
Unbound Me
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Next morning….


Sana woke up hearing incomprehensible mumbles of none other than Baekhyun from beside her. "What annoyed you so much this early morning?" She groggily asked the frowning male who had plopped himself on his elbow and was constantly glaring at something. When she tried to blink her sleepiness away and follow the track of his gaze, she realized it had to be the direction where little Sojun was peacefully sleeping atop her. Her limbs immediately circled around Sojun protectively, "Why are you looking at him like that!" She hissed and glared back at him, showing him that she wouldn't tolerate any of his antics against this small kid.

"He is holding what's mine." Was what Baekhyun grumbled about. "Even I myself don't get to hold them!" Sana could swear she heard a tiny hint of whine coming from her seemingly raged husband.

Sana craned her neck down to glance exactly where Sojun had been holding. She wished she didn't do so, because she ended up choking her own saliva upon noticing that the little one was innocently holding onto the swell of her chest in his sleep. 'Did Baekhyun mean my br-'  She stopped her mind from completing the scandalous sentence, and gained some courage to fight the heat speedily producing around her face, then looked up at him, "Excuse me, who told you t-they're yours? Get off your high horse!" She sassily rendered, or at least tried to. 

Baekhyun scoffed at her openly and shamelessly, bending down, he matched their gaze while aligning their faces,  "Sweetheart, you're mine. That means, everything you have is mine as well. And I don't like sharing." He demanded like the spoilt brat he was.

Without waiting for the girl to retort back, he patted Sojun on his back - obviously wanting to wake the sleeping baby up, thankfully he was gentle enough with that gesture. But he had still managed to irk Sana. 

"Why did you wake the poor kid up?" She scolded the male when Sojun's sleep was disturbed enough for him to blink open his tiny eyes. "You're infuriating, Byun Baekhyun." She couldn't help but murmur while glaring at the male.

"Hey, kid, come here." Baekhyun practically ignored Sana and her words, and cradled the baby to bring him on his lap, so that the kid wouldn't be hogging Sana all to himself. Sojun merely cluelessly continued to stare at Baekhyun, still too sleepy to decipher what was happening.  "Listen,"  Baekhyun started in a voice that sounded like a businessman was talking with his client,  "I don't mind you staying here with us. But know your boundaries, okay? I won't allow you to be all over my wife even if you're just a small kid." 

Sana rolled her eyes at the male as she had sat up and heard everything he was speaking about. "Baekhyun! Are you stupid! Stop your nonsense talks, you're scaring him!" She couldn't help but jab at the male. She carefully snatched the glassy eyed Sojun and let him hide into her chest. "Don't pay attention to this rude uncle, hmm? Noona will give you candies if you be a good boy and don't cry." She pacified the kid, patting his back to assure him that she was there with him.

"Not again!" Baekhyun groaned, seeing how Sojun seemed to enjoy burying his face at Sana's soft looking chest. Was he really at fault to feel envious of that little boy? Would Sana ever let him feel the softness of her inviting chest like that? The answer was a clear 'No'. 

"Yah! What's wrong with you! Why are you being like that to him!" Sana softly hissed, not wanting to be loud and scare the little one any more. 

"You won't understand!" He got off the bed and protested, unable to sit closer to them and get tortured by the fact that he wasn't the one enjoying the sweet fragrance of his annoying bride, that he wasn't the one bathing in the unusual warmth that only her body seemed to radiate. 

"Then make me understand!" Sana whisper-yelled, throwing him a challenging look. 

"No! It's a manly issue. You won't get it!" He snapped and stomped away from the bed, finally leaving the room. 

"I can't keep up with this man!" Sana huffed to herself, feeling like she would get a headache just within the first hour of the day. "Hey, little guy, don't mind that rude guy, hmm? He is just mad because he isn't cute like you." She then casted her attention to the kid whose face was still hidden into Sana's chest.

Sojun finally left his current safe haven and looked up, his lips pouting in the most adorable way, "I will save you from this rude uncle when I'll be a big guy. And then I'll marry you, humph!" He cutely stated, melting the girl's heart.

"Yah, I heard that!" Came the older male's claim just from behind Sana's bedroom door. 

'So, he didn't leave? He just hid there? Sly monster!' Sana inwardly rolled her eyes and avoided talking to Baekhyun, as she knew stretching this topic would just end up in illogical arguments, and she didn't want to do that. "Let's get freshen up. Then we'll have some tasty breakfast!" She cooed and brought Sojun off the bed with her.

Sana collected fresh sets of clothing for her and Sojun, intending to be done with the bathing as well since she wouldn't get to do it later due to having her schedule being packed with classes. She was about to enter the washroom with little Sojun tailing behind her, but she couldn't. Because a certain someone had again stopped her with his annoying antics.

"Are you serious? Why are you taking him with you when you're going to take a shower?" Baekhyun had stomped all the way inside her bedroom and stood behind her while complaining. 

Heaving, Sana turned around, a little stunned to find him too close - so close that she would be easily able to touch him without needing to stretch her limbs. "Sojun is little. While he can pee and poop on his own, he can't possibly shower alone!" She reasoned after grasping a hold on her pumping heart. 

"I had also never showered alone in the past! But you made me do it!" Was Baekhyun's stubborn and definitely childish remark. 

"You claim yourself as a grown man, but look at you holding up the most childish and stupidest argument ever!" Sana billowed. 

"I am a grown man and that's why I need you more than him!" 

Five long seconds of thick silence followed after Baekhyun's loud and clear exclamation. Both of them went quiet - Sana was speechless, even pissed at herself as her face burned at her husband's words. Meanwhile little Sojun continued to gaze at the both adults with curious gaze. 

"Stop fighting! Fighting is bad!" Sojun finally attempted to interrupt. Sana was very very glad at the disturbance, because it was getting too tough to maintain that heated eye-contact with Baekhyun.

Baekhyun's hands went to his hips, bending down to level his face with his little rival he started, "Right? You see how your beautiful Noona keeps fighting with me? Do you still wanna marry her when you grow up?" 

"Yes!" Sojun beamed, confident.

Baekhyun clicked his tongue, openly dismissing Sojun's firm decision. "She is being nice to you because you aren't her husband yet. But trust me, she will start arguing with you when you'll become her husband!" He tried to convince the little boy to not marry her for God knows what reason.

"Baekhyun, will you stop? I have to get us ready, then make breakfast and feed all of us before leaving for the uni! So stop wasting my time." She lightly snapped at the older male, then held onto Sojun's hand to take him with her, "Let's go, Sojun." 

The door to the washroom slammed shut even before Sana could take a single step towards it. No wind was strong enough to snap the door shut like this out of nowhere. That only meant there was a culprit behind it. Baekhyun.

"Either you take the both of us with you, or you go shower alone." Came his demand from behind.

Losing all her patience, Sana yelled, "Fine! Now open the door!" 

The door to the washroom flung open the moment she agreed. 

"Okay! Let's go!" The male cheered from behind, Sana could only turn her head to take a glimpse of his rare expressions. She'd never seen him this excited for anything - not even when he had gotten his own handphone. 


Five minutes later, Sana found the three of them standing in the middle of her moderately spacious washroom, not even a single of them moving a muscle. It was so damn awkward, she wanted to just leave the two guys and vanish into the thick air. 

"Noona, why are we standing here like this?" Sojun was the one to break the hot ice - dang, why was the air suddenly feeling too humid? 

Sana exhaled two big times, knowing that they were just wasting their time by standing there like idiots. She felt heat reaching all over her body when she dared to finally lock eyes with Baekhyun, he had a grin etched into his stupidly handsome face, his hands were tugging onto the hem of his hoodie quite giddily, as if he was still excitedly waiting for Sana to initiate their bathing time. "Okay, you, get rid of your clothes." She pointed her finger to her husband and commanded. 

Baekhyun usually wasn't the type to be ordered around, but this was an exceptional moment where he was ready to heed to any command his wife would throw upon him. He started stripping with a recorded pace, though he stopped in the middle of taking off his hoodie when he noticed that Sojun was getting his wife's extra attention. 

"Why did you stop?" Sana asked the male after she was done getting rid of Sojun's t-shirt and felt the excited movement near them had ceased.

"You're helping him with that. Help me too." Leaning his back onto the counter, he stated nonchalantly, as if stripping him was the most natural task for Sana. 

"You're impossibly annoying." Sana muttered under her breath while glaring at him. "Fine. Wait there." She then concentrated in helping Sojun with his clothes until he was in his tiny underpants. "Sojun, please go wait by the bathtub." She instructed the kid before looking up at the big awaiting kid, "You, come here." 

Baekhyun took one big step and he was standing right in front of her. The inwardly mortified girl gritted her teeth and wordlessly started taking his hoodie off. And then his loose sweatpants. Her hands almost sweaty when the male was also standing before her just in his boxers.

She forced her eyes to not be too curious and take a detailed glance towards the lower half of his body; however, that only resulted in her making eye-contact with her broad bare chest. At this point Sana wasn't sure which part of his body was more dangerous to look at. Sighing through her nose, she finally managed to settle her gaze at his face - he had a full smirk plastered on his face, enjoying her service and perhaps her reactions way too much. 

"What about it?" Pointing at his underwear, he asked in a low but deep whisper, so that just the two of them would be able to hear him.

"W-What about it! No one's getting stark here!" Her protest was loud enough for even their neighbors to hear her. That somehow ended up making her husband chuckle, his cold breathing hit her warming face like a splash of cold water. It made her shiver. 

"Alright, alright. Now your turn." Baekhyun reminded her, eyeing her pajama cladded figure with visible interest. 

"Who says I'm going to entertain your erted thoughts!" It was Sana's turn to sound smug. "Now go stand inside the shower stall." She then gestured to him and turned towards the patiently awaiting Sojun to take him inside the mentioned place. 

When she saw Baekhyun still standing where he previously was, she groaned and went back to drag his - drag him in under the shower. God, handling this big man baby was even tougher than handling any small baby. She didn't know from where she got so much patience to be putting up with his demanding self. 


Twenty minutes later, both Baekhyun and Sojun were kicked out of the washroom. Whereas, Sojun was fully clothed, his hair was dried nicely; Baekhyun had only one towel wrapped around his waist, his hair still wet. The older guy glared at the washroom door, he could clearly open that damned door with a mere snap of his fingers, but he knew he had tested the girl's patience enough for today. Also, he knew doing it would be hampering her privacy - no, he wasn't being a gentleman who was sincere and respectful about his wife's privacy, he was anything but a gentleman,

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41 streak #1
Missing hour for the baekhyun sana couple.. TT TT... so excited for new chapter 🤗 authornim fighting 🤩 🤗 ❤️
41 streak #2
Chapter 18: I really missed this story and our cute bickering couple..
bbhlove #3
this story is so interesting I'm waiting for update
Chapter 18: This Baekhyun is literally 🤧❤️
Chapter 15: I keep coming back to this 😭
41 streak #6
Chapter 18: This whole chapter made me so emotional...couldn't stop crying...loved his playful sassyness and flirty persona only for his wife.. but above all his caring and loving side for byun sana made things more beautiful and heartwarming... her concern for soojun was so right but those painful words might hurt baekhyun so much.. his promise to save that kid for her sake kind of proved his love and genuine dedication for her.. was really hoping that sana could understand that ... glad that that horrendous situation made her realize his importance and existence more precisely than before on her life.. woah.. suho's appearance... the whole action part was so nerve-wracking... glad that everyone was safe and sound.. idk but byun sana sounds more cute, adorable and lovely than oh sana... hehe.. aww.. last part was so sweet and emotional.. will eagerly wait for Mr. Monster to wake up soon ... 🥺🤧🤗❤️👍👏🤧🤧 really love this couple 👫.. really enjoyed reading the whole chapter. Thank you authornim for updating and writing such an amazing and thrilling chapter. Will look forward to read future chapters. ❤️🤗🥺❤️👍👏😍🤩🙂
41 streak #7
Chapter 17: Haha... jealous baekhyun was really so cute... awww... too cute to mention... couldn't stop laughing at his childish behavior... specially that shower scene... chess baekhyun was so sweet and amazing.... that was out of his character here though.. hahaha... but really loved his character in this chapter authornim...possessive and cutely ert monster..hehe... uww.. so happy for sehun and mina... oh chanyeollie... princess sana's crush... loved his character so much ... oops.... byun sana is now in trouble..but maybe in too good way.. so excited for next chapter to read. Thank you authornim 🤗❤️😍😅🤩😍👏👍❤️
Chapter 18: Perhaps you can reward him when he wakes up hahahaha. I just know he will claim it after he awakes 😂😂😂
Chapter 18: Since I saw jun's gif I knew something intense had to happen in this chap2but you outdid yourself and surprised us good.

I trust however that Baek will wake up and Sana will make up for his efforts. If it were in kisses hahaha
AiiSoo #10
Chapter 18: Suho as his step brother? Hmm.. so will other members make his appearance in this story too? That’ll be interesting. And I can’t help but feel like Baekhyun is going to take adavantage of his injury to be clingy to Sana. Hahahah
Thank youf for this update..!