R17. What If You And I Like Each Other?

What’s Inside Your Head?
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Title: R17. What If You And I Like Each Other?


Summary: Taeyeon struggled with that  called ‘hope’ for her ultimate crush, Manager Hwang.


A/N:  This is mostly Taeyeon’s POV then switched to no one’s POV somewhere in the middle haha. :D I altered the requested content a bit because damn it, some of your requests are sad as . HAHA. Come on! Why?! I wanna write crack. Please request crack prompt juseyo! XD





I met her for the first time at work. I was a new entry-level employee and she was one of the supervisors who trained us. Ever since that day, my world has changed drastically. 


“Good morning!” It was Manager Lee who greeted us. Lee Sunny to be exact.


Manager Lee has a bubbly personality, she greeted everyone with great enthusiasm.


“Good morning, Manager Lee!” the new employees greeted back with smiles on their faces. We’re all excited to work in the company. Manager Lee clapped her hands in delight.


“Oh, I love the energy of the new employees!” 


“That will go away.” A girl walked towards Manager Lee lazily while scanning papers on her hands which I assumed, our profiles. Despite her lazy stride and nonchalant face, looking at her side profile I was dazed.


‘Holy , she’s pretty.’


Manager Lee lightly chuckled.


“Everyone, meet Manager Hwang… Tiffany Hwang.” Manager Lee introduced the lady beside her.


“Good morning, Manager Hwang!” the newbies greeted.


“I was once like you, so happy and full of life,” she commented further.


“Manager Hwang, show them the great smile you once had, will you?” Manager Lee tried to coax the girl beside her.


The newbies were looking at each other confusedly because of the odd Manager that popped up so sudden.


“Whatever, I don’t know why you need me here.” Manager Hwang sighed.


“We have to train them.” 


“This is not a military, it’s easy. Just scanned the documents. Write reports the whole day and listen to the meeting they’re probably not interested to attend to, and lastly go home. It’s routine actually.” She dryly commented and the newbies laughed. I did too, I was smiling the whole time. Not only is she pretty but also has a sense of humour.


“That’s...Okay, that’s correct but you gotta have fun and do your work with love!” Manager Lee cheered the newbies.


“The only day I love with the years I worked here is payday.” Manager Hwang wittily remarked and we all laughed. She started checking the profile, “So, let’s start with introducing yourselves, shall we?” they all nodded. She started to read names until she read mine, finally.


“And, Miss Kim Taeyeon?”


“Y-Yeah, ma’am. It’s me.” I raised my hand awkwardly.


“You’re a bit shy, huh?” she finally gave the infamous smile and my heart started to flutter that I almost lost my .


‘So would you like to date me? Maybe after work?’




“Miss Kim? Miss Kim, are you alright?” she asked and I realized I was just daydreaming right in front of her.


How embarrassing!


“Y-Yeah, I’m fine.”


“Okay, since we already know each other, we can all get back to our respective desks and work ourselves till we get tired!” she closed the profiles and started to walk away, Manager Lee grinned.


“That was quite a character, isn’t it?”


Everybody laughed.


“Don’t worry, she’s a good manager. If you have questions, approach me or Manager Hwang. We’ll be happy to help you.”


That was my first day of work. Starting that day, I felt weird. My stomach feels weird. I can’t seem to look away from Manager Hwang’s face.


‘This is bad.’


And every day I wake up in the morning, all I see is sunshine and smell daisies all because of a girl.


“My stomach is fluttering with butterflies nowadays, all because of Manager Hwang.”




As expected, all the newbies ask Manager Lee questions because they were intimidated by Manager Hwang’s personality and glare. A guy tried to ask a question but he was shut off.


“This is too wordy, are you sure you didn’t get this from google? And you didn’t have to highlight everything, this is a fiscal report, not a colouring book!” Manager Hwang gave her constructive criticism, after a few days, the newbie guy resigned explaining the work was too hard for him.


Knowing these things, I still like Manager Hwang no matter how cold she could get. I love the fact that she doesn’t care about anything and she’s brutally honest.


Our conversation hasn’t passed yet far from ‘Good mornings’. 


Since Manager Hwang’s desk was located in front of mine, I kept peeking on what she was doing. She would always sport this serious look and her eyebrows would furrow every time she gets confused and frustrated.


‘What a hot-headed woman.’


I had this coffee on my hands that I’ve been wanting to give her ever since this morning but I have no guts to do so, what I missed was that Manager Lee was at my back looking at the same person I was looking at and back to me.


I thought of the things I would do when I give this coffee to her.


‘Manager Hwang!’ I called out nervously as I approached her desk.




‘Would you like some coffee?’


‘Sure!’ she took the coffee on my hand, her fingers brushed on mine, I felt butterflies everywhere. She opened the canned coffee and took a sip.


‘Oh, it’s good!’


‘Do you like it?’ I asked shyly. She held my arms and squeezed it lightly.


‘I like you.’


“Aha, so you’ve been looking at Manager Hwang!” a voice startled the out of me and crashed my daydream.


“Huh?” I was beet red.


Then I saw Manager Lee’s playful face and waved at Manager Hwang.


“Oh, Tiffany! Miss Kim is looking at…” I immediately panicked and stood up as I hastily gave the coffee to Manager Lee.


‘. Is this how gay panic feels like?’


“HAVE THIS COFFEE! IT’S GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH!” Then I ran out of the door and excused myself to the restroom.


Meanwhile, Manager Hwang looked at Manager Lee.


“Newbie has a crush on you, huh?” Manager Hwang looked at the surprised Manager Lee while holding a coffee on her hands. Manager Lee smiled.


“Oh, you have no idea..” she chuckled as she saw Manager Hwang drinking her tea.


Apparently, Manager Hwang has caffeine allergies.




I arrived early at work so I could ask Manager Hwang for a coffee, but still, I had no guts to approach her so I settled with holding the coffee in my hands and looked down on my desk.


‘Good morning, Miss Kim!’ Manager Hwang approached my desk and I was dumbstruck.


‘G-Good morning, Manager Hwang!’ I stood up quickly and helplessly stuttered, she giggled.


‘You look cute, would you like to go out with me?’ she charmingly asked and I melted at the sight.




 I felt a tap on my shoulder.


“What ‘Yes?’”


Manager Lee started to befriend me that day. With my obvious crush with Manager Hwang, Manager Lee likes to tease me about it. 


“O-Oh… uh… it’s nothing.”


“Good morning, Miss Kim!”


“Good morning, Manager Lee.” she put her hands on my shoulders and whispered something that made me blush.


“So, you’re sightseeing, huh?”


‘Crap, I got caught.’


But with Manager Hwang looking like an angel early in the morning, I felt blessed and I have to enjoy this view while it lasts. 


“I-I don’t know what you m-mean…” I nervously replied and she gave me a can of snacks.


“Have some of my nuts!”




“Just get one.” I shyly took one and gave her back the can.


“Oh, it’s good!”


“It’s from Japan.” she smiled and waved as she noticed Manager Hwang looking at us.


“Do you want some, Tiffany?” Manager Lee offered.


‘Little devil!’


I saw Manager Hwang frown and said, “I’ll pass, Sunny.” Then she focused on the papers at her table. I sighed and looked at the coffee on my hand.


Manager Lee tapped my back and said, “You know, Manager Hwang doesn’t drink coffee. Try tea instead.” she suggested.


“O-Oh? Uh… Thank y-you.”


“If you’re really grateful, can I have that coffee instead?” Manager Lee grinned and I gave her the coffee, “Sure.”


“See you!”


Meanwhile, when Manager Lee passed by Manager Hwang's table, Manager Hwang called her out.


“Coffee again from the newbie?” Manager Hwang asked curiously.


“Yeah, isn’t she cool? You should try to be friends with her.” 


“No thanks, I don’t like coffee. She has a crush on you, right?”


“You really are clueless.” Manager Lee chuckled as she went to her respective desk while Manager Hwang was left on her thoughts.


‘What does she mean?’


She saw Miss Kim on the photocopying machine.


“So, she likes Sunny, huh?”




I arrived early at the office again only to be informed that Manager Hwang would report in the afternoon because she had a meeting in the morning with an important client. I was down the whole day while doing my work. I didn’t realize that it’s already afternoon.


“Want to have lunch, Miss Kim?” it was Manager Lee who approached me.




“You can’t say no, Manager Hwang would join us. She’s on her way.” she put her arms around me and dragged me out of the office.


“Let’s go, newbie!”


Then, on our way to the cafeteria, I had this daydream.


I saw Manager Hwang waving at us. She ran towards me and hugged me tightly.


‘I miss you, Taeyeon!’


‘I miss you too.’


Then all the butterflies tingled on my skin. 


Then I suddenly felt cold. 


Manager Lee put her iced cold soda on my cheeks. 


“Hey!” Manager Lee snapped her fingers in front of me as I was dazed.




I frowned when I saw no Manager Hwang on our table. We waited for a long ten minutes with Manager Lee interrogating me about my feelings for Manager Hwang.


“So, you like Manager Hwang, huh?”


I shook my head but I couldn’t speak because I would be lying by then. Manager Lee laughed.


“It’s obvious that you do, don’t lie,” 


“Is it bad?” I asked embarrassedly.


“Nope, it’s only bad if you’re keeping it to yourself.”


“It’s silly, I guess,” I said nervously as I got caught by Manager Lee.


“It’s not silly,”


“Your crush is coming, act normal.” Manager Lee whispered at me and I saw Manager Hwang walk towards our table. She seemed like she had a bad day so she was frowning when she saw me and Manager Lee.


“Hey, Tiffany! Come join us.” Manager Lee waved, and Manager Hwang sat beside me.


‘, is she really beside me?’


I felt a lot of emotions. Fear of making a fool out of myself and happy that she’s somehow close to me.


“So, Miss Kim is joining us?” she asked me. I shyly nodded my head.


“She’ll join our lunches from now on.” Manager Lee playfully said and I laughed nervously as I tried to read Manager Hwang’s face.


“I wonder why though,” she said flatly and my heart clenched a bit.


‘She doesn’t like me here.’ I was suddenly sad.


Manager Lee looked at me and Manager Hwang.


“Let’s exchange LINE contacts!” she grinned and gave me knowing looks.


“I don’t see why not.” Manager Hwang gave hers to me and Manager Lee did too.


‘I got her LINE contact, OMG! Manager Lee is such an angel. Heaven is on my side!’


We ate our lunch together with Manager Lee and Manager Hwang talking and I remained quiet of course. They were my superiors after all. Manager Lee was telling stories about her boyfriend and Manager Hwang was looking at me with a weird expression.


“So, my boyfriend keeps on ditching me and-” Manager Hwang cut her off.


“Sunny, I don’t think it’s appropriate to talk about that I-” but Manager Lee laughed.


“Why not? I think Miss Kim here also got someone she likes, right?” Manager Lee wiggled her eyebrows and nudged my shoulder playfully.


“Y-Yeah…” I said awkwardly.


Then I saw Manager Lee’s playful eyes, “Manager Hwang’s boyfriend is pretty popular, you know that?”


I saw Manager Hwang smiled and she chuckled at Manager Lee.


“Yeah, he is.”


I looked at Manager Lee and back to Manager Hwang.


“S-She has a…”




‘What was I thinking? Of course, I have no chance with a girl like her.’


Then, I remained quiet the entire lunch because my heart was aching. It’s a devastating feeling to know that the person you like is dating someone else. All my daydreams completely backfired at me. 


‘They will never happen in real life.’


Meanwhile, Manager Hwang was looking at the girl beside her in pity. She glared at Manager Lee who was oblivious while telling her random stories.


‘Sunny, you’re a prick.’ she thought as she looked at Miss Kim in pity.




I decided to have three days sick leave to get over the heartache I felt. But still, it wasn’t healed. I merely put a band-aid on it, a band-aid that’s ready to be ripped off every time I would see Manager Hwang. The days went on, and I didn’t try anything anymore. 


‘Some dreams do not come true.’


Manager Lee looked at me weirdly when I refused our initial lunch arrangement. I just told them I was busy and rushing on a deadline. I couldn’t smile and the sun looked gloomy and I did not smell the daisies anymore. 


‘All because of unrequited love and impossible daydreams.’


Manager Lee became my coffee buddy every morning. She’s a good friend and supervisor. A week after, I was sad because Manager Lee was on a business trip for a month in Japan.


 I received an email, it was from Manager Lee.


‘Don’t miss me too much. I’ll be in Japan for a while when I come back, I want to hear good news from you. Go get the Hwang.’ I smiled but then I remembered, she has a boyfriend.


That day, Manager Hwang greeted me ‘Good morning.’ I didn’t have the energy to greet her back so I just gave her a fake smile and continued doing my job without looking at her anymore.


I looked at my phone and saw the contacts on my LINE. I clicked on Manager Hwang’s profile picture but happened when I accidentally clicked the call button. I panicked when I saw Manager Hwang looked at her phone and looked at me. She approached me.


“Uhm, do you need something?” she asked.


“O-Oh… I pressed the wrong button, I’m sorry for the inconvenience.” I showed my phone and , the screen was showing her profile. Yeah, I got busted, I was stalking her.


‘Great job, Kim Taeyeon. Now die.’ I grimaced.


But she just smiled and told me, “I see, accidents happen, right? That’s normal.” she just saved me from my embarrassment and I only stared at her in awe, “Very, well. Feel free to call me if you need anything.”


“I-I… Thank you, Manager Hwang.”


 I looked at her as she went back to her desk. She was smiling while looking at her phone.


‘She has a boyfriend anyway.’ my mind said and I got sad again 


I didn’t bother to take lunch. I didn’t notice that I spent my hours working straight and it’s already 6 PM. Everyone went home already. I sighed and then I felt a tap on my shoulder.


“Miss Kim, aren’t you going home?” it was Manager Hwang wearing a worried expression. Or maybe I’m just being delusional again.


“O-Oh, I’ll… I’ll just finish this then I’m off.”


“Would you like to have some dinner?”




I slapped myself to know if I’m just daydreaming again, then I can still see Manager Hwang looking at me.


‘So, it’s real…’


“Are you sleepy?” she chuckled.


“O-Oh, yeah…” I embarrassedly looked away.


“Come on, you need to eat. I’m hungry too.”


‘So, she noticed that I didn’t take my break?’




We ended up having dinner together. I kept glancing at her. Wondering what was happening. Maybe she just wanted to be friends? I don’t know, I shouldn’t think of anything.


‘This is not a date.’ I keep on reminding myself that she has a boyfriend. Then, I ed up as some words slipped out from my mouth.


“Your boyfriend must be upset that you’re working overtime.”


‘Crap, what the hell did I just say?!’




“U-Uh… Manager Lee said…”


“Do you want to see my Prince?” she smiled like she was in love then I frowned.


“Huh?” I lamented.


I don’t want to see the person who owns the heart of the person I like. It’s like adding salt into my wounds.


She was smiling when she sat beside me and showed her phone to me.


‘What the ?’


“Your Prince is a dog?!” I could hide the biggest smile I ever did in my life. It’s a mixture of relief, gratefulness and luck.


“Yeah, he’s quite famous on the internet. He got many followers because he’s cute.”


“That’s great!” I was smiling the whole time I didn’t know maybe I look stupid.


“You look happy, do you like dogs?” Manager Hwang asked.


“Yeah, I like you!”




Then, I realized what I had said and my eyes widened in fear as I saw her shock expression.


“I-I mean! I like dogs! I like your dog! I like all dogs!”


“That’s good, uh… Since Manager Lee is not around, you can be friends with me.” Manager Hwang said softly as she looked down on her table.


‘Friends… at least friends.’ I smiled in contentment.


“Thank you, Manager Hwang!” I grinned.


“Just call me Tiffany.”


“I-I can’t do that…”


“Well, at least when we’re not in the office.”


“S-So, w-we can hang out a-again?!”


She smiled and told me, “Why not?”


And I was smiling the whole night.


‘Gosh, I must be crazy.’

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reveluv316 805 streak #1
Can't wait to start reading
1120 streak #2
Chapter 33: I'm here again rereading hehehe...
Airwaste #3
Chapter 31: I'm here again because zombie taengoo haha
Chapter 33: This is so touching 😢 indeed true love until the very end . Thank you for your hard work .
217 streak #5
Chapter 14: Aww, Yuri was supposed fo win. Hahaha
217 streak #6
Chapter 13: I thought it was going to be a sad ending 😂😅
217 streak #7
Chapter 12: Of course, fate decided to get you two married. Although drunkenly 😂😂
CrissYoung #8
Chapter 33: If you like, can you write a Taeny story like the 'My Wife is a Gangster 3' movie??
Chapter 33: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1457793/33'>CFS III: Hidden in Plain ...</a></span>
I believe love has no gender. Love is Love!!❤️

Respect is free, but it goes both ways... It's very simple and easy to understand, but a lot of people still can't, acting righteous and all.

I don't know how people can defend corrupt people than fight for gay rights.

Anyway, great job author! This really needs to be read by all as it is so relevant! Wake up people it's already 2023!

Love the story! Despite what they've been through, they were still together. They really can't fight the feeling. And I am happy they're feelings are mutual! :)

Happy pride month!

Love Wins!

1120 streak #10
Chapter 33: If possible authy I'll like all to have a sequel but my most fave of all is the one where Taeng is a zoombie 😁😁😁