Instinct and doubts

My cat from... where?
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The second day of combat training does get better, as the men said. Under Changmin and Junsu’s instruction, Chaeyoung practiced more methodically, training herself to be patient, to find the opponent's weakness. Yesterday's bruises have almost disappeared, thanks to lotion and Mina's kisses (Chaeyoung tries not to think about it while training) and today's blows are not as painful. Because the two men have adjusted their power, or her body was getting used to taking hits, could be both.


Jaejoong comes to see them sometimes, giving some suggestions. But most of the time, he just watches and gives some encouraging words. The demigod is barely there during the daytime. They say he has work outside, “just some errands”, Jaejoong said, but Chaeyoung doubts it’d be easy for others to do. For a few times he came, he just stood and watched from afar. Although he didn’t interfere or utter a word, Chaeyoung couldn’t help but feel like a shadow was casting over her, making her irrationally nervous, as if she was a mediocre student performing under a strict mentor. The brother duo told her not to mind him, he was just not good around strangers. And the fact that this stranger is trading for his husband’s life doesn’t do the trick, either, Chaeyoung thinks.


The visits she’s looking forward to the most are Mina and Yoochun, well, mostly Mina, but they always come together. They have been hanging around together a lot recently. To be fair, she doesn’t hate the healer, they don’t even interact much. There’s always a faint herbal scent on him, the scent that distinctively belongs to the healer working with lots of herb, and the somber look. Considering his tragic past, it’s understandable. And she’s glad, really, that Mina has someone to hang out with in this castle. She can’t imagine Mina hanging out with the demigod, chitchatting like friends; with Jaejoong, maybe, but not Yunho. No, that image was so crazy she pushed it away as soon as it popped in her head.


The two are getting comfortable around each other, that Chaeyoung can tell. It’d be weird if they don’t, right? Understandable. But Mina has been hanging around him all day, ever since Chaeyoung started her training, which is a lot, maybe too much, as the healer’s herbal scent is rubbing on Mina too. And maybe, just maybe she’s getting a little irritated seeing how he smiles at Mina while talking with that stupid deep husky voice. What boils her blood more is when Mina smiles back at him or tucks a strand of loose hair behind her ears. What is Mina even doing?


Today is no exception. When Mina and Yoochun visit her in the training ground, the herbal scent on the older girl’s body is so strong that Chaeyoung is sure people don’t need heightened sense of smell to catch it. It’s unacceptable! This time, she has to do something. So, when she finally has a break, she waits no time to sit beside Mina on the couch. Her hand circles Mina’s waist and pulls the older girl closer to rest her head on Mina’s shoulder. The older chuckles and ruffles her hair.

“You’re tired?”

She lets out a grumble, indicating she’s indeed tired and please resume the hair scratch.

“My Chaeyoungie is working hard, isn’t she?”

Chaeyoung nods before throwing a cocky smirk in Yoochun’s direction. See? She’s Mina’s “Chaeyoungie”. Take that!

But the healer just smiles and continues talking with his brothers.


“So… how is your stay in our home so far? I know Chaeyoung will throw lots of bad words because we grill her with exercise every day.” Junsu speaks up, always the friendly one.

“It’s nice. Yoochun-san has given me a tour around the house and the garden. What a beautiful garden you have! But I like the lake and library the most.”

“He did? How surprising. He’s a lazy bum who loves lying around.” Changmin snorts but his words don’t hold a single drop of ill intent. Maybe mocking his older brother is his hobby.

“Hey! I go out to.”

“Only when you feel like it, which is not that often.”

“Maybe I’m feeling like it.”


Chaeyoung tunes out the conversation a while ago, head buried in Mina’s neck. But the sniff of that stupid herbal smell on Mina is frustrating. Her Mina is not supposed to smell like other people! So she does the only reasonable thing a cat would do, rubbing her own smell on Mina. But the older girl speaks as soon as Chaeyoung tries to climb on her lap.

“Chaeyoung. What are you doing? You’re sweaty!”


Sweaty huh? So Mina prefers his smell more than hers? This thought angers Chaeyoung even more. She quickly turns into cat form and goes over Mina’s lap, bumping her head into Mina’s and rubbing herself all over Mina.

“Chaengie what is this? Aish. Your tail is in my mouth.”


But that doesn’t stop her until every part of Mina is covered with her smell (and fur too). That’s better. She settles herself in Mina’s lap and stares defiantly at the men, smirking as she knows it’s her smell on Mina, not anyone’s.


“Aww what a cute kitty getting all territorial huh?”

Junsu coos, stretching his hand out but Chaeyoung hisses and swats at him.

“Chaengie! Sorry. She’s a well-behaved cat most of the time. I don’t know why she’s like this.”

“That’s alright. She’s marking her territory. But that’ll earn you 5 laps around the track, young lady.”


He giggles, nudging Changmin and Yoochun. But she doesn’t care, not now, when Mina’s hand is scratching that sweet spot behind her ears.


“Let’s go. We shouldn’t take time from their training.” Yoochun stands up.

“Sure.” Mina agrees right away. Chaeyoung needs to train well so she won’t get hurt.


“Hmm. No wonder they asked me to take you to the herbal room more.”

“Hmm? Sorry? I didn’t catch that.” Mina replies absentmindedly. She’s busy admiring the sight of Chaeyoung running from behind. Those toned abs on her legs and shoulder. That . Mina is not running, but she feels her body heating up as if she’s on the track with Chaeyoung too.


“Nothing.” The man replies. “Now let’s go before they get distracted by us. Do you want to help me arrange herbs? Oh. I have this special thing for bathing. It’s good for your skin.”

“Ah really? Let’s go then!”





Chaeyoung likes the smell of herbs, she really does. From the days her mother was on quests and she stayed at Jihyo's house, she's been helping the older prepare herbs to brew some potions for the kids. Jihyo didn’t ask her, but Chaeyoung just liked helping around. You don't know how often they get sick. Then when the classes started, her potion class with Jeongyeon was one of her favourites. Having a mortal girl as her companion, she didn't have much magic ability on her. So instead, she paid attention to skills that didn't require much use of magic. It's safe to say, she's been raised with herbs. It's been an inseparable part of her childhood. Therefore, it might be ridiculous to feel irritated by those smells.


For everyone, they usually think all medicine practitioners have the same smell, a combination of herbs. But to her incredibly heightened sense of smell, every practitioner is different. Maybe there are some strange herbs that make her hate this Yoochun's smell, especially when it's on Mina's body. Or is it because it's on Mina's body? She doesn't think much about the reason, not when Mina is sitting next to her on their bed, smelling like him. No, Chaeyoung is more concerned on how she could get rid of those smell.



"What's wrong, Chaeyoung? Are you hurt somewhere? Did the extra track make you tired?" Noticing her grumpy state, Mina asks

"No. The track was nothing I couldn’t handle. It's just..."

"Just what?" Mina presses. She knows something is bothering the girl


"Your smell."

"Huh? My smell? Is it bad?" Mina moves back and brings her own shirt up to smell.

"No no! Not bad smell. But you smell like him." Chaeyoung mutters.

"Him? Yoochun? Hmm. I didn't even touch him. I just went to the medicine room to help him arrange some herbs."

Chaeyoung sniffs "Yeah. You smell like herbs."

"He did give me some for bathing. He said it’s good for your skin. You should try it. I don’t know about skin but it’s really relaxing. Sorry if the smell comes out too strong. But I thought you liked herbs?"

"Not if it smells like him." Chaeyoung grunts.


"Wait, Chae…ah!”



A grumble of incoherent words is all she can get out as Chaeyoung pushes her down on the bed. The girl sits herself on top of Mina, eyes filled with such intense sparks that Mina has never seen before. And then, she’s doing what Mina has never expected her to do. The girl leans down, and starts rubbing face all over Mina, to get rid of all the herbal smell. To be honest, it’s more like a little puppy nuzzling every place it can find on the owner’s body.


“You. Are. Not. Having. His. Smell.” She growls out every word.


Too surprised, Mina doesn’t know how to react, just lying still. Is this what Junsu meant about the cat getting territorial? If Chaeyoung were not all over her now, Mina would have laughed and booped the girl's nose for how cute she is. But the oh so innocent thoughts are turning south as the friction Chaeyoung creates has affected Mina greatly. She can’t help letting out a small moan as the girl nuzzles in the crook of her neck. Maybe it’s the sound, or how Mina’s body turns rigid that makes Chaeyoung stop in her track. She pulls back but remains in the position on top of Mina.


Mina doesn’t need a mirror to know how messy she is right now, just by looking at Chaeyoung’s unkempt hair, half-lidded eyes, and disheveled pyjamas. She couldn’t deny how awfully she is, just by looking at this sight. And the girl looks like she’s in a trance too. They stare at each other intensely, as if waiting to see who would make the first move, before the younger, driven by something Mina has yet to pinpoint, leans down and captures her lips. This is different from the one they shared a few days ago. It’s much hotter, hurrier, wilder, all driven by their instincts. It makes Mina’s heart racing as if she’s on a 400m track. No one is holding back now.


Rosy lips part slightly, just enough to invite the other in without being too forward. Mina knows she must let the younger take the first (few) steps. And of course, it succeeded, as Chaeyoung’s tongue hastily accepts the invitation and slides into the older’s mouth. It’s slow at first, as they are savouring the sweet and addictive taste. And like any other addiction, it’s never enough. The movements increase, from a slow dance to a wild, fast-paced tango that no one is willing to end. But they have to, eventually. Lips part as they gasp for air, trying to regain the last string of consciousness after breathing in so much intoxication. The room is heated up. Sweat is visible on their forehead, even in this chilly autumn night.


Mina cranes her neck up, to breathe in more fresh air. She can’t believe she’s feeling so dizzy just after a make-out session. But much to her unknowing, this action alone has been perceived as another invitation by the younger. Chaeyoung swiftly glues her lips to Mina’s slender neck, like a predator ravaging the prey that took them so much time and effort to hunt. Mina, taken aback by this attack, can’t help letting out a high-pitched moan, followed by one sharp intake of breath.


Chaeyoung's hands do not rest either, they grip Mina's hips firmly, keeping her still on the bed. Then one naughty hand goes up and starts ing her nightgown, paving the way for greedy lips to go down. Mina colours blooming in front of her eyes. The unexpected intensity of this shy Chaeyoung has made her feel more than ever. She just wants Chaeyoung to take her

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So sad to say goodbye.
I'm actually relieved that I can finish this story


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217 streak #1
Chapter 33: Really cute story. It was so interesting that I finished it in one day.

They’re so cuuuute 🥰
JackyLambino #2
Chapter 33: Finished this story in just span of three days, Thank you for the good story author-nim.
Chapter 16: The longer, the better. I reallyyyyy love your story, it just like once i have the chance to read this i read this non-stop. To me, this story is the best.
nanquming #4
Chapter 33: it's difficult for me to read English instead of Chinese.But this story is so fantastic and wonderful and is beyond the language restrictions(I mean my bad reading ability ).What a great writer!love you!
1198 streak #5
Chapter 33: Thank you for the bonus chapter! Even if you don't come back often its great to read something when you do have the time for it ☺️
crackheadis9 #6
Chapter 32: Beautiful story, I love it so much. all the details and explainations you gave in between chapters 👍 looking forward for the extra chapter <3
BobTheBuilderSike #7
Chapter 32: i’ll read the extra chapter! great story.
BobTheBuilderSike #8
Chapter 32: i’ll read the extra chapter! great story.
Chapter 32: Had to postpone reading this coz i am sick. but now i am finally able to finish it. One of the best stories out there that i will certainly remember. Thank you for sharing this!!

If it's fine with you, an extra chapter about Chaeyoung's parents will be awesome. And how that last bit plays out.
Chapter 32: Had to postpone reading this coz i am sick. but now i am finally able to finish it. One of the best stories out there that i will certainly remember. Thank you for sharing this!!

If it's fine with you, an extra chapter about Chaeyoung's parents will be awesome. And how that last bit plays out.