
Unbound Me
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Sana woke up with an irritated groan passing her lips inelegantly. Squinting her eyes at the brightness of a new day, she forced herself to sit up despite her aching back muscles protesting in their language. Her first thought after waking up was to curse the being who had been the reason of her getting deprived of her own bed while sleeping.

She literally had to sacrifice her comfort, her right to sleep on her own bed as the stubborn monster didn't have the least courtesy to let his cocky sleep on the couch. Even though he had albeit teasingly told her that they should share the bed like her grandmother and Mina expected them to, he actually looked more contented when Sana chose the couch. Whereas, she had thought that it would be easier to shift this unruly man to Sehun's room or some other rooms, it couldn't have been possible to do so as Mina had giddily grasped on the opportunity to stay in Sehun's room, while other rooms were locked with huge sized locks as there was never need of more than the already available rooms here.

Sana combed her fingers through her long hair which had become some sort of crow's nest after having to toss and turn in this uncomfortable couch for the whole night. She left the couch to groggily make her way towards the washroom, but stopped in midway as she had unceremoniously hit her pinky toe on the bed. "ing blind!" She hissed under her breath, cursing herself for not watching her steps.  

"I am wondering, are you really a female?" Came the voice of the being whom she didn't want to entertain yet. Surprisingly, his voice sounded as fresh as yesterday, no after sleep rasp or grogginess. 'Did he even sleep?' She thought, but then his words registered in her head and she couldn't help but shoot him an annoyed look.

He was already lazily sitting up, his eyes glued at her, his brow raising mockingly. The only thing that could ensure he had been lying down, was the tousled state of his soft looking white hair.

Sana rolled her eyes at him, "No, I am actually a boy, but I like to roleplay as a girl since childhood!" She remarked, not even trying to hide the sarcasm in her tone.

It was Baekhyun's time to roll his eyes at her, "I am just saying it because women shouldn't curse like that, that in early morning not to mention."  He mumbled.

Sana straightened up to stand tall before his sitting figure, wanting to point out that she didn't need his grandpa-lessons and it was really cheap of him to generalize women's activities like that. But all she could do was to wince as her back ached at the impact. "Forget it!" She muttered before stomping towards the washroom. When she emerged out after her morning routine, Baekhyun was nowhere to be seen. Needless to say, his absence made her stomach churn badly. She didn't trust him fully to not harm or pull of another of his creepy magic tricks on her grandmother and her best friend. So she marched out of her bedroom, raking her eyes everywhere possible to search for a certain white blonde haired man.

Reaching downstairs, Sana was torn between huffing in relief or let out another set of curse at the view before her. There he was, seated before the dining table where a huge amount of traditional food was laid elegantly for him to devour. And the man was somehow wolfing on the feast before him like a legit monster. He had even put off his weird face-chain on the side so that it wouldn't create any hindrance while he ate. 

Baekhyun did stop in the middle of slurping down a big portion of soupy noodles when he finally noticed Sana's existence. Cocking a brow at her way, he scanned his eyes over her form, a mocking smirk taking place in his thin pink lips, the pair had become a deeper shade of pink due to having hot food and it made his lips being highlighted even more than before. "Can't you get rid of this awful piece of outfit? It's stinging in my eyes!" He gave her nightwear another disgusted glance before going back to eat.

'Why am I even thinking about his lips in details?' She pressed her parted mouth shut into a thin line and told herself to concentrate on his words, rather than how his lips looked like they were shining, or how his white locks were pushed a little aside revealing his forehead that looked kinda good, or how his crystal eyes looked gorgeous even from afar- 'Okay, Sana, you better stop before I personally whoop your !' She chided herself strictly before clearing without any sound.

She took confident steps towards him while patting onto her pajama top, honestly, her nightwear wasn't even that bad how the male made it look like, both her top and pants were of baby pink color and there was huge strawberries printed all over them which made her nightwear look really cute, she deliberately sat just beside him so that he would have to see more of her pajamas whenever he would attempt to talk. "You know, Mr. Monster, I am not here to entertain you, so I won't give a flying to whether you like my outfit or not. It's totally your personal issue here." She told him while shrugging her shoulders.

"Wifey, you should at least try to look pretty in front of your husband, no?" He retorted calmly, though it wasn't a secret how he used the word 'pretty' in a mocking manner as if it was actually impossible for her to look pretty. And that was sort of an 'ouch' to her female ego.

Sana knew that she didn't possess the knee-weakening features like her brother Sehun, but she was aware that she wasn't that bad looking either. Yet, his words did drag her self confidence a little lower whenever he would point out some lacking in her. She wanted to scold herself for letting this man's words effect her even a slight bit when she just met him yesterday, technically. Then she noticed a victorious smirk gracing on his lips, as her long stretched silence might've gave it away that she let him win, so she shrugged off all the thoughts before gaining some of her defense mechanism confidence back in her system, "Hubby, your age must've affected your eyesight, that's why you can't see how pretty I am!" She murmured in a sweet tone, blinking her eyes more than necessary while grinning slyly, she even leaned a little closer to him even though she was still kind of afraid to be this close to him.

To her amusement, she found him blinking a little as well, his face leaned further back from hers. He was about to open his mouth for another comeback, but her grandmother's voice interrupted him.

"Sana, my child, why are you still in your sleeping clothes? Aren't you supposed to go out with Baekhyun?" The older lady inquired,  "And you don't seem like you have eaten your breakfast yet! Why can't you kids do everything on time? What would you do when you'd have to move into your husband's house?" She continued, looking disappointed.

Sana gulped at the mere mention of moving into her husband's house. 'Does he even have any house?' She asked herself inwardly. Then her mind reminded her of the creepy mansion and how he had said it was his home. 'No!' She was never going to go back at that cursed place. Also, she didn't know how much information this stupid monster had put into her grandmother and Mina about their wedding and all, so she couldn't possibly say something that might confuse these poor things even more. "I won't have to move into his house." She mumbled under her breath, but the look her grandmother had instantly given her, it was obvious that she heard her. 

"What? Why?" The older lady asked, looking baffled. "Why don't I remember the reason because of which you haven't moved to Baekhyun's place yet?" She then asked herself loudly enough for others to hear.

Sana didn't know what to say. She was running out of excuses despite it was Baekhyun who mostly made up the whole story. So she turned to peek at the male who had gone surprisingly quiet, she saw a small frown on his forehead, she realized that he was getting irritated at the naggings of her grandmother. 'Oh god! This is not good!' She really didn't want him to feed her grandmother another dose of his hypnotic s. Biting her lips, she reached her hands to tug onto his shirt's elbow from under the table, so that no one would notice the interaction. She had to warn him to not use his powers, maybe she would even beg if it meant for the safety of her loved ones. 

Baekhyun looked back at her with a growing frown, he didn't even wait to catch her threatening eyes as he looked back at the awaiting older female, "Since we got married when Sana was too young, we decided that she would stay at her parent's place until she's older enough to handle a household." He gave his reasoning in a neutral tone.

"And until I finish my studies!"  Sana added with a fake excited grin.

Realization sank in her grandmother's features, a happy twinkle could be seen in the wrinkled eyes. "Ahh! Baekhyun, You're so considerate! My little Sana is so lucky to have you as her husband!" The older lady told Baekhyun with heart eyes, the she turned her attention back to her granddaughter, "Sana, love, just because you have an understanding husband, doesn't mean you get to slack off your duties as a wife. And if you don't prepare yourself beforehand, then you might just end up disappointing your husband and yourself." She lectured her in a sweet tone.

Sana sank in her seat, she wanted to protest in so many ways, but she didn't have any mental energy left to do so. So, she nodded her head despite the reluctance thickening inside her. 

Mina appeared from somewhere behind, she must've heard Grandma Oh's rants to Sana. So she tried to lighten the mood,  "Grandma, Sana never slacks off her responsibilities, trust me, I know her! As of now, she is on a vacation, not to mention with her husband being with her. She must've had a long night... you know?" She offered, passing a subtle wink at the older lady to hint what she was indicating here. Grandma Oh's face contoured in realization for the second time.

Sana wanted to rip her best friend's hair at that instant. 'This little . How could she!' she kept cursing her friend in her mind while her heated face refused to take a glance at Baekhyun's direction. It was too embarrassing for her as much as annoying it was.

"Ohh! How could I be so...stupid!" Grandma Oh laughed, looking a little flustered herself. "I am so sorry, my child. I forgot that you two mustn't have much time for yourself as a married couple as Sana has to concentrate more on her studies. So last night must've been some make up to all the lost times. No wonder why Baekhyun seems to be so hungry and why your face seems like you haven't gotten much sleep in the night!" The older lady giggled like a shy teenager while eyeing the couple seated before her. "Okay, I'll just let you two off to do whatever you want, I won't nag about time and duties anymore. Just make sure to take care while enjoying yourselves."   The older lady gave them an understanding smile.   "Ahh young love! So fresh and beautiful!" She lastly left while mumbling with a serene grin on her face.

"Mina you idiotic ! Did you really need to sprout some nonsense before grandma? What if she got offended?" Sana couldn't hold back herself from reprimanding the other girl.

Mina rolled her eyes at Sana playfully, "Oh c'mon! I might not be married yet, but I do know what happens between a couple behind the doors." She noted proudly, smirking when she saw Sana's baffled face. "But girl, you could at least wear one of your nightgowns? I mean, this strawberry pajama is cute but don't you think Oppa would've preferred something hot and y?" She teased further.

Sana fisted her hands as she was getting the constant urges to either fan her face or just throw a dish at Mina's face. Or maybe even throwing one dish at Baekhyun's direction as she could hear him chuckling at Mina's words. 

"Exactly!" Baekhyun joined in with a bored tone, successfully managing to gain Sana's attention on him. She could see the mischievous glint in his crystal eyes.  

"That is never going to happen." Sana gritted under her breath while glaring at the both present there, and grabbed herself some food so that she could just ignore them. 






 Sana was ansty, qualmish even, by the time she was changed into a white tiered top paired with a light blue skinny jeans, and had put on a light amount of make-up. Well, getting ready was also really nerve wrecking in some way since she had to tolerate Baekhyun's mocking smirk every time she would look over him through the mirror. But due to the anxiety of what she was going to do, she couldn't come up with any form of insult for him.

   "Let's go?" She finally turned towards his direction, trying not to show it on her face that she was scared at her plan, it could either be an ultimate success, or it could be a huge flop. She traced her eye over his figure once again as he got up from the bed and walked towards her albeit obediently. He should've looked funny since he had changed into another loose polo shirt and jeans pants of Sehun, but he still managed to look good in those too-big-for-him outfits. 

"Are you waiting for something?" Baekhyun's voice had thankfully stopped Sana from her unnecessary internal compliment session. Sana had to blink rapidly when she noticed him taking a few steps closer, invading her personal space without any hesitation. "Sweetheart, stop giving me these hungry looks because I don't wanna postpone our outing." He murmured in his velvety voice, his cold slender finger made it's way to slowly trail up and down onto her bare arms since her top was sleeveless.

Sana wanted to step away from him, but she was tongue tied for some reason, she would undoubtedly blame it on him using some of his powers over her, she refused to believe she had any advantage or something that sort as being his bride. She could see his face inching closer towards her, too close for her comfort, and it had successfully reminded her of what his lips had done to hers yesterday, so she tried to chase him away from her personal space by some mocking remarks, but he beat her to it like many other times, "Maybe we can make your hungry wishes true when we get back here? But only if I am satisfied with the shopping." 

Sana let out a huge breathe as he voluntarily leaned his face back, she finally managed to run her brain properly and registered the meaning of his words. "As if! You don't have any specialty for me to be craving for you!" She retorted and collected her purse. "Follow me." She smugly commanded and walked out of her room faster, leaving him with the option to actually follow her from behind. 

"Yah! I know women pretty well! They always crave for my attention, they can't help but crave for me! And you aren't any exception!" He yelled from behind but ended up following Sana anyway. 


Sana kept leading the way while time to time keep glancing towards the supposed monster beside her. Truthfully, he didn't look like a monster under the warm sunlight of a bright day. He just looked weird, like those people with weird fashion sense? But she could never deny that even in his weird look, he never looked bad, except the time when she had first seen her back at that cursed night at the old mansion.

As they were nearing the place she had in mind, her heart was pounding in an increased pace, her palms were slightly sweating as she took him to her destination.

Baekhyun seemed like he didn't notice that they were already walking towards the church building. His focus was all over, staring at everything and anything like a curious kid. Sana let out a few breathes. The closer they got, the more nervousness filled her system. Why was she feeling hesitant? She had been thinking through the whole night about this. He was no one important, and most significant point was, he had forced his way inside her life. He wasn't invited in her life, so it would be for better if he went back to where he belonged. And no one else but a church priest could be the one to be able to help her in this matter. She knew she had lied to him, sort of tricked him to bring him here, but he couldn't have walked towards his doom if she had directly told him about her motives, could he? So her lies were valid in this case, she was doing all this for her and her family's safety. Yet there was a niggling feeling at the back of her stomach, she felt uneasy and nauseous due to it, she was certain it was guilt.

Sana could swear that her heart froze the moment they were a few steps away from the entrance of the church and Baekhyun had finally fixed his attention on the holy place in front of him. His face was void of any reactions, he didn't seem tensed as she had assumed him to be. She initially thought she would have to drag him towards the church as he wouldn't possibly be willing to step inside,  like they showed in the horror movies. But she had been proven wrong when they were already inside the territory of the building and yet there was no change of expression in his face.

This time, Sana found the priest talking with which seemed like a couple, so she decided to wait for him to finish their conversation. She took a weary glance at Baekhyun, he finally looked back at her, even raised a questioning brow at her, making her gulp and turn away. 

"Are you here to take blessings for our married life, Wifey?" He whispered into her ears all of a sudden. Sana jumped a little, her hand flew to her chest at the unexpected proximity from him. "If you are, then I'll tell you, this God is useless." He shrugged, however, a somewhat bitterness could be visible in his face. 

"I don't need blessings for this stupid marriage or whatever..." She muttered under her breath. Her attention diverted towards the priest who had finished talking with the couple. And now his eyes fell on Sana. He gave her a smile and started walking towards her direction.

But the moment his eyes trailed towards the male beside her, he stopped in his track. The older male's eyes furrowed a little bit and then his face contoured into realization, his eyes turned a little wider as if he was feared of something.  

Sana grabbed onto Baekhyun's wrist and voluntarily ceased the gap between them and the priest. "Hello, father.." 

"W-Why did y

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31 streak #1
Missing hour for the baekhyun sana couple.. TT TT... so excited for new chapter 🤗 authornim fighting 🤩 🤗 ❤️
31 streak #2
Chapter 18: I really missed this story and our cute bickering couple..
bbhlove #3
this story is so interesting I'm waiting for update
Chapter 18: This Baekhyun is literally 🤧❤️
Chapter 15: I keep coming back to this 😭
31 streak #6
Chapter 18: This whole chapter made me so emotional...couldn't stop crying...loved his playful sassyness and flirty persona only for his wife.. but above all his caring and loving side for byun sana made things more beautiful and heartwarming... her concern for soojun was so right but those painful words might hurt baekhyun so much.. his promise to save that kid for her sake kind of proved his love and genuine dedication for her.. was really hoping that sana could understand that ... glad that that horrendous situation made her realize his importance and existence more precisely than before on her life.. woah.. suho's appearance... the whole action part was so nerve-wracking... glad that everyone was safe and sound.. idk but byun sana sounds more cute, adorable and lovely than oh sana... hehe.. aww.. last part was so sweet and emotional.. will eagerly wait for Mr. Monster to wake up soon ... 🥺🤧🤗❤️👍👏🤧🤧 really love this couple 👫.. really enjoyed reading the whole chapter. Thank you authornim for updating and writing such an amazing and thrilling chapter. Will look forward to read future chapters. ❤️🤗🥺❤️👍👏😍🤩🙂
31 streak #7
Chapter 17: Haha... jealous baekhyun was really so cute... awww... too cute to mention... couldn't stop laughing at his childish behavior... specially that shower scene... chess baekhyun was so sweet and amazing.... that was out of his character here though.. hahaha... but really loved his character in this chapter authornim...possessive and cutely ert monster..hehe... uww.. so happy for sehun and mina... oh chanyeollie... princess sana's crush... loved his character so much ... oops.... byun sana is now in trouble..but maybe in too good way.. so excited for next chapter to read. Thank you authornim 🤗❤️😍😅🤩😍👏👍❤️
Chapter 18: Perhaps you can reward him when he wakes up hahahaha. I just know he will claim it after he awakes 😂😂😂
Chapter 18: Since I saw jun's gif I knew something intense had to happen in this chap2but you outdid yourself and surprised us good.

I trust however that Baek will wake up and Sana will make up for his efforts. If it were in kisses hahaha
AiiSoo #10
Chapter 18: Suho as his step brother? Hmm.. so will other members make his appearance in this story too? That’ll be interesting. And I can’t help but feel like Baekhyun is going to take adavantage of his injury to be clingy to Sana. Hahahah
Thank youf for this update..!