R21. Cliché, Isn’t It? Just How I Like It!

What’s Inside Your Head?
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Title: R21. Cliché, Isn’t It? Just How I Like It!

Summary: Where Taeyeon really wants to keep her job and be professional, but Tiffany really just wants a girlfriend... Specifically, one girl to be her girlfriend.

Notes: Slight warning for a use of a slur, specifically a lesbian slur (d-word). I did not censor it, but I hope that this warning will heed any uncomfiness :) Also, in the same scene, there's also a lot of women demeaning insults thrown in there. Please be warned!

A/N: Hiya! Been a while, my friends! I hope you haven't forgotten me already... I've been really occupied lately, both by school and mental health issues, but I managed to finish this one up. Finally! To the requester, I'm so sorry to have taken so long! I'll try to do better in the future :(

♥ Damia

Taeyeon Kim was someone who’d always valued professionalism. When she was in school, she treated her peers with respect, spoke to her teachers and professors with regard. To her parents, she was always polite, no matter how they frustrated her. She accommodated to relatives, making herself the best cousin, no matter how her skin itched in discomfort.

This was no different, she tried to convince herself. Keep calm, Taeyeon.

“Taeyeon-ie!” Tiffany screeched like a tropical bird, clinging to the shorter woman’s arm as if it was her last lifeline. Her loud yell made Taeyeon’s eardrums rattle.

“Ms Tiffany.” Taeyeon greeted curtly, trying her hardest to not shove the imposing woman away. Does personal space mean nothing to you!?

“Please let go of my arm.” Taeyeon turned away as she spoke, hoping the red hue of her cheeks wasn’t visible.


“It is interfering with my work, please step back.” Taeyeon forced out through gritted teeth, a vein in her forehead bulging and cheeks colouring even redder. Tiffany let go with a distraught pout but still kept close to her guardian.

Her rule with professionalism would not change, not even if Tiffany Hwang tested her every day, not even if the damned woman made her want to say ‘ it all’. As her personal bodyguard, it was Taeyeon’s duty to keep her safe. That was including from herself if it came down to it.

Kim Taeyeon and Hwang Tiffany’s relationship was quite complicated, which annoyed the former to no-end. It shouldn’t have been complicated. It should’ve been the easiest thing! But no. They were too much for Taeyeon’s comfort.

Things that should’ve been clear as day became muddled and foggy. Where Taeyeon could have just driven Tiffany to her appointments and hung around her as she moved in between, the universe seemed to have other plans.

When Taeyeon picked up Tiffany from her address, each morning the woman presented her with an iced americano from the cafe across the street. On their drives to places Tiffany would chatter away, her words going in Taeyeon’s ear and out from the other. During Tiffany’s photoshoots, she introduced Taeyeon as ‘friend’ rather than ‘bodyguard’. Tiffany asked Taeyeon for advice, opened up about her likes and dislikes, spoke of her values.

What should’ve been a sterile, neutral symbiotic function had become a much closer, much more intimate affair. It was clear Tiffany wanted something, be it friendship or, god-forbid, something more. Something more that Taeyeon could not give. At least, not right now.

She had tried her hardest to keep the supermodel at a distance. Even tried to make herself hate her. What better way to hate her than to look through an anti-fan lense? Taeyeon read article after article, the nastiest tabloids, trying to instil hatred into her heart, to replace the blooming fondness. It had only served to make her angry.

Tiffany Hwang spotted lip-locking with Mystery Man in a socal club

The article had vague pictures of two figures who could’ve very well been just any normal club patrons. The only reason the article seemed credible was that it had evidence of Tiffany entering the club with her friends. 

Tiffany Hwang; Notoriously Picky

She had refused to work with a known racist, xenophobic designer. Literally what the was wrong with that? Tiffany was right to stand by her beliefs!

Is Tiffany Hwang coming out of the closet?

The question in the headline was useless, considering the article all but outed her. Pictures from months of stalking, creepy analysis of her interactions with other industry professionals and even going as far as to look at her nails. Invading her privacy, putting her under possible threat — and people found this amusing? Taeyeon got increasingly blood-thirsty as she read more and more.

List of the most Two-Faced celebrities

Oh, but of course, Tiffany was topping the list. Why? Because she was gay. Because she had hidden the fact from the media. This sense of entitlement and blatant homophobia was supposed to be taken seriously? Taeyeon couldn’t help but scoff. It was sad that publishing companies could give away their dignity like this, just for money and clicks.

Tiffany Hwang cheats on Hollywood actor Choi Siwon with another model!

Linking arms with a man doesn’t count as cheating, ing es! Taeyeon wanted to scream. First of all, from all the news of her being gay, you’d think that alleged dating rumours with men wouldn’t be taken seriously. She wasn’t dating Siwon and even if she was, friendly interactions with the opposite gender didn’t immediately mean romantic relations.

Reading them made Taeyeon’s blood boil, the deepest crevices of her being flaring in outrage. All those big headlines were about one or two small incidents, blown out of proportion and obviously taking advantage of Tiffany’s fame. It was as if the writers took rumours for credible sources.

Daughter of a politician, supermodel and former-broadway actress and singer, her name alone could bring thousands of clicks. Anything concerning her made it big. Reading those articles and the nasty words they wrote of her, Taeyeon couldn’t possibly hate her. Because she knew better. Tiffany Hwang was more than her name, more than her father’s daughter and more than her roles in theatre. Tiffany Hwang was quickly squirming her way into Taeyeon’s heart, and she didn’t know what to do about it.

No matter how loud her voice was, no matter how she could talk about nothing for hours on end, Taeyeon still listened.

No matter how much she clung to her, how she wouldn’t leave her alone, Taeyeon could never really push her away.

No matter how odd she behaved when netizens made comments about Taeyeon’s good looks, Taeyeon would smile through her confusion.

And when Tiffany quieted down and her smiling eyes rounded, filling with an emptiness, Taeyeon couldn’t stand seeing it.

“We have time for ice cream before your shoot.” The bodyguard would say, every time another one of those misleading articles were released. “My treat.” She’d add when Tiffany’s chin quivered and shoulders shook.

So, they were a complicated pair of a bodyguard and client. But it worked. Tiffany was protected, Taeyeon earned a living. Every day was a good one, in one sense or another. With all its frustrations and triumphs, all the wins and the losses, Taeyeon went to sleep with a smile on her face. But she wouldn’t let go of her duty.

She knew very well that the feelings she’d started harbouring for the supermodel were hardly acceptable. Not only was it extremely cliché, but it was also extremely unprofessional.

So, Taeyeon persisted.

When Tiffany tried to kiss her on the cheek after driving her home from their secret ice cream date, Taeyeon leaned away.

When Tiffany tried holding her hand, Taeyeon pretended not to notice and balled up her fists or pulled out her phone.

When Tiffany asked her to have dinner or lunch with her, Taeyeon said she couldn’t. She was on duty. She was working. (But sometimes, Tiffany would look at her a certain way and she would cave.) Taeyeon pretended not to notice Tiffany’s smile dimming. It made her chest ache, but she tried to convince herself it was better for both of them. She wasn’t sure how to keep Tiffany at a distance and close enough at the same time, and it was hurting both of them. Taeyeon didn’t know what to do...

Well, that was until that one incident. What incident? you might ask. Well, the airport incident, of course. Everyone knew about it, maybe even the whole world! Let’s elaborate:

It all changed one uneventful morning. Taeyeon picked up Tiffany from her apartment and drove her to the airport. Taeyeon drives silently, face puffy from sleep as Tiffany bounces on her seat energetically, face made up immaculately. It was like any other morning and Taeyeon refused to let herself see how awfully domestic this routine had become. 

“Hey, Taeyeon!” The young model hollered as she got into the car. It was barely seven o’clock and Taeyeon did not appreciate the loud noise. “Good morning!” She giggled happily as she handed Taeyeon the usual iced Americano. Taeyeon pretended not to notice the distinct handwriting on the cup and the abundance of hearts on it. Tiffany was obnoxiously joyous while Taeyeon could only grumble in return. How did she have all this energy? She hadn’t even had her coffee.

“Your drink is on the cupholder.” Taeyeon pointed out with a low voice, pretending Tiffany’s energy only made her grumpier. In reality, seeing Tiffany’s beaming smile and crescent eyes had her wide awake — Get it together, Kim Taeyeon.

The model hummed, pleased and took her Starbucks concoction happily. She on the straw and Taeyeon couldn’t help but fidget nervously. Had she gotten her order right?

“Oh my gosh, Taeyeon!” Tiffany screeched and pulled the drink away from herself. Taeyeon felt a lance of panic shoot through her heart but refused to let it show.

“What now?” Is it poisoned? Who should I call? I’m so sorry, Tiffany! I’m so—

“Did you get whole milk? I drink nonfat.” Tiffany said, lips pouting and tone dejected. Taeyeon turned to look at the woman, totally in disbelief. She could taste the fat-per cent of the damn milk?

“If you think having nonfat in that sugary thing will make it healthier — I hate to break it to you, you’re wrong and stupid.” Taeyeon deadpanned, absolutely done with the princessy woman.

“Are you calling me fat?” The waver in Tiffany’s tone had Taeyeon’s head whipping to her right again. Tiffany’s doe eyes were glassy and her chin was quivering like she was about to cry any moment now. Gulping in nervousness, Taeyeon took a deep breath as she robotically turned back to the road. You got this Taeyeon, just tell her no. She is not fat. Easy, right?

“You need to gain weight anyway…” Wrong! What the , Taeyeon!? “I- I mean, I, uh I couldn’t help but you’re way too skinny during the bikini photoshoot— I wasn’t, like, looking or anything I just, I just happened to see, y’know and-” What the are you doing just shut your trap! Shut it! Much too consumed in her mental arguing, Taeyeon failed to notice Tiffany sending loving looks her way. 

“Uhh, so you gotta be healthier because you have to live longer. And- and it would be a great disappointment if you got hurt. Or, like, died early.” Really, why are you alive, Kim Taeyeon? Just why? Taeyeon felt like beating her head into the steering wheel. She was seriously contemplating just opening the driver’s side door and rolling out when Tiffany put a gentle hand on her arm.

“You think me dying prematurely would be a great disappointment?” Tiffany’s eyes twinkling like they usually did, Taeyeon found it a struggle to keep her eyes trained on the road.

“I guess… Yeah…” And Tiffany squealed high and loud, shattering Taeyeon’s eardrums and squeezing her heart. Really, it was just a normal morning. The incident had yet to happen and Taeyeon had thought she’d already ruined her day with that embarrassing car ride. But it turned out to be much worse than that.

The bodyguard-model duo arrived at the airport a good hour before their aeroplane was to board, which gave them much time to go through customs and find the gate. Their luggage would be taken care of by other members of the security and staff team.

On their walk through the airport, things were relatively peaceful. For the most part, the fans who’d come to greet Tiffany were civil, if a bit loud. Taeyeon’s big ears were very sensitive, okay! The paparazzi were their usual selves, probing so close it was right on the fine line of harassment. Taeyeon was alert and awake through the whole ordeal, keeping her eye on everything. She was surveying her surroundings casually when she got an awful feeling in her gut.

Absolute dread weighed in her belly, so heavy a cold sweat began to form on her brow. Glancing at Tiffany, who was on her left side, waving for her fans and smiling like she always did, she made sure of her whereabouts. The feeling in Taeyeon’s belly did not ease. It seemed to be growing as time passed. Fighting the instinct to take Tiffany by her waist and tug her closer, Taeyeon surveyed their surroundings again. And then she saw it.

A man of average height and seemingly pretty young had his arms raised, one over his head and the other at his chest level. He looked as if he was aiming as if he was going to throw something. His eyes were wide and crazy, like a cornered animal, concentrated entirely on Tiffany. And then he swung.

“UGLY !” He shouted as the thing flew through the air, spinning. Taeyeon was unsure what it was, but she did know it was headed straight for Tiffany. Moving instinctively and on pure muscle memory from her training, Taeyeon positioned herself in the way of the flying object.

Turns out it was a glass bottle, Taeyeon realized when it broke. It hit her in the collarbone, near the shoulder. Grunting at the pain, Taeyeon fought against the pain shooting down her left arm and checked Tiffany’s condition. The model looked confused, not very alarmed yet. That was good. She hadn’t registered what had happened and Taeyeon would’ve liked her to stay that way. Turning to check on the assailant, she discovered him prowling towards them.

“Jackal reporting, we have code orange, arrest due, location near security, backup needed right now. Over.” Taeyeon spoke into her in-ear hurriedly, preparing to hold the guy off while the rest of the team made it to them. She vaguely registered a response from them but paid it no mind.

“Come on, big guy…” She muttered under her breath, keeping her attention mostly on him, but still taking account of their other surroundings. They were still walking, but Taeyeon noticed Tiffany had slowed her pace. The bodyguard took her client by the arm and tugged her to quicken her pace. The people around them had mostly dispersed, the fans having scrambled away as soon as the bottle had shattered against Taeyeon. The paps had made much more distance but still loitered around, eager to take action photos. Bastards.

“Taeyeon—” Tiffany tried, tone wavering as it had in the car, except much more fragile, real. Taeyeon had no time to comfort her now. “I- I’m scared…” And the guy was right there. Definitely no time.

“Ugly ! ! ing dyke!” The man was yelling and cursing, red in the face and spit flying from his mouth like bugs in August. Taeyeon curled her lip in disgust.

“Step away, man. Back off, do not come any closer.” Taeyeon warned, taking a defensive stance in between the man and Tiffany.

“ off, midget.” The man spat, not pausing in his stride whatsoever. Oh, he’d regret that. The moment he was within a 1.5-meter radius of Taeyeon, she did not hesitate to detain him. But the man was relatively built and regardless of how well-trained Taeyeon was, the man was still physically stronger.

He broke out of her hold with a yell and punched her. The hit was uncoordinated and had no technique, so Taeyeon could mostly block it, but it still managed to clip her jaw. It hurt like a and broke her concentration for a bit, which allowed him to land a solid hit to her midsection. Wind knocked out of her, Taeyeon wheezed as she countered his attack, uncoordinated and sloppy, but it would have to do.

Surging forward, Taeyeon used the momentum to push him on the ground. Dazed on his back with Taeyeon on top of him, she got a few critical hits to his ugly mug. Hands instinctively coming to shield his face, Taeyeon took advantage of this. She took him by the wrists and flipped him onto his stomach, and with his wrists in her hold restrained him properly. He tried to wiggle free from under her, bucking against her and almost throwing her off. Taeyeon had an expert hold on the man, though, so by simply twisting his arm more he was whimpering in pain.

The rest was foggy to her, but essentially that had been the airport incident. The one and only that had once and for all bee

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reveluv316 814 streak #1
Can't wait to start reading
1129 streak #2
Chapter 33: I'm here again rereading hehehe...
Airwaste #3
Chapter 31: I'm here again because zombie taengoo haha
Chapter 33: This is so touching 😢 indeed true love until the very end . Thank you for your hard work .
217 streak #5
Chapter 14: Aww, Yuri was supposed fo win. Hahaha
217 streak #6
Chapter 13: I thought it was going to be a sad ending 😂😅
217 streak #7
Chapter 12: Of course, fate decided to get you two married. Although drunkenly 😂😂
CrissYoung #8
Chapter 33: If you like, can you write a Taeny story like the 'My Wife is a Gangster 3' movie??
Chapter 33: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1457793/33'>CFS III: Hidden in Plain ...</a></span>
I believe love has no gender. Love is Love!!❤️

Respect is free, but it goes both ways... It's very simple and easy to understand, but a lot of people still can't, acting righteous and all.

I don't know how people can defend corrupt people than fight for gay rights.

Anyway, great job author! This really needs to be read by all as it is so relevant! Wake up people it's already 2023!

Love the story! Despite what they've been through, they were still together. They really can't fight the feeling. And I am happy they're feelings are mutual! :)

Happy pride month!

Love Wins!

1129 streak #10
Chapter 33: If possible authy I'll like all to have a sequel but my most fave of all is the one where Taeng is a zoombie 😁😁😁