
My cat from... where?
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She didn’t expect it would turn out like this. She would never expect to be attacked by a ranger; luckily, it’s just one so she can escape. But not without injuries.


She was just trying to run away from this world, where her source of light and happiness was taken away from her. It’s unfair. Her mother didn’t need to die, she didn’t have to follow the Hunter to that quest. Jihyo had been taken care of her since, but that couldn’t soothe her sorrow and anger completely.


Now, lying in a bush near a deserted path, she started to regret running away. Jihyo would be worried sick and start looking for her. She didn’t know if she preferred to be in Jihyo care or just die here and never have to see the caregiver’s disappointment.


Jihyo was right; she was too young and unprepared for this world. What would a 13-year-old who just lost her mother know to defend herself? Now she’s dying for not listening to Jihyo. Great!


Suddenly she heard footsteps approaching. She sniffed the air, tried to identify the kind of creature coming in. A human. Using her remaining strength to cry out for help, maybe she still had some will to live after all. Footsteps stopped for a while and started walking toward her. Rustle of branches and a small gasp forced her tired eyes open to look straight into a beautiful pair of brown eyes. A pretty human girl was looking at her with worried and curious gaze. She tried to meow one last time before everything fell into darkness. The last thing she felt was being picked up and embraced in a warm hug.



She woke up in a strange place. Everything was white and there was this unpleasant smell invading her nostrils. She winced, feeling her whole body protest when trying to move, and noticed a tube attached to her body.

“Oh you’re up! You’re on fierce fighter, aren’t you?”


Someone dressed in white blouse walked in and crouched down to face her. She didn’t recognize this one. Where’s the little girl? Did she… Was she captured by these non-magic people and they’re going to sell her as pet, just like the stories her mother and Jihyo told her? She’s too weak to turn and fight right now. Even if she could turn, she couldn’t escape and they’re going to put her in, what’s the name again? Orphanage. She didn’t belong to this world. The human did some checking, she guessed, and said

“You’re doing well, buddy. I’m going to get the Myoui. There’s someone anxious to see you”


The white blouse woman came back later with someone stowing behind. They stopped before her and crouched down. She recognize the little one, this pair of eyes kept looking at her while the others started discussing. The white blouse woman was saying something about her getting better but still need care after discharged. Discharged? They’re going to let her go? That’s what she wanted but maybe not in this situation.


“Can I pet her?” the little girl asked, finally turned around to face the adults.

“It could bite you, or have flees, Mina” the other woman said. Excuse you I don’t have flees.

“I have checked and she doesn’t have flees nor rabies. Except for the wounds, she’s good. I don’t know what she faced in that wood, but she’s stable now. Mina, you can pet her, but careful, let her get used to you first.”


The girl nodded and approached her, hand raising. She hissed. The hand stopped a bit from her head and the owner started speaking

“Don’t be afraid, little one. It’s just me, Mina. You’re a nice kitten and won’t bite me, will you?”

Mina said something more, but her soft, almost soothing voice made the kitten relax. It’s warm and comforting, and god knows how much the kitten craved that right now. So she let the human girl touched her forehead, behind her ears, ran the warm hand from head to tail, which made her purr. It’s embarrassing, but for now, she’d just let herself indulge in this bliss.


Bliss didn’t last long, much to her dismay. She had to stay here for another day and the girl must leave. If someone asked, she would deny to her last breath how she clung at the girl’s arm for dear life. She wasn’t in her right mind, plus, the white blouse lady was scary (she wasn’t) and she hated the smell here. Finally, she relented when the girl promised to come back next day and take her home.


Mina’s home was cold, contrast to the warm embrace she’s in. Yes, she’s still sick and allowed to indulge in Mina’s care. Aside from school and dance classes, the girl barely left her side. Normally she hated when people invaded her personal space or get too affectionate, but for Mina, it’s different. The girl was warm and pleasant. She smelled nice and gave wonderful scratches too, like sometimes Jihyo gave her when she’s in cat form. One night, when she’s almost fully recovered and resigned in Mina’s warm embrace, the girl whispered

“I asked my parents to keep you forever. We’re going to be your family. Do you like to stay with me forever?”

She can only look at Mina with wide eyes, too surprised to speak. Also, what can a cat say?

“Tomorrow we’re going to pet center and they’ll give you a cat ID. What name would you like?”


The girl listed out some names but none of it sounded nearly good. She already had a name for god’s sake! And a life different from this. She couldn’t possibly stay here forever, could she? How about her other life? Well, it’s not much left to be honest. How about Jihyo? She didn’t think much about it before, too immersed in Mina’s care to think about the other life, or maybe she didn’t want to. It wasn’t a terrible idea, she could stay with this human, leaving her old life, her fate behind. But living as a human’s pet? That didn’t sound terrific.


She was deep in thought, only later realised the girl was fast asleep. She nudged the girl’s cheeks and chin with her forehead, a cat-like behavior she’s used to do by now.

“My name is Chaeyoung, and I guess staying with you doesn’t sound bad.”


As long as the words escaped , there’s a weird feeling tingled in her heart, like there’s a string tied around her heart and someone just tugged it. The feeling disappeared as fast and suddenly like when it appeared.


How Chaeyoung turned to be Chaengie the next day was beyound her. She hadn’t heard that name since she was, like 7. Maybe she she should say when the girl’s awake. Or not. That would be messy. She didn’t want to explain to a 14-year-old how a cat can talk, and how she’s not technically a cat, although she’s currently in cat form. See? Complicated.

But when Mina said “Chaengie” with such adoration and affection, she thought Chaengie was fine. At least it’s not some weird name like “Peach” or “Banana” like the girl listed out last night. Also, they already signed their names on adoption paper; well, Mina signed her name and she signed her pawprint.



She went to see Jihyo a week after the official “ado

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So sad to say goodbye.
I'm actually relieved that I can finish this story


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217 streak #1
Chapter 33: Really cute story. It was so interesting that I finished it in one day.

They’re so cuuuute 🥰
JackyLambino #2
Chapter 33: Finished this story in just span of three days, Thank you for the good story author-nim.
Chapter 16: The longer, the better. I reallyyyyy love your story, it just like once i have the chance to read this i read this non-stop. To me, this story is the best.
nanquming #4
Chapter 33: it's difficult for me to read English instead of Chinese.But this story is so fantastic and wonderful and is beyond the language restrictions(I mean my bad reading ability ).What a great writer!love you!
1188 streak #5
Chapter 33: Thank you for the bonus chapter! Even if you don't come back often its great to read something when you do have the time for it ☺️
crackheadis9 #6
Chapter 32: Beautiful story, I love it so much. all the details and explainations you gave in between chapters 👍 looking forward for the extra chapter <3
BobTheBuilderSike #7
Chapter 32: i’ll read the extra chapter! great story.
BobTheBuilderSike #8
Chapter 32: i’ll read the extra chapter! great story.
Chapter 32: Had to postpone reading this coz i am sick. but now i am finally able to finish it. One of the best stories out there that i will certainly remember. Thank you for sharing this!!

If it's fine with you, an extra chapter about Chaeyoung's parents will be awesome. And how that last bit plays out.
Chapter 32: Had to postpone reading this coz i am sick. but now i am finally able to finish it. One of the best stories out there that i will certainly remember. Thank you for sharing this!!

If it's fine with you, an extra chapter about Chaeyoung's parents will be awesome. And how that last bit plays out.