R2. The Resignation

What’s Inside Your Head?
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Title: R2. The Resignation


Summary: Tiffany was fed up at her workplace and was about to pass her resignation letter until a newbie co-worker walked in and it changed her mind real quick. But there was a problem, her new crush calls her bro and she isn’t even a boy.

Characters: TaeNy and Sunny.




“I’M THROUGH WITH THIS !” Tiffany pushed all the holy bible like pages of her paper works on the floor angrily.


She felt deceived. Like, the scenario when she bought a non-toxic paint only to be a fraud and real toxic that sent her to the hospital once she used it. 


Her job is no different.


She works too much and yet she gets so little of what she deserves.


She saw her recent rating from her boss who asked her to do a lot of workloads instead of spreading them out on their team.


She barely even passed and yet the effort she gave to do her job exceeds a hundred percent. All because her boss hated her guts when she stood up for her sick co-worker who filed a sick leave and yet disapproved by her superior.


“Please, I’m not really feeling so well.” her co-worker said to her boss. And her boss shook her head.


“We don’t tolerate laziness at this office.” Tiffany overheard it and she felt the revolution coming out from her veins.


“With all due respect, but I think health is more important than work.”


“Are you hearing yourself?” 


“Yes, and she has the right to take a sick leave. It’s on the labour code.”


“Do you know how hard it is to run a company? If it wasn’t for me, you’ll get nowhere. I hired you when you were a freshman, and now that you have the experience, you feel as if you know everything!”


“That’s ridiculous!”


“No, and you’re going to regret this day.”


‘ing .’  she crumpled the rating paper and immediately drafted her resignation paper and her friend Sunny slash her co-worker saw what she was doing.


“Tiffany, calm down! How about those five years you spent at this company? Changing a job in your late twenties would’ve been hard and you know that.” Sunny gave her a friendly reminder of how bitter life is.


But dreading the days every time she goes for work is more than bitter itself.


It’s like she’s spending her time doing something for money and yet she felt like she’s living a life without fulfilment.


“Just think of our paycheck, hmm?”


“I always wonder if getting paid for this work is even worth the bull.” Tiffany continued to type her normal template resignation.


“You know what, I also want to quit, but I have a car loan to pay for. If I am going to really quit, I’ll make my resignation letter a bomb. Since I feel really angry, I have to let it out on that .” Sunny frowned.


“And you’re the one who told me to calm down.” Tiffany smiled and suddenly an idea popped up into her head.


“You know what, I’m going to make my resignation letter a bomb she will never forget.”


She got a roll of tissue paper and pasted it on a crumpled scratch paper. She drew a toilet seat and a smiling poop.



‘Dear boss,


I am thrilled to inform you that I am tendering my resignation effective immediately. I’m quitting to pursue my dream of not working here. I have chosen this type of paper as a symbol of how you and this company made me feel for the past five years. A toilet paper is used to wipe the and be thrown right after and that’s what exactly you did to me. A poop ༼ ºل͟º ༽ because I felt like crap every time I hear your voice echoing in the hallway yelling to get our back to work when it’s our lunch break. I terribly needed my lunch break so I extended it to not working here anymore. (˘̭⺫˘̭ ;)


Just so you know, the employees here are not AI robots, we’re human beings. We get tired, we get sick, we get family emergencies but it seems like your selfish does not understand that we’re all human beings when you rejected our leaves and your ing went to Hawaii for a two weeks vacation. ╭∩╮(︶_︶)╭∩╮


I know you would like me to help with the transition but I won’t. Have fun figuring out the files and the computer passwords on your own. FYI. Whether you exist or not, I’ll succeed on my own and I owe you NOTHING because that’s what you are to me.


See you never.


P.S. I hated you since my first day of work.


With so much love and respect to myself,

Tiffany Hwang. ♡ + ♡


“AND YOU HAVE THE ING BALLS TO DO IT!” Sunny’s eyes widened when she saw Tiffany’s artwork.


“I don’t need balls to feel dead inside every time I go to work.”


“Are you really going to do it?” Sunny thought her friend was just kidding when she saw the serious face that Tiffany emits when she put her letter inside an envelope.




Tiffany walked and ignored her pleas. She was ready to hand her precious masterpiece to her boss until she bumped into somebody in the hallway.


“Hey, watch where you’re go- ‘Oh, . She’s hot.’ I-I… Are you okay?” The annoyance she felt was suddenly shifted into a coy mood when she saw the stranger’s face.


A hot girl who’s exactly like her type.


Big eyes, pale complexion, cute nose and a y aura.


‘She’s a little bit short though.’


“I’m sorry. I’m looking for Ms. Park’s office. You see, it’s my first day of work and I’m kinda new here.” The girl bowed apologetically.


“Your gay is showing.” Sunny whispered to Tiffany’s ears and Tiffany pinched her sides, “OUCH!” Sunny complained.


The girl picked up the fallen envelope on the ground, she looked at it since the paper was not folded well and the envelope was torn, she was able to read some of its contents.


“Interesting paper you have here.”


“I-It’s nothing!” Tiffany snatched the paper on the girl’s hand and the girl slightly chuckled.


“My name is Kim Taeyeon. How unfortunate our meeting would be brief.” Tiffany looked at the girl like she heard angels singing in the background.


“Tiffany Hwang.” she shook Taeyeon’s hands.


‘Oh my gosh, she’s real!’


“So, do you know where’s Ms. Park’s office?” 


“Right in the corner of- Oh, ouch! Sunny, what was that for?” she felt Sunny retaliate and pinched her sides looking at her with a smirk that screams ‘You’ll thank me later.’ look.


“Oh, Tiffany is just going there to hand over her resignation. She’ll take you there!” Sunny pushed Tiffany to Taeyeon and sent her a telepathic message. ‘HELPLESS GAY.’




“Then, I’ll tag along with you Tiffany.” Taeyeon smiled at her and it made Tiffany drop her envelope to the ground again. It’s seems like a lucky day when Taeyeon picked up at the same time as Tiffany and they bumped their heads in the process




“I’m so sorry!”


Then suddenly, Taeyeon laughed.


“You’re cute.”


… not to mention, her invisible heart that fell along with the envelope beat out loud as well.


Love at first sight.


But the timing is a .


‘How can I see her beautiful face again when I’m leaving?’ Tiffany suddenly had an internal turmoil.


“I wish you could stay, I feel like we can be great friends.” 




“Because it’s not everyday I bumped into someone twice in such a short amount of time.”


‘ it.’


Because she got whipped at their fi

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reveluv316 814 streak #1
Can't wait to start reading
1129 streak #2
Chapter 33: I'm here again rereading hehehe...
Airwaste #3
Chapter 31: I'm here again because zombie taengoo haha
Chapter 33: This is so touching 😢 indeed true love until the very end . Thank you for your hard work .
217 streak #5
Chapter 14: Aww, Yuri was supposed fo win. Hahaha
217 streak #6
Chapter 13: I thought it was going to be a sad ending 😂😅
217 streak #7
Chapter 12: Of course, fate decided to get you two married. Although drunkenly 😂😂
CrissYoung #8
Chapter 33: If you like, can you write a Taeny story like the 'My Wife is a Gangster 3' movie??
Chapter 33: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1457793/33'>CFS III: Hidden in Plain ...</a></span>
I believe love has no gender. Love is Love!!❤️

Respect is free, but it goes both ways... It's very simple and easy to understand, but a lot of people still can't, acting righteous and all.

I don't know how people can defend corrupt people than fight for gay rights.

Anyway, great job author! This really needs to be read by all as it is so relevant! Wake up people it's already 2023!

Love the story! Despite what they've been through, they were still together. They really can't fight the feeling. And I am happy they're feelings are mutual! :)

Happy pride month!

Love Wins!

1129 streak #10
Chapter 33: If possible authy I'll like all to have a sequel but my most fave of all is the one where Taeng is a zoombie 😁😁😁