
Unbound Me
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Finally, after a tiring week of getting back into uni life, the weekend had arrived in Sana's life like a splash of cold rain on a hot summer day. The week itself wasn't as bad as she had initially thought it would be. Somehow, Baekhyun being with her almost all the time - at home and even at uni - wasn't that annoying. Yes, they had their bickering every now and then, she had her outbursts while he had his, but somehow things still didn't feel as bad as she thought.

Today, she woke up with her batteries charged to the limit and with a satisfied smile on her face. She immediately started her day by getting herself a nice long shower and dressing up in her comfy baggy home clothes. 

When she emerged from the washroom, the big satisfactory smile disappeared from her features as she smelled something off, more like smelled something burning. Throwing her wet towel into the nearest basket of dirty clothes, she ran off to check whether her apartment was on fire or what. 

"Baekhyun! What the hell are you doing!" She yelled at the seemingly culprit behind the burning smell upon reaching the kitchen. How could she expect a peaceful day when she lived with someone named Baekhyun? She was honestly a fool to expect the word 'peace' from her life.

"Geez, woman, why do you like to scream all the time!" Baekhyun stopped blowing the seemingly ruined food on the frying pan he was holding, and looked up with a frown, not forgetting to send an annoyed glare at the girl. 

Sana huffed and walked closer, snatched the poor pan from the annoying monster's grasp, then dumped the now blackened omelet - or whatever had been cooking on the pan that had now become impossible to decipher -  into the trashcan, and set the pan under a running tap to see whether there was anything left to salvage. Seeing how poorly it was burnt, she turned around to give him her shares of glares, "You've literally burnt my pan and have the audacity to ask me why do I scream all the time?" 

It looked like the male winced a little at her outburst, but he straightened his posture against the marble counter and crossed his arms over his chest, "It's all your fault." He claimed proudly. 

"My fault?" Sana chuckled without any humor, she was getting a headache right on a weekend morning just because of having to deal with this man. "I've just come out of my room like two minutes ago! I wasn't the one to tell you mess around my kitchen when you don't even know how to make a ing omelet!" 

"Here you go. I was making breakfast for us but instead of getting a thank you or something more, I got to hear my wife cursing!" The male snapped, it was obvious his patience was just as thin as Sana - like always.

Stupidly enough, the fuming girl's features softened up while she blinked at him more than necessary, she found herself feeling warm inside her chest while that stupid organ in there beated albeit loudly, "You...you were making breakfast... for….m-me?" She had to ask him to reconfirm, because somehow her ears refused to believe what she had heard from him just now. 

Baekhyun was still looking displeased and thoroughly annoyed before her question, and after her query, he stilled down, looking like he was trying to find something interesting in everything aside from her.  "I.. I was making breakfast for myself because I was hungry and you were just being you and not waking up early to tend your hungry husband."  He started, almost looking offended. Uncrossing his arms, he led his feet to her way, stopping a good foot away from her, "I looked up into the internet and found the recipe for omelet approachable. And my hands are quite big...as you see.." He wiggled his palms in front of her, "...so I could fit more than two eggs here. That's why I thought why not do you a favor by giving you the opportunity to taste my cooking!" He shrugged proudly, his confident smirk back in his face after he was done explaining.

"Yeah, what a big favor it is!" Sana couldn't help but mock his ridiculous explanation. He was just so full of himself, it made her want to smack his head for hours, his cockiness really annoyed the hell out of her. Sighing, she grabbed his arm before starting to drag him out of the kitchen with her, "Enough of playing around in my kitchen."

"Where are you taking me? I still need my breakfast!" Sana thought her ears must not be working properly, because she could definitely hear a hint of whine coming out of him. A bigger sly smirk grew on the male's face when he noticed the direction he was being dragged to. She was taking him towards her bedroom. "Or.." He halted and easily turned the table by bringing her petite form into his arms, "If you are going to let me have a different kind of breakfast," He leaned his face back a little to give her a once over from her head to toe while biting his lips almost sensually, "...I can do with that as well."

Sana was distracted by his stupidly gorgeous close up views to decipher the meaning of his kind of 'Other breakfast', but when she did get what he was hinting at, she gave him a long eye roll. "Never even in your dreams, ert! I am just going to treat your wound! You have cut your finger!" She pointed out and easily uncaged herself from his moderate grasp - she was getting better at it - and restarted dragging him.

Baekhyun let out a chuckle, an unamused one.  "You're so boring, Wifey. You ruin the mood every single time! Besides, that's just a stupid cut. I myself didn't know how and when I got it... perhaps while cutting those stupid onions? I swear, I hate them so much! Why do you people even eat them? They are even more annoying than you, you know? I think I'd seriously prefer you and your annoying loud naggings over onions any time-"

"Enough of your blabbers. Sit down here." Reaching her bedroom, she shoved the male onto the couch and was grateful that his nonsense talks were stopped. Since when did he start to talk this much? It was annoying. Everything about him was annoying to her. "Move over." She commanded him after she was back with her first aid kit. 

Baekhyun leaned back into the couch lazily, spreading his already spread legs even more, "I have a lap if you can't see it already?" He smirked and patted his thigh for her to occupy. 

"Yes, I can see it very clearly. But I would like to sit on the couch like a normal human being while I treat your cut. Thank you very much!"  Sana again gestured him to scoot over so that she would get her space to sit. It's not that her couch was single seated, it was a 'two-seat' one. But this irritating man had deliberately sat on the middle and had spread himself proudly that had left less to no space for Sana to settle her there. And, she was definitely not going to heed him. Not today, not ever. 

"Any normal woman would die to sit on my lap!" Baekhyun scoffed when Sana glared at him and pulled the tea table closer to sit atop that - blatantly ignoring his generous offer. 

"Sorry, but I prefer to stay alive than die." She jarred back and wasted no more time in treating the stupid little cut that was the cause behind all this ridiculous exchange of words between them.

While cleaning his cut, the girl had to face another annoying issue, that was her hair. Since she had to bend her head to do whatever she was doing, her half wet hair strands would be finding the open opportunity to fall forward and blur her vision. 

She felt a pinch at her ever so little patience when she heard the male chuckling under his breath seeing her suffer like this. "Instead of laughing like an idiot, can you help me hold them back? I can't focus on anything!" She groaned and complained. "Use your power!" She warned him when she looked up and saw his free hand coming towards her while he adorned his infamous smirk. 

Baekhyun only scoffed and definitely did not listen to her, he threaded his fingers into Sana's nicely smelling hair, grasping all of them from one side so that the stray strands wouldn't get in the way anymore. It had also exposed her long neck, he seemed to take in the details of her face and her soft looking neck to pass his time. 

Sana didn't know whether her senses worked this sharply only when she was dealing with this man, because she could certainly feel his eyes studying her closely, and that thought somehow made her moves sluggish, making it harder for her to concentrate. And the fact that she had just noticed how close their faces were because of having Baekhyun to hold her hair for her. Ugh, why was her heart beating so stupidly again?

"You smell nice for someone this annoying." Her heart missed a few beats when she heard him murmur, he was ing close. She could feel his cold breath on her skin when he spo

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40 streak #1
Missing hour for the baekhyun sana couple.. TT TT... so excited for new chapter 🤗 authornim fighting 🤩 🤗 ❤️
40 streak #2
Chapter 18: I really missed this story and our cute bickering couple..
bbhlove #3
this story is so interesting I'm waiting for update
Chapter 18: This Baekhyun is literally 🤧❤️
Chapter 15: I keep coming back to this 😭
40 streak #6
Chapter 18: This whole chapter made me so emotional...couldn't stop crying...loved his playful sassyness and flirty persona only for his wife.. but above all his caring and loving side for byun sana made things more beautiful and heartwarming... her concern for soojun was so right but those painful words might hurt baekhyun so much.. his promise to save that kid for her sake kind of proved his love and genuine dedication for her.. was really hoping that sana could understand that ... glad that that horrendous situation made her realize his importance and existence more precisely than before on her life.. woah.. suho's appearance... the whole action part was so nerve-wracking... glad that everyone was safe and sound.. idk but byun sana sounds more cute, adorable and lovely than oh sana... hehe.. aww.. last part was so sweet and emotional.. will eagerly wait for Mr. Monster to wake up soon ... 🥺🤧🤗❤️👍👏🤧🤧 really love this couple 👫.. really enjoyed reading the whole chapter. Thank you authornim for updating and writing such an amazing and thrilling chapter. Will look forward to read future chapters. ❤️🤗🥺❤️👍👏😍🤩🙂
40 streak #7
Chapter 17: Haha... jealous baekhyun was really so cute... awww... too cute to mention... couldn't stop laughing at his childish behavior... specially that shower scene... chess baekhyun was so sweet and amazing.... that was out of his character here though.. hahaha... but really loved his character in this chapter authornim...possessive and cutely ert monster..hehe... uww.. so happy for sehun and mina... oh chanyeollie... princess sana's crush... loved his character so much ... oops.... byun sana is now in trouble..but maybe in too good way.. so excited for next chapter to read. Thank you authornim 🤗❤️😍😅🤩😍👏👍❤️
Chapter 18: Perhaps you can reward him when he wakes up hahahaha. I just know he will claim it after he awakes 😂😂😂
Chapter 18: Since I saw jun's gif I knew something intense had to happen in this chap2but you outdid yourself and surprised us good.

I trust however that Baek will wake up and Sana will make up for his efforts. If it were in kisses hahaha
AiiSoo #10
Chapter 18: Suho as his step brother? Hmm.. so will other members make his appearance in this story too? That’ll be interesting. And I can’t help but feel like Baekhyun is going to take adavantage of his injury to be clingy to Sana. Hahahah
Thank youf for this update..!