R20. Little Drummer Girl

What’s Inside Your Head?
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Title: R20. Little Drummer Girl


Summary: Tiffany was in search of a drum player but she got the wrong person to play the role.


A/N: You guys seriously like sad fics, don’t you? Haha. Well, I want to write a little fun so kindly excuse me if I edit a little the prompt.


How are you? This year has been tough for all of us, huh? I couldn’t find much inspiration to write these days. All I do is go to work by day and play games at night. I couldn’t find so much meaning and purpose in my life. LOL. #Deep. Anyway, HAHAHA! Let me crack some jokes.


Thank you for the messages, I wish I could write the requests. Let’s see if I get better. 


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!









Tiffany has been in a dilemma for weeks now. The club that she had established herself in their university is closing because of lack of members. Ever since the dean announced that being in a club has no incentive in students’ academic performance, all the club members quitted resulting in her to be the last member of the ‘Band Club’ along with the bassist, Lee Sunny.


Bassists in bands normally aren't being noticed unless someone is a big fan of the band for their instruments are rather quiet compared to the electric guitar that Tiffany plays. But it didn’t matter to Sunny, she likes to play some groove that people unconsciously swayed in without getting too much attention.


“So, it’s just us?” Tiffany asked Sunny as the latter looked bored on her table while cleaning her bass instrument.


“Well, I gave out flyers outside. I have seen them all in the trash this morning.” Sunny sighed.


“That . Dean said we still need three more members for the club not to close. They’re giving this, our practice room to the art club if we failed to find members to fill in the drum, keyboard and the lead vocalist.” Tiffany stood from her chair and looked outside the window thinking about what to do next.


“Why don’t we hold auditions?” Sunny suggested.


“Well, isn’t that on the flyer? We have an audition today till’ 3.” Tiffany raised her brows as she looked at her friend.


“I never read the flyer myself, I just gave it out.” Sunny shrugged.


“It’s already 3 PM, I don’t think someone will come anymore.” Tiffany helplessly rubbed her eyes. She was looking at the unsigned agreement paper on the table that states that they are agreeing for the ‘Band Club’ to close.


“Might as well consider signing this.” She held the paper in her hands until someone peeked at the door.


“Hi, is the audition still on?”


Tall, tanned and excellent visuals that people would love. Tiffany smiled triumphantly.


“Yeah, come on in.”


“I’m sorry, I’m late, this thing is damn heavy.”


“Can you play?” she asked and the girl showed her keyboards as she panted.


“Hell yeah.”


“Show us what you’ve got.”


Tiffany and Sunny watched the girl layout her keyboards, set it up and played it herself. The moment she started her first key, Tiffany and Sunny looked at each other.


The girl was feeling her moment like she’s Pachelbel’s love child with Beethoven.


But Tiffany can almost feel Sunny’s consternation.


“What is she doing? She’s getting out of tune!” Sunny frantically whispered at Tiffany while looking at the undisturbed girl in front of them.


“That’s Canon in Dickhead key.” Tiffany deadpanned.


Tiffany decided to end things before she suicides due to off keys and unwelcomed sharps.


“Hey,” she called out but the girl was so into her moment as she played her off keys with passion.


“HEY!” Tiffany yelled and the girl stopped playing and looked at Tiffany.


‘ing finally.’


“Hey, uh, What’s your name?” she asked the girl awkwardly.


“Oh, my name is Sooyoung!” the girl cheerfully said.


“Great! Sooyoung-shi. About your audition I-”


“Oh, I was just practicing. That ain’t my piece. I’m actually an IT major that loves sound engineering. Want to see something cool?”


“Wait, there’s more?!” Sunny frustratingly asked.


“Hell yeah.”


‘Oh, .’


They helplessly watched Sooyoung bring something out of her bag. A laptop and some weird device that looks like a giant calculator.


“What’s that?” Tiffany asked curiously.


“It’s an SP-404. Watch me.” Sooyoung connected her keyboard midi device into her laptop and her SP-404 whatever is that .


Sooyoung sat proudly and imitated a familiar pose.


“They called me, the Lofi-Study girl.”


Then, the beat suddenly dropped and the two of them heard the jazzy hip-hop sound.


“Ohhh, so this is what they called chill vibe, eh?”


“But Tiffany, we need someone who plays the keys,” Sunny told her friend and Sooyoung heard it.


“Don’t worry, I can always use the samples.” she wiggled her brows.


A great wave of sound came out and Tiffany was impressed.


“Alright. I think this is good enough. We’ll just have to change our music more into Electro.”


“You mean, psychedelic?” Sunny countered and Sooyoung grinned and said, “Come on girl, balance your chakra, will you?”


“But we’re rockers!” Sunny was still doubting until Tiffany finally had her resolved. They need more members and so they need alternatives.


“Then, we’ll do this Lo Fi-Psychedelic-Rock !”


“You sure?” Sunny asked. Tiffany nodded and told Sooyoung, “You’re in.” 


“Hell yeah.” 


“Quick question, why are you the Lofi Study Girl?” Sunny asked curiously.


“It’s because I repeated my semester thrice.” Sooyoung shamelessly said and Tiffany’s mouth opened in realization.


“Oh, she never finished studying.”


‘Great, only two more members!’




There’s a new girl in Tiffany's class. Kim Taeyeon. The girl was her seatmate. She happens to be quite clueless. People think she’s weird so they don’t talk to her so much but Taeyeon doesn’t seem to mind. She’s always watching puppy videos on her phone and talking to herself. Tiffany doesn’t appreciate the loudspeaker sound of her phone but she paid no attention to it. She has more problems to deal with.


“Where can I get more members?” she thought as she looked at the agreement paper on her hands.


“Hi, I heard you’re from the Band Club. I’m interested in joining as a lead vocalist.”


When Tiffany looked up, she saw the campus crush, Jessica, right in front of her.


‘Is this a miracle?’


“Would you be interested in an audition later?” Tiffany asked.


“Sure, music room, right?”


“Yeah, at 3 PM.”


“Okay, see ya!”


Unknown to Tiffany. Her seatmate was listening to their conversation. But heard them wrongly.


“Bond Club, huh? Dean said I have to look for a club to join immediately. But what do they do there? They probably just bond together.” the girl laughed at her insight jokes while Tiffany looked at her weird seatmate who was laughing alone.


‘Is she mentally challenged?’




3 PM came and Jessica was singing in front of the Band Club Members. Looking like an angel and sounding like one.


‘Can you tell me how can one miss what she never had…♫♫’


“Jessica Jung as our vocalist? Holy !” Sooyoung, the Lofi Lord squealed in fangirling screams.


“Calm down, woman. Yeah, it seems like it.” Tiffany whispered, not intending to interrupt the blessing in their ears.


“But Tiffany, her style of singing doesn’t seem to suit our genre.” Sunny worriedly stated. Jessica stopped singing, she heard Sunny.


“I love RnB. It’s either you play me RnB or I won’t sing.” Jessica said.


“But Tiffany, we’re rockers!”


“I thought we’re Lo FI and psychedelic rock?” Sooyoung was confused.


Tiffany grimaced. She cannot afford to lose Jessica as a member. She’s an asset and she didn’t want the club to close down. So, she settled for innovative measures again.


“Then, we’ll do this Lo Fi-Psychedelic-Rock-RnB !”


Everybody seems to be happy with their weird genre they came up with due to their diverse music taste.


“Well, I guess, I’m in?” Jessica smiled.


“Welcome to the group.” Tiffany shook her hands.


“Now, only one member left!” Sunny cheered.


Tiffany closed her eyes as she remembered another problem, “Oh, right. We need one more. Our drummer.”


“Where can we find a drummer?” Jessica asked.


“Looks like the little drummer girl is at the door.” Sooyoung pointed at the girl who was seemingly lost at the door.


“I heard this is the ‘Bond Club’. Can I join?”


“Oh, she got an accent.” Sunny commented.


“British, huh?”


The girl looked confused for a minute before she grinned, “Yea, I have been practicing English lately.”


Tiffany was looking at the girl, “Wait, you’re Taeyeong, right?”


“Uh, it’s Taeyeon. We’re seatmates.” Taeyeon chuckled awkwardly.


“Oh, right. Sorry. So, Taeyeon. Can you play?” Tiffany excitedly asked but frowned and almost facepalmed when she heard Taeyeon’s answer.


“I only play PS4, can I join?”


The four of them were quiet until Sooyoung roared into fits of laughter.


“Sure! I play GTA, man!” she gave Taeyeon a high-five.


“I have Call Of Duty!” Jessica approached the new girl too.


Sunny and Tiffany looked at each other.


“Uh… we’re the ‘Band Club’. We’re looking for a drummer right now. You know, musically inclined people and stuff like that.” Tiffany explained gently.


“Oh! My mistake, I thought you guys are the ‘Bond Club.’ You know, people who gather and bond together. The dean told me that I needed to join a club so I was just trying my luck at any clubs. B-But I know m-music theories!” Taeyeon was embarrassed but she attempted to salvage her dignity.


“Like what?” Tiffany decided to give the girl a chance. The girl’s eyes lit up then she cracked some pick up lines that Tiffany doesn’t want to pick at all.


“Are you a C major scale? You look natural to me.” 


“You’re making me feel flat.” Tiffany was so done that she closed her eyes.


“Beggars can’t be choosers Tiffany, the dean gave us a deadline till today,” Sunny told the leader.


Right, the dean talked with Tiffany earlier, reminding her about the club’s closure and gave her a deadline to find members until today.


“Fine, you’re in! But you have to take drum classes and train so we can play together.” Tiffany defeatedly announced.


“Yay! We’re complete!” Sooyoung clapped her hands excitedly.


They all put their hands together with new hope inside their hearts.


“From now on, we’re the Band Club! And we ain’t closing!”


Tiffany was looking at Taeyeon who was looking so confused but smiling sheepishly.


‘She looks like a pushover.’ Tiffany looked at Taeyeon and shook her head.


‘Oh, God. Help us.’ 




Taeyeon has been practicing the drums for weeks now and Tiffany and the rest of the band couldn’t see an improvement. Tiffany, as the leader, tried her best to make her members train Taeyeon for the sake of their club. They have a band rehearsal coming soon and a live performance on their campus anniversary, they can’t afford to up or the dean will close their club again.


Apparently, the dean was so keen to close the club due to her affiliation with the art’s club president. The art’s club president wanted another room to store their paintings and the Band Club was seen to be lacking members hence they wanted to take the Band Club’s space. Tiffany as the Band Club’s leader wouldn’t let anyone close the club she established.


Sunny was helping Taeyeon to have her own pitch and rhythm but Taeyeon was the type of girl who only plays PS4 and never touched instruments in her life, drumming is a hard thing to do.


“You kinda messed up on your half beats into the whole beat,” Sunny told Taeyeon nicely.


“O-Oh… What’s that?” Taeyeon asked dumbly.


Sunny pointed out at the music sheet.


“I can’t read that.” Taeyeon shyly confessed.


“Yes, you can’t read the sheet but can you even hear the beat? Try to follow the rhythm. Listen to Sunny’s bass! Again, from the top!” Tiffany frustratingly yelled.


“I’m trying okay?!” Taeyeon yelled back.


“You need to try harder!” Tiffany glared at the girl.


Sooyoung was looking at her members and commented, “Actually, I could sample beats on my DAW. We don’t need someone with drums at all.”


Jessica looked at Sooyoung and said, “Then, why do we have Taeyeon?”


“We need a drummer. Dean wants it.” Tiffany sighed. She’s totally stressed out.


“She can be a lyricist, right?” Jessica suggested, Tiffany shook her head.


“W-Well, let’s give her more time! She can learn in due time.” Sooyoung said to give Taeyeon some encouragement.


“Yeah, don’t be so hard on her. Playing instruments isn't easy.” Sunny told her friend.


“But we’re running out of time! She could be practicing here with us every afternoon but she’s procrastinating and eating cakes at the canteen instead! Now, look! She can’t even play a decent beat!” Tiffany complained as she remembered the times that Taeyeon ditched practice for food.


Taeyeon looked a bit disappointed with herself and also displaced since she felt out of place.


“I quit.” Taeyeon finally said.


Tiffany shot her a look, “Y-You can’t do that!”


“Come on, I don’t belong here. Find another person who can play the drums.” Taeyeon left her drumsticks on the drum set and left the room.


The three of them looked at their lead guitarist disappointedly.


“There’s nothing wrong in being nice, you know.”


And Tiffany felt guilty as ever.


‘Was I too harsh?’




It’s been a week since Taeyeon didn’t appear on their band practice. The members missed Taeyeon’s bright personality even though she’s clueless most of the time, she still cracks some jokes and lights up the room.


‘Why did the pianist keep banging his ears on the keys?’ Taeyeon asked mischievously one day during one of their band practice.


‘Why?’ Sooyoung tilted her head confusedly as she was eating her sandwich. Jessica and Sunny were intently listening to the joke while Tiffany was just looking at them.


‘Because he’s playing by ear!’


Her members cracked into roars of laughter while Tiffany just shook her head.


Those are just one of those things her bandmates remember from Taeyeon.


Tiffany was practicing with her bandmates but the music seems to be so bland without the drums and her bandmates look quite upset and less energized.


“Let’s call it a day,” Tiffany told them.


“Woo! I’m hungry.” Sooyoung pouted as she put her gadgets inside her backpack.


“I’m sleepy.” Jessica sighed and drank her water.


“That wasn’t good, isn’t it?” Sunny told Tiffany and Tiffany nodded.


“We lack the beat.” Jessica commented, “Sooyoung’s DAW was too low.”


“I agree. We need Taeyeon.” Sooyoung told her members.


“I got this.” Tiffany finally said, “I’ll set an audition for a new member.”


“But how about t

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reveluv316 814 streak #1
Can't wait to start reading
1129 streak #2
Chapter 33: I'm here again rereading hehehe...
Airwaste #3
Chapter 31: I'm here again because zombie taengoo haha
Chapter 33: This is so touching 😢 indeed true love until the very end . Thank you for your hard work .
217 streak #5
Chapter 14: Aww, Yuri was supposed fo win. Hahaha
217 streak #6
Chapter 13: I thought it was going to be a sad ending 😂😅
217 streak #7
Chapter 12: Of course, fate decided to get you two married. Although drunkenly 😂😂
CrissYoung #8
Chapter 33: If you like, can you write a Taeny story like the 'My Wife is a Gangster 3' movie??
Chapter 33: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1457793/33'>CFS III: Hidden in Plain ...</a></span>
I believe love has no gender. Love is Love!!❤️

Respect is free, but it goes both ways... It's very simple and easy to understand, but a lot of people still can't, acting righteous and all.

I don't know how people can defend corrupt people than fight for gay rights.

Anyway, great job author! This really needs to be read by all as it is so relevant! Wake up people it's already 2023!

Love the story! Despite what they've been through, they were still together. They really can't fight the feeling. And I am happy they're feelings are mutual! :)

Happy pride month!

Love Wins!

1129 streak #10
Chapter 33: If possible authy I'll like all to have a sequel but my most fave of all is the one where Taeng is a zoombie 😁😁😁