Convincing Joy

Ladies, allow me to introduce you to each other

** I love the dynamic between Joy and Yeri ;) Not sure if I gave it proper justice here but let’s just go with it. **



Joy has been standing in front of her apartment for exactly 4 minutes, fiddling with her keys while mentally preparing herself for the impending doom that is sure to await her on the other side of the door. Half an hour ago she received multiple texts from Yeri in rapid succession which read: ‘Joy!!’ ‘Jooooy!!’ ‘ASHHSDFJH Come home quickly!! I figured it out’ ’Sooyoung!’ ‘Seriously, you’re going to love it!’ ‘Come on, you never heard of an emergency??!!’ ‘Let’s get a move on it, USE YOUR LONG- LEGS FOR ONCE!!’ and ‘Abandon the library asap!!!!’.


She didn’t actually think Yeri was in any danger, hence why she is here only 20 minutes after. She was studying for her upcoming exams in the library on campus when she received Yeri’s cry for her return to the apartment. It would have only taken 10 minutes to get home if she walked, 5 minutes if she took a sprint, but that is very unlikely to ever happen. Nothing is important enough to sprint across campus for.


Except if she’s late for class. She takes her studies very serious, contrary to what some people at the University like to say and believe. She huffs even thinking about them. She assumes the people spreading the meaningless information and other rumors about her are just bitter that she’s not hanging out with them. She has a hunch about who they are but to each their own she thinks.


But she’s diligent in her studies and chooses her friends wisely, not based on popularity but on genuinely liking the person, getting along well and sharing the same interest and values.


Like Yeri for example. Yeri is a joy to be around and they got along amazingly from the first moment they shared a class together. However, later she learned that destruction follows Yeri like a shadow everywhere she goes and the younger girl is almost synonymous to chaos. Most often it’s a good kind of chaos, she’s the life of the party and brings endless entertainment, much to her own liking. And when they team up together nobody is safe, their quick banter and sometimes unnecessary savageness is unrivaled in their year, a fact that their classmates have learned first-hand.


So, Yeri is great and her friend but she can definitely wait for her. On her way home Joy took a detour to a cafe a few blocks away because she deserves a treat once in a while but mostly because, despite being friends with her, dealing with the little devil is something that requires extra energy even on a normal day and the texts indicate that Yeri is currently not having a ‘normal day’. This will be entertaining.


So here she is now, non-sweaty with a hot coffee and bag with freshly baked blueberry muffins in hand, standing outside her shared apartment with Yeri, contemplating whether she should make the younger girl wait just a little bit longer. Just to annoy her. She can practically hear the other girl pacing in the apartment and that is never a good thing. After thinking about it and listing the possible consequences of prolonging her arrival for a couple more seconds, she decides against it and takes a deep breath, bracing herself before opening the door.


As soon as she enters the apartment, she’s met with a very excited Yeri practically sprinting towards her. Startled, she frantically shakes her head to tell Yeri that she needs to slow down. She may be taller than her but a determined Yeri has incredible strength that will knock her down if she’s not careful.


When Yeri finally gets the nonverbal communication and abruptly halts a mere arm’s length away, she lets out a deep breath she didn’t know she was holding.


“Joy, thank god you’re here”, Yeri exclaims, seemingly out of breath from pacing the apartment while waiting for her to finally arrive and sprinting across the entire apartment like a maniac.


Joy rolls her eyes and sarcastically gives a small bow before dropping her keys on the cabinet on the side and removing her jacket and shoes, all the while precariously balancing the muffins and coffee in one hand. As soon as she’s done however, Yeri steps behind her and eagerly shoves her further into their apartment, almost making the taller girl trip over her own feet and spill her precious coffee on the floor.




“Took you long enough by the way. I could have been dying, you know”, Yeri mutters, unaware of the death glare Joy is shooting towards her over her shoulder.


“Please, you sent me like 7 texts. None of them indicating that you are in immediate medical danger and need my help”, Joy deadpans.




Joy smirks as she extends her hand. “Here, have a muffin. You can safely choke on it, I’m here.”


Yeri scoffs, slightly irritated, but takes the bag from her anyway. “Thanks”, she grumbles.


She keeps her eyes on Yeri while they make their way through the living room to go sit on the couch. The younger’s uncharacteristically quiet while munching on her muffin and after devouring half of the muffin in record time, she smacks her lips, turning her body to Joy and leaning a bit forward as if she’s going to share a big secret. A big and mischievous smile appears on her friends face and Joy’s already dreading the glint in her eyes. This can’t be anything good. Joy knows this look. It’s the same one she had when she decided skinny dipping in their neighbor’s pool was a good idea, or when she pranked one of her favorite professors at the end of last semester. She shakes her head thinking about her friend’s silliness.


“Now, why did you summon me? Why are you so excited?”, she asks as she eyes Yeri suspiciously.


“I was hanging around the apartment and I had an epiphany”, Yeri explains, her calm demeanor a stark contrast to her earlier outburst over text.


“Wow, with your small brain that is something. You’re lucky that I brought muffins to celebrate.”


Yeri rolls her eyes. “Oh, shut up. You don’t even know what it is about yet.”


“Fine, enlighten me then.”


Yeri grins and claps her hands together. Joy thinks she looks like she’s going to give one of those Ted Talks, but decides not to comment on it in favor of keeping the peace for a little longer.


“Okay, so hear me out”, Yeri says as she looks at her and points a finger. “Your unnie…” and then she moves her finger to herself “…and my unnie, our unnies, are perfect for each other! We should set them up.”


Joy’s frozen in place for a second and blinks rapidly while trying to process the information at lightning speed. That’s it? This is the emergency she had to leave the library for? During finals week no less. Is she serious?


“Ehh… please guide me through your thought process, Yeri. How exactly did you come to this conclusion?” Joy asks, confusion lacing her words. Even after knowing the other girl for 2+ years and living together for almost 1, she still wonders what goes on inside that head of hers sometimes. How can one be so clever and stupid at the same time and how does she come up with such absurd ideas? Joy thinks it is almost a secret talent.


“You know how you always tell me about Wendy unnie from before I met her? Or when we hang out at her apartment or when she comes by to bring us food she made? Today it just clicked…”, Yeri explains and she snaps her finger. “ that.”


Joy sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. “Not one day of peace with you, I swear.”


“You secretly love it.”


“Nope, I openly think it is annoying”, she teases back.


Yeri raises an eyebrow, eyes twinkling in excitement. “Is that so? Because I clearly remember your drunk calling me in the middle of the night to tell me how much you love me and miss me and how your life would be so boring without--”


Joy groans loudly, effectively interrupting the younger from going into more detail. She almost -almost- forgot that accidental phone call. It was a moment of weakness, the result of a college party where she drank a little too much. But trust Yeri to keep reminding her for the rest of her life. If only she could make Yeri forget that ever happened.


For now, she just needs to steer the conversation back to the original topic. She’s confused about Yeri’s plan. “I’m going to need more info on your plan but I desperately need more coffee for this.”


She quickly decides to follow her own advice to make a new cup of coffee before the snickering Yeri in front of her drags this out for too long. The younger is enjoying this way too much for her liking. She starts to stand up to go to the small kitchen but before she can fully stretch her legs, she is pulled back down on the couch by the other girl. “No time, just listen. I’ll spill the tea”, Yeri says with a bright mischievous glint in her eyes, clearly very amused by her play on words.


“That was lame.”


Yeri shrugs. “Not my best but still better than you.”


Joy wanted to reply and wipe that smug look off of her face but she really doesn’t want to sit here until midnight trying to get Yeri to explain her idea of setting up their unnies. So, she gives in but not without an eyeroll and before releasing a long and loud sigh. “Please elaborate your ‘masterplan’”, she says, emphasizing her loose definition of ‘masterplan’ with air quotes.


Mentally counting this as a small victory on her part, Yeri begins to explain why this is a great idea. “So, Wendy unnie is like a strong and warm person and likes to stay at home and she likes cooking and baking and all that other boring grown up stuff, right?”




Did she just insult Seungwan unnie? Unbelievable. The audacity. She might not be Seungwan unnie’s only precious dongsaeng anymore but she still feels protective of her. She needs to make that known to the younger girl.


“That is still my unnie you’re talking about. Watch it.”


“How she’s like cool but also really embarrassing and cheesy sometimes and gets shy when we but is very social and can sing amazingly?”


“Hmmm”, Joy hums, urging the other to continue. She doesn’t really know where this is going for now but she hates to admit that she is slightly impressed by Yeri’s thorough analysis. She’s put some deep thought into this.


“And she is like a cute squishy fluff ball that is funny, considerate, caring, is a literal genius, has a nice job and to quote you, ‘overall is like one of the kindest people to grace the earth’?” Yeri expectantly looks at her.


She squints at her friend, “I forgive you because you said a lot of nice things about her.”


Taking that as her cue, Yeri proceeds. “Well, as you know Joohyun unnie also likes staying at home, she is really smart and sometimes a bit scary to be honest.”


Joy actually feels herself shudder a little and a shiver running down her spine thinking back to the cold demeanor and icy glare she received from Irene unnie the first time she met her. Yeri and herself stood in front of her apartment unannounced, soaking wet from the rain, asking for a ride home. I mean, how were they supposed to know that she had a rough day at work and was just about to go to sleep? It was only 11 PM!


“Yeah, she can be scary alright…”, she says absentmindedly.


“You just have to get to know her.”


It’s true. Joohyun unnie warmed up to her in no time once they got to know each other. However, she still refers to the two of them as ‘the devil’s duo’ for sometimes wreaking havoc in her life.


She smiles thinking about it. “I know. Unnie is soft on the inside. Like a lava cake…. A feisty lava cake at times.”


“Anyway, to continue my thesis, you know how she is a bit shy too, likes reading and music and dancing, she’s funny, a bit weird and gets excited over the smallest things, like a kid. She’s also very attentive and caring, articulate and sweet and—“


Joy puts her hand up to interrupt Yeri’s rambling mess. “I’m going to stop you right there. I might throw up from all this sweetness. I get it she’s great. Seungwan unnie great. We have two great unnies”, she says, feigning slight irritation to mask a small smile that has started to form because of the sweet gesture by the always tough ‘I don’t need anybody’ Yeri.


“Are you on your period or something? You’re never this……”, she tries to find the words and locks eyes with Yeri as she waves a hand in front of her. “This--…. emotional? … sentimental? ….. Nice?”


Yeri scoffs and rolls her eyes. “Not everybody has a y personality all the time Sooyoung”, she jabs.


“I bet you wouldn’t like it if I told the unnies that you said all of these nice things about them.”


“I don’t care, tell them.” Yeri looks at her daringly, determined eyes locked onto her own, challenging her.


“Aww~ look at you all confident. So cute!“, Joy says while leaning forward and reaching out her hand to pinch Yeri’s cheek. However, the younger girl is quick to evade the incoming attack and stands up.


“Also, they’re both strong, pretty women, single but hopeless gays and would look amazing together!”, Yeri continues. ”Oh, and they both love tteok-bokki!”


She was about to give Yeri a lecture about how two people are not automatically attracted or interested in each other just because they are both gay but changes her mind when she thinks about how she might actually have a point. Their unnies characters do fit together surprisingly well. This could be interesting. Seungwan unnie does kind of need some action in her life and Irene unnie could be perfect. She’s sweet, gorgeous and has a great personality. She would actually feel bad if she has to kick her if she hurts Seungwan unnie or vice versa. She mulls over the idea a little more. Irene unnie? With Seungwan unnie?


Wendy and Irene?


Seungwan and Joohyun?


Going on dates?


Hanging out, doing couple-things?


Ugh. Even the image in her mind is sickly sweet.


Joy goes over the mental image she just formed and wonders why she didn’t think of this before. How haven’t they met before? If she’s not at her apartment or at school, she can most likely be found hanging out at Seungwan unnies place or Irene unnies place with Yeri and or Seulgi unnie. They surely must have mentioned the unnies in their conversations. No? How can they not have made the two unnies they spend most time with hang out with them at the same time yet?


Yeri quietly observes Joy mulling over her words, her brows furrowing in deep thought and spacing out.


“We can call it project Wenrene”, she tries carefully, a smile threatening to split her face in half. “Like Wendy plus Irene. You get it right?”


That brings Joy back from her thoughts. “I’m not saying you’re right but this could potentially be your best idea ever.”


She hears what can only be described as a squeal from Yeri, before she’s being tackled in a bear hug.


“I mean, not that the bar was very high. Your previous ideas .”


“I knew I could trust you! My partner in crime.”


As quick as Yeri initiated the hug she also lets her go and power-walks across their living room with determined steps to the kitchen counter to retrieve her phone, hurriedly unplugging it from the charger.


“Here. Look at this.”, Yeri motions for Joy to come while she opens her phone and starts scrolling through her photos. “What do you think?”


Excitedly, Yeri hold out her phone for Joy to take. On the screen it shows two pictures, of Irene unnie and Seungwan unnie placed next to each other.


“How did you even get that picture of Seungwan unnie?” she asks confused. She can’t remember giving or showing Yeri that picture before.


“Oh, it was on your laptop”, Yeri says nonchalantly.


She whips her head in record speed to look at Yeri, eyes widening in surprise. “What? Seriously?” she says with an incredulous gasp.


After a lack of reaction from the younger she whines, “You. Are. Unbelievable. You just confirmed my suspicion that you are incredibly creepy sometimes. How do you even know my password?”


Yeri just smiles mischievously and rolls her eyes. “Not the point right now. This is about the unnies. It’s unfair for them to be single and lonely when they could be happy together. I’m telling you, I have a good feeling about this. They’d be so cute together and we can tease them endlessly. Oh, the potential!!”


Joy looks at Yeri’s phone again and lets her eyes wander from the picture from Irene unnie to Seungwan unnie and back.


“I hate to admit it but they do look cute together. Meaning this could either be a disaster or brilliant.”


“Uh-huh”, Yeri replied while frantically nodding her head.


She points a finger at Yeri. “If it ends up being nothing but awkward, I’m blaming you.”


A million-watt smile takes over Yeri’s face, excitement spilling out of every part of her body at the realization that Joy is in on her plan. “Okay, so how do we start?”


“Here’s what we’re going to do.“

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Hi~, I hope you're all doing well :) Just wanted to let you know that I am finally working on the next chapter again (my renewed energy seems to have coincided with Red Velvet's comeback) and it's starting to take shape the way that I want! I'll try my very best not to take too long anymore ;)


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Chapter 9: Re-reading this one uwu I miss these two so much
Chapter 9: I really Really like this story author-nim. Hope you can continue it. Please, don't let us hanging. We wenrenators are waiting! 🙏🏻
Chapter 9: Welcome back author
Chapter 9: If Yerim and Sooyoung saw these two holding hands, they would have a heart attack! Ah but it's all so cute, i think they've been slow with each other for so long that when the first kiss happens they won't resist and just be on it, it feels so right how they feel about each other. Cute.
baejoonism #5
Chapter 9: Yayyy an update!! Thanks for this authornim i really love this story. Really looking forward to the next chapter!
aglaonema #6
Chapter 9: 😍😍
1703 streak #7
Chapter 9: Welcome back and this is so uwu, seeing both slowly and surely fall In love gently~~~
Chapter 9: love everything about this chapter, you have a way with words authornim! much needed fluff:) thank youuu~
Chapter 9: Welcome back author nim~ thank you for this long chapter :D
Chapter 9: 💙💙💙