
Unbound Me
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Baekhyun trudged past the small hallway of his new home casually, his feet taking him to a direction which wasn't his bedroom. Reaching before his destination, he stopped and equally casually turned the doorknob to enter the bedroom that wasn't definitely his. He let out a low scoff under his breath when he found the supposed door locked. 

"Seriously now? She thinks I can't enter if she locks this little door?" Mumbling to himself with slight annoyance-mixed-amusement as well as oozing pride, the monster did as much as an eye-gesture and he had the door unlocked. See? It was smooth as butter.  "Why does she need to lock herself away from her husband anyway!" His mumbles kept going on as he let himself slip inside the darkened space as soundlessly as he could. 

Then again, he realized his careful movements and immediately made himself less stiffened; because why would he care whether she was sleeping or not, or whether her sleep would get disturbed or not! He had all the rights to disturb her sleep, after all she was his bride. It was her duty in the first place to always prioritize her husband's needs - which she wasn't doing quite well to begin with. 

With a flicker of his eyes, he lit up the nearest lamp so that he wouldn't stumble onto some worthless objects. That also helped him to watch his supposed bride with displeasure as she slept with her limbs thrown everywhere, her hair scattered over her face, opened like a fish - such an unladylike woman he had gotten for himself. Not that he wanted her for himself, he wasn't interested in that. He would have way better options than having someone like Oh Sana. 

He didn't let the bitter thoughts of the unjust sorcery of fate envelope his mind right now as he had a much more important task in hand. So he just focused on searching whatever he was searching for. 


Sana wasn't that much of a light sleeper, but when someone would be carelessly throwing things here and there around her, her sleep was bound to get disturbed. That was exactly what happened at present. Squinting her eyes in the unexpected bright light, she fixed her vision onto the trouble maker, the culprit who had the audacity to somehow break into her bedroom and was doing something which her sleep-ridden mind couldn't contemplate. 

After a few seconds, it finally hit Sana that Baekhyun, her supposedly husband, the monster, had somehow managed to unlock her door and was in her bedroom while she was sleeping!  "What the hell are you doing here!" The girl sat up with the flash of realization and yelled.

The man stopped whatever hell he was doing, apparently he was searching something in the drawers of her small bedside table. "Oh you're finally up?" The male voiced out with annoyance.

"No, I was just waiting here for you to snoop into my bedroom, without my permission!" The girl, irritated at his attitude, replied back with a sneer of her own. 

"First of all, you shouldn't have thought that a mere lock could stop me from going anywhere. And secondly, you should be a good wife and stay awake until your husband permits you to sleep because he might be needing you for something?" His hands went to his hips - which somehow looked identical to how Sana would be doing while placing her points in an argument - and pointed out like the proud man he was. 

"Oh please! I am not your slave! Why do you sound like those typical husbands from old centuries!" Sana gave him a disgusted look for his way of thinking. He would be a standard example of typical men who thought their wives had only one job - and that was to serve their husbands. 

Baekhyun was about to retort something back, but the doorbell of the apartment rang at that very moment - thankfully, because Sana would prefer anything else than hearing his proudful stupid remarks. 

Though her brows furrowed when she took a glance at the wall clock and noticed that it was nearing midnight. "Who could be here at this hour?" She mumbled and pushed away her duvet, getting ready to hop off the comfort of her bed. She did manage to catch the male's stare wavering, and when she followed his gaze she only wanted to curse at him, because why was he watching her when her oversized t-shirt had decided to ride up and bare her thighs?  "ert!"  She hastily stood up and fixed her t-shirt - she usually didn't wear anything revealing in front of this man, but who would've thought that his annoying demanding would be here inside her bedroom when she'd hoped for a disturb-less comfortable sleep! 

Baekhyun's eyes snapped up at her face after hearing her latest comment. "Hey! Don't disrespect your husband! And…" He stopped and ceased the remaining distance between them, his icy fingers clasped around her hips to bring her closer - his lips tugged upwards in an annoyingly smug smirk when she resorted in holding onto his shoulders out of surprise of his movements - and leaned his face closer to her, allowing her to feel the mixture of coldness and warmth seeping off him.  ".....you do know that I have the right to see much more than your below average thighs?" 

Sana's stupid pounding heartbeats weren't bothering her anymore when she actually registered the adjectives he had just used for her thighs.  'Below average? He's such a jerk, ugh'  "No thanks, how can I let you take the burden of seeing more of my below average body? I'd rather not!" She mockingly patted his cheek before pushing him into his chest. Another set of ringing doorbells interrupted their not-so-important conversation, making them realize that they were supposed to check the door in the first place. 

"Wait! Give me your moneybag!" Baekhyun stopped Sana before she could leave his sight to check the uninvited visitor at this late hour. 

"Huh? My purse? Is this what you were looking for?" The girl halted and asked, confused while thinking as to why he would be needing her moneybag at this time of night. 

"Yeah. I've ordered some food." He casually let her know. 

"You are supposed to sleep at this time of night! Why would you order food at such a late hour?" Sana threw her hands up in disbelief, but went towards her cupboard to fish out her purse anyway - sometimes she herself couldn't believe that she was being this patient with someone. 

"What? I was hungry and the restaurant website said they'd be open till twelve at night. So I just ordered! Now give me your moneybag. My food will get cold if I keep standing here and listen to your nagging." He again got closer to her, wagging his fingers in front of her, demanding her purse. 

"Because of selfish people like you, the poor delivery persons have to work till this late!" Sana spat at him while glaring, then she swatted his demanding hand away, "Since I'll be paying, I myself would check the door!" 

The irritated girl didn't wait for his reply as she stomped her way towards the living room to reach the front doors. But when she tried to open the doors, it didn't happen. And somehow she did know who could be responsible for the doors to be stuck like that. She turned back to demand an answer for his uncalled for stubbornness, but she couldn't say anything either, he looked sort of scary when she had looked at him. 

Baekhyun seemed really pissed off as he himself stomped towards the doors, to her. He slammed his one hand on the door, half trapping her between him and the wooden door. "Don't even think of going in front of another man in such stupid clothes. Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You look ugly in this! Your legs are ugly! Cover them up properly next time before going somewhere, understand?" He spat and snatched the purse from her clasp, also shoved her aside so that the person standing on the other side of the door wouldn't get to see her. 

Sana stood there, gaping and flaring at the man and his unfiltered mouth. She knew she wasn't the prettiest out there, but the least he could do for her was to remain a gentleman about it and not paint this reality on her face this blatantly. It was a basic manner as a human being, to not hurt others with one's words. But again, she had realized, that accordingly, he wasn't any normal human being. So she only continued to glare at him even when he had gladly walked towards the couch with his hands full of the ordered foods, not even looking back at her for once.  

Sighing inwardly, she also went towards him, only to snatch her purse back along with a fried drumstick. Baekhyun shot her a short glare for taking a small portion from his food - for which she herself had paid by the way. "Aren't you going to sleep?" The male raised a brow at her when she made herself comfortable on the single couch, already eating the stolen food. 

"For your information, I actually was sleeping. But someone decided to wake me up." She sassed, giving more attention to the chicken than the male. "Now that we're at it, I'd like to let you know that I'm going to attend my classes from tomorrow, so I won't be able to babysit you anymore. Take care of my apartment and your food by yourself. Don't you dare to mess things up or you'll be the one cleaning it. And oh, don't go around ordering food every hour. I'll provide you with a fixed allowance, so spend it w

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41 streak #1
Missing hour for the baekhyun sana couple.. TT TT... so excited for new chapter 🤗 authornim fighting 🤩 🤗 ❤️
41 streak #2
Chapter 18: I really missed this story and our cute bickering couple..
bbhlove #3
this story is so interesting I'm waiting for update
Chapter 18: This Baekhyun is literally 🤧❤️
Chapter 15: I keep coming back to this 😭
41 streak #6
Chapter 18: This whole chapter made me so emotional...couldn't stop crying...loved his playful sassyness and flirty persona only for his wife.. but above all his caring and loving side for byun sana made things more beautiful and heartwarming... her concern for soojun was so right but those painful words might hurt baekhyun so much.. his promise to save that kid for her sake kind of proved his love and genuine dedication for her.. was really hoping that sana could understand that ... glad that that horrendous situation made her realize his importance and existence more precisely than before on her life.. woah.. suho's appearance... the whole action part was so nerve-wracking... glad that everyone was safe and sound.. idk but byun sana sounds more cute, adorable and lovely than oh sana... hehe.. aww.. last part was so sweet and emotional.. will eagerly wait for Mr. Monster to wake up soon ... 🥺🤧🤗❤️👍👏🤧🤧 really love this couple 👫.. really enjoyed reading the whole chapter. Thank you authornim for updating and writing such an amazing and thrilling chapter. Will look forward to read future chapters. ❤️🤗🥺❤️👍👏😍🤩🙂
41 streak #7
Chapter 17: Haha... jealous baekhyun was really so cute... awww... too cute to mention... couldn't stop laughing at his childish behavior... specially that shower scene... chess baekhyun was so sweet and amazing.... that was out of his character here though.. hahaha... but really loved his character in this chapter authornim...possessive and cutely ert monster..hehe... uww.. so happy for sehun and mina... oh chanyeollie... princess sana's crush... loved his character so much ... oops.... byun sana is now in trouble..but maybe in too good way.. so excited for next chapter to read. Thank you authornim 🤗❤️😍😅🤩😍👏👍❤️
Chapter 18: Perhaps you can reward him when he wakes up hahahaha. I just know he will claim it after he awakes 😂😂😂
Chapter 18: Since I saw jun's gif I knew something intense had to happen in this chap2but you outdid yourself and surprised us good.

I trust however that Baek will wake up and Sana will make up for his efforts. If it were in kisses hahaha
AiiSoo #10
Chapter 18: Suho as his step brother? Hmm.. so will other members make his appearance in this story too? That’ll be interesting. And I can’t help but feel like Baekhyun is going to take adavantage of his injury to be clingy to Sana. Hahahah
Thank youf for this update..!