Foe or friend?

My cat from... where?
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Chaeyoung wants them to go first thing in the morning. Mina doesn’t allow it, saying Chaeyoung hasn’t recovered yet, which is true. The cat girl can’t walk for more than a few minutes at normal speed without feeling dizzy. They decide to stay for another day; and to Mina, it’s a needed break from days of walking around the woods. It’s refreshing, to be honest. Living in a cave is not ideal, but they have enough to go by: food to eat, clothes to wear (all dried), warm blankets, small fire, and most importantly, each other. Is there anything better than waking up with the sound of songbirds, fresh air, and loved one in your arms?


On their third day staying there, Chaeyoung decides to explore further inside the cave. The younger assures Mina she is almost back to normal health and can go by herself. The cat girl can see in the dark, and Mina knows she only burdens the girl if she insists on following.


 Less than fifteen minutes later, Chaeyoung runs out from inside the cave, panicking

"We have to go, now!"

"What? Why?"

"In there..." Chaeyoung pants, running back and forth to gather things "I see human belongings, recently used, still clean. But it certainly belongs to human."

"Who could that be?" Mina wondered



"Yes. They usually smuggle magical creatures, either bought from poachers or they hunt themselves. Those creatures are either holy or endangered, protected by the law of magical creatures trading. This cave might be where they stay, gather their trophy before selling those on the black market. We must hurry! They are known for being cold-blooded and will kill anyone who gets in their way."


The urgency in Chaeyoung's voice leaves no room for argument. They gather their stuff quickly and try to clean off any trace indicating they stayed here. Chaeyoung lead them astray through the forest, away from the clearings and trail. Even their lunch is rushed as they eat their food quickly in the denser part. It's best to stay as low as possible. There're two groups finding them now. The one they tried to cut off a few days ago, and now the smuggler. If they're lucky, the smuggler will probably not know someone was staying in the cave; and the chasers are cut off completely. But they can't realize on luck alone. They need to be cautious.


That's why when the alarming spell goes off as they're about to stop for the day, Chaeyoung is quick to stand on her feet, shielding Mina.


"Who's there?" She asks.


They don't know which direction the follower comes from and running away now seems to be riskier than facing them. Chaeyoung quickly takes out a handful of black beans from her pocket and threw them in four directions. The beans pop creating smoke, a thin smoke unlike the sea of ​​mist she had created a few days ago. Even from a distance, Mina could smell the faint scent of pepper.



With a thud, a man jumps out behind the trees, coughing from the smoke, a big dagger on his hand. He’s a muscular man, twice their size, with wild tangled beard and shaggy hair. A long scar stretched from the base of his eye to his lips, making him look even more barbarous. But what makes Chaeyoung most wary are his eyes, a wild pair of eyes flashing with rage and madness, like he was on the verge of insanity. He roars, pointing his dagger at them.


“Who are you? And why you’re in my place?”

“Your place?”

“That cave near the waterfall. Tell me! What did you do there?”

“Nothing. We just stopped there because we needed to rest for a few nights.”


Chaeyoung tries to stay calm while looking around for a way to escape. Fighting with this man is not a good idea, especially when she has Mina with her.

“Liar! You have been following me around for months. I see now you have disguised as young girls so I would let my guard down. But I knew it.”

“You must mistake me with someone, we just went here a few days ago.”


But the man doesn’t take in any of what she said. He’s looking around frantically, as if expecting someone will jump out at any time. His bloodshot eyes are twitching, and he mumbles frenziedly the words they can’t comprehend.

“They’re… everywhere… the hag… black…”


“TRAITORS” Suddenly he roars, making them jump. “THAT OLD HAG SENT YOU. I tell you, I have been here for my whole life, doing my own business. It’s not her forest, or anyone’s. She thought you two little mice will scare me away? NO! IT’S MY PLACE. AND I WILL LET YOU KNOW THAT!”



As soon as he finishes yelling, he lunges forward, dagger stabbing straight at Chaeyoung and Mina. Quickly, Chaeyoung pushes Mina aside to avoid his attack.

"Look out! Mina, go hide!"


The guy roars when he sees that the blade did not hit the target, he turns around and attacks the nearest person. Chaeyoung instantly pulls out her dagger from the holder on her hip and tries to fight back, but he is too strong. He rushes in and slashes, as strong as a bull. His eyes flash with a ferocious and murderous glare. Every strike is fatal. He's crazy, with his strength, plus his madness, Chaeyoung is absolutely no match. But Chaeyoung knows how to take advantage of her flexible and petite body to dodge direct attacks. She crouches, jumps to the sides to dodge his punches and the dagger. She needs to divert his attention away from Mina. If she was alone, she would turn into a cat and run away, but he would definitely attack Mina if Chaeyoung ran away.


After a while, when his attacks are less powerful and frenzied, Chaeyoung knows he is tired and starts to counterattack. She tries to fight back, using all the skills she had learned in combat training. She manages to throw a few punches and strike back at him, but the cuts only made him crazier. Even though he is tired, he is still a tough opponent. In the corner of her eyes, she can see Mina standing far behind and watching the fight intensely. She has sworn to protect the girl and she will do just that.


Thinking Mina will be in danger if she loses, a surge of power comes over her. Chaeyoung lunges forward, pounding on the man, making him take a few steps back, not knowing what could have caused the girl in front of him to have such power. While he is distracted, Chaeyoung swings the blade across his throat. He dodges the blade but couldn't avoid the kick that hit his lower abdomen. He falls back on the ground, and crouches down, showing no sign of attacking anymore, but Chaeyoung is still on guard, not daring to approach.


He grunts loudly and pulls out three small knives from his pocket. He throws one towards Chaeyoung, but she jumps to dodge just in time. The second grazes her arm, tearing a piece of her shirt. Chaeyoung takes a stance to avoid the third knife but it doesn’t come. Instead, a shrill cry ring out from afar. The third knife was not aimed at Chaeyoung, but at Mina.


Chaeyoung turns around and runs to Mina, but she has only taken a few steps when she feels a force coming from behind. She turns back to defend but it was too late, the man has caught up. He raises the dagger and stabs it towards her left chest. Chaeyoung jumps to the side, the dagger didn't hit her chest but leaves a large cut on her left arm.


She throws another smoke bean, but he manages to block them with his knife. The bean bumps to the sides, popping. He snorted loudly

"You little ! Your child’s play magic can do nothing on me."


Chaeyoung struggles to fight back, running to the side while parrying. With one arm bleeding profusely, she knows she wouldn't last long, the only thing she could do was to buy time and try to lead him as far away from Mina as she could. But Chaeyoung couldn't run far, with his tall and massive body, he easily catches up and kicks her to the ground.


Chaeyoung screams in pain and manages to throw a blow at him before falling to the ground. He staggers back a few steps but regains his stance quickly. He laughs like a maniac.

"Two little rats! Do you think you'll catch me? Not a chance! I’ll kill you, and your friend. You two can say hello to the old hag in the underworld. I’ll find her and kill her too."


He swings the dagger, and Chaeyoung thinks this is the end of her life. Mina's image flashes before her eyes, her warm smile, shining eyes, and moles like a constellation in the beautiful night sky. But then Mina's scream echoed in her ears, the image of Mina lying lifeless, with a dagger to her heart. No! Chaeyoung can't die like that. Her heart aches, blaming herself for not being able to protect Mina til the end, because of her incompetence.






Before the blade could plunge down, there is a whooshing sound, like an arrow tearing the wind. The man staggers, dumbly reaching out to touch the back of his neck before collapsing to the ground.


When Chaeyoung is still unable to comprehend what just happened, a screech is heard from above and Chaeyoung has never felt so relieved hearing it. Because she can recognize this sound – the one belongs to a hawk – not just a hawk, it’s Dahyun’s. She doesn’t know how her friend is here; but for now, it means that she’s safe. Not waiting to see Dahyun landing, she turns around and runs toward Mina.


Mina is sitting on the ground, looking paler than she ever be, clutching her left arm; blood is oozing from a large cut there. Chaeyoung is panic! She’s even more worried than when her own life is in danger just a moment ago.


“Chaeyoung! Your arm is bleeding! Are you okay? Did he hit you hard?”


Mina sounds worried making Chaeyoung almost wants to laugh if they’re not in this dire situation.

“You’re bleeding too, silly.”

“It’s just a cut. You fought him!”


Chaeyoung sits down to examines Mina’s wound. Her breath hitches when seeing a large cut on Mina’s arm, so close to the silver bracelet that’s keeping the curse from spreading out. What would happen if that knife cut the bracelet? But Mina has pulled her in a tight embrace.


“I’m so worried.” Mina sobs “I watched you fought him. I’m so worried. He’s so big.”

“Ouch, Mina, my arm!”

“Oh god I’m so sorry!” Startled, Mina almost pushes Chaeyoung away in her hustle, but quickly pulls the girl back to examine the wound. “I think there’s bandage in my backpack. I can wrap this up for you.”


“I think there’s no need. Do you still have Jeongyeon’s potion?”


They stop in their track when realizing the voice. It’s not Dahyun’s. Chaeyoung turns back to see the two shadows looming over her. One is Dahyun and the other is the one and only Im Nayeon!


“I know I’m beautiful, but you can admire my beauty later. Now the potion!”


The oldest hushes and Chaeyoung scrams to find in her pouch. There it is!


“Just two drops for her and three drops for you is enough. It’s not a large cut.”

Nayeon continues to instruct her. Jeongyeon’s potion really does wonder. As soon as she drinks it down, the bleeding stops immediately, and the wound has dried. The pain also subsides. Looking at the pink coming back to Mina’s face, the mortal girl must have felt the same too.


“It’ll heal completely in an hour. Come! Let’s get out of here.”


Nayeon says as she helps Mina to stand on her feet and lead her out of the blood-stained grass. Dahyun pulls Chaeyoung up and grins at her.


“Cool fight! That man is like a crazy bull! I can’t believe you managed to fight him off.”


Mina latches onto Chaeyoung as soon as they are standing up, but she doesn’t hold the girl’s hand, fearing it would hurt the younger. They both have wounds on their left arms. Noticing Mina’s struggle, Chaeyoung goes to Mina's left side and puts her good arm around the older. She rubs her head against Mina's hair to reassure the girl and she can feel Mina melts into her hug.

I’m here.

Together, they walk to where the man is lying unconsciously.

“Did he die?”

“No, just one dose of tranquillizer. He’s gonna sleep for the whole day.”

“What are we going to do with him then?”

This make Chaeyoung thinks. She knows he was trying to kill her earlier, but she doesn’t want him dead.

“Can you take him back and hand him to the government? He’s a smuggler. They’ll deal with him.”

“Aish. He’s big. I don’t think I can carry him. Carrying Nayeon is tiring enough.”

Dahyun whines, earning a slap on the shoulder.

“I heard that! I think I have a solution.” Nayeon exclaims


Nayeon takes out a small green pill from her pocket and shoves it in the man’s mouth. In a moment, he shrinks to the size of a toad. No, he turns into a green slimy toad that can lie in one’s hand. Seeing this scene, Mina reminds herself to never get on the witch’s bad side. Nayeon picks the toad up and puts it in a small glass jar. Its rim glistens with silver light as she corks it up.


“Now he can’t break out however strong he is.” Nayeon says, nose wrinkles in disgust.


Although there’s so many questions from both groups, they all agree that this is not a place to discuss. So they move along, to a small clearing before settling down for the night.




“So, it’s you two who we’ve been running away from?” Chaeyoung asks as soon as the others finish their story.


“Yes, it’s us. You found our track, didn’t you? The diversion at the waterfall was brilliant. I’m so proud of you, Chaeyoungie.” Nayeon beams.


“Because of you two that we had to hide in the water, and I got sick using too much magic at a time?” Chaeyoung rubs her temples. She can’t with these two.


“You got sick? Oh. Sometimes I forgot you can’t use too much magic.”


“But why? Why are you two following us? It’s our quest, we’re supposed to go on our own.” Chaeyoung raises her voice, looking as if she’s about to lose her temper. She is totally losing her temper.


“We just saved your , Chae. That’s how you thank us?” Dahyun frowns, obviously didn’t expect this reaction from her friend.


“We wouldn’t have been in this in the first place if you didn’t follow us!”


Chaeyoung throws her hands up indignantly, looking angry. Mina pats the girl’s back to calm her down. She knows Nayeon is Chaeyoung’s friend, but she still can't help getting scared thinking of the toad in a glass jar hanging by the witch's waist. No. Mina’d rather not be an amphibian.


“I think Chaeyoung meant it’d be better if we knew it’s you from the start. We can avoid all the unnecessary misunderstanding. Thank you for saving us, I really appreciate it. But why you’re following us?”


Mina’s hand now has found Chaeyoung’s and rubs gently. She breathes a sigh of relief when she feels the cat girl relax slightly. They are not going to be turned into toads.


“We’re worried, about you, about Mina and her…condition. I just want to make sure you are not in danger.”


Nayeon says softly, looking down at her hands fiddling with a silver coin, and sighs. That's not quite al

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So sad to say goodbye.
I'm actually relieved that I can finish this story


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217 streak #1
Chapter 33: Really cute story. It was so interesting that I finished it in one day.

They’re so cuuuute 🥰
JackyLambino #2
Chapter 33: Finished this story in just span of three days, Thank you for the good story author-nim.
Chapter 16: The longer, the better. I reallyyyyy love your story, it just like once i have the chance to read this i read this non-stop. To me, this story is the best.
nanquming #4
Chapter 33: it's difficult for me to read English instead of Chinese.But this story is so fantastic and wonderful and is beyond the language restrictions(I mean my bad reading ability ).What a great writer!love you!
1198 streak #5
Chapter 33: Thank you for the bonus chapter! Even if you don't come back often its great to read something when you do have the time for it ☺️
crackheadis9 #6
Chapter 32: Beautiful story, I love it so much. all the details and explainations you gave in between chapters 👍 looking forward for the extra chapter <3
BobTheBuilderSike #7
Chapter 32: i’ll read the extra chapter! great story.
BobTheBuilderSike #8
Chapter 32: i’ll read the extra chapter! great story.
Chapter 32: Had to postpone reading this coz i am sick. but now i am finally able to finish it. One of the best stories out there that i will certainly remember. Thank you for sharing this!!

If it's fine with you, an extra chapter about Chaeyoung's parents will be awesome. And how that last bit plays out.
Chapter 32: Had to postpone reading this coz i am sick. but now i am finally able to finish it. One of the best stories out there that i will certainly remember. Thank you for sharing this!!

If it's fine with you, an extra chapter about Chaeyoung's parents will be awesome. And how that last bit plays out.