The date - END

My cat from... where?
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Mina doesn't think she would have to readjust to her life, yet here she is, trying to get used to mundane tasks like groceries shopping, cooking, and even traveling by public transport. Two months isn't long but she has been in a completely different world, with magic instead of technology, walking instead of driving, and having your meal served instead of cooking. Well, she did cook a few times during her stay in the Touhou castle, but it's because she was bored. It's totally different from cooking 3 meals a day. She is truly thankful for Jihyo's packed food too. The morning after, she woke up starving and it was quite dreadful to find out she must cook for herself. (She remembered about Jihyo's food later but that's a scare.) She takes up Momo's offer to rest for another few weeks (or month) too. She's not exactly thrilled to go back to her soulless job anyway.


Chaeyoung, on the other hand, doesn't seem to struggle much. She's quick to readjust to the old life, helping Mina with house chores and cooking, lying around, sketching something in her notebook, typical cat things.


She has three training sessions every week and that's where trouble pops up. It turns out, after seeing Chaeyoung risking her life and being bedridden for a while, Mina has developed a separation issue, where she'd feel awfully anxious whenever she's separated from the other girl. She tried to hide it at first, uttering good luck when Chaeyoung went to the demigod's place for training. But the younger girl found out. She came back to find Mina hyperventilating on the floor, clutching her pendant tightly.


"I'm sorry." She muttered weakly, still being wrapped inside Chaeyoung's arms.


"What do you apologise for?" The younger girl asked softly, Mina's back.


"For being absurd. You should be training right now but instead, you're here, just because I'm getting worried for no reason. I should keep myself in check."


"No training is more important than you, Mina. Besides, it's not absurd if it makes you uncomfortable. Now we know you feel like this, we can find a way to deal with it, okay?"


She put a kiss on Mina's head reassuringly and Mina can't thank whoever up there enough that she has this girl. After a short discussion, they decide that Mina would accompany Chaeyoung to the Touhou castle. It turns out to be quite nice. The family welcomes her with open arms. They chat with her, accompany her to the library or music room while Chaeyoung was in the training ground. After a few sessions, when Mina finally trusts that Chaeyoung will face no harm in the training process, they extend the distance.


Somedays, she accompanies Tzuyu and Dahyun on their tasks, and manages to surprise them with her knowledge of medicinal herbs. All the time spent in Yoochun’s medicine room really does pay back. They aren’t the chatty type, especially Tzuyu, but they’re affectionate in their own way.


Nayeon and Jeongyeon, on the other hand, are the chatty type. Or bickering type to be exact. She’s surprised and tries to defuse the situation at first. Then she finds out their bickering means no harm and it’s just their way of loving. It’s unconventional, but who is Mina to judge? Mina is busy in awe with all the magic tricks and fascinating potion ingredients they present to her, which spurs Nayeon even more. The witch loves it when she has an audience. Jeongyeon, on the other hand, is thrilled to find out Mina has basic knowledge about medicinal herbs and was in contact with “probably the most famous healer in the Halfling Uprising”. She doesn’t really know about that, but she wonders if it was the war that pushed the demigod family to exile. Either way, Jeongyeon is thrilled to know that the senior healer complimented her way of treating Mina’s hand, which isn’t as exciting to Nayeon.

“Are you seriously fangirling over another guy in front of YOUR ACTUAL GIRLFRIEND?”

“C’mon, he’s at least two hundred years old. Don’t say you get jealous of an old man?”

The senior healer’s look is far from an old man, but Mina doesn’t think she needs to tell them that.


Sana invites her over from time to time too, gushing about all the new plants she's just discovered while Momo is away to work. Still, the oldest of the trio always brings take away home before all of them settle on a boardgame or movie. It’s just like the old time, them spending time together.


She even goes to the Shinto shrine with Wendy, who, she later finds out, is Chaeyoung's second cousin. Mina wants to thank the priestess for all the help, and Wendy accompanies her. Despite Irene’s cold demeanor, Mina finds herself falling into conversation with the priestess quite well. Both aren’t the energetic types, but their conversation flows leisurely, from what happened in the forest to how the decline of Shinto beliefs in modern Japan affects the gods. At the end of the day, bidding their goodbye, Irene assures Mina that she’s always welcomed here.


But the craziest day is when she is asked by Jihyo to teach the kids a few dance moves. It's super easy, even easier than the baby shark dance; but managing a class of young magical kids, who are even more free spirited than the non-magic ones, was more tiring than whatever tasks she's ever done before. She has the highest respect for Jihyo for doing this every day. On that day, she's so busy with the kids that she doesn't even remember about Chaeyoung being away. She’ll definitely get Momo to assist her next time.

She's had a great time with them and learned so many things about the magic world. But above all, she's deeply moved to know so many people joined in and helped her with her problem.




Too engrossed in her adventure of the magic world, Mina totally forgets about the date Chaeyoung promised until one day, the girl shyly asks her again.



She's been told to dress comfortably, but it still takes an hour for her to find the right clothes. Knowing Chaeyoung, the girl wouldn't pick a fancy or crowded place that both of them don't feel comfortable in. There's nothing she should be nervous about. They have been living with each other for years.


"You ready?" Chaeyoung asks with a disarming smile, slightly bouncing on the balls of her feet.


"For you? Always." She winks and feels the nervousness fading away, only excitement remains. It's Chaeyoung. What's to be nervous about?


The smile Mina gets back is blinding, with dimples and curving lips and definitely brighter than the October sun out there.


They jog along a gravel path in the park nearby, hand in hand. It's a nice afternoon, with autumn breeze grazing their cheek and the gentle ray of the sun is cheerful enough without being scorching hot. Mina's favourite kind of weather. She inhales a lungful of fresh air and feels it follows her vessels to freshen up the organs. She's been living in or near the forest these days, and she feels dreadful thinking of going back to her desk work and public transport. But she'll have to go back to work sooner or later. She doesn't like to be dependent on the Hirai's support.


Shaking her head off the daunting thoughts of the workplace, Mina focuses again on the scenery, and Chaeyoung’s hand in hers. This path is familiar, and Mina has an idea of where they're heading.


"Are we going to the magic world?"

Few days ago, she asked Chaeyoung what they would do but the girl only assured she'd find out on that day.


"Yep. Remember you mentioned that you want to try making candles? We're doing that today. Is that okay?" The baby-faced girl offers her a shy grin and Mina smiles at the scene.


“Of course. I’d love to!” She’d jump into fire for this cutie, but she doesn’t make that part vocal.


Mina has visited Chaeyoung’s house before, but never had time to really linger in this room. In the back of the house, there’s a room with plenty of windows which holds all kinds of fascinating tools and artifacts. But for today, the main table has been cleaned of tools and wood chips, leaving only the necessary equipment and materials for candle making.


Mina knows she cannot stop the fond smile etching on her face when Chaeyoung introduces the materials on the table. You can tell she’s in her element with how confident she talks, and the glint that’s sparkling in her round eyes. And confident Chaeyoung makes Mina swoon so hard, and she really considers taking the younger girl right there. But she doesn’t want to mess up the date, and there are some really interesting ingredients she wants to try. Maybe later. Definitely later.


Mina is torn, there are so many things she wants to try, but then she’ll be making dozens of candles, each with different color and fragrance. Chaeyoung says they’ll go watch the sunset later and they can’t do too much at once. Right, then. She’ll definitely try using the moon dust, which will emit a soft white light when being lit. And the stardust too, who doesn’t like blinking starlight?


The trickier part is choosing and mixing the fragrance. Aside from the usual ones like pine tree, fresh cut grass, jasmine, there’re many weird ones like sea before storm, horse ranch, new book, natto (who even uses that?), traffic jam (Chaeyoung laughs at her disgusted face), and even catnip.

“Chaengie you little naughty cat”


There are bottles with labels, and some without, like that small bottle with swirling dark pink liquid sitting idly in the corner of the shelf. Mina can't help but feel pulled to it. But she knows better than to touch anything tempting without knowing what it is. She doesn't expect her question will ignite a furious blush on the younger's face.


"It's..." the girl stutters. "Well it's for when you... er.. want a romantic night."


"Son Chaeyoung are you telling me that this will make people ?"


"If you put it like that..." The girl groans, putting her hands up to hide the blush.


“Have you ever used it?”


“No! I… never, not on anyone, I swear!” Chaeyoung immediately waved her hand, making Mina giggle.


“Good.” Mina lowers her voice and leans just an inch away from Chaeyoung’s ear, determined to tease the girl. “Because I don’t want yo

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So sad to say goodbye.
I'm actually relieved that I can finish this story


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217 streak #1
Chapter 33: Really cute story. It was so interesting that I finished it in one day.

They’re so cuuuute 🥰
JackyLambino #2
Chapter 33: Finished this story in just span of three days, Thank you for the good story author-nim.
Chapter 16: The longer, the better. I reallyyyyy love your story, it just like once i have the chance to read this i read this non-stop. To me, this story is the best.
nanquming #4
Chapter 33: it's difficult for me to read English instead of Chinese.But this story is so fantastic and wonderful and is beyond the language restrictions(I mean my bad reading ability ).What a great writer!love you!
1198 streak #5
Chapter 33: Thank you for the bonus chapter! Even if you don't come back often its great to read something when you do have the time for it ☺️
crackheadis9 #6
Chapter 32: Beautiful story, I love it so much. all the details and explainations you gave in between chapters 👍 looking forward for the extra chapter <3
BobTheBuilderSike #7
Chapter 32: i’ll read the extra chapter! great story.
BobTheBuilderSike #8
Chapter 32: i’ll read the extra chapter! great story.
Chapter 32: Had to postpone reading this coz i am sick. but now i am finally able to finish it. One of the best stories out there that i will certainly remember. Thank you for sharing this!!

If it's fine with you, an extra chapter about Chaeyoung's parents will be awesome. And how that last bit plays out.
Chapter 32: Had to postpone reading this coz i am sick. but now i am finally able to finish it. One of the best stories out there that i will certainly remember. Thank you for sharing this!!

If it's fine with you, an extra chapter about Chaeyoung's parents will be awesome. And how that last bit plays out.