We should do this again

Ladies, allow me to introduce you to each other


** I recommend you to get comfortable because it’s quite lengthy this one. Please enjoy ;P **






In her own humble opinion, it wouldn’t be entirely misplaced to say that she’s well-versed in a lot of things.


Like the majority of people – if not all – she’s interested and knowledgeable in a wide range of subjects, although some more than others, and she has a variety of skills which she is either just naturally good at or has learned and worked hard on to (somewhat) perfect over the years. The latter in particular causes a feeling of pride and satisfaction to bubble up in her chest at the thought of how much progress she made compared to when she first started. Countless hours were diligently put into them before she reached her own level of contentment that finally made her allow herself to loosen up a bit more and enjoy the activity fully. Without critiquing herself.


For example, Joohyun is not afraid to admit to herself that she’s a diligent person most of the time and that she’s quite good at dancing, working under pressure, playing (and winning!) games, organizing, cooking and giving gifts among other things. She’s confident in her abilities in that regard and can somewhat pride herself on them. She knows herself and her strengths.


Naturally there are also other things and hobbies that she’s not quite as good at and these can require extra effort on her part but are overall still satisfactory. She could manage just fine without some of them as well if absolutely needed. After all, nobody is perfect and everybody has their own unique combination of strengths and talents interwoven into parts of their personality so there’s really no need to stress over not being the best at everything. It’s literally impossible and it would be utterly boring too. But admittedly it can still be hard to accept at times. You just try your best.


But even her competitive-self realized and appreciates that she can do some things just for the sake of it making her happy, whether she is really good at it or not. There’s no need for a measure or level of success. The value of time spent simply doing something she enjoys is much greater and self-fulfilling than the actual outcome or what anybody else thinks of it –as long as it doesn’t hurt others of course–. Letting go of other people’s expectations can be hard but it’s a very freeing experience in itself and all the small things add up to more happiness in the end. In some aspects she is still learning that herself.


However, like with everything in life, there needs to be a balance. Thus, on the flip side there are a few things she’s just straight up bad at and she’s painfully reminded exactly to what extend once she is right in the middle of it again and confronted with her own lacking abilities that never seem to improve. One in particular is a nightmare just to think about. It’s the Yin to her Yang if you will. No matter what she does or how hard she tries there’s a striking absence of a learning curve. Or maybe it’s just very, very steep.


So those she does stress about occasionally and it is definitely not considered as ‘time well-spent’ on her part or elicits a feeling of satisfaction. Rather the opposite actually, but she still finds herself in the same situation time and time again because she can’t avoid this.


For Joohyun, any resemblance to a sense of direction is completely and utterly lost on her. Not even a minimal trace of the ability to read and understand a map was granted to her by the universe. On several occasions she has been told that it’s quite discerning (mostly by Yeri screaming at her whilst in the car) but she considers that useless commentary as it does absolutely nothing to help her improve or feel better about it.


She is aware of this; they don’t have to specifically point it out to her. That’s not to say that she has fully come to terms with it though.


Foolishly she tried to deny it at first, her instinct to defend herself kicking in. Instantly she became a bit defensive when they mentioned it and her mind was set on proving them wrong, convinced that they largely exaggerated the situation and just caught her on a particularly bad day. But well… even for her it’s a hard point to sell when the simplest instructions or maps already leave her completely puzzled.


She just can’t find her way to save her life.


And going to unfamiliar places brings an extra unwanted challenge due to this. When she occasionally decides to visit a new place in her precious free time, whether it be a tteok-bokki restaurant, museum or new massage place she wants to try, there is absolutely no feeling of pride or accomplishment whatsoever when she finally does arrive at the intended destination. Not when it took her twice the amount of time to get there -at least- and she eventually had to ask a random person for help as well when she was utterly lost, without any hope to resolve the situation by herself left in her. Though having to ask people also makes the whole situation significantly worse. For several reasons.


There is, however, a lot of confusion, misplaced confidence and stubborn determination at first. About half-way through her ‘adventure’ ample amount of embarrassment and dread also seep in as she realizes she’s most probably going the wrong way if she’s judging by the continuous rerouting of her navigation app. She ignores the device for the most part under the false, confident pretense that she’ll definitely get it right this time –and honestly, it’s just a waste of data at that point and a case of poor self-reflection–.


Joohyun automatically adopts the philosophy ‘when in doubt, go straight’, regardless of what the app indicates and the woman’s voice would’ve told her if she didn’t mute her. (It feels like the voice mocks and distracts her, hence the muting.) But the number of times that clever strategy actually led her to where she intended to go is…. not often.


Experience hasn’t really taught her up until now and it’s needless to say that her endless roaming around different sketchy neighborhoods in the city is never a conscious decision. Though it has to be said that her vigor and infinite optimism in approaching the situation each and every time are something to be admired.


But when Seungwan and herself decided on a second date at the Han river the thought that this ‘underdeveloped skill’ would cause any problems with seeing the woman didn’t even cross her mind.


Not even for a second.


Especially because she goes there by herself sometimes and is thus not totally unfamiliar with the area. There are clearly designated paths to walk on too and the absence of small side alleys every couple meter that can lure her in and disorient her, the heavy traffic and loud sounds, the large intricate maze of complicated streets and distracting shops or the usual myriad of people roaming around in every possible direction, should’ve all made it relatively easy she assumed. Also, as long as she keeps close to and follows the river she can always walk back and find the spot where she started from. In theory that is, she might have a real talent for getting lost.


And maybe she was also too overjoyed and blinded by the prospect of seeing her again to foresee that possibility.


However, when Seungwan texted her an hour ago suddenly suggesting to meet at a different place than where they originally agreed upon and where she usually passes by on her walks, that all of a sudden proved to be something she should have worried about or at least considered before. In the midst of getting ready that wasn’t something she expected to have to stress about as well.


Her current predicament is the opposite of ideal to say the least and it opens up the opportunity for her to get disoriented even in a familiar place. And honestly, she’s a bit worried about it. How can she not, given her track record? Although Joohyun is pretty sure she’s got it right.




She desperately hopes so.


Possibly the only good thing about the situation is that she feels less nervous about seeing Seungwan this time. Which is mainly because actually finding her is priority number one right now, taking precedence over any and all excitement and nervous anticipation she felt before. And her excitement has been pretty high because she knows who and what to expect, unlike last time.


She’s been really looking forward to seeing her again –in person, not in her mind although she can definitely accommodate both— and the days leading up to today went just a tad bit too slow for her liking.


But now she’s finally here. Since her early arrival a couple minutes ago she has already nervously triple-checked whether she at the right place and according to her phone she is standing exactly where they agreed upon. She briefly congratulated herself on her rare moment of clarity with the best possible timing she could have hoped for. Given the right motivator she’s apparently capable of doing almost unimaginable things.


She hasn’t spotted Seungwan yet though and she’s unsure if she’s just too early or if she did actually manage to go to the wrong spot and trick her phone.


Joohyun frowns worriedly and keeps glancing around restlessly while hugging herself tightly, adjusting her coat trying to shield her body from the chilly breeze that’s picking up. She turns around to face the other way and runs a hand through her hair to keep it from getting swept up by the wind and covering her face, preventing a disarray and her efforts going unnoticed by the other woman. If she even finds her that is.


Slowly she scans the faces of the few people walking and biking around with great focus, hoping to miraculously find the somewhat familiar, very pretty face of one eagerly awaited Seungwan popping up out of the blue to significantly brighten her day.


The tiniest, fleeting fear of being stood up pops up somewhere way in the back of her mind unexpectedly. The thought taunts her briefly before logic reasons out and she instantly dismisses it with a determined shake of her head.


No, she can’t imagine it. She wouldn’t. Seungwan asked her directly and even texted her before so she definitely intends to come.


But it’s strange.


It’s not something she has dealt with before, this feeling. The idea alone, no matter how fleeting, is a bit upsetting to think about. And it has connotations. Ones that make her feel nervous but also happy and are written all over her newfound hobby of daydreaming too.


She really wants Seungwan to stay around and be close to her.


And the second date is an excellent place to start that, she hopes.


As Joohyun continues to look around in anticipation, her eyes taking in her surroundings, she can’t help but notice that there aren’t that many people out. It’s a shame given that the different brightly colored leaves still decorating the tree branches come out incredibly pretty in the slightly overcast autumn weather. With the weather turning cooler the relative homogeneity of healthy green foliage is changing to a beautiful array of vivid colors. From striking yellow and orange to shades of brown or deep red. Sometimes there’s even some purple pigment which makes her even happier.


The phenomenon leaves her in awe every year without fail. 


She likes autumn. It’s pretty wherever you look.




Maybe not if you look down. The scenery that greets her when she looks around is in stark contrast with the bleak leaves that have already found their way to the ground to wither away slowly. They rustle eerily when the wind moves them along too, unintentionally startling her every couple seconds.


But overall, in her opinion, people might as well enjoy the exquisite scenery before all the trees shed their leaves entirely and lose their color until the next season comes around.


That being said, she must admit that it’s slightly colder than she would have liked. Winter is already quickly approaching. It is the season she has a love-hate relationship with. And although the weather is still bearable for now, she definitely understands people deciding against going out in favor of staying comfortably warm indoors. Honestly, if Joohyun wasn’t meeting Seungwan then she most probably would have done the same.


Who is she kidding? She definitely would have stayed home. She can admire the colors from her window too and she has to take some time to acclimatize to the changing weather and shift in temperature first. Throwing herself head-first into it? No thank you.


But today she finds that she doesn’t mind all that much. She’s pretty sure that she’ll feel quite warm in the other woman’s presence soon anyway and her cheeks are more likely to heat up and be dusted pink from blushing rather than the harsh, cold wind if last time was any indication. It’s an exciting prospect and makes her wonder what today will be like. Will it be like last time or can it get (even) better than that? Because last time was already pretty great in her opinion.


Briefly lost in thought, it takes Joohyun a while to fully register it but as she looks up from staring mindlessly ahead and snaps out of it, she is surprised to see that someone is hurriedly walking towards her. They hesitantly wave, a picture-perfect infectious smile faltering a little and steps seemingly slow down at the lack of response. She blinks rapidly, suddenly slightly overwhelmed when it hits her how oddly reminiscent it is to their first meeting.


She instantly feels relieved to see Seungwan. When their eyes meet an indescribable sense of calm washes over her before her stomach does what feels like a small but intense somersault and her heartbeat steadily increases. Her nerves resurface and her excitement is coming back in full force and definitely not just because she realizes she doesn’t have to worry about finding her anymore.


Seungwan is actually here right now, right there in front of her, and for a split second Joohyun doesn’t know what to do with that information or herself.


Joohyun stands there, stopped in her tracks as her mind temporarily short circuits and she’s unable to tear her gaze away, willing every detail of the younger to memory as all previous thoughts are instantly replaced with white noise and more of her. It’s odd and… actually kind of nice and she welcomes it when it’s caused by Seungwan.


It seems be recurrent with whatever the younger woman does. She’s a lot of exceptions.


Joohyun then realizes she’s been unconsciously holding her breath for a while and has just been staring, unresponsive to Seungwan’s attempted communication. She snaps out of her trance-like state and raises her hand to wave back slowly, breaking out into a shy, happy smile when the other continues her way towards her with determined steps this time, seemingly unaware of her effect on Joohyun. How with every step closer her skins feels a bit warmer and her heart thumps more frequently and forcefully against her ribcage.


After what feels like forever the other stops right in front of her, her smile so bright and wide with pearly whites on full display that Joohyun would like to argue that the sun made the right decision and doesn’t dare come out today. Seungwan outshines her anyway, putting it to shame almost.


“Hey Seungwan”, she breathes out softly, finally addressing the other woman properly. She feels the residual tension in her body leave as soon as she properly focuses on the other’s gentle, brown eyes that sparkle and are slightly magnified by the round glasses perched on the bridge of her nose.


As if she didn’t already find it difficult enough to not look into her deep brown eyes before, without the glasses.


“Hi Joohyun.” Seungwan chirps back a bit breathless, not necessarily from the quick strides she just took. She then hesitates for a split second, clasping her hands behind her back and tilting her head adorably in question. “Unnie?”


Her heart skips a beat and Joohyun barely suppresses the shudders she feels upon hearing the way Seungwan phrases the last word. She inhales sharply through her teeth at the last second instead. Even though it’s been one of the many things that frequently repeated itself in her mind at the most random moments, it doesn’t compare to hearing her say her name again in person. Or the honorific.


She likes the way it sounds coming from Seungwan. Her voice is calming but at the same time not at all, especially when it goes a little deeper and gruffer. It’s probably unintentional by the looks of it. Much like the first time she heard her speak and say her name, Joohyun wasn’t prepared this time as well. Maybe she should’ve been, but clearly she wasn’t. Her body betrays her as small tingles and goosebumps trail their way up her spine after hearing that unfairly attractive, smooth voice that just makes everything sound melodious and feel different from others and surprisingly right. What exactly that means she doesn’t know yet. But it feels like the start of something. And paired with the scrunch of her eyes and adorable tilt of her head Joohyun feels her composure faltering just a little (more).


It’s kind of unfair how every small thing affects her this much already. It’s ridiculous, she tells herself. They’re not even doing anything.




Joohyun averts her gaze shily as she clears . “H-Hi. Just Joohyun is fine”, she reminds her gently while stuffing her hands in her pockets awkwardly, suddenly acutely aware of how close the other is. She didn’t have to deal with such proximity last time and it’s a lot…


Like, really, a lot to take in all at once. Not just because of the way she looks but her entire being, personality shining through and she’s been waiting for this moment. Anticipation has been building up in her mind but (of course) Seungwan absolutely does not disappoint. And now her head is swimming with thoughts and she doesn’t know to rapidly organize them to make sense or what to focus on first. She only knows that it’s very nice and also a little overwhelming if she’s really honest. But she does feel a bit like a mess. Easily reduced to this by this pretty girl.


Nevertheless, Joohyun feels like reaching out more but quickly stops herself, becoming a bit self-conscious now that they’re here and wondering if it’s okay. She buries her hands deeper in her pockets. What to do when you greet someone you don’t know that well yet but really like and want to get to know better? Say hello and start talking? Do or don’t they shake hands first? A hug feels like it’d be too much at the moment, even if she absolutely wouldn’t reject one from her if she offered.


She bites her bottom lip nervously, doubtful as her mind rambles on almost uncharacteristically. Maybe she should’ve put her pride aside and asked Yeri for some pointers on how to go about this. It’s not like she’s very experienced in second dates –successful ones very close to none— and actually knows what is considered ‘normal’ to do and appropriate or what people may want or expect. Seungwan in particular.


She should have asked because she doesn’t know how to do, well, this


At work, as Irene, she is calm and coolheaded always and takes charge of similar situations. She can step over such mental hurdles more easily. In a professional setting it’s clear. There are boundaries, which people sometimes like to cross but that’s beside the current point. It’s strictly a handshake no matter what.


But in this particular context and simply as Joohyun…. this is not her forte. Far from it.


But it also doesn’t have to be.


Noticing the sudden silence and observing Joohyun her unusual fidgeting, Seungwan clears gently to get her attention. She’s determined to get rid of the (unnecessary) tension between them, whatever the cause of it may have been. “You know, I almost thought you didn’t remember me for a second there”, she half jokes lightheartedly with a cheeky smile.


Joohyun quickly looks up at that, meeting the other’s sincere eyes and her previous thoughts are immediately interrupted and forgotten. Seungwan is good at that. She huffs lightly and rolls her eyes, the reaction accompanied by her lips curving in a satisfied grin. “As if.” What a ridiculous idea. Who made her think that? “You’re hard to forget.”


Really hard.


More than she cares to admit out loud, even to herself.


It would be annoying only if she didn’t like it as much as she does. It’s still ing distracting though.


Seungwan just laughs softly and she scratches the back of her neck. “I guess my icebreaker last time was- ehh… quite memorable, shall we say?”


“That too”, Joohyun only smiles and nods slightly, amused by the memory.


To her own delight, she notes that Seungwan also looks less nervous today. Although endearing, the absence of her cute, nervous stutter every now and then pleases her. She seems quite comfortable even. Like there is a mutual understanding between them and reciprocal eagerness to get to know each other more, which she supposes is logically somewhat true since they both agreed to meet again. But still, it makes her feel giddy to actually see the difference and know that they can likely continue where they left off last time. It’s reassuring and nice and she would be lying if she said the thought itself it didn’t make her feel warm and excited to see where this can go.


Joohyun continues to just stare at her for a couple seconds, eyes shamelessly and slowly dragging over every part of the other’s face with the occasional pause. Admiring and not really caring about the soft, curious look directed towards her. Easily getting lost in the deep brown, sparkling eyes she’s quickly taking an extreme liking to.


“It is very nice to see you again.”


She blinks and without missing a beat she replies, an eyebrow playfully quirked in reflex and eyes flickering in amusement. “Did you miss me already?”


Flustered by the almost instantaneous and quite forward response, Seungwan feels herself start to blush. But she’s determined not to look away, returning Joohyun’s piercing, curious gaze without faltering.


It is honest. Maybe a bit too honest for a second date but she can’t deny that she feels this strong pull towards Joohyun and she can’t help but give in. There’s an inexplainable magnetic quality to her that draws her in and just makes sense to Seungwan for some reason. They match well up. It feels like they can talk about anything and everything and the way they easily fall into conversation only reinvigorates that thought. Somehow everything comes so naturally with her. Serious conversations and playful or flirtatious bantering alike and it feels incredibly nice. There’s a strong desire to know more about her. Everything basically. And so she made the decision to show her cards a bit more daringly compared to last time –intentionally that is—.


Or as Yeri-the-motivational-speaker put it so eloquently: ‘don’t be such a coward, unnie’. Jokes on her though because the poorly concealed heartfelt encouragement from the younger wasn’t lost on Seungwan. It gave her an extra push which she didn’t really need but appreciates all the same.


Seungwan gets a little distracted watching the amused older woman. Her lips are pursed in thought as she weighs her options. “Hmm, missing is a big word…. But I wanted to see you again”, she says truthfully before finishing with a greasy wink, attempting to lessen the potential heaviness of it. Scaring her off is the absolute last thing she wants to do.




Yep. If Joohyun thought she got a glimpse of confident Seungwan last time then she was poorly mistaken. This Seungwan is soft and honest and cheeky while very intriguing and beautifully unaware of just how her heart flutters when she does that. Or anything at all to be honest. She smirks knowingly before schooling her expression, turning more serious as she regards her carefully. She doesn’t hesitate as she takes a step to stand beside her and bumps their shoulders lightly, moving into her space before she can even think of stopping herself. “I could have done with sooner as well”, she whispers quietly, returning Seungwan her honesty.


Seungwan stiffens and only hums in return, a smile tugging the corners of her lips upwards at the softness of her voice. It’s strong but delicate. She’s unable to respond any more coherently as a warm tingling sensation erupts from where Joohyun just casually made contact, radiating all the way through her arm and it nestles itself deep in her chest where her heart starts to beat rapidly. Entranced, she looks to her side carefully and from the corner of her eye she watches as Joohyun immediately ducks her head afterwards and tucks a stray strand of hair behind the one ear that adorably sticks out a bit more.




She almost looks a bit shy but it’s quickly replaced after a quick shake of her head. An almost lazy, lopsided smile she remembers all too well from last time blossoms on her face. It’s easily one of her favorite looks on her. From what she’s seen up to now, that is. Which is all quite amazing, Seungwan muses.


“Okay, let’s go walk somewhere or do you only want to see this view?”, Joohyun asks as she already starts to move away gently, retreating and motioning to their immediate surroundings. She seizes the opportunity to take a few deep breaths of fresh air to calm her racing heart.


Well it is a great view, Seungwan reasons absentmindedly whilst still following her movements and looking straight into Joohyun her hypnotizing dark eyes. “Sure,” she replies instead with a mysterious smile as she starts catching up to her.


The younger easily falls into step beside her and looking at their feet Joohyun her mind immediately likes to point out that they have a similar walking pace. It’s not something she ever consciously thought about before but she’s not going to lie… It’s pretty damn convenient that they’re almost the same height, both for walking and it’s a huge plus that she doesn’t have to deal with a sore neck when she stares for a bit too long. Which happens very easily.


Or how it would be effortless to slip her hand in hers and.… yeah. Now that she finds herself sneaking a glance at the other’s profile and her eyes land on her lips... that too. She swallows, feeling her face heat up and she promptly looks in front of her again.


At the same time and unaware Seungwan finds herself in a somewhat similar train of thought as she redirects her attention from their shoes to fully look at the other, slowly looking her up and down and taking her in. She is really beautiful. She knew this already from the first time she saw her and her mind didn’t fail to incessantly remind her since then. But now, up close and outside with natural lighting hitting her face, it becomes even more apparent. With nicely fitted denim jeans and a dark blazer under a fashionable coat, her hair loose and elegantly framing her face, she sports a simple make-up look that expertly highlights her sharp features. From her arched eyebrows to her big eyes, soft cheeks and full lips…


It’s almost unfair how effortlessly good she looks. How she looks like that and can be absolutely adorable at the same time is still an incredibly alluring mystery to her.


Just like how she’s shy and blushing, eyes a fraction wider and flustered one moment and then so easily switches to fully composed yet again, with a mischievous glint in impossibly dark eyes and confident, quick remarks. Teasing in her in the best way possible, a bit flirty but always gentle. Just the right amount to get a reaction out of her. Everything intrigues her and it feels really exciting and nice.


She hasn’t been on repeat in Seungwan her mind for no reason.


Her attempted ‘subtle’ looking is interrupted when she notices the emerging smirk and the slightest raise of the other’s brow. It catches her off guard but before she can feel guilty and look away the lovely sound of an airy, low chuckle instantly relieves that and makes it more than worth it.


That smile…. Seungwan feels light. She wouldn’t mind embarrassing herself more if this was her reward every single time.


“Penny for your thoughts?” Joohyun asks softly with a happy scrunch of her eyes.


“You’re beautiful!” Her eyes widen. . Not again. “I-I mean, not that it matters what I think but-”


“Actually,” Joohyun cuts in firmly, voice determined. “It does matter to me. It’s kind of the point.”


Seungwan closes again, stopping whatever excuses she was going to come up with in record time that in all likelihood wouldn’t be very convincing in the first place. It’s even harder to think clearly when Joohyun looks at her like that without breaking eye contact. She takes a deep, unsteady breath and can’t stop her lips from stretching into a broad smile.


She observes Joohyun as her eyes wander to her cheeks, possibly her dimples if she had to guess, before a ghost of a smile finds its way to her face. In turn, Seungwan is buzzing and she clears , bobbing her head fervently. “O-okay, duly noted. I-I’ll try to remember that for next time.”


Next time.


“Good.” Joohyun tilts her head and can’t help but crack a small, smug smile. She’s extremely satisfied with the slightly blushing Seungwan walking next to her, whose fluffy cheeks are rounded up to their maximum capacity and dimples now clearly visible on rosy cheeks. As for herself she may (or at least tries to) look composed and calm on the outside but she feels like screaming on the inside, only a fraction of the repertoire of emotions readable on her face. Seungwan is too cute.


“So, how have you been?” she asks curiously, distracting herself by kicking some leaves out of the way.


“Oh, I’ve been well. A bit busy with work and all and also fending off some very interested friends of ours.” Seungwan chuckles lightly. “What about you? How was Tokyo?”


Joohyun shrugs her shoulders and sighs. “It was fine, everything went well. Not particularly interesting I guess, just business. Quite a lot of it actually.”


She refuses to bore Seungwan with talk about her work, opting to keep it minimal. They didn’t go on a second date because she necessarily wants to know about her job in detail. And she definitely didn’t pour all her energy into her work, only for it to follow her to this moment. Her undivided attention is solely dedicated to Seungwan right now.


Since the first date they have messaged each other a bit, mostly discussing when the both of them had free time to go on the promised second date. But also checking in to see what the other is up and getting to know each other a bit better through some casual texting. She learned that Seungwan over text is just as funny and witty as in person but can also be very greasy at times and Joohyun doesn’t know if that really should have been that surprising to her. The number of times she rolled her eyes and cringed a bit was too many to count. However, the furious blush and silly grin adorning her face right after were telling enough.


Luckily there wasn’t anybody around waiting for an explanation from her because quite frankly she can’t. It just happens that way and she’s not even thinking about trying to stop it.


Without actually voicing it the both of them fully intended for their next date to follow soon after the first. However, finding a time that would suit them was unfortunately not that easy. Much to the older her dismay.


Every day-life obligations for both prevented them from meeting before now, two –excruciatingly slow– weeks later. Joohyun loves her job quite a lot but she may have let out more than a few disgruntled noises and almost cursed a little when she went through her work-planning only to realize that one of her annual trips to Japan was this close already. Truly awful timing. It meant that the week and weekend following their first date would be packed with preparing reports and presentations and the likes –no doubt two or three late nights necessary to finish everything too—.

After that she would have to catch her flight and spend a full week at the company’s other location. With a pained heart she had to prioritize her work.


It was a reasonable and logical decision, of course. She can’t set everything aside just like that but she still wasn’t happy about it. While waiting for Seungwan to reply to her carefully crafted apologetic message she sat around sulking in front of her laptop, giving looks to her calendar that could very well be interpreted as murderous.


Should it really come as a surprise that Seungwan was kind and understanding –once she eventually replied? Not really. She made a joke that’s she’ll take care of the ‘kids’ in her absence and make sure they don’t starve, which made her snort embarrassingly loud and made her feel a bit better.


Two weeks was still quite long, though. And the pictures the other send her of the food and Joy and Yeri happily eating were met with a possible tinge of jealousy. She’d much rather receive random pictures of herself or better, join her at the table.


Nonetheless, she was fueled by their ongoing easy communication and she powered through her week, impressing her colleagues with her dedication to her work. Even more than normal.


Seungwan nods in understanding, calm eyes locked firmly onto hers. “I don’t doubt it. You didn’t have time to relax and go around the city?”


“No, not this time. Surely you know that the end of the year is always the most packed and hectic so I pretty much had meetings back to back for the whole week and only saw the inside of the company and the hotel restaurant. Well, and my room for like a couple minutes before I fell asleep and after I woke up.”


“That’s too bad. Was the bed nice at least then?”


It only takes a well-timed raise of an eyebrow to make her flustered and an innocent Seungwan waves her hands in alarm to add, “No, no. I mean- you know, like- you have to sleep well if you work a lot. Rest is important for the brain… and- well yeah hotels can be uncomfortable. You know, loud neighbors, lumpy mattresses or the springs poking you in the back and keeping you up all night.”


Joohyun’s smile only grows the longer Seungwan rattles on, highly entertained.


“Oh god, no. I-I’m going to stop talking right now, I think. Yes, I’ll do that. That’s a good idea Seungwan.” She makes a motion to zip her lips before she laughs her embarrassment away.


Joohyun chuckles, it is so much fun and so easy to . The thousands of emotions she can portray in such a short amount of time and the ease and speed she’s talking with are quite fascinating to her. But she’s also touched by the underlying thoughtfulness and the concern in her expressive brown eyes.


She tries to bite back her smile, deciding that Seungwan has probably suffered enough just now. “They are quite generous so I never have to worry about that, luckily. But you are right, home is always the most comfortable.”


The other releases a sigh, which she interprets as her relieve of that particular topic being dropped. “Well, then I’m glad. When did you get back, again?”


“Late last night”, she answers easily, recalling staying up for a while just to prepare a midnight snack and put everything in the washing machine directly even though she was dead tired. Priorities.


The younger only hums in acknowledgement and seems to ponder something for a moment. Joohyun waits patiently for her, dividing her attention between the path in front of them and Seungwan, basking in the way it doesn’t feel uncomfortable even when the both of them are silent for a while. Then Seungwan speaks up. “I’m sorry I changed the location last minute by the way. I was running a bit late and I was afraid I would get stuck in traffic and not get there on time and I didn’t want to let you wait in the cold. This was a bit closer so I hope it wasn’t too inconvenient for you?”


“It’s okay”, she assures her, already forgetting the stressful situation from before, faking a laid-back attitude towards it which she definitely didn’t feel when it actually happened. But everything worked out (surprisingly) well so there’s no need to dwell on the past and risk making her feel bad about it. “Are you not a morning person?” she asks instead, brows raised in genuine question.


Seungwan shrugs and shoots her a dazzling smile. “Depends. But this is hardly morning though.” She holds up her phone to show the time, grinning from ear to ear.


Joohyun laughs softly. “I know that, but it’s the weekend after all and for some people the day only starts around noon. And I don’t know, maybe you were too busy getting ready?” She looks her up and down once more for good measure while smiling. “You look really amazing. I like your glasses as well.”


A pretty blush blossoms on the other’s rounded up cheeks at that and Joohyun swoons. “Thank you, I did try to look presentable”, Seungwan teases with a lilt to her voice, grinning widely. “But actually….”, she murmurs before she abruptly stops walking. Joohyun stops walking too and looks back at her confused. The younger rummages through her bag, eventually pulling out what looks like a Tupperware container. “…I had to wait for this to cool down enough for me to pack it”, Seungwan continues to explain as she holds it out in front of her.


She looks at the container curiously before meeting Seungwan’s eyes again. “What’s this? Is this for me?” she asks surprised.


“Yeah, I baked you a carrot cake!”


Her eyes land on the container again, amazed and surprised that Seungwan remembers. Perhaps –definitely—her hand grazes the others intentionally as she reaches out to hold the other end. The thoughtfulness touches her and she looks at the other fondly before she tilts her head. “Are you trying to woo me, Seungwan?” she asks with a glint in her eyes. She has that impression and she loves it but it’s never a bad idea to have it confirmed by the object of her growing affection herself.


“Possibly. Is it working?”


She smiles, feeling herself redden but at the same time she basks in the warmth and buzz that overtakes her. Does it look like it’s working?


“You don’t need any thoughtful presents for that,” Joohyun says softly as she cracks an honest smile. After a small pause she adds quietly, “…. Just yourself is all I ask for.”


After a soft smile briefly graces her cheeks it turns into a triumphant grin that pulls the other’s lips upwards. She’s clearly pleased with herself.


“In that case you wouldn’t mind if I just take my cake back?”


“Oh, don’t you dare.” Joohyun quickly tightens her grip and pulls the container towards herself, narrowing her eyes playfully. Challenging her. “You already handed it to me, this is mine now. And you promised to bake something so you can’t take it back. I’m willing to share it with you but I won’t give it back to you just like that”, she explains clearly.


Seungwan lets go, releasing her hold and Joohyun tries not to immediately frown at the loss of contact. Seungwan was nice and warm. Seungwan laughs, eyes scrunched in clear amusement at the other’s instant possessiveness of her acquired cake and she holds up her hands in defeat. “It’s all yours.”


Joohyun relaxes, smiling. “Thank you, Seungwan. Really.”


Extremely satisfied and also curious, Joohyun then opens it to look inside as Seungwan watches her carefully. The smell of a freshly baked cake instantly hits her and it is amazing. She takes a deep whiff and waters. She tries to remember the last time she had some which was way too long ago she decides when she can’t easily come up with the answer. But a home-made carrot cake specifically made for her by Seungwan? Without even tasting it that easily beats all the other ones she’s had before –store-bought or not— and this definitely wasn’t something she anticipated for today.


Nobody has ever surprised her with a homemade carrot cake before. Truthfully, she has also never asked anybody for it actually. Sure, she has her cravings sometimes but then she either has to go out to the bakery a few blocks from her apartment or she buys all the ingredients to make it herself. But most often she opts to longingly think about it for a while until the feeling eventually subsides.


Grinning to herself she puts the lid back on carefully. “This is a cute cake,” she remarks offhandedly with a ghost of a silly smile as she meets the others eyes slowly.


“What? How can a cake be cute, Joohyun?” Seungwan asks in a serious tone, her brows knitted together in genuine confusion. Cakes are delicious and look appetizing. At least that’s the idea right? Sometimes it looks a bit questionable but the taste is the most important and can make you forget about that. Other times they truly are like little works of art, inside and out. So, pretty? Yes. But definitely not somethings she’d consciously consider calling cute?!


Joohyun smirks mysteriously. She’s so glad Seungwan asked. “Because you made it, of course,” she states simply, like it’s super obvious. She gauges the other for her reaction and by the looks of it she didn’t expect her to say something like that.


It takes Seungwan by surprise, her jaw goes a little slack in bewilderment. After blinking slowly and letting the other’s exact words sink in, she tries to regain her composure. Somewhat at least. She tries to wrack her brain to come up with a response.


Which doesn’t happen.


“Oh, you~…. Tsk,” Seungwan clicks her tongue in feigned disapproval (admittedly not the most convincing) before she looks away shily, hiding her furious blush and biting her lip to suppress the smile that’s threatening to take over her face. Joohyun just indirectly told her that she thinks she’s cute? She can feel the corners of her lips trembling in their attempt to pull them upwards, despite her best efforts.


The look Joohyun is giving her is also not helping her self-control. Her eyes crinkled and twinkling in pure entertainment, nose slightly scrunched and a toothy grin revealing itself. It’s a sight to behold and if you ask her it looks like the older knows exactlywhat she’s doing to her.


Joohyun really is something else. Maybe she’s just really good in reading her or she’s just too obvious but whichever it is, Joohyun knows how to make her brain go absolutely haywire with smart remarks and soft looks. She seems to thoroughly enjoy doing so every opportunity she gets. She can say slightly weird, soft things that surprisingly work wonders for her heart. Not that she’s complaining or anything, but Seungwan’s usually overflowing capacity to talk coherently and quite eloquently at that too is so easily shaken in the presence of the other. Her heart flutters almost concerningly often with every look, blinding smile and small mannerism or new thing she learns and associates with being uniquely Joohyun.


Maybe she is beginning to understand and appreciate what other people have been trying to tell her about what it is or would be like to really date someone. How being next to them already feels like you’re on top of the world, b with excitement and fluttery, fuzzy feelings. It was all a rather foreign concept to her to be honest, but meeting Joohyun has definitely changed her perception of things. With Joohyun everything feels different, in a good way.


Seungwan clears and shakes her head smiling. “That doesn’t make sense at all, you know.”


A low chuckle escapes the older in response, her eyes shining in delight as she watched the other woman intently. Her round cheeks that look incredibly soft now sport a pretty pink color as she runs a hand through her hair.


“Some things don’t have to. They just are.”


Joohyun looks away and eyes the container now held securely in her hand. “But I didn’t bring you anything though”, she says dejectedly, bottom lip worried between her teeth as she contemplates how to make up for her insensitivity. She didn’t know this was part of a second date. If only she’d known. The other is clearly much better at this than her and a natural, but she’ll make sure to get better.


“Don’t be silly, you don’t have-”


Seungwan’s words trail off as Joohyun her eyes light up when she thinks of something. She reaches into her pocket rather clumsily before grabbing Seungwan her wrist gently to place the hot pack in her palm, her hand unnecessarily lingering on top for a second longer.


Her lips curve upwards as she smiles shyly. “Here, this is for you. I know it’s not much but it will help with the cold.”


With a tiny smile firm in place Seungwan slowly closes her hand around the object, wordlessly taking it from her and putting it in her pocket. She smiles at the accomplished look on Joohyun’s face as she does so. In her mind she wonders if this is technically considered as hand holding or sharing body heat as well? The ghost of Joohyun’s hand tightly wrapped around the hot pack is much more effective in warming her up than the object itself.


Not that she needed the hot pack for that. Joohyun her intoxicating attention on her is more than enough to send her heart into a frenzy but Seungwan enjoys the sweet gesture. Even when her hands are starting to get clammy when they continue walking because it is really too warm for her.












They continue to walk around for a while, paying as little attention to their surroundings as possible and very focused on the other as they converse easily. Both only sporadically look away for a longer time to point out one or two things they that they like and share some memories about them. But generally they’re to immersed in their conversation to notice anything else besides the one walking next to them.


It goes so well that they don’t realize that they’ve been outside for quite a while already, aimlessly strolling around and just enjoying the other’s company and getting to know her better.

That is until Seungwan starts to notice the sound of chattering teeth coming from beside her. It catches her attention and she cranes her neck to observe the older, who immediately clenches her teeth to stop herself from making any sounds, as if caught.


“Are you cold?” Seungwan asks softly, concerned.


“Oh, just a little. It’s nothing, really.” Joohyun looks at her reassuringly, shaking her head and waving her hand dismissively in the air. She laughs awkwardly, not wanting Seungwan to worry.


The shiver in her voice does not go unnoticed though.


“A little?!” Seungwan gasps in disbelieve before she steps in front of Joohyun, stopping her movements by holding her shaking shoulders and worriedly looking at every inch of her face with utmost concentration. Her eyebrows shoot up. “Your lips are turning blue, Joohyun! And you’re shivering and your cheeks are bright red! This is not good.”


“Maybe you made me blush”, Joohyun mutters, looking away shily to avoid eye contact. The fussing over her feels nice and Seungwan’s face right front of hers is sending fluttery feelings to her stomach and different kind of chills through her body.


Seungwan straightens up and clicks her tongue, mockingly disapproving. “Serves you right actually, choosing fashion over comfort. Why didn’t you say anything? I know saving someone’s life is considered romantic in movies but please don’t put me in that position. I’m just getting to know you.”


Joohyun just rolls her eyes while chuckling, putting the image of a movie-like romantic Seungwan in the back of her mind. The other woman is slightly overreacting about her situation in her opinion. She can still feel at least half of her fingers and toes!


“It’s fine, really. I have a hot-pack remember? Look.” She holds the one still in her possession up proudly. “And you’re wearing a similar coat as me. So… does that mean we have good chemistry?”


Their eyes meet again and Seungwan looks at her intently as if she’s searching for something. Then she sighs, slowly releasing her gentle hold on Joohyun’s shoulders. “Don’t deflect. I lived in Canada where it gets really cold so this is nothing. But for you this is not healthy, you know….. And also yes, I think we have good chemistry however that doesn’t depend on the clothes we are wearing.”


The charmingly attractive, -eating grin makes its way to Joohyun her face again but before she can open to say something Seungwan already beats her to it. She’s getting better at reading Joohyun and anticipating her actions. “Don’t even start”, she chides softly while smiling, knowing exactly what it sounded like. It was an unfortunate choice of words. Or maybe not.


Joohyun can feel the angry blush creeping up the back of her neck and spreading to warm her cheeks at being caught with her wandering mind. Seungwan sighs and takes a step forward to stand even closer together as she takes the hot pack out of her own pocket. She lifts it to hold against Joohyun’s cold face, startling her in the process. While maintaining eye contact, Joohyun slowly raises her free hand to take it from her, fingers brushing and touching for a moment before the younger releases her hold and smiles smugly.


“Now I did make you blush. And I prefer that color on you.”


She feels her breath hitch in the throat. Her heart lunges and her blush undeniably intensifies as a surge of warmth spreads through her body to displace the chill that settled in her bones before. She can feel it loud and clear and she can’t hide that blush even if she wanted to. It’s blaringly clear for the whole world to see, but they’re alone and Seungwan is the only witness to her effect. She’s proving once again that she has a way with words, ones that really resonate with Joohyun.


She tries to bite back a shy smile and shakes it off. “Cheeky.”


Seungwan nods, very pleased with herself. “Okay so let’s get you inside to warm up. Where’s this café you were talking about?”


Oh, right. She almost forgot about that.


She hasn’t really thought of paying attention to her surroundings since Seungwan arrived. They could’ve been walking in circles the whole time and she wouldn’t have noticed. Upon mention of the cafe, she looks around quickly, trying to find out where they have ended up. There’s nothing that immediately sparks any recognition for where they need to go.


That’s not good.


“Oh, I-I don’t know, I can’t think straight when I’m cold”, Joohyun says sheepishly as she turns back to the younger.


She locks eyes with Seungwan again, who all of a sudden looks very amused for some reason.


She mirrors the smile although she doesn’t know what the younger is smiling about. “What is it?” she asks slightly confused, her brows furrowed.


Seungwan repositions her glasses and winks at her, her lips attractively curving upwards as her smile grows so much wider. “I was just thinking that that means very good news for me. Let’s stay outside for a while longer.”


She rolls her eyes and huffs playfully. The ‘you’re already in the clear’ in her mind goes unsaid. Instead, she focuses on the task ahead, determined. “I know it, it’s somewhere over there. It’s close.”


Though with Seungwan right beside her with that goofy smile lighting up her entire face, finding her way just became an even bigger challenge she imagines.












Unsurprising given her reputation, it was actually not as close as Joohyun had estimated but a rather a good twenty-minute walk away. Seungwan didn’t want her to be exposed to the cold any longer than absolutely necessary and insisted on walking in a brisk pace. And so they made their way back to where they came from relatively quickly while resuming their easy conversation and also laughing at the situation.


Now as they finally walk into the area Joohyun is more familiar with, she excitedly guides Seungwan through narrow streets to visit one of her favorite cafés, secretly hoping she’ll like it as much as she does.


From the outside you maybe wouldn’t expect it to be anything special but looks are deceiving in this case. It doesn’t look anything like one of those hip and flashy new establishments that have been popping up everywhere in the city since the last few years. Rather, it’s been around for quite a while and doesn’t particularly scream ‘inviting’ from the outside or stands out among the street-food carts and shops around it.


It actually looks quite small and it has chipped paint around the window giving it a dated and worn look. The sign hanging above the door has definitely seen better days too. Nonetheless, it’s oddly charming in its own way.


Unsuspecting people will walk straight past without sparing it a second glance, not knowing that they are seriously missing out on good drinks, quality (unrushed) service from some amazing people and especially good pastries. But she knows better than to be dissuaded from entering by what it looks like from the outside, just like the couple entering now. She has seen them here before. They’re regulars, like herself.


It may not look like much to other people but this is a lot more appealing to her than the long lines of rowdy teenagers more concerned with their ‘instagrammable’, overpriced drinks and the loud music in the more popular, hipster-colonized cafes in the Itaewon or Hongdae area.


She can’t exactly remember when she first came here –it was purely by chance – but it’s been a while and from what she’s gathered she is pretty sure that Seungwan can appreciate it’s lived, warm and cozy atmosphere as well. Or so she really hopes at least.


Not that it would be bad if Seungwan doesn’t like it. They don’t have to agree on everything of course, that’d be impossible and may even be unhealthy, but for this she feels like Seungwan’s opinion matters somehow. She can’t explain it.


When they approach the cafe, Joohyun quickly steps forward and opens the door for Seungwan with a nervous smile, gesturing for her to go in first. She takes a deep breath as Seungwan steps in. Why is she even this nervous to show her? If it were her own place, sure, the nerves would be extremely justified but this is just for a coffee.


She follows quickly after the younger has gone through but as she closes the door behind her softly and turns around, she walks straight into Seungwan her back.


“Oof- W-why are you- what happened? Are you okay?”


She has stopped after all but setting two small steps inside. Maybe Seungwan already decided she doesn’t like it…


With a worried expression she hesitantly steps aside to watch Seungwan her face, steeling herself for a disappointed or unimpressed look. She feels deflated. However, the sight that greets her is not something she expected. Relieved, she laughs and the others blank expression immediately turns into a bright, silly smile.


“Sorry, I can’t see anything yet. Give me a minute”, Seungwan explains hastily as she automatically turns to her even though she can’t see anything through her fogged-up glasses for the moment. It’s adorable, Joohyun thinks.


Joohyun continues to giggle behind a raised hand as she gently holds her by the elbow with the other, pulling her to the side to make room for the person coming in behind them.


The air inside is much nicer than outside and she feels her face slowly warming up to a normal temperature. Although it might also be partly because her hand is still in the crook of Seungwan her arm. Safe and warm and comfortable. And they’re standing together very snugly in the limited space next to the entry as well. The combination is enough to make her feel very warm in an instant and a tingling feeling settles underneath her skin, the cold quickly forgotten.


She uses the time it takes for Seungwan’s glasses to adjust to the warmth inside to watch the other unabashedly. It’s efficient, she has to do something right? In her defense, she knows the menu like the back of her hand and Seungwan is right there for her to look at and is incredibly distracting. And there has been no indication that she minds up till now so unless Seungwan tells her otherwise she will continue as her heart desires.


Which apparently is quite a lot. Her eyes gravitate towards her with a will of their own.


As she watches she notes that Seungwan looks very patient as she waits, smiling a little. Her hair is endearingly messy from the wind and it makes her look incredibly soft and fluffy. She imagines just how soft it is and how nice it would be to card her fingers through it. She’s tempted but she won’t. Being like this is already very nice.


Joohyun gets a little lost in her thoughts and unconsciously starts smiling. She’s so focused and preoccupied by her thoughts that she doesn’t notice that Seungwan’s ability to see has been restored for god knows how long already and she is looking directly at her with a mysterious smirk, brows raised and gentle eyes shining in amusement. Until Seungwan notifies her.


“Ah, this is a much better view.”


She revels in the feeling before averts her gaze, biting back a grin. “Come on, let’s sit and order.” She pulls her along with her, not releasing her hold but she doesn’t miss the way Seungwan’s looks down at her hand and a pretty pink hue spreads on her cheeks, likely mirroring her own.


As Joohyun walks them through the space towards an unoccupied small table next to the window, Seungwan looks around. Slowly taking in the details, from the neatly handwritten menu hung up behind the counter to the display case with beautiful cakes and small tarts, the steaming mugs on the counter and the cozy décor. Random pictures also hang on the walls and are lined up on the shelves, plants are scattered around the space and it’s nice and peaceful. She likes it, it feels relaxed and homely.


But maybe she likes it even more because Joohyun still hasn’t let go of her arm. Her hand securely but loosely holding her close makes her feel warm and giddy. And as the older looks back at her for a second with a wide happy smile to see if she’s still following okay and not bumping into other tables and chairs, she feels her heart skip a beat.


Truthfully, she’s not the biggest fan of people touching her. She needs to know people well enough for her to be comfortable with it and that usually takes a while. But with Joohyun it’s different. Yes, she does feel comfortable and the touch is somehow calming and securing but then there’s the fact that everything between them is most definitely not just friendly and every touch sets her skin aflame thus it is also nerve wracking at the same time. But even though it flusters her, she likes it when she reaches out.


The thought that this may be a glimpse into what Joohyun would be like as a girlfriend crosses her mind. What they could be like. With easy, comfortable dates like this. She doesn’t have to think hard to imagine that. That sounds nice, she admits to herself. Very nice indeed.




She blinks rapidly as she focuses back on Joohyun, not having noticed that she zoned out for a second. “Yeah?”


Joohyun chuckles lightly and tilts her head, looking up at the other amusedly. “You can sit down now, I don’t think you’ll be very comfortable if you keep standing there.”


She snaps her head up and looks around confused. “Oh-right”, she mumbles as she makes quick work of taking off her coat and sitting down on the seat opposite of her.


Smiling softly, Joohyun takes a menu from the little rack on the table and hands it over to her. “I already know what I want, just tell me what you would like.”


Seungwan looks down at the laminated menu and scans it quickly. It’s not an overly long list of drinks but well… she’s not great at choosing anyway. “Ehm… I don’t know, what is good here?” she asks timidly after a second. She looks up, instantly meeting the older her warm, bright eyes that were clearly observing her.


“Everything I’ve tried has been good so far.”


“Then…. how about you choose for me?” she asks, closing the menu and putting it back in the holder determinedly.


A cute frown forms on Joohyun her face at that and she looks at her with questioning eyes and the smallest of pouts. “But I don’t know what you like though.”


Seungwan grins widely, feeling a surge of bravery going through her. “You better start learning then.”


Joohyun’s eyes widen, taken aback, and she gulps as she looks off to the side. She bites the inside of her cheek to stop the smile that she already feels is threatening to split open her face. “O-okay.”


Satisfied and highly entertained with the fact that she can elicit such a response from Joohyun too, Seungwan leans back in her chair, relaxed, and watches her carefully as she goes over the menu hanging above the counter meticulously.


Naturally her attention is drawn to her face and she can only stare, she won’t ever get tired of this view she thinks. Her side profile is really like it’s been sculpted to perfection. The bridge of her nose is high, eyelashes long to match her big eyes, her jawline is sharp and lips naturally a rosy color and plump and soft looking. Seungwan has never seen anything like it.


At that moment, while contemplating her options and what would suit Seungwan’s taste to the best of her abilities, Joohyun unconsciously puffs her cheeks before slowly deflating them and her plump lips protrude in a small pout. She’s taking this really seriously. Seungwan sees this and she’s thinking she might have a mini heart attack if she keeps doing that.


After a couple seconds more, Joohyun can’t ignore the feeling of the pair of eyes on her anymore and she turns to looks back to Seungwan staring at her somewhat…if she had to describe it… fondly almost?


“What?” she asks curiously, a smile playing on her lips.


Seungwan closes her eyes briefly and shakes her head. “Nothing.”


“Then why are you all smiley like that?”


“Just-“ Seungwan exhales slowly. ”You’re being very cute right now. You are cute.”


She blushes crimson as she tilts her head, not breaking eye contact. “You’re cuter”, she counters immediately.


“Nah-ah, I don’t think so.”


Joohyun rolls her eyes. “Well, let’s agree to disagree for now then? We probably need to spend more time together to make a clear decision, right?” She smiles mischievously.


The younger suppresses a giddy smile and nods, eyes twinkling. “Good idea.” That sounds like a pretty sweet deal to her, even though there really is no doubt in her opinion.


“So, for your drink….” Joohyun leans forward slightly with her arms leaning on the table, excitement clear by the way her eyes shine. “I’m thinking maybe you would like the hot chocolate? It’s my favorite here.”


“Sure, that sounds good.”


She perks up. “Great, they have some variations as well if you like. With vanilla or hazelnut or–”


Before Joohyun can recite the whole list of items which she seems to know like the back of her hand, a lady called ‘Minyoung’ according to the badge on her shirt silently shuffles forward and joins them at their table. Joohyun falls silent and turns to the woman, smiling in recognition. Minyoung doesn’t say anything at first and only looks curiously between them which seems a bit strange to Seungwan.


She doesn’t know why, but it feels uneasy, like she’s being analyzed or judged. Luckily the woman then looks away from her and directs her full attention to Joohyun while breaking out into a much friendlier smile that’s a lot less intimidating.


“Joohyun-ah! It’s very good to see you again, as always. It’s been a while hasn’t it?” Joohyun shifts in her seat, eyes a little apologetic as she nods. “Anyway, who have you brought with you? We’ve never seen you here with anybody before.”


Seungwan’s eyebrows raise themselves in surprise at that tidbit of information. Interested, she quickly redirects her attention to Joohyun to see her reaction. To verify whether it is true or not.


Oh wow. That’s…. straight to the point. Her eyes widen and Joohyun instantly feels herself blush. But she recovers quickly enough, schooling her expression experly, like she does almost every day. She did not expect to be called out like that. And right from the start as well.


She can’t blame her though because it’s not exactly untrue. She hasn’t even brought Yeri or Joy to this place. She thought about it but decided against it. Usually they want to try other places anyway. But with Seungwan it was one of the first things she thought of, no hesitation. It was a simple thought process really, she likes this place, it has good drinks, it is close to where they would meet up and they can sit and talk undisturbed for however long they want.


See? Simple.


She clears . “Oh, this is Seungwan”, she says as she automatically starts smiling when she turns her attention back to the person sitting right across from her.


After waiting a few seconds it becomes clear that Joohyun isn’t planning on elaborating any further than that and Seungwan feels like it’s her turn to say something to break the slight awkwardness. To be clear her awkwardness is not due to Joohyun, not at all, but it purely stems from the additional person she can feel looking at her as well. Slowly she tears her questioning gaze away from the beautifully smiling older in front of her and greets the standing woman, “Ehh… h-hi, nice to meet you. I’m Seungwan.”


Minyoung breaks out into a broad, friendly smile. “Hello Seungwan, it’s very nice to meet you too. We hope you’ll enjoy yourself here today. It was about time that one of our favorite customers does some advertising for us. We were thinking she was going to keep this place a secret forever.”


Joohyun whips her head back after that. “Excuse me? One of the favorites? What happened?”


The woman points a pen accusingly. “If you come around more often and bring your pretty ‘friend’ over here you might win our hearts back.”


Joohyun huffs and rolls her eyes as she leans back into her chair, suppressing a smile. That’s definitely something she’s thought about since entering. It feels nice being here together. She can imagine them doing this more often. If the other would also like that of course.


While Seungwan watches her, an airy chuckle escapes . The interaction is interesting and funny to her and it’s clear that this person knows Joohyun well enough as she dares to casually like that.


Minyoung clears then, feeling somewhat suffocated by the ongoing nonverbal communication between the two, as if she weren’t watching. She clicks her pen to actually get back to doing her job. She looks at them expectantly. “Well then, what can I get you two? I’m guessing a hot chocolate for you, Joohyun?” she raises her eyebrows knowingly, already scribbling it on her notepad.


“Two this time, please.”


“Got it. Would you perhaps like the one with peppermint? It’s the special this week.”


“I don’t, just the original for me”, Joohyun answers easily before she looks back to the younger. “Seungwan?”


And Seungwan can’t help but physically cringe, appalled that she would even suggest such a thing. Ruining chocolate with the taste of toothpaste is not something she enjoys. It’s preposterous. She shakes her head and gives a polite, tight-lipped smile which elicits a laugh from Joohyun.


“No, thank you. Original for me as well, please.”


“Alright, I will be right back then.” With that the woman turns around leaves them alone again.


As soon as she leaves Joohyun locks eyes with Seungwan again and she smiles, encouraging her to say whatever is on her mind. She can see there’s something she has been thinking about with the way she looks a little distracted as she focuses on the other’s kind eyes.


Seungwan hesitates, biting her lip. “…. That kind of made me feel special, you know. Being the first person you show this place”, Seungwan mumbles just loud enough for her to hear, soft and vulnerable. Maybe even a tinge hopeful as she averts her gaze afterwards and fidgets with her fingers.


Joohyun swallows thickly. Her eyes soften and a shy, innocent smile blooms on her face. She shifts in her seat nervously.


“Maybe you are.”














Clearly the saying ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ holds true as the rest of their date goes by fast as well.


Seungwan feels hypnotized by the prettiest big, bright eyes looking at her the whole time, nodding to indicate she’s still following and one corner of her lips persistently curved upwards. It’s all a little distracting and makes it very hard to concentrate on what she’s trying to say. But she powers through and she’s rewarded by Joohyun’s blinding smile. To be on the receiving end of that precious smile feels amazing and takes her breath away. She can still feel the tingles and she already knows that she won’t be able to forget it for a while. It's engraved in her memory.


Joohyun also raises her eyebrows unconsciously to emphasizes her words when she talks and Seungwan has to refrain from melting right on the spot.


And when Seungwan thought she had seen the prettiest smile from her before she was very wrong. Sometimes, when she’s really enjoying something, her smile grows so wide and genuine that her lips stretch even further, showing all her teeth and her gums. With her eyes turning into crescents and hands clapping together to stop herself from laughing, that extra giddy smile might be her absolute favorite at the moment. One she hopes to see much more often. It feels even better that she’s the cause of it.


They talk comfortably back and forth and where Seungwan is known to sometimes talk too much (according to some people), Joohyun is quiet. It’s a nice balance. Joohyun is calm and listen to everything, even when she keeps going on about tiny, sometimes unnecessary, details her attention does not waver. On the other hand, Seungwan is lively and attentive and pays close attention even to the smallest of things Joohyun mentions. Somehow she easily reads between the lines, too. She asks questions that make Joohyun open up comfortably, revealing a bit more and sharing stories that she otherwise would’ve thought twice about.


Half-way through it hits Joohyun again just how easy everything is with Seungwan. It’s casual and nice and effortless. They don’t need a fancy restaurant or extravagant food. A simple coffee, or in this case a hot chocolate, is more than enough for them. These relatively ordinary moments might be even more intimate or romantic in her opinion. It’s more personal, there’s no possibility to hide. And the more she gets to know Seungwan the stronger she feels that Yeri and Joy were on to something. They do match incredibly well and she realizes that she really, really likes Seungwan. To be here with her like this. Seungwan, with her expressive eyes and beautiful face, her humor and wit but also her caring and kind personality, sitting right in front. She also loves the other’s constant full attention on her and healthy nerves come and go when she does that.


Now, after both of them have finished their second mug of hot chocolate they decide to call it a day. They’ve already spent quite a lot of time together today and since Joohyun is still a little tired from her week away and it’s already almost evening, it would probably a good decision to continue it another time.


It doesn’t feel like there’s even another possibility than to hang out more. It goes unsaid.


They leave the café, bracing themselves against the cold weather once again, and walk in the general direction of where they parked their cars. Quite leisurely though. Despite the cold neither is in a rush. They drag their feet, (not so) subtly trying to prolong the time until they have to say goodbye for the time being.


While they walk and chat, they start to slowly gravitate closer to each other, unconsciously and presumably in an attempt to find a source of warmth in the chilly weather. At least that is partially the reason for Joohyun. Their shoulders softly bump into each other every so often, neither really acknowledging that it keeps happening and even through the thick layers she’s wearing Joohyun can clearly feel that. It makes her heart beat a little faster and tingles explode on the left side of her body. It’s taking a lot of self-control not to just link their arms or reach out to grab her hand. It’s definitely new and almost all that she can think about now, her thoughts slowly drifting away from just listening to Seungwan talk in her animated way. She feels like she might go crazy.


While she contemplates whether she should just go for it or not, Joohyun slowly tunes out of the conversation for a couple seconds. Weighing the pros and searching for more cons to dissuade herself. As if on autopilot she is about the take the left path towards the car park when Seungwan takes a hold of her sleeve and tugs gently to guide her in the other direction.


It brings her back from her thoughts and she looks from Seungwan’s hand slowly back up to her face, meeting her gentle, sparkling eyes. Her brows quirk upwards in genuine confusion. “Why are we going this way?” She’s pretty sure it was the other way.


“My car is this way.”


Joohyun stops walking and looks back in the other direction over her shoulder, pointing at a building in the distance. “Mine is in that parking lot over there.”


Disappointment flashes across Seungwan her face at that. “Oh”, she says softly as she releases her sleeve and lets her hand drop back besides her body. A miniscule pout makes its way to her face.


“Yeah”, she sighs out quietly as she looks down at her feet, equally saddened and also a bit surprised that they already arrived at this moment. She thought they would at least have 5 more minutes together.


Seungwan takes a small step to the side and looks away to somewhere behind her for a second before she slowly finds her eyes again, tilting her head cutely. She sees an opportunity and she’s taking it. Her eyes start to twinkle with something Joohyun can’t decipher.


“I would feel much better if you’ll let me drive you to your car.”


“I’m a grown woman Seungwan, I can handle myself, you know. Nothing’s going to happen between here and the parking lot. There’s nobody out”, Joohyun reasons softly.


“You might get hypothermia”, Seungwan counters directly with a teasing tilt to her voice and a smug, attractive smile playing on her lips.


Joohyun rolls her eyes and lands a playful swat on the other’s arm in retaliation which makes her laugh lightly. “I won’t”, she says determinedly. She waits until Seungwan’s laughter dies down to add “but~ since you offered….”


She agrees because she’s not saying no to spending more time with her and Seungwan’s hopeful and soft, almost pleading puppy eyes are very hard to resist.


Seungwan’s eyes immediately light up in enthusiasm and she smile triumphantly. “Okay then. Let’s go.”


They resume their way comfortably, both happy to share a bit more time together but the conversation slowly dies down once they approach where Seungwan parked her car earlier. Joohyun doesn’t know a lot about cars but even she can see that this is a very nice car. It’s definitely the most expensive one in the whole row, probably even the whole car park if she had to guess.


As she carefully slides into the passenger seat and then looks to her side in anticipation, she has to suppress a big smile and her heart swells with something warm at the sight of the younger looking incredibly tiny sitting behind the wheel like that. Ready to safely her towards her own car that is literally no more than 3 minutes away.


It’s really sweet though, and she really appreciates the kind gesture. Seungwan truly is a gentlewoman.


To distract herself from her thoughts and nerves while the car warms up and Seungwan connects her phone to the car, punching in the details for the best route to take, she looks around curiously. She might as well, now that she’s here. The interior is nice too, she notes, and very comfortable. It’s mostly black with some stylish white accents coming from the stitching on the dark leather seats and the dashboard is illuminated with warm blue lights. Seungwan also keeps it very clean –only what looks like a spare jacket and a tote bag full of what she presumes are work-related folders are lying on the back seat. An empty bubble tea cup also sits in the holder between them. Joohyun remembers she did mention she really loves bubble tea, she smiles at the thought of how excited Seungwan was when she talked about it.


“You ready?”, the younger asks her gently, not trying to disturb her observation of her car too abruptly. When Joohyun looks at her and nods in response, Seungwan starts the car and maneuvers it out of the spot smoothly, smiling softly to herself.


After that a heavy, tentative silence surrounds them during the short drive and the music softly playing from the radio is not enough to break that. Both don’t really know what to say right before saying goodbye, just like last time. Joohyun sneaks a careful glance to her side, marveling at Seungwan’s exquisite side profile and she thinks about how effortless it is for the younger to make her smile and feel all these emotions. It’s quite remarkable really. She doesn’t have to do much, the smallest things already make her giddy, nervous, happy or her heart beat loudly.


Okay, so maybe sneaking glances was not the right way to describe it. Careful staring is more accurate she supposes. She can’t stop herself from continuing to look, eyes raking her face up and down. From brown locks of hair framing her face prettily and her round cheeks to a sparkly studded ear, the glasses resting on the bridge of her nose and eyes that are focused on the road. She can’t look away on her own accord but when Seungwan catches her after a while –or maybe she was just trying to do the same to her—and subsequently looks at her intently for a second, with a small smile before looking back to the road, she promptly looks towards the front again. She bites the inside of her cheek to control the smile threatening to break out.


It happens more than once.


A few minutes later they arrive and Seungwan parks the car on the side, right in front of the entrance of the parking lot. Instead of staying seated, Seungwan surprises her and she quickly steps out from the driver’s side to round the car and opens the door for her. The corners of Joohyun her lips quirk upwards in amusement as she steps out and softly closes the door behind her.


So…. this is it, she thinks to herself nervously, her insides jittery in anticipation.


They stand in front of each other somewhat awkwardly with nervous but very sincere smiles mirroring each other, their eyes locked unwaveringly. Neither one makes a move to end the date. Simply watching and maybe a little unsure. After a short while and increasing tension Joohyun breaks the silence, taking a shaky breath. “So, I wanted to say thank you for today, I really enjoyed spending time with you.”


The corners of Seungwan her lips curve upwards and she nods shily. “M-me too. I liked it a lot, so thank you for hanging out with me today.”


She smiles brightly, regarding the other carefully. “It’s my pleasure.”




“Okay, well… ehh… I hope you have a good night then.” 


As soon as she says it Seungwan shuts and wants slap herself for her own stupidity. She winces at her own words, suppressing a groan of despair. What the hell was that?, she wants to ask herself. That is not something you say at the end of a fantastic second date and to someone like Joohyun!? There are so many thoughts in her head, ways to tell her how much she enjoyed herself today or to ask when she can possibly see her again and she somehow ended up voicing none of them but instead she utters a weirdly impersonal and quick goodbye? It’s safe to say that she starts to feel like an idiot who doesn’t know how to properly function around Joohyun anymore. The nerves got to her. They just spent a couple hours together and she was fine before. She was really hoping to end this on a good note. Or at least in any other way than this….


Joohyun doesn’t seem to mind though and Seungwan feels relieved that she doesn’t look at her any differently than before. Kind, calm eyes are still looking at her, unwavering and she’s still standing in front of her. She only tries to hold back a soft chuckle. Seungwan sends her an apologetic smile and laughs awkwardly. “I’m sorry, that was- I don’t know what that was actually.”


“That’s okay. No need to apologize.” You’re cute, Joohyun muses to herself.


A beat.


“But is this really how you’re going to leave me?” she asks with a smirk and dangerously playful shimmering eyes. It was unexpected and kind of funny but she’s not put off by Seungwan’s endearingly clumsy goodbye. It has the exact opposite effect; it spurs her on. Nerves can do that to a person, she knows and understands this all too well. She’s trying to deal with it herself too and she might only be a fraction better than the other woman in front of her. She definitely hides it better. 


Seungwan blinks rapidly and her eyebrows twitch in surprise as she looks back at her confused. After a second of staring, contemplating, she takes a deep, steadying breath and squeezes her fist to give herself strength. Maybe she didn’t completely ruin it after all. She looks at the other hopeful, nerves instantly rising in her chest again.


“I-I didn’t know if I could…can I?”, she hesitantly steps closer to the other and gauges her reaction carefully, looking for anything to tell her to stop. When Joohyun doesn’t move away and only keeps smiling gently, she slowly raises her arms and closes the distance between them to give her a hug, arms snaking around her small frame to envelop her fully. Her heart is beating really loudly and she holds her breath involuntarily as Joohyun returns the hug directly.


Joohyun her breath hitches and she can feel her face heat up as she feels herself melt into the younger’s warm embrace easily, chin coming to rest on the other’s shoulder like they’ve done this often before. She has to stop herself from snuggling closer and releasing a content sigh. Seungwan is even warmer than she thought and she tries to hold her just a little bit tighter, to stay like this a little longer. It feels really nice. Seungwan is a good hugger she concludes. She’s warm and nice and so very soft.


When they hug, the older her long silky dark hair tickles against Seungwan her cheek and under her nose, but she doesn’t mind. It feels too nice to let go, especially when she feels Joohyun’s tiny hands splayed out on her back softly, pulling her closer and keeping her there. She takes a shaky breath and notices that Joohyun smells really nice too and she knows that only part of their upper bodies are pressed together but it sends delightful shivers up her spine all the same. She’s pretty sure that Joohyun can feel the warmth radiating from her cheeks as tingles erupt over her whole body at the sensation of the woman being this close.


It’s a great hug, both would agree wholeheartedly. It might be considered to be a little too long for a normal hug but it feels much shorter to both women. And that’s the only thing that matters right now.


After a few seconds more Joohyun moves back and gently retracts her arms, pulling away. With a flushed face, her smile reaches her eyes and she takes the time to search the other’s eyes. Brown meeting brown. She only hears the loud pounding of her heart in her ears and sees Seungwan, traffic sounds around her long forgotten. Goosebumps spread on her skin as Seungwan returns her gaze carefully, almost shy but with equal intensity. Trying to convey what she’s feeling.


And well…


The thing about Joohyun is that subtlety is not always something she has, especially when she knows what she likes or wants. She can be quite direct at times like that. And it feels like she might be pushing her luck right now but she feels like giving in, throwing caution to the wind. Spontaneity and a sudden burst of confidence and (possibly stupid) bravery that surprises even herself, push her to step forward once more. She leans much closer to the other's face. Careful and calculating, ready to move away at the slightest hint that Seungwan is not okay with this. It doesn’t come. Just a shallow intake of breath which she wouldn’t have noticed if she wasn’t inching closer.


At the last second Joohyun changes her direction and turns her head, kissing her on the cheek. Lips meeting soft, warm skin.


To Seungwan it feels like time freezes from the moment Joohyun leans in, her face coming infinitely closer and closer until she thought she might pass out. She might be malfunctioning. Actually, she wants to revise that statement. Time doesn’t freeze because she is very aware of the soft, increasing pressure of Joohyun’s lips on her cheek. She feels sparks fly through her body, her heart jumping in her chest. The kiss is not quick but intentionally slow, the older her lips lingering maybe for another second or two more. Although she's not sure that is an accurate estimation. She doesn’t exactly trust her brain to focus on anything other than the overwhelmingly wonderful sensation of Joohyun’s soft lips pressed lightly but surely to her cheek.


Then Joohyun leans back teasingly slowly, instantly meeting the others wide eyes once there’s enough space between their faces again. Although barely. “We should do this again”, she whispers, her voice a little deeper and softer, captivating, before breaking out into a small, warm smile to match her blush.


Seungwan doesn’t know which one Joohyun is referring to, the hug, the kiss or the date. But it doesn’t really matter she supposes. The answer will still be the same.


“Yeah, we should. I’d really like that”, Seungwan replies without stuttering, impressing herself to still form a coherent sentence when it feels like her brain ceases to function in every other aspect. She nods a little more eagerly than she intended but she doesn’t feel so bad about that when Joohyun looks at her adoringly with half-scrunched eyes and flashes her a shy smile.


“Drive safely, Seungwan-ah”, Joohyun adds softly while she slowly takes a step backwards, eyes still boring into Seungwan’s shocked brown ones that are staring at her in disbelief. After one last look she then turns around with a satisfied grin, leaving Seungwan behind to walk to her car.


Joohyun has to suppress the urge to walk away with a spring in her step. She is buzzing. She is feeling incredibly proud of herself, the dizziness in her head, her incredibly hot face and tingling lips a very good reminder of what just happened. She almost can’t believe she did that. Her shyness is nowhere in sight when it comes to Seungwan.


She looks back for a split second and judging by the way Seungwan looks completely stunned, a lazy smile gracing her features and glittering eyes following her intently and amazed, Joohyun gathers that she made the right choice.


Stepping up her game and putting herself out there…. it paid off. And she would do it again instantly with Seungwan, if given the chance.


Left behind to stand at the side of the street alone with her thoughts, it takes Seungwan a second before she releases a deep breath she didn’t know she was holding. She shakes her head and closes her eyes. She wants to pinch herself. That really just happened? A lazy smile pulls at her lips as she falls back to lean against the passenger-side door of her car.


Dazed and with a furious blush, she swallows the lump in as she watches Joohyun walk off with a truly hypnotic, almost cruel sway of her hips.









** Hii~ everyone, I’m so sorry this chapter took a bit longer! I really want to thank you all for your patience and sticking around and the new readers for joining ^-^. Hopefully it’s at least a little bit worth the wait?


I was actually hoping to finish this (a lot) earlier but I’ve been very busy and a bit overwhelmed with work and I didn’t have time or energy/motivation to sit down properly and actually write it to the point where I was happy with it. Also, I must say that my romantically inept person struggling to write some parts of this to the match the way it was laid-out in my head was also a factor slightly delaying the progress XD

But still it turned out quite long I think and it is finally here so I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)


If you want, please let me know in the comments what you think about it! It makes me really happy to read them (gibberish or otherwise) so thank you for the serotonin boost, taking the time and making my day a little better!!


And I won’t make promises about when the next chapter will be up since my work is quite ehh unpredictable or stressful at times (o.0) and time consuming at the very least but I’ll try to find or make some time somewhere.

That said, I do have a couple ideas for maybe a third date next?? ;) We'll see if that one will be as long though :P

See you soon~ish and be kind please! **



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Hi~, I hope you're all doing well :) Just wanted to let you know that I am finally working on the next chapter again (my renewed energy seems to have coincided with Red Velvet's comeback) and it's starting to take shape the way that I want! I'll try my very best not to take too long anymore ;)


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Chapter 9: Re-reading this one uwu I miss these two so much
Chapter 9: I really Really like this story author-nim. Hope you can continue it. Please, don't let us hanging. We wenrenators are waiting! 🙏🏻
Chapter 9: Welcome back author
Chapter 9: If Yerim and Sooyoung saw these two holding hands, they would have a heart attack! Ah but it's all so cute, i think they've been slow with each other for so long that when the first kiss happens they won't resist and just be on it, it feels so right how they feel about each other. Cute.
baejoonism #5
Chapter 9: Yayyy an update!! Thanks for this authornim i really love this story. Really looking forward to the next chapter!
aglaonema #6
Chapter 9: 😍😍
1703 streak #7
Chapter 9: Welcome back and this is so uwu, seeing both slowly and surely fall In love gently~~~
Chapter 9: love everything about this chapter, you have a way with words authornim! much needed fluff:) thank youuu~
Chapter 9: Welcome back author nim~ thank you for this long chapter :D
Chapter 9: 💙💙💙