The actual date

Ladies, allow me to introduce you to each other

** From Joohyun’s POV mostly, since I personally find it easier to write from her perspective **




Joohyun arrived earlier than expected and is already sitting at a table in the back of the restaurant, patiently but nervously waiting for her date to arrive. The drive over did not take as long as she had expected, the usual nuance of traffic surprisingly lacking on this dreary kind of Saturday night and effectively throwing off her meticulously planned time of arrival.


She didn’t want to be late and make a bad impression, but also not exactly on time in case something went wrong on the way. So, she opted to arrive earlier, however not this early.


After having parked her car a couple streets away in a relatively well-lit area, which is usually hard to find in this particular part of the city, she walked over to the restaurant and quickly texted Joy and Yeri in their group chat to let them know she’s already here, no need to worry that she’s backing out now. Both immediately replied and their excited and reassuring messages and ‘unnie hwaiting’ brought a smile to her face when she stepped in to the restaurant.


Yeri made a reservation for them at this particular restaurant a couple weeks ago already, saying she found it while she was on one of her ‘strolls’ through the city and then added the address to her growing collection of places to visit but ultimately decided that instead of herself, this would be a great place for them to go. With a glint in her eyes she elaborated that she thought so because it was perfect for an ultra-romantic first date with your future wife. The younger was also quick to tell her that paying is not part of her duty in the same breath, beating her to teasing the other about it.


The restaurant is quite popular and also a little bit on the expensive side –Yeri argued they both could easily afford it – however that doesn’t stop the place from being almost completely full, but it’s cozy full.


She’s never been here before but as she glances around the restaurant, she must admit that Yeri did a good job choosing this place, it looks really nice. Yeri knows her style well. The lighting is neither too bright nor too low, just the right kind of dim lighting to give it a nice atmosphere while still being able to properly see the person you’re having dinner with. The tables also have quite some space between them to give people a little privacy. She definitely appreciates not being able to directly hear the conversations happening at neighboring tables or them being able to eaves drop on her.


After paying closer attention she notices that some jazz music is softly playing in the background, neither too faint or too loud but rather perfectly balanced, no doubt meticulously adjusted to give the place a pleasant ambiance. The tables scattered throughout the large room are also uniformly and beautifully decorated with crisp white linen, neatly folded napkins, some lit candles and pretty flowers.


There’s no doubt. The whole set up gives off a clean and classic romantic feel and the couples having dinner only add to that. People drinking wine and laughing softly about something that nobody but them is privy to, holding hands above the table and feeding each other. Couples leave while holding hands and leaning into each other for warmth with shy smiles on both their faces but eyes shining after stealing a quick kiss.


Joohyun sighs deeply watching the display of affection and love that’s presented in front of her. She wants that too. It’s not that she’s unhappy being single, she’s alone not necessarily lonely, but some company would be nice sometimes, she admits to herself. Work has been keeping her plenty busy lately and it is very gratifying to see all her hard work finally paying off but at the same time she can’t shake the feeling that at the end of the day she doesn’t have someone to share it with.


Wouldn’t that be nice, she has asked herself. Someone dependable and warm, who she can talk to about anything and nothing, her worries or just about how her day’s been. Have deep conversations or interesting discussions for hours. To forget the passing of time and just enjoy the moment, being together. Bundling up on the couch, cuddling, making dinner together, laughing about some dumb inside joke the two of them have and watch a movie afterwards. Simple things. She’s independent and strong, but if Joohyun’s honest with herself she’s getting tired of always visiting museums and roaming parks and streets alone and doing almost everything by herself for that matter.


Even though she’s finally gotten the hang of accurately guessing portion sizes for herself when cooking, she’d gladly relearn to make food for two - other than for Joy and Yeri that is.


Joohyun feels as if everything has become a sort of routine that she has gotten too used to over time and deep down she is secretly longing for someone to take place in her heart and effortlessly make her days exciting again. Give her that thrilling feeling. Who she can shower with love, give all her attention and affection and share everything with. Someone to be there for. To let her know you’re thinking about her first thing in the morning and at random moments throughout the day, before calling in to say goodnight and falling asleep peacefully. But she’s yet to come across someone who makes her feel that way, completely swept of her feet and unable to hold back in loving them with everything she has-- although, that may possibly change soon.


Joohyun has to admit to herself that Yeri’s unnie stirs something in her. She’s never been like this before. The mere sight of the woman in a few pictures and the minimal background information Yeri generously provided already making her feel this way and excited to meet her. Also extremely nervous, but for the most part just curious about the other woman. She seems very interesting, in the best way of the word.


But she doesn’t want to expect too much as well, in fear of having it all blow up in her face. Although Yeri and Joy would probably comfort her and reassure her that it’s alright, they would also have a field day about that as well. Excited that the one time THE Bae Joohyun is interested in someone (even if only a little bit at the moment) it is not reciprocated. Almost unheard of they would chime.


Shaking her thoughts, she takes her phone out of her bag to check the time. 7:20 PM. With a small sigh Joohyun locks her phone again and puts it back. Her date can arrive any moment now. It’s good that she was on time but the waiting only gave her time to make herself more nervous and she’s becoming more jittery every minute she’s waiting for her date.


Joohyun barely stops herself from squeezing the blood out of her hands to the point of no return and biting her lip, which caused her lipstick to smudge a little. Instead, she focuses on fixing her clothes, removing the non-existent wrinkles and dust, and runs a hand through her hair to pass the time before reapplying and checking her lipstick one last time using the small pocket-mirror.


When the mirror and lipstick are once again safely stored in her small bag, she eagerly redirects her attention to the entrance of the restaurant.


She immediately sees a woman walk in who starts talking to the host. She feels her heartbeat steadily increase as she realizes that the woman looks an awful lot like the brown-haired woman in the pictures that she’s seen on Yeri’s phone and exactly the one whose arrival she has been anticipating.



After listening to her, the host turns around to point in Joohyun’s direction and says something to the woman, who politely bows to the man before making her way towards her, carefully maneuvering between tables to minimize her disturbance to other guests. Joohyun can only watch, almost entranced as the woman approaches her table slowly, with a small, comforting smile plastered on her face and shiny, fluffy hair gently swaying and bouncing with every step. She quickly snaps out of her staring and stands up when the woman is almost in front of her.


“H-Hi”, she says shyly after clearing .


They both bow politely and then the woman extends her hand for Joohyun to take. She’s taken aback and blinks rapidly in surprise before redirecting her attention from the woman’s face to their hands when the woman’s incredibly warm hand envelops her own cold one in a strong yet delicate handshake. A tingling sensation spreads through her arm at the touch and she can’t help but notice that the hand holding her own is bigger but incredibly soft and smooth. It feels nice.


A little flustered she looks up from their joined hands, only to be met with the woman smiling brightly at her with gentle curious eyes locked onto her own. With a slight blush, she finally, but a little reluctantly, releases the others hand and mirrors the smile, the touch lingering on her skin.




“H-hello, I think I’m the lucky person who has a date with you tonight. It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Son Seungwan.”


The pleasant honey-like, velvety smooth, kind of raspy voice wraps around her like a safe blanket and instantly makes her a little more relaxed. Joohyun doesn’t exactly know what she expected this woman’s voice to sound like but definitely not like this. Neither can she quite pinpoint what it is that makes her heart flutter just the tiniest bit at this simple gesture.


She maintains eye contact for a couple more seconds and comes to the conclusion for herself that yes, those eyes she saw in the photo? ….. Yeah, she was right. Infinitely prettier in real life and being on the receiving end of that smile is also a new and delightful experience. The woman’s face - Seungwan her face she corrects herself - lights up when she smiles and an unreadable emotion swirls in her eyes. She can see why people at her University were drawn to her.


Joohyun makes a mental note to thank Yeri, whatever happens, because Yeri knew what she was talking about with this unnie.


When Joohyun finally gathers her thoughts, she addresses the woman in front of her.


“Very nice to meet you too, Seungwan. My name is Bae Joohyun and I believe I can call myself incredibly lucky as well. Please, sit”, she says, feeling a little bold, as she motions to the chair across from herself.


Seungwan is a bit flustered and taken aback by the statement that Joohyun regards herself as very lucky to be having dinner with her. She did not expect her to say something so forward. Didn’t Joy say she was kind of shy? Not to be mistaken, she herself is kind of shy sometimes and was hyping herself up before entering the restaurant mere minutes ago, but that’s beside the point. She wants to make a good impression.


“Oh, t-thank you”, she stutters out awkwardly, her earlier seemingly calm demeanor temporarily shaking in the presence of the other woman. “Ehmm… these are for you”, Seungwan says with a smile as she carefully sits down and extends her hand to give Joohyun the bouquet of flowers she picked up from the shop earlier.


“Oh, wow. You didn’t have to”, Joohyun says shyly as her eyes fall on the flowers in the woman’s hands. A collection of different beautiful flowers in various shades of purple bound together with a white ribbon.


“I asked Yeri if you liked flowers and she mentioned you liked purple. So….”, Seungwan trails off. She scratches the back of her neck awkwardly while eyeing Joohyun expectantly with a hopeful gaze as the older still didn’t take the flowers from her.


Just as she’s starting to internally debate whether she should just put them on the table or whether she’s made a mistake getting her flowers, Joohyun reaches out.


Joohyun sends her a small smile, the eyes intensely watching her twinkling in appreciation as she takes them from her gratefully. Seungwan can only watch, almost entranced, as the other raises the flowers up to her face and leans in to smell them while her eyes flutter shut, fully enjoying the experience.


Seungwan is too late to look away, Joohyun immediately catches her gaze when she opens her eyes again. The latter slightly shifts in her seat to place the flowers on the side of the table carefully.


”I do like flowers and I do like purple as well, it’s my favorite actually”, Joohyun says as she sits back and looks up to give her attention to Seungwan. “And thank you, these are really beautiful.”


“Not as beautiful as you.” Seungwan blurts out.


Seungwan her eyes widen in surprise when she realizes what just left and her eyebrows shoot up almost comically, expressive in a way that’s endearing and would probably make Joohyun laugh a little in any other situation. Joohyun can see the panic flash by in those eyes after the other woman realizes her own statement and Seungwan immediately shuts firmly, her lips now pressing into a thin line, and she breaks eye contact with her to look down, embarrassed. Seungwan did not mean to say that out loud. Not even 5 minutes into the date and she’s already screwed it up. Yeri and Joy are going to be so disappointed in her…


“Oh”, is the only thing Joohyun can mutter under her breath as she feels herself starting to blush really bad. She will probably match with some of her flowers judging by the way she feels the heat of her cheeks and tips of her ears. This is new.


Joohyun’s been on the receiving end of unwanted attention, compliments and grand gestures from complete strangers a little too much during her studies and even now, often politely trying to make clear that she is not interested in whatever they hope to accomplish or think they can be for her. She’s done the waving it off and rejecting often enough to become somewhat immune to other people’s advances towards her and an expert in mastering her emotions to get them to leave as soon as possible.


But this woman…. It doesn’t work like that with her at all. Joohyun can’t explain the kind of magnetic pull she feels towards her. She’s different, she concludes, a very welcome kind of different.


After she somewhat composes herself again, Joohyun quietly observes the other woman for a couple seconds, who is still nervously scratching the back of her neck and looking away, doing everything to avoid eye contact with her.


She clears , breaking the heavy silence that just fell upon them and likely interrupting the woman’s scolding of herself.


“Well, for what it’s worth, I- uh….”, she starts hesitantly, her voice a little shaky and only continuing when Seungwan is looking at her again. She clears once more and straightens her back, mustering all of her courage. “I also think you are really pretty and you look really nice tonight.”


There she said it, there’s no going back now. She holds her breath eyeing the woman across the table nervously. This will make her feel better right?


Seungwan instantly stops fiddling with her hands and regards her with a questioning gaze. “Y-You think I am p-pretty?”


“Yes”, she says without hesitation, a reassuring smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Oh, she definitely does.


To say that Joohyun is immensely happy with the fact that she made the other woman stutter would be an understatement. She felt like she was the only one stumbling over her words while Seungwan just looks so composed and well put together. Well, before she blurted out that she thought she was better than the flowers but that definitely boosted her confidence just now and it was cute anyway.


“Oh-, thank you, you look really nice as well….. but I already said that.” Seungwan releases a small sigh and looks a little worried as she adds, “Joohyun, I just wanted to say I’m extremely sorry if I--”


Anticipating what’s coming, she quickly interrupts. “You’re fine Seungwan, you did not make me uncomfortable or something if that’s what you are worried about.”


It’s true, Joohyun does not feel uncomfortable at all. Normally she would’ve been but Seungwan has something that she can’t quite put her finger on. A calming and familiar presence that at the same time makes her feel nervous and excited, her insides slightly, but nevertheless uncontrollably, jittery in anticipation of what will happen next. Maybe it has something to do with those warm, gentle brown eyes that are curiously looking at her and not blatantly ogling her like the other dates she’s been on…


Seungwan releases a shaky breath, clearly relieved at her words of reassurance, and becomes visibly more relaxed. She releases the tension that was building up in her shoulders and straightens up, her face slowly morphing back into that pretty smile and more calm expression she wore when she first came in to the restaurant and made her way over to where Joohyun was sitting.


“Good, I’m glad. I mean…. it’s definitely not that I didn’t mean it but you know, I did not intend to just say it like that.”


Joohyun smiles, amused by the woman in front of her. “I think it was kind of cute to be honest with you”, she says truthfully.


“Well, uh…. that’s a first. I did not expect you to say that.”


She shrugs. “Speaking your mind is a good thing, then I know you’re being genuine. No sugar coating your words.” And it gives me a glimpse into your mind, she muses.


Seungwan tilts her head slightly, observing – and appreciating-- the woman in front of her quietly for a little bit. She’s even prettier in person, if that was even possible, she notes. And she’s really nice and cute and she makes her feel a bit fuzzy inside, a tingly feeling making its way up her spine every time the woman smiles at her. Or when she nonchalantly runs a hand through her hair, black tresses slowly escaping from between dainty fingers to fall back down and frame her face. Such a simple act but very effective in shaking up Seungwan her mind.


And looking into those big, infinitely brown orbs is like treading on dangerous territory and asking for trouble, but Seungwan decides she doesn’t really care at this point.


Joohyun watches as Seungwan breaks out in a lazy smile, eyes gentle as they settle onto her own once again after not so subtly scanning her face. “So, now that we’ve got that out of the way. Would you like something to drink?”


“Yeah, let’s do that.”









After they ordered their drinks, a coke for herself and a water for Seungwan plus two glasses of the white house wine, they decided what they would eat, eyeing the menu while making some casual, comfortable small talk about traffic, the weather and the restaurant. Her nerves are now almost non-existent, reduced to just a little simmer underneath her skin.


Upon first view of the menu, Joohyun has to agree with Yeri, she seriously wasn’t kidding about the prices at this restaurant. But she argues that the good company makes up for it.


They quickly agreed upon getting two different dishes so they could share and Seungwan thoughtfully asked her if there’s any food she’s allergic to before deciding. To her surprise she didn’t laugh or make a face or question her further when Joohyun admitted that she doesn’t eat chicken. Just a short nod and she replied with a simple ‘Okay, then we won’t have chicken’, before going back to her own menu, scanning the list for dishes without chicken, seemingly unbothered.


She tried to reassure the other woman that it was more than okay for her to order something with chicken. However, the small (unintentional) pout and adorable puppy eyes directed her way, accompanied with an almost disappointed whisper of ‘But then we can’t share’, were enough to make her heart jump just the tiniest bit and effectively stops her from talking about it further, much to the delight of the other.


Now, as they handed the menu back to the friendly waiter they fall into easy conversation, like they already knew each other. She supposes that having the same friends is definitely an advantage to get the conversation going. Unlike other dates, Joohyun feels comfortable, confident and maybe even relaxed at times. That is, if she doesn’t count the fluttery and buzzing feelings raging inside of her that increase ten-fold every time Seungwan locks eyes with her or smiles.


The woman’s voice breaks through her reverie. “Sooyoung didn’t tell me anything. Neither did Yeri, but they did tell me not to take it personally if you were a little shy. But I don’t think I have to be worried about that anymore.”


Joohyun nods and hums in confirmation. “I don’t think we have to be worried about that either. Usually I am, but you have a very – how should I say this? A calming presence.”


“That’s…. good?” Seungwan asks, a little unsure. “I just hope not in a boring way.”


“Not at all. You’re the opposite of boring in my opinion.”


It actually feels really nice, she thinks. But she’s not about to just say that out loud on a first date.


She waits patiently until the waiter who has just arrived placed their drinks on the table and leaves again before she continues. “So, obviously Joy but also Yeri seems quite fond of you. Yeri can be a tough nut to crack”, she says before taking a sip of her drink.


Seungwan ponders how to phrase her response about the enigma that is Yeri, her brows furrowing and lips pursing in concentration. It’s a cute habit Joohyun thinks absent mindedly.


“I’ll admit, it was a little tough in the beginning but I think the fact that Yeri can tease me endlessly, together with Sooyoung, was a factor that greatly enhanced the development of our relationship. We also bonded a lot over music and books, anything English and mostly the food that I made for her and before I knew it, she slowly started to open up more. She’s like my little sister.”


“That sounds familiar.”


“Oh, you know that song she composed?” Seungwan continues excitedly, unprompted. “She let me listen to it first and I was so touched and proud that I started tearing up and almost started crying a little.” She waves her hand in the air dismissively, eyes hardening. “But then she told me not to be lame and the moment was over.”


She chuckles lightly. “Yeah well, she doesn’t like it when other people cry, mainly because she’ll start crying as well.”


“It was sweet though, she trusted me to be the first listener so even though she acts all tough, I know she likes me and values my opinion.”


“She does”, Joohyun agrees. Yeri may seem like a social butterfly who has lots of friends and gets along with everyone. But, much like Joy, she chooses carefully who she trusts and confides in and there are multiple layers to knowing them. Only the ones closest to them will truly know all their ins and outs.


And Seungwan is definitely on the list of people Yeri considers ‘close’ to her. Which is something that reassured her as well when Yeri first told her about the possible date with her unnie. After all, it’s not every day that you meet someone who can handle Yeri and Joy successfully, or at least tries to. The maknaes like teasing and being the boss and pushing her buttons a little bit too much sometimes.


“Oh, and she also gets along really well with my best friend Seulgi and they play games at my apartment all the time. I told them to just take the game console to Yeri’s and Joy’s to play but they said I have better snacks.”


Joohyun makes a sound that’s almost like a snort. “More like it’s free if they play at yours.”


Seungwan snickers. “Correct, I’m pretty sure that’s their biggest motivation. Do they also stop by whenever they feel like and proceed to raid your fridge?” she asks her.


“They do. And they usually join me for dinner on Tuesday and Thursday. At least I know that they have some good, nutritious meals instead of all the instant food. I mean, I know Joy can cook quite decently but Yeri…..” She releases a sigh. “I won’t be surprised if one of these days Yeri poisons herself and Joy with her cooking skills, or at the very least gets them sick. She calls it ‘experimental’ and I don’t have the heart to spoil her creative process.”


“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Seungwan puts down the drink she was holding with a little too much force, causing some water to spill over the side.


Joohyun looks at her confused, tilting her head slightly when she asks, “No, why?”


She hasn’t said something wrong, has she? Anybody who has seen Yeri in the kitchen, in her wonderfully chaotic ways, and tasted her recipes would know that the girl can have a somewhat peculiar taste sometimes. She has tried it once and ended up with an extremely upset stomach.


Seungwan’s eyes shine with amusement as she elaborates, putting her elbows on the table and leaning forward. “They eat with me on Monday and Friday! And I give them my leftovers!” she says with raised eyebrows and eyes open wide, emphasizing the betrayal she feels.









Seungwan bursts out laughing while Joohyun can only chuckle at the absurdity. Only their two youngest friends could come up with a scheme like this. “Those two have been saving serious money by leeching off of us. No wonder they have no problem paying for that apartment.”


“Yeah, I should have known something was off. Seriously, their kitchen looks uncharacteristically clean, like all the time, even by Sooyoung’s standards. Now I know it’s because they barely use it.”


“They kept saying ‘don’t worry unnie, we can take care of ourselves’ and they would always reject if I offered to cook for them on another weekday as well.”


Seungwan chuckles a little under her breath. “You’re very sweet. But it is kind of impressive if you think about it, like honestly, how long have they been doing this for?”


Joohyun continues to laugh softly, highly amused as she thinks about Yeri and Joy juggling their packed college schedules and busy social lives with both her own and Seungwan’s work schedules, and the possibility of both of them having been sneakily manipulated by the younger two into making another meal in the past, just because they already had it that week….


She catches Seungwan watching her intently with a small smile tugging on the corner of her lips as she recovers from her little laughing session. The intensity of the stare she’s receiving is not dying down even when they make eye contact again. But it’s not uncomfortable. Maybe even somewhat very pleasant to be on the receiving end of the soft, curious gaze of the woman, if she’s judging by the buzz that’s spreading throughout her body.


Seungwan shrugs nonchalantly before her lips stretch into a wide smile, mirroring the one that has subconsciously made its way to Joohyun her own face. “It’s all good though. They arranged this date with you so I’m happy. I think I owe them for a lifetime”, Seungwan says in a soft tone.


“I think I am the real winner here, Seungwan.”


Seungwan admits to herself that she likes how attentive Joohyun is and how her eyes light up and seem to shimmer with excitement but also a sense of calm and confidence when she talks. How she says her name so softly as well, unlike anybody else, or how she scrunches her nose and squints her eyes a little when she’s really enjoying something, a slightly lopsided smile adorning her face. And how there seems to be a faint blush spreading on her cheeks right now before she averts her gaze and looks away shily. She’s too cute, she muses. But at the same time also very elegant and alluring.


Joohyun picks up her glass and takes a sip of her wine, eyeing the other over the rim. “I must say I’m a little disappointed that the devil’s duo never introduced us before.”


“They probably just wanted to keep you for themselves”, Seungwan states with a grin and a glint in her eyes. “I know I would”, she adds under her breath, almost swallowing the words so that they’re (hopefully) indecipherable to the other woman.


“Or they don’t want to lose the person that provides food for them”, she counters easily.


“Let’s just go with the first explanation. That sounds cuter.”


Just as Joohyun is about to say something, their waiter arrives with their food, placing their dishes carefully on the table. He warns them that the plates are preheated and it’s best to avoid touching them if they don’t want to get burned, before taking his leave again.


Right after the waiter leaves, Seungwan comments “Wow, yours looks really good”, as she eyes the plate in front of Joohyun curiously. “You made a great choice!”


Joohyun bites her lip and contemplates whether she should say what she’s thinking but comes to the conclusion that she can’t – or more specifically doesn’t want to – hold it back anymore. She really wants to get to the ‘date’ part of the date, where you actually get to know the person and they talk about themselves, not in connection with Joy or Yeri. Just them. And she wants Seungwan to know that.


Why pretend to be just friendly when she is certain that just being friends with her is definitely the less attractive, second option she wants. After all, she’s never really been one to beat around the bush. Although this is the first time she’s on this side of the feeling, on the positive side that is.


Now, talking about Joy and Yeri was a good start, to ease into it and become more comfortable, less nervous and shy but now she wants to know about the woman in front of her. She’s infinitely more interesting but Yeri did say that Seungwan can be oblivious to other people’s intentions so she needs to make it clear. She has to take matters into her own hands.


Seungwan is still blissfully unaware that she has been thinking about her last statement for the past couple seconds and it gives her that final push. With newfound confidence and bravado that surprises even herself, Joohyun breaks into a mischievous smile and an eyebrow in question. “Are you going to complement me about everything tonight, Seungwan? My food, my flowers, myself….?”


“W-what?”, Seungwan stutters out, looking up hastily.


“Not that I mind of course but you keep beating me to it”, she says with a tilt to her voice.


Did she just?


Oh my god.


Seungwan breath hitches in and looks at the other dumbfounded, just barely keeping her jaw from dropping and gaping at Joohyun as if she was a fish out of water, and eyes blinking rapidly while searching the woman’s eyes for any hint of insincerity. Even when she can’t find it Seungwan questions if she really heard correctly?


Honestly, for the life of her she doesn’t know how she’s still functioning right now. This woman… the gorgeous, sweet, amazing woman in front of her, who she can’t stop looking at, just made a move on her?.... kind of?.... maybe?


She almost can’t believe it. The way she said it so playfully smooth and incredibly unexpectedly as well, causing her heartbeat to increase rapidly, the steady and loud pumping of the organ now clearly audible in her ears, and her blood redirect to her face to paint her cheeks a pretty shade of pink.


It’s safe to say that Seungwan needs a couple seconds to recover, letting what was just said hang in the air between them. The gears in her mind are working overtime as she mulls over what she should say in response but not quite finding the right words. What do you even say to that?


From the way Joohyun is looking at her intently, curiously watching and seemingly waiting for her response with an incredibly pleased expression, eyes shining in mirth and lips drawn into a crazily attractive sly grin, Seungwan guesses that the other is making it a point that she intends this to be a romantic date. But she also takes notice of a flicker of doubt hidden in the warm brown eyes, wondering if she just overstepped.


Luckily, they are on the same page. Seungwan just feels a bit – no a whole lot- overwhelmed right now. She didn’t really expect her to verbalize it in any sort of way or even dare to dream that the other might possibly be somewhat interested in her. She promised Seulgi and Sooyoung and later Yeri as well that she would go and just see what would happen and enjoy the night. But it’s been difficult for her to not to be invested since she walked into the restaurant and first laid eyes on the woman, even more so after talking to her and getting to know her a little bit.


She wanted to expect nothing and tried so hard not to get her hopes up but she failed spectacularly fast when she’s got a whole Joohyun sitting opposite her, making her heat beat so fast and her insides scream every time she smiles at her or they make and maintain eye contact for a little longer than necessary. When they curiously gauge the other appreciatively and look for any signs that give away what the other is thinking.


Although it’s quite clear, really. Not even 5 minutes into the date and both of them had already told the other that they think they are pretty.


After a couple more silent seconds Seungwan makes a decision and regains her composure. She clears and locks eyes with a slightly smug looking Joohyun. “I can’t seem to help it around you, Joohyun. Giving compliments, I mean.” She looks at her with a small smile, observing how the corners of Joohyun’s lips tug upwards as if she were surprised but also entertained with the idea of Seungwan keeping up with her banter.


“But you’re bolder than I expected”, Seungwan teases.


The shift in atmosphere is clearly noticeable and very much appreciated if you ask Joohyun. She is delighted that Seungwan doesn’t shy away and actually indulges in the somewhat flirty banter she tried to start.


“I am a lot of things you don’t know yet”, Joohyun counters playfully before she follows Seungwan her example and takes the first bite of her incredible-looking dish. Seungwan was right, it does look really good.


“hmmm”, Seungwan hums while wiping the corners of with a napkin. Joohyun thinks she looks adorable when she eats. Her squishy cheeks moving up and down with every bite and her eyes expressing every emotion she’s feeling after fully tasting it.


Joohyun admittedly gets a little distracted watching the woman being her natural self but she is interrupted when she speaks again, snapping her out of her daze.


“It is not a competition, you know.”


She swallows her food before she asks, “What is?”


“This. Giving compliments.”


“I know it’s not. But if it were, I want to make sure I win.” Her competitiveness is showing itself but if Seungwan was bothered by it she doesn’t show it. Instead, she goes along with it.


“And what would you image to be the price in this hypothetical competition? What’s the outcome?”


“Perhaps…… a second date?” Joohyun says, playing with her wine glass and breaking into a mysterious smile.


“Tempting”, Seungwan drawls out, barely containing a huge smile. “But let’s have this date first, I’d love to get to know you better.”


It would be an utterly foolish idea to Seungwan to even think of saying no to meeting her again but they have a nice thing going right now and she doesn’t want to ruin it by being too eager.


“I couldn’t agree more”, Joohyun says as she tries to hide her excitement. “And I propose we don’t talk about Yeri or Joy, they are a bit of a mood killer.”


Seungwan smiles at that. “Okay then, Joohyun. Can I ask you a question?”


“Of course.”


“May I ask how old you are?”


“Tsk”, Joohyun clicks her tongue playfully. “Age is a sensitive topic, Miss Seungwan”, she says teasingly.




Actually, she doesn’t think so. It’s not so much that Joohyun herself has a problem with getting older or where she is in her life, it’s the expectations that people have when you reach a certain age. Every milestone has an age associated with it, a ‘deadline’ of sorts. There is an age where you’re expected to study and graduate then move on to find a proper job, then work hard and launch your career. You should have a stable relationship at early to mid 30 latest, then start thinking about settling down and if you’re a woman, some people expect that you subsequently step down in your career and think about having a family.


Some are even so strict with their personal beliefs of these ‘deadlines’ that they make you feel like you failed, as if it isn’t your own life you’re in charge of but rather an obligation to meet other people’s and society’s expectations of what you should do. Anything that doesn’t align with their view is frowned upon.


And being attracted to women, Joohyun has already met a lot of people that are not so fond of her life ‘choices’.


She’s promised herself not to let it get to her and do her own thing, but, admittedly, it can be hard sometimes. Joohyun dislikes how invested people seem to be in her life, always prying and asking her whether there’s finally somebody special in her life instead of focusing on all the other – more successful – aspects of her life. She’s so much more than just somebody’s partner. Her friends are great about it though, they know and understand her and good-naturedly about it, but her family, colleagues, some of her old friends….


Frankly, Joohyun thinks it’s exhausting. A whole web of complicated unspoken expectations that she’s not meeting and doesn’t necessarily care to meet. So no, she doesn’t have a thing with age, it’s the expectations of people weighing down on her that’s making her wary of revealing her age sometimes.


But she’s not about to say all that, she’s trying to keep it light, although Joohyun wouldn’t mind at all discussing her inner dialogue and thoughts with Seungwan and the things she worries about. But not on the first date. Maybe someday.


“Clearly it’s not for you”, she says with a smile instead. “I can only assume you are younger than me, you’re still unbothered by numbers.”


“It’s just an age you know, not an expiration date. I think the world would be a lot better if people do not constantly judge others. But you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to of course, although I do think you shouldn’t worry at all, you don’t look a day over 20.”


“There you go again, there really is no stopping you, huh?”


Seungwan just shrugs. Is it really a compliment if she’s merely stating a fact? “I’m just curious whether I should call you unnie too, like the duo we’re not mentioning on our date anymore”, she says with a cheeky smile. “I’d like to be polite.”


“…..I’m from ‘91”, Joohyun says slowly.


“Then unnie it is!” Seungwan exclaims excitedly, which makes Joohyun jump in her seat a little. “Unnie, I was born in ’94.”


“Just Joohyun is also fine for you”, Joohyun mumbles under her breath. She likes the way Seungwan says her name, light and soft, her voice occasionally dipping a little lower and sounding a bit airier and gruffer, but the way she says unnie as well is a quite possibly a bit too much to handle all at once for her, it sends delightful shivers up her spine.


“You have a pretty name.”


“Thank you.”


Seungwan nods slightly and gives her a sweet smile, kind eyes locked onto her own. “You’re welcome, unnie.”


They maintain contact for a while longer, neither of them looking away, just watching the other, their food in front of them temporarily forgotten in favor of their non-verbal communication with their eyes. It must look weird to the other people in the restaurant, Joohyun thinks. Two women sitting across from each other, in their own little bubble silently looking at each other and not touching their food.


Seungwan eventually gives in and breaks the silence. “What are you doing?”




“You were staring.”


“Was I?” Joohyun replies, arching her brow and feigning innocence.


“Yeah, …… but I don’t mind”, Seungwan says with a smile. Not if it’s you.


Seungwan has heard from people that she can be quite intense with eye contact. She likes to really look into the others eyes when they are talking, to establish a genuine connection with the person and let them know that they have her full attention, but Joohyun might just be the one that’s better at it than her. Her eyes so pretty and lovely and warm that Seungwan feels as if she will melt under the careful observation of the other, as if she is trying to understand her just by looking at her. She can stay like this for longer, no problem, but they’re still in the restaurant and it is expected that they actually get to know each other by talking.


“But your food’s getting cold, you should uh… stop your staring for a little bit.”


“Can I resume later?” Joohyun asks with a glint in her eyes before she marvels at the cute blushing Seungwan in front of her. She picks up her fork and knife to start eating.


“I was just thinking that you have really pretty eyes”, she says offhandedly.


Seungwan almost chokes on her water and puts down her glass hastily, silently coughing to get rid of the remnants of water that have made their way down her windpipe. Not exactly a great combination. So far for making a good impression, she chastises herself.


“T-thank you, I could say the same to you.”


“No, yours are prettier and you can’t steal my compliment, that’s not fair”, Joohyun counters with a small pout making its way to her lips.


Seungwan rolls her eyes good-naturedly, breaking out in a smile. She didn’t think she stole her compliment necessarily, she just redirected it to a, in her opinion, better subject but clearly Joohyun is not sharing her view and she also doesn’t seem the type to be easily persuaded. She’ll have to endure the compliments from Joohyun, with her soft voice full of conviction and appreciation that make her involuntarily shudder and her insides squirm, without being able to say something about the other herself. Seungwan feels like she will surely be a mess by the end of this. On the other hand, this side of Joohyun is also extremely cute and appealing so maybe she doesn’t mind at all. Especially since Joohyun is sweet and gentle but also playful and daring at the same time so she never really knows what to expect, it keeps her on her toes.


Seungwan takes a deep breath, gathering her thoughts, and decides to brings the conversation back to learn more about the other woman.


“So, tell me about yourself. Are you from Seoul originally or did you come here for work or….?”


“I first came here for University and then I stayed for my job. So, I’ve been living here for quite a few years now but I am from Daegu originally”, Joohyun explains.


“Oh, I see. You don’t have an accent anymore, though.”


“Not really no, but it comes out occasionally. To be honest, I felt very self-conscious about my satoori when I first came here so I slowly changed it”, she says with a pained smile, thinking back to her first arrival in Seoul and classes in school. “I guess to fit in more, or blend in. Whatever you want to call it”, she adds.


Joohyun doesn’t particularly like to dwell on her Uni experience. She does not share other people’s melancholy of going back to the time in college. The educational itself was great, she loved learning all the different subjects and doing all those projects and she was very good student. She also loved the dance crew she was in but she certainly doesn’t hold fond memories of the ‘social life’ and overwhelming, undesired attention she was subjected to. Rather she’s quite happy that those days are over, although she did grow as an individual and learn things about herself.


“I’m guessing people in Uni gave you a rough time?” Seungwan asks her softly, sensing her apprehension of mentioning her Uni experience.


Seungwan is trying not to break their precious bubble when the conversation is just venturing into more ‘intimate’ topics that give a glimpse into the others perception and opinion of things, more vulnerable.


People are drawn to pretty things so it’s not uncommon for people to lose their a little when faced with a pretty person, let alone an extremely beautiful one like Joohyun. Seungwan can only imagine how people would flock to a shy, cute college Joohyun. Not necessarily always for the wrong reasons, but superficial ones nonetheless. Admittedly, she herself was guilty of it at first too, after the pictures, but even in this short time during their date she has learned that Joohyun is at least as beautiful on the inside, if not more.


Joohyun sighs and forces a smile. “Let’s just say I had to get used to life at the dorms and Seoul in general and especially the way people were treating me. I had kind of hoped that Seoul would be different than my home town…. Anyway, my accent was the easiest thing to change, I couldn’t change other people’s perception of me or behavior towards me, no matter what I did.”


“You know, you don’t have to change anything about yourself, you’re great just the way you are.”


“And how would you know that? You don’t know me yet” Joohyun looks at the other woman a little flustered and wonders whether she is that easy to read for Seungwan? She’s not really thinking about being reserved around the other woman, she’s being more open to share details about herself because she feels comfortable around her and wants her to get to know her. Like about everything. Even the maybe not so polished side of her. And Seungwan seems very attentive.


“That’s not true Joohyun, we’ve been talking for a while already and not to brag but I’m an excellent judge of character.”


“Are you sure it has nothing to do with you being biased because you think I’m pretty?” she asks, slipping back into her playful banter while breaking into a sly smile. Joohyun is amused, the start of the date was maybe a bit rocky but it’s gotten so much better. Their conversation flows easily now.


“I’m not that shallow unnie, there’s a lot more to you than just your looks. You’re a strong and independent person, not everybody moves across the country by themselves, also you’re funny and nice, and you take good care of your friends. And like I said, I genuinely want to get to know you better.”


Seungwan is relieved when she sees a smile slowly making its way back to Joohyun her face after her little dip earlier. “Do you go back to Daegu often?” she asks.


“Probably not as often as I should. My home is here now but I call my parents every week, then my accent naturally comes back.” Joohyun snickers as she takes a bite of her meat.


“I understand. Parents really know how to push your buttons and even by the tone of your voice they claim to know everything that’s going on.”


“Very well put. Now, what about you, Seungwan? Where are you from?” Joohyun asks curiously.


“hmmm, I’m from Seoul but I moved to Canada in 5th grade to study abroad, just like my sister, and I only came back 2 years ago.”


“Wow! And you talk about me moving across the country, you went to the other side of the world when you were so little!”, she says surprised.


It does explain what she said before though, having bonded with Yeri about ‘anything English’. Yeri – or Katy for that matter—has developed a kind of fascination with North American culture, from music and series to movies, food and fashion. She’s been learning the English language diligently since she was young as well, so Joohyun can only imagine Yeri’s excitement when she met Seungwan, someone who can actually answer all her questions.


It also makes sense with Yeri’s somewhat ‘intimate’ knowledge of Seungwan in University. Once something catches her interest, she will put all her attention to it, her curiosity difficult to satiate. Joohyun’s not sure if all the information she relayed to her was directly from Seungwan herself though…. She doesn’t’ seem like the one to brag.


Her suspicions are immediately confirmed by the woman across from her.


“Well, it doesn’t matter, right? Me moving to join my sister abroad doesn’t take away from the fact that you had to adjust to living in Seoul by yourself, which has its own challenges.”


Joohyun can feel that Seungwan truly feels that way, genuinely believes that and doesn’t downplay other’s experiences because she’s had it worse or tougher.


“Okay”, she replies with a small smile and twinkling eyes. “So now you are somewhat reunited with your family again here in Korea?”


“Unfortunately, no.” Seungwan says with a pained smile “My parents moved to Canada and then after about a year and a half I made the decision to go back to Korea.”




“It’s fine. But I guess I somewhat relate to your feelings about your accent. For me, I got so used to speaking English all the time that when I came back here, I felt like I didn’t know my own language anymore. I wasn’t used to speaking so much Korean and it was difficult, especially professionally. I would struggle finding the words and felt self-conscious about how I would pronounce them or would worry about whether I structured my sentences properly.”


Seungwan felt like she struggled a lot when she first returned to Korea. After all, she did spend several years abroad and grew up in a different culture during the most crucial years of your own self-development. And so, getting back into the Korean ‘lifestyle’ required some adjustments and getting used to on her side, first of which was her native language. When she was in Canada she talked with her parents in Korean, of course, and frequently kept in touch with her best friend Seulgi but you don’t exactly use the full range of your vocabulary in those moments. Terminology for work was even worse, she never even heard any of those words in Korean before. To say Seungwan felt inadequate would be an understatement.


She was trapped between neither speaking Korean or English perfectly but with time and the unwavering help and support from her friends, mostly Seulgi and Joy, she got more comfortable and better. And despite her own conviction, she’s actually very good and fluent in both languages.


“And what about now?” Joohyun is grateful that Seungwan is so open with her, trusting her to tell her this information as if they didn’t meet for the first time today. Also, she honestly didn’t notice anything about her speech before because there is nothing to notice about it and maybe because the woman was keeping her… otherwise preoccupied.


“It’s much better. Didn’t you notice?” Seungwan answers cheekily with a confident bright smile and a glint in her eyes.


“I did, actually.” Joohyun tries to notice everything about the woman. “You have a way with words.”


Seungwan laughs and the unadulterated happiness, in the form of squinted eyes and nose scrunched, head thrown back and hair falling elegantly down on shoulders, is just too infectious -- very similar to a little ball of sunshine—and Joohyun can’t help but mirror her smile.


“Since you lived in Canada for such a long time you must also have an English name.”


“I do.”


Joohyun tilts her head slightly in silent question and looks at her quizzically.


“It’s Wendy.”


“Wendy…. Wendy.… Weeenndyyy.” Joohyun copies the way Seungwan said it. Repeating and carefully pronouncing her English name, trying to say it perfectly and letting the syllables roll off her tongue. After a couple seconds contemplating she adds, ”It sounds very…. feminine.”


Seungwan nods, amused by the dedication Joohyun just portraited to get her name exactly right. “It does, unlike Seungwan. But I assure you I am a woman.”


“I have taken notice of that, believe me.”


Something that Joohyun can’t directly decipher flickers by in the brown eyes she’s focusing on.


Seungwan gasps dramatically and puts a hand over her heart. “Unnie, you’ve been checking me out?


She sends her a sly smile. “Maybe?”


“Scandalous”, Seungwan scoffs with fake seriousness before breaking into a knowing smile.


“Pfff”, Joohyun just rolls her eyes, but unable to hide her blush. “But seriously, Wendy is a pretty name as well but I think I like your Korean name more, it suits you.”


“Do you also have an English name by chance?”


“Yeah, it’s Irene. I use it for work, I think it’s more authoritative.”


“Okay, so what kind of work do you do?”







Meanwhile, outside the restaurant, two figures suspiciously clothed in dark outerwear are crouched behind the large plants closest to the entrance and curiously peeking inside.


“Ah Yeri! Don’t push me, we’ll get caught”, Joy hisses under her breath as she loses her balance and almost falls over. She’s desperately trying to avoid attracting too much attention from passerby’s but Yeri is not making it easy for her, as usual.


Yeri pulls Joy back up and tugs on her arm impatiently. “Then make space for me, I can’t see anything because you’re blocking the view!”


Joy scoffs. “I am the view.”


With a snort Yeri retorts quickly. “You wish, it’s about those two somewhere in there”, she points to the restaurant behind Joy with her finger before standing up on her toes and looking over the other’s shoulder. “I want to seeee~.”


“Will you just calm down for a second?! If you try to find them while being like this, they will notice you for sure and you will freak out the other people in the restaurant.”


“Fine”, Yeri grumbles as she wrings her arm free from Joy’s tight grip and takes a step back, giving the taller girl some space to actually do what they came here for, which is to take a peek at their unnies faces to see just how well they did.


The radio silence from the two unnies since their arrival at the restaurant earlier this evening already indicated that things were going quite well with the date, much to the excitement of both of them. So much so that they may or may not have done a celebratory dance in the living room to celebrate their brilliance.


Joy and Yeri weren’t particularly worried after seeing the women’s reactions to the photos of the other but still, they can be surprised by them sometimes so even if this plan is almost airtight there’s always the small possibility of it failing. Maybe they were just having a friendly dinner…


After a while the waiting at home became unbearable for the both of them, a growing need to know and see what is happening at the restaurant becoming too much to resist. But they did try to convince each other that they would do this exclusively for their unnies, totally selfless, just ‘out of their immense love for their unnies’ and ‘to make sure they are doing okay’.


So now, after taking the bus and subway they finally arrived in front of the restaurant where all the magic is happening (hopefully).


Joy insisted on taking precautionary measures though, lest they actually get caught snooping by Seungwan or Joohyun and be subjected to their wrath. Their unnies both like their privacy, especially if they care about something, let’s say a potential love interest, and they already set them up on this date so they really should let them figure it out themselves. She can already imagine the hurt in Seungwan unnie her eyes if she were to truly break her trust. She can’t handle it.


However, they just have to see a split second to ease their hearts, so she found similar black clothing for Yeri and herself to blend into the dark night scenery on the street and they strategically positioned themselves close to the entrance, hiding behind some decorative plants. It’s not the best but they can’t exactly stand in front of the window to try and locate them in the sea of people that decided to visit the restaurant this Saturday night.


Joy tries to quickly scan some tables for the familiar faces of her unnies from where she’s crouched on the ground but she can only see a small part of the space. When she stands up trying to get a better view, she blocks Yeri’s view and immediately hears the younger protest likes he took away her favorite candy.


“You’re too tall. You’re like a ing lighthouse”, Yeri whines.


“You should eat more vegetables, you’ll grow some more.”


The youngest rolls her eyes, unimpressed. “You should come up with new jokes, these are not funny at all.”


“Is it because it went right over your head? Like about here?” Joy counters as she waves her hand just above Yeri her head.


Yeri, who now looks positively pissed off much to the amusement of Joy, takes a deep breath to restrain herself, her lips pressed in a thin line and eyes closed in annoyance.


“Oh, shut up Sooyoung. Focus on the job.” Yeri grits through her teeth as she roughly turns Joy around to watch the restaurant once again.


Joy laughs and focuses on the left side of the restaurant this time, squinting her eyes and scanning each table carefully but not finding them. After a while she feels a hand on her shoulder and Yeri leaning in to her ear.


“Can you see anything? Should we get closer? It’s risky but I can try”, the younger whispers impatiently, a little too breathy and loud due to her excitement.


“Shh. Can you just shut up? I’m a little busy here. I’m trying to see where they are.”


“Well okay then, but only because you ask so nicely. And make it quick.” Yeri steps back and leans against the building, crossing her arms and watching some people pass by on the other side of the street. She may be even more nervous than Joohyun earlier.


“We should’ve brought Seulgi unnie. She would be perfect”, she says absentmindedly. “Ugh- why did she have to meet with her brother today? We need her here, on the front line!” she exclaims frustratedly as she throws her hands up as an act of despair.


Joy whips her head around to look at Yeri, a little offended. “What do you mean? Why? I am not good enough for you?” she asks in record speed.


Yeri eyes her for a second, highly entertained by the confused and slightly betrayed look on her friend’s face, and breaks out into a deviously wide smile.


“Aww~, Joy! No need to be jealous.” She ruffles the older her hair, using their relative positions to her advantage. There are only a few opportunities to play with Joy like this and she’s loving every second of it. However, Joy is not so keen on it. She scrunches her face in disgust and moves away from her hastily, clearly absolutely horrified by that small act.


“You’re my partner in crime, my number one buddy and we’re doing this together as always but I just think since Joohyun unnie doesn’t know Seulgi unnie, it would make it a lot easier", she continues explaining. “Like, she could just pretend to look at the menu and observe them for a little bit or just keep walking by to catch a glimpse.”


Joy release a sigh, directing her attention back to the front entrance. She can’t argue with that logic. “Good point. We probably should have thought about that earlier.”


“But we’d be royally screwed if Wendy unnie is facing this way though.”


“hmmm, that’s true.”


Yeri huffs in frustration. “Well, at least Seulgi unnie could do that ghost walk thing and entertain me in the process. You’re not telling me anything! You’re just-”


“Wait, I found them!” Joy exclaims excitedly, cutting through Yeri’s endless whining about her taking too long and her eyes widening in sudden shock of actually seeing her unnies.


“Where?!” Yeri gasps.


Joy roughly pulls Yeri down with her not a second later, her eyes never leaving the two women, afraid that they will suddenly disappear and take away their only chance. She points to where she just successfully caught sight of the familiar shade of brown from Seungwan unnie’s hair and the ethereal glow of Joohyun’s face and pulls Yeri closer to her by the waist, shoulders bumping together and eyes fixed on their targets.


“Look right there. Second table on the right from the wall, all the way in the back. In the line of that painting of the white flowers.”


Yeri diligently follows Joy’s meticulous directions, her eyes not even registering the many other people in the restaurant and the ones walking out and passing them by. She’s only focused on finding her unnies. She closes one eye fully, the other unintentionally going half-way as well, and carefully leans in to align herself behind Joys pointed finger to focus better and see exactly where she means.


She nods. “Uh-huh, I see them.”


Yeri observes the two quietly. Now that she actually has her eyes on them, she feels like she’s intruding a little bit but curiosity got the better of her and her insides are jumping in excitement at their relaxed faces. “They have great chemistry”, she comments.


“I don’t know about you but I’m seeing sparks.”


“Ignore that, it’s your brain dying”, Yeri informs helpfully with a -eating grin.


Joy rolls her eyes and decides to be the more mature one for a minute and refrains from showing a reaction. “Seriously, just look at them. They’re smiling and laughing and talking and it doesn’t look awkward at all. Yeri this was a great idea.”


Yeri clasps her hands together excitedly. “I told you they are so compatible. I feel like a proud mother hen seeing her baby chicks learn to fly.”


“Interesting analogy you’ve got there, Yeri-ah”, Joy snickers.


“Don’t judge me. I have biology classes this semester.”


“Well, good luck with that. Chickens are notoriously bad at flying so….”


“Thanks”, Yeri grumbles. It’s not like she’s bad at biology or doesn’t like it but it has to do with a certain professor who is not such a big fan of her energy level during his classes. To be fair, he is the worst teacher in their University and drains everybody’s energy within 10 minutes of a 3-hour lecture.


Joy pats her back reassuringly. “You can go back to textbook biology on Monday, now focus on this real-life biology right here. I bet you they’re flirting like crazy. Just look at that eye contact, like damn unnies.”


“Are you kidding me? I don’t think either of them even knows how to flirt.”


“They might just surprise you”, Joy says with a quirked eyebrow. If there’s one thing she’s learned being friends with both is that you shouldn’t underestimate them.


“Please, Wendy unnie is just incredibly greasy and I honestly don’t have any substantial information about Joohyun unnie and dating but I can’t imagine her doing anything like that. Especially on a first date.”


Joy breaks out into a grin, the corners of her lips tugging upwards. “Well, I think you’ll have to accept that your ‘baby chicks’ over there are grown adult women who know exactly what they want and from what I see it’s quite clear who that is”, she says pointedly as she motions to the two inside.


Even from a distance Seungwan’s blushing cheeks and the red tips of her ears are clearly noticeable. Together with a slightly blushing Joohyun with a glint in her eyes, who’s ruining her perfect lipstick by biting her lip, it’s a very telling story.


“WHAT?! What happened just now?” Yeri exclaims, clearly distressed at having missed what happened between them inside and surprised by this new bit of information she deemed impossible just seconds ago.


If she could, Yeri would most likely walk up to them right now to demand answers. That is how shocked and determined she looks but Joy is quick to hold her back. She decides that they’ve done enough sneaking and takes responsibility to not let this escalate and preserve their privacy. Clearly everything is going very well and they don’t need any interference or help from the both of them. She’s pretty sure they would appreciate being left alone right now.


Having made her decision, Joy abruptly stands up and grabs a hand full of Yeri’s jacket to drag her away, mercilessly. “We should go. Let them be.”


“But- but- Nooo~“, Yeri whines while dramatically holding out her hand and grasping in the air as her unnies are disappearing from her view.


But Joy is relentless and tunes out Yeri’s protests, which are aplenty. “Come on, we’ll ask them tomorrow. I’ll buy you ramen on the way home.”







While unbeknownst to them they were no longer being observed, Joohyun and Seungwan thoroughly enjoy the rest of their date. The conversation flows extremely smoothly and there is a perfect balance between serious, genuine topics and discussions, and their more playful, teasing and flirty banter and comments.


Joohyun also concludes that their prolonged eye contact has just become their style as both of them are unable to have ‘normal eye contact’. But secretly she actually loves the other’s full attention on her.


She learns a lot of things about Seungwan and she tries to absorb every little detail. She discovers that Seungwan is kind, witty, extremely attentive and funny, loves books and math and is low-key obsessed with music. She learns that she plays several instruments herself and sings as well and likes discovering new music. She hears a downscaled version of what Yeri told her earlier about the woman in University and learns about her current job as COO at an up-and-coming international company located a few blocks away from here. She also manages to get her to promise to bake something for her sometime, after learning she loves to bake in her free time.


That last detail came to light after seeing the other’s inability to choose one of the desserts from the long list. There were multiple she had never had before so she was struggling to make a decision. Indecisive until almost the last second before ordering, to which Joohyun later suggested that they can definitely come back to the restaurant and redo this until she has eventually tried all desserts. Quite smooth if she says so herself.


But she doesn’t learn just that.


Joohyun is observant. She notices that when Seungwan is excited or passionate about something she gets this determined, shiny look in her eyes and has to take a moment to gather her thoughts. Her brows furrowing and lips pursing in ultimate concentration to find the words and convey exactly how she feels about it to the best of her ability, which is extremely cute in Joohyun’s opinion. She’s very expressive, especially while eating, unintentionally pouts, which is dangerous for Joohyun her heart, and when she smiles she has cute dimples. Also, she pays really close attention whenever Joohyun is talking, her face lighting up and breaking out into a soft smile when she leans forward, her head resting in one hand.


There’s too many things and too little time to notice and learn everything, although that doesn’t stop Joohyun from trying.


She doesn’t even have to think about it for a millisecond, already deciding that she needs to go on another date with Seungwan. Learn more about her, see her again… She really wants to so badly. If this is what a real date with someone you’re interested in romantically and genuinely like is supposed to be like and make you feel, then she’s been missing out. But maybe it is just the effect Seungwan has on her. Only Seungwan. Never has she gone home from a date or any meeting for that matter, feeling like this. With fluttery feelings. She’s content, because there’s plenty to think and daydream about for days and Seungwan is amazing, but at the same time she’s greedy because those ~4 hours were not nearly enough. Not even close.


There are so many emotions and feelings raging inside of her that it’s hard to decipher the full extent of what she’s actually feeling.


Later, after thinking about it for a long time on her way home and organizing all of her thoughts, she decides that ‘incredibly happy’ is the easiest, most encompassing but also most underwhelming and simplest explanation she can come up with.


It was good.


Really good.








Earlier, Seungwan was already thanking heavens for Joy and Yeri for letting her meet their unnie -- not only meeting her but setting them up. But with every passing minute and new thing she learns about her and diligently saves in her memory to remember for later, she’s seriously contemplating how to ever repay Yeri and Joy.


Joohyun is absolutely amazing in her opinion, almost making her think she’s a dream. An imagination come to life. However, the way she blushes and smiles so beautifully is not something Seungwan could ever come up with, not even in her best and wildest dreams. And if it were a perfect dream, she doesn’t want to wake up for a little while, just to have some more time to revel in all the wonderful emotions she’s feeling due to the woman in front of her.


She is gentle but bold and flirty at times, dorky, very funny, smart, quick witted and incredibly articulate. Seungwan learns that their personalities match really well, as Joy assured her, and they have much more in common than what either of them initially thought, far beyond their connection to Joy and Yeri. She has various hobbies, including music and dancing, drawing and nature, is crazy about tteok-bokki -- it’s one of the dishes she can be waken up for no matter what time it is-- and also loves doing laundry. When Seungwan asked her why the latter is on her list, Joohyun adorably elaborated that she likes the smell and how it is cleansing and therapeutic in a way, making everything clean, neat and organized.


Seungwan also discovers that the other is romantic at heart, but not in the big and elaborate gestures kind of way. More in the sense of flowers, sunsets, dancing under the moonlight kind of settings. Private and small. Upon learning this, she did a mental celebratory dance, barely keeping her facial expression neutral, realizing that she probably unconsciously scored some major points by bringing her flowers today.


And although she noticed that Joohyun doesn’t like reminiscing about University too much earlier, she actually has many stories and things to say about some aspects of it, for instance her dancing crew and when she was an editor for the school newspaper. When she talks about her dancing and explains how it helped her to express herself and release her frustrations, her face lights up and the determination and passion swirling in her eyes draw Seungwan in, even more than she already was.


Even the smallest things she does make her heart flutter. How she tucks her hair behind her ear when she needs a couple seconds before answering a question or how she tilts her head slightly when she’s thinking about something or wants her to elaborate on something she said. She scrunches her nose unconsciously and bites her lip sometimes, not in a seductive way but it still sends tingles up her spine. The faint buzz running through her veins is also ever present, whether Joohyun smiles cutely or has a toothy grin.


During the date Seungwan couldn’t stop asking Joohyun questions and hangs on every word she says like it’s the most important thing she’s ever heard, needing to get to know her better. To understand her fully. When Joohyun explained that she works as the head of data analytics at a big company with headquarters based both in Seoul and Tokyo, which requires her to occasionally travel to Japan, Seungwan immediately considers taking up Japanese lessons again, thinking it will be quite nice to be able to go together sometime in the future.... possibly.


There’s no going back. Seungwan decides that she definitely wants to pursue what they have going between them, starting immediately. Wholeheartedly. Their chemistry is definitely there, almost tangible, and it is something she has never had with anyone before to this extend, the plethora of feelings going through her right now a clear indication. She feels like she is on cloud 9 the whole date and even after that, the fuzzy feeling and excitement still present even when she has returned home and lets everything sink in.


Joohyun is so much more than anybody else. She’s… Joohyun, Seungwan concludes. There’s no better word that explains her. She’s unapologetically her beautiful self and Seungwan needs so much more than these measly 4 hours because this was far beyond her expectations.


It was so good.











** The wait wasn’t too~ long right? If it was, then the chapter length makes up for it I guess :) I tried my best to be relatively quick and not make you guys wait too long -I know the struggle- but this is a big chapter and it kept going and editing was time consuming (a.k.a. I lost control. The word count more than doubled after adding this chapter….).

And since it seems like this chapter was somewhat (?) anticipated by a couple of you, I can only hope that it lives up to some of the expectations because this was by far the hardest chapter to write so far, but at the same time quite a lot of fun as well.


As always, please let me know your thoughts and opinions, I really appreciate them and I love reading them, no matter how short or long they are!!


Lastly, I sincerely apologize if the flow seems a bit off or changes too abruptly. Emotions are hard and I can’t handle writing awkward tension scenes for too long (love reading them though) and I love strong, playful, confident but soft Joohyun just too much not to write ;)

For a visualization of my mind: I recently came across some Irene x Marie Claire x Chanel Ink fusion collaboration video thing and let me just tell you that I wasn’t ready for Irene in that suit, with her hair up…... If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check my new profile avatar ;)


I hope to see you next chapter!




P.S. (On a more serious and much more important note)



In light of the most recent events around the world I also want to share my opinion and what I stand for because we’ve been silent for too long. Although it’s hard for me to express myself fully and clearly and I am nervous/worried about coming across ingenuine, ignorant or self-serving, I will say that I am absolutely horrified and enraged by the happenings around the world. Please educate yourself, engage in discussions and be aware of what’s going on around you. Protest, sign petitions, give donations or do anything else within your ability.


Listen. Speak up. Change. Make a difference.


I know and am aware that I am privileged and will never know or completely understand all the struggles and injustice people of color face every single day in society. But I actively choose not to turn my back on you. I’ve always been vocal to people around me when their opinions or remarks are hurtful, racist or otherwise degrading to others and I will always continue to do so. I don’t tolerate racism or discrimination, period. No matter who you are, where you’re from or what color skin you have, I respect you and try my absolute hardest not to judge anybody.


I know you fight your own battles and don’t need me to fight battles for you, nor do I claim to know how you feel, but I do stand with you and I will speak up for you if you’re not there or you’re unable to and allow me to do so.


But this is not about me. I am listening, learning and standing with all my friends, colleagues, acquaintances, brothers and sisters on this earth with different skin colors than my own to fight for what is right and to amplify their voices so that they are finally heard– We’re all under the same sky. We all bleed red. We deserve the same chances and justice and I’m sorry we’ve let you down before for so long, with a system that is inherently catered to serve white people. We NEED change!


Staying silent or choosing to look away is absolutely unacceptable in my opinion and highlights the fact that this mentality is ingrained into our society. We have the right and responsibility to speak up for what is wrong and has been wrong for a long time. Fight for what you believe in and stand for (even if this should be a standard and the absolute bare minimum to begin with)! Equality, freedom and safety for EVERYBODY.


Discrimination, racism, oppression, police brutality and injustice are global and constant issues. Everybody is tuning in to see what’s happening in America right now, but I assure you it’s everywhere, including my own country and it’s about time we drastically change that.


I think the following words by Leslie Dwight are really fitting and good food for thought:


What if 2020 isn’t cancelled?

What if 2020 is the year we’ve been waiting for?

A year so uncomfortable, so painful, so scary, so raw- that it finally forces us to grow.

A year that screams so loud, finally awakening us from our ignorant slumber.

A year we finally accept the need for change.

Declare change. Work for change. Become the change.

A year we finally band together, instead of pushing each other further apart.

2020 isn’t cancelled, but rather the most important year of them all.



Please do what is right. I hope we all unite and fight to create a better tomorrow!


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Hi~, I hope you're all doing well :) Just wanted to let you know that I am finally working on the next chapter again (my renewed energy seems to have coincided with Red Velvet's comeback) and it's starting to take shape the way that I want! I'll try my very best not to take too long anymore ;)


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Chapter 9: Re-reading this one uwu I miss these two so much
Chapter 9: I really Really like this story author-nim. Hope you can continue it. Please, don't let us hanging. We wenrenators are waiting! 🙏🏻
Chapter 9: Welcome back author
Chapter 9: If Yerim and Sooyoung saw these two holding hands, they would have a heart attack! Ah but it's all so cute, i think they've been slow with each other for so long that when the first kiss happens they won't resist and just be on it, it feels so right how they feel about each other. Cute.
baejoonism #5
Chapter 9: Yayyy an update!! Thanks for this authornim i really love this story. Really looking forward to the next chapter!
aglaonema #6
Chapter 9: 😍😍
1702 streak #7
Chapter 9: Welcome back and this is so uwu, seeing both slowly and surely fall In love gently~~~
Chapter 9: love everything about this chapter, you have a way with words authornim! much needed fluff:) thank youuu~
Chapter 9: Welcome back author nim~ thank you for this long chapter :D
Chapter 9: 💙💙💙