looked into Him Chan’s pleading and worried eyes, he felt so old as he felt the weight of their predicament.


Dae Hyun helped Yong Guk with the dishes, the maknaes cleaned the table and stove, and Him Chan put whatever food was left over away.

Yong Guk gathered everyone into the living room once the kitchen was cleaned. Everyone sat waiting for someone to break the silence and to voice what was clearly on everyone's minds. Luckily they didn’t have to wait too long as Dae Hyun spoke, "Everything right now is ed up."

"Could you please watch your language in front of the kids," Him Chan scowled.

"No, Him Chan he's right everything is really wrong," he made sure not to let the word slip.

"I agree with Jong Up and Dae Hyun."

"And what do you expect everyone to do?" Yong Guk interrupted.

"We need to get out of here," Jong Up confidently spoke.

"They won't let us go easily," Him Chan warned.

"Then we'll escape," Dae Hyun shrugged.

"That’s not going be easy to do either," Yong Guk pointed out. "They have cameras almost everywhere, security and the Facility Hospital is on the first floor and continues down two more."

Dae Hyun Sighed in frustration, "I know that. I just don’t want to be here anymore."

"We wanna leave too," the maknaes chimed.

"And where are you all going to go?" Him Chan asked.

"Home?" Jun Hong wasn’t really sure if his home was even still there. Jong Up nodded.

Yong Guk turned to Dae Hyun, "will you be able to watch them?"

The middle blonde shrugged, "they can take care of themselves; they shouldn’t be too hard."

"Won’t you guys come too?" Jun Hong looked to the couple his eyes begging. Jong Up nodded, "wouldn’t they come after you guys, since you know us?"

"He’s right," Jun Hong was desperate; Yong Guk sighed heavily, thinking. Jun Hong grabbed each of their hands, "please come with us. We can’t just leave you guys behind, we need you."

Dae Hyun nodded, "we can’t do this without you guys. I know Him Chan wants out just as much as we do but he won’t leave without you."

Him Chan was in disbelief. How could Dae Hyun tell? Was he that obvious? Him Chan looked to Yong Guk with a sad smile, unable to meet his eyes.

Yong Guk chewed the inside of his cheeks. Everyone was waiting on his answer. If he said no Him Chan would stay with him regardless of the opportunity to be free, but they others may or may not go. If he said yes they'd all be risking their lives. He lowered his head down to think. If they went then they couldn’t go home. Nothing would be the same. Sure they could probably fall in to their old routine but who’s to say that people wouldn’t be sent after them. They would have to go far. Very far away. But how would they have to go to escape? How well will they do out there? He rubbed his eyes, Him Chan was his main concern, but now the maknaes would be added, Dae Hyun was fine on his own, but he wouldn’t wonder off alone. They have become too accustomed to each other. Him Chan didn’t want to have a baby here, but would he go the rest of his life without a child? Would they deny each other so much?

"This is going to require a lot of careful planning," Yong Guk raised a hand to keep the maknaes and Him Chan from cheering out loud. "We’re going to need food, clothes, blankets, light, and all that other good stuff but we need to travel light. If we carry too much we'll be caught."

"Food is our main concern," Him Chan spoke, "we don’t know how far it is to the next town. We may have to skip a few so nobody will realize where we came from."

Everyone nodded silently. Dae Hyun asked softly, "what do we do?"

"So we'll have to figure out who is doing what. Everyone’s going to have a job to do." Yong Guk began thinking of a list of things they needed to do and how to go about their plan. "Jun Hong, Jong Up you’re both in charge of blankets, flashlights and batteries and miscellaneous items. Him Chan you’re in charge of gathering food, dry, canned whatever you can fit into a bag, just make sure it'll last us all. Dae Hyun you will help me with planning an escape route and distraction."

"Do we gather now?" Jun Hong asked. Yong Guk shook his head not all at once. Well try for the middle of the week to leave, so gather bit by bit each day. Try not to look suspicious or too obvious about it, I don’t want your parents to catch on."

The maknaes nodded. Him Chan turned to Dae Hyun, "when were they planning on having you meet your Replacement Mate?"

"Next weekend," Dae Hyun sighed.

"Did you want to meet them before we left?" he asked.

"I’d rather not," Dae Hyun scoffed. "I don’t want to get his or hers hopes up. I’m not mating and they don’t need to see me."

Him Chan nodded, "Wednesday it is. I'll see how much we have here to see what we'll need, we only have four days."

Telling the younger three to think about what they would need and what they could carry. Yong Guk followed Him Chan to the kitchen there was something Him Chan wasn’t telling him. Yong Guk wrapped his arms around the thin waist, kissing the pale neck, "what’s wrong Him Chan? I thought you wanted to leave."

"I do," he sighed, "so does someone else, but he can’t tell you himself."

"That kid you work with?" he guessed. Him Chan nodded, "he doesn’t want to be forced to mate either, and I can’t leave him here and allow him to be forced to be mated. What would be the point?"

Yong Guk sighed heavily; he didn’t know if he was going to regret this decision but he said it out loud anyhow, "we'll take him to."

Him Chan brightened turning to face his mate in disbelief, "really?"

"Yea, just you're going to have to plan a way to get him." Yong Guk said. "I don’t know my way around the hospital but don’t take too long."

Him Chan nodded kissing his mate happily. Yong Guk laughed; maybe leaving the Facility was the way to go.

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Chapter 84: Toss between Nocturnal Bloodlust, Arlequien, Razor, and Lynch., but considering Versailles, the Gazette, or even Manteru Opera.
I think about this story from time to time and try to remember my favorites parts. (I made a movie in my head when i read it, and just played the bits i could remember). I knew it was removed but i was sad i couldn't remember the title in case it came back. Thank you for uploading it again, it's one of my favorites story, and i love that there are many chapters.
Sinii92 #3
Chapter 83: I just spent whole night reading this. Like I went to sleep in morning... I just wanted to know what is going to happen. And now I’m crying because of chapter 83 and I’m scared because of completed status but it’s not finished but at same time I think this is older fanfic and now my brain is malfunctioning