Preparing Seungwan

Ladies, allow me to introduce you to each other


“Here”, Joy says before flinging a top across the room that hits Seungwan, who is putting her guitar back in its case, square in the face.


“What’s this?” She eyes the article of clothing suspiciously as she peels it from her face.


“For your outfit tonight”


“You’re really making me go on this stupid blind date, Sooyoung?” Seungwan asks with a small whine. It’s safe to say that she’s not really looking forward to tonight. An awkward dinner with a stranger is not exactly her idea of a fun time. First-dates are stressful and it has definitely been a while since she went on her last date.


She hasn’t been on many dates, only a few to be exact. She’s been too busy with school and now work and she was not really interested in the people that asked her out in the first place. The dates she did go on, she felt like she was overcompensating to fill all the uncomfortable silences in the conversation and it just didn’t work out. She sighs in frustration.


Sooyoung eyes her with a look that tells her there is no bargaining possible and points a finger at her accusingly. “You need to be taken out, unnie.”


She hums in agreement. “Yes, preferably by sniper. Right about now would be amazing actually.”


“No Wannie! I’ll miss you too much.” Seulgi chimes in, joining the conversation as she walks from the kitchen into the living room with a pringles bus secured under her arm, happily munching on her favorite snack Seungwan bought for her.


Seulgi throws herself into her arms. “Please don’t leave me. I can’t handle Sooyoung alone”, she whispers in her ear before disentangling herself and dropping down in the other chair.


“We just want you to be happy”, Sooyoung explains.


“But I am happy! I have a nice apartment, my work and most importantly I have you guys.”


Sooyoung wiggles her eyebrows at her. “Yes, but you need to get laid and neither of us is volunteering for that.”


Seungwan falls open in surprise, eyes widening and eyebrows moving up. She just stares at the youngest of the three, racking her brain but is unable to come up with a quick and witty response to that. Sooyoung is not completely wrong after all.


She feels herself starting to blush. “I-I don’t need…T-that’s not…”


“You look a little red there, unnie.”


“Like a tomato”, Seulgi adds amusedly.


She groans and pulls her sweater up to her cheeks to hide her face, eyeing the two over the rim of her sweater. “I didn’t know you were concerned about my love life.”


“More the lack thereof, actually.”


“Great. Do you have like monthly meetings about this?”, she grumbles.


Sooyoung laughs, eyes sparkling in amusement at her predicament. “Ahh babe, I’m just saying. You’re in the prime of your life. You should be with someone who adores you and makes you feel great and giddy and shows you all the corners of this apartment.”


“Oh. My. God. Shut up you two!”


“Wait, what did I do?” Seulgi exclaims, looking up from her phone and looking between her two best friends confused. She clearly missed the last part of the conversation. Too immersed in her game.


Seungwan shifts her gaze towards the other girl. “Nothing Seul, you’re perfect.” With a wide smile Seulgi goes back to her phone and pringles, making sure no crumbs are lost as she shoves a stack of pringles in , manners completely forgotten in the comfortable presence of her friends.


Sooyoung just rolls her eyes and snickers. “You can’t tell me I’m wrong unnie. You need a girlfriend and get laid badly. It’s been too long.”


“You are a terrible friend,” she says before pouting. “And to think I’m your unnie…”


“You can thank me later. Trust me unnie, she’s totally your type! She is really great. And~….. on top of that she is ing gorgeous.”


Seungwan is almost hit in the face by Sooyoung’s flailing arms as she is tackled in a bear hug and rocked from side to side. She smiles when the taller woman ruffles her hair.


“Yeah, Wan-ah. Sooyoung showed me. It’s true. And from what I heard this unnie is really nice”, Seulgi tells her while nodding frantically.


It makes her feel slightly better and she send her a grateful smile. Seulgi has always been the one with higher impulse control and nicely balances out the rash decision making and premature conclusion that the youngest of the three is occasionally prone to, especially in the presence of Yeri. Her moment of ease is short-lived though.


“Now let’s get you out of these sad clothes.” Sooyoung drags her from the couch and pushes her towards her closet while motioning for Seulgi to follow them.


“But I already have an idea for an outfit”, she protests.


“Very well then, show us”.


Both girls lie down on her bed, heads resting against the headboard making themselves comfortable. Rearranging the pillows to achieve optimal comfort and draping a blanket over the two of them. It reminds her of their sleepovers.


She shakes her head and turns around to rummage through her drawers, trying to locate the one button up she’s thinking about. She would definitely have to iron it later if she finds it. That is, if it gets approved by her two best friends.


Seulgi is relatively easy to please. Whatever she decides, Seulgi will tell her that if she looks good in it and it’s comfortable, she should go for it. Sooyoung though, she is a tougher crowd to please. This should be interesting.


After a couple minutes of frantically removing every article of clothing from her closet and finally finding the new button up she bought last week, she holds it up and clears to get the girls’ attention back on her. She watches expectantly as they redirect their focus from whatever game they were playing on Seulgi’s phone to her, but to her (not really) surprise sees two very different reactions. Seulgi is giving her a thumbs up, a wide smile in place but she flinches when she is elbowed in the ribs by Sooyoung who purses her lips and scrunches her face.


“You don’t like it”, she says defeatedly, shoulders hanging.




She pouts. “That bad?”


“No unnie, your clothes are fine for normal every day. But today is special.”


“It is?”


“We’re getting you a girlfriend.”


With that, Sooyoung swiftly walks back to the living room to retrieve a bag. “Here, try this on.” Standing in front of her, she hands it to Seungwan and grabs her by the shoulders to turn her around, pushing her to the bathroom to change.


Once in the bathroom, Seungwan puts on the black skinny jeans, a light-green blouse and the over-sized blazer that were inside the bag Sooyoung gave her. She shouldn’t be surprised that all the clothes are exactly her size. The younger has made it some kind of habit to go through her closet and ‘approve’ her clothing items, so she must’ve written down or remembered the sizes for when a day like this came. Inevitably, as Sooyoung would tell her.


She looks in the big mirror in front of her and gives herself a once-over, carefully tucking the blouse in her pants and leaving the top three buttons open to expose her collarbones just a little bit. The blazer can easily be omitted if she decides the restaurant or her date is making her too hot.


It is actually not that different from what she usually wears but it’s nice. It’s a simple, classic look. She can probably finish this outfit with her long earrings and some light make up. After all, a bit of extra effort for a date is usually appreciated. Especially one arranged by her friends. She’ll never hear the end of it otherwise and now that she’s going on a blind date with their unnie… Oh boy, she’s in for a treat. They will surely micromanage her.


After giving herself one last look and fixing her hair with her hands, she steps back and unlocks the door. “I actually think this will work. I kinda like this look guys”, she says as she walks out of the bathroom and back to her bedroom.


Both the girls immediately look up at the sound of her voice and when she stands in front of them, they start to smile. Sooyoung gives her a low whistle and Seulgi hums her approval.


“You look amazing.”


She smirks and directs a wink their way. “I know.”


“Do a twirl for us?”


She smiles and rolls her eyes at Seulgi’s request but does it anyway. She playfully poses to show them every side of her outfit. They both snicker at her behind their raised hands.


“It’s Sooyoung approved. Your also looks great in this by the way.”


She laughs and makes her way to the bed to plop down between them. “Thanks?”


“She likes butts.”


“What?” Her brows furrows in confusion and she looks up from where her head was comfortably perched on Seulgi’s knee to stare at Sooyoung, cocking her head in silent question.


The taller girl’s eyes widen, slight panic rising, and she frantically shakes her head to reassure her. “Not in like a weird way just….” Sooyoung mulls over her words. “She thinks butts are cute, I guess?” She looks at Seulgi pleadingly. “Seulgi unnie, tell her please.”


“Yes, you have a great Wannie”, she says as she smiles at Seungwan.


Sooyoung facepalms herself. “Not that!” She takes a deep breath. “Ugh..-never mind.”


Seungwan just snickers, already too familiar with the duo’s antics. “Tell me something else about my date, besides the fact that she apparently likes butts, is pretty and totally my type”, she teases.


“That’s no fun. You have to find out yourself.” Sooyoung remarks with a glint in her eyes that reveals she’s having way too much fun with this.


Seungwan feels her nerves resurfacing at the lack of elaboration on her date and she bites her lip to fight them off. Why did she agree to this idea again? She’s not ecstatic about going on a date but at the same time her interest is piqued. Joy and Yeri seem to be pretty confident in their ‘match’ so she must be a nice person, she thinks. Have some common interests at least, right? She rolls onto her back and stares at the ceiling, sighing loudly. “What if we don’t get along or have nothing in common?” she voices her concerns.


“You have plenty in common. You have nothing to worry about because it’s not a complete stranger. You have a date with Yeri’s other, favorite unnie.”


“That information is not reassuring at all. I know Yeri and she has made some questionable decisions.”


“True”, Seulgi states while snickering.


Sooyoung hates to admit it but Yeri actually made some excellent points when she was explaining her idea. When they talked about it more and more and came up with the plan of how they would set the unnies up, it slowly all fell into place. They thoroughly discussed every single aspect of their characters and how they fit together. They would be perfect together.


Sooyoung sighs. ”Look, I understand if you don’t completely trust Yeri on this, but please just trust me then. I know you and this unnie and she’s amazing. She’s sweet, a great listener, attentive, smart and cute and you two are a match made in heaven. I’m telling you.”


“You’re awfully confident this will work out.” Seungwan is still skeptical about the whole situation. She doesn’t have the best experience with dates and she doesn’t want this other unnie to not like her, or worse, hate her. Especially if they possibly run into each other with Joy and Yeri. But on the other hand, if it works out, they could all hang out together. That could be nice…... or not, Yeri and Joy will definitely interrupt any kind of moment they might have.


Sooyoung nods her head, fixing her gaze on Seungwan who is biting her lip nervously. “I am. Plus, if there’s one person in the world that Yeri listens to- even if only a little- it’s this unnie. She wouldn’t just set her up with anybody. She’s quite protective, you know.”


Seungwan mulls over the other’s words. “Alright”, she says with a small sigh.


Her agreement to an already confirmed blind date elicits a high-pitched, ear-deafening sound and a small victory dance from Sooyoung, who bounces around her bedroom. Seulgi just laughs at her and Seungwan joins her. They watch the youngest of the three happily moving and jumping around the room in an unrecognizable choreography to music that only she can hear.


After a minute or so the taller girl abruptly stops all of her movements. “You want to see some pictures?”, Sooyoung asks nonchalantly while sitting back down on the side of the bed and patting down her hair.


Seungwan moves her head so fast she thinks she’ll get whiplash and she grabs her arm, her eyes bulging out. “You have pictures?”


“Sure.” Sooyoung smiles and unlocks her phone, looking for a few photo’s before handing it to her. “Here.”


She takes the phone from Joy expectantly but is unpleasantly surprised.


She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, badly containing her slight annoyance that’s bubbling up behind a mask of composure. Then she looks up to find Sooyoung biting back a smile and looking at her expectantly.


“What’s wrong?”, she asks innocently, eyes shimmering with amusement.


“Sooyoung, I don’t want to see pictures of you or Seul right now”, she deadpans as Seulgi’s melodious laughter fills her ears.


“Ohhh~”, the taller woman teases. “You want see pictures of her…”


She groans. ”I thought that was pretty clear.”


After Seulgi recovers from her laughing session she (finally) comes to Seungwan her rescue, breaking up the staring session between the two friends. “Sooyoung-ah, you can stop teasing Wan-ah now. Look at this pouty face.” Seulgi cups her cheeks and squishes her face. “Just show her the pictures before she kills your annoying .”


“Yeah, try me.”, she looks at Sooyoung daringly but it’s not so effective when her face is being (tenderly) squashed by Seulgi’s hands to the point where her eyelashes are sticking to her cheeks.


Sooyoung gives her a half-suppressed laugh before giving in. “Fine.” This time she scrolls through her phone to find pictures of her actual date, while Seungwan tries to swat Seulgi’s hands away from her face and remove herself from the impending bear hug and more coddling.


“Wan-ahh~”, Seulgi whines playfully, eyes shining in delight. She moves swiftly, wrapping herself around the smaller woman and letting them fall back on the bed. “Don’t ignore my affection.”


“It’s a bit much right now”, she breathes out, the weight of Seulgi’s body pressing the air out of her lungs. “And sudden.”


“Seulgi unnie, don’t crush her. She still needs to go on this date”, Sooyoung interjects without looking up from her phone, still endlessly scrolling through her photo gallery.


“Just accept my love. It’s never wrong to let people know you care about them and you’re my best friend so I want you to do well on this date.”


“Thanks, Seul. I love you too. Now, can you please get off me? I felt all the love crush my bones.”


“I’m powerful like that.”


Seungwan rolls her eyes at that and Seulgi pinches her cheeks one last time before she slowly disentangles her limbs from her and starts to sit up, dragging the other woman with disheveled hair up with her. Seungwan pats her head lightly and smiles at her before taking the phone from Sooyoung’s outstretched arm and getting in a comfortable position. Seulgi rests her head on her shoulder and she feels Sooyoung keep a close eye on her when she starts to go through the pictures.


As soon as her eyes are locked on the screen, she’s immediately struck by the photo of a woman with big, doe-like, impossibly dark piercing eyes, fair skin, beautifully sculpted eyebrows, pink lips curved into an attractive smirk and her long hair falling past her shoulders in elegant waves. Clad in a light blue-striped button down that is messily but fashionably tucked into her pants, this woman looks straight out of a magazine. Stunning.


“ me”, she hisses out under her breath. Joy was right, she is really pretty. Most likely one of the most beautiful people she has ever laid eyes on.


“That’s the plan.”




The comments from Seulgi and Sooyoung fall on deaf ears as Seungwan is busy looking at the picture, captivated by the woman and analyzing everything about her. The smirk plastered on the woman’s face gives her a playful look and she can’t look too long in those deep, beautiful dark eyes. It draws her in and gives her a nice warm feeling inside. They hold something mysterious but warm and inviting at the same time. She feels a smile tug at the corner of her lips at the prospect of getting to know the woman in the picture.


After a few more seconds and the increasing feeling of her friends’ gaze on her she thinks she’s done enough ogling for now, over this picture at least, and goes on to the next.

In the second picture, it is the same woman again who now has her arm lazily draped over Yeri’s shoulder and is smiling brightly with her head turned a little towards Yeri. Her light-red painted lips are fully stretched and her eyes are focused on the younger girl who has her signature big smile plastered on her face. Nose scrunched, eyes squinted, small teeth on full display and she can almost hear her laugh through the picture. They look cute like that next to each other. Even though the woman’s only wearing an oversized black hoodie and simple jeans she’s the one that catches her attention immediately. Compared to the previous picture, she’s dressed down and wears minimal make-up but nonetheless she looks very charming. She’s cute, she muses.


Seungwan swallows an invisible lump in and doesn’t dare look up, not wanting to meet the expecting and curious eyes of Seulgi or Sooyoung just yet. She bites her lip and moves on to the next picture.


And if this woman shows up looking like this tonight, she might seriously faint right on the spot. Black turtle neck, grey blazer, dark skinny jeans and dark brown hair elegantly cascading down onto her shoulder on one side and on the other side safely tucked behind her ear. Her head is slightly titled to the right and a perfect smile is playing on her dark red lips, giving only a small view of perfectly straight, white teeth. She has a soft gaze in her slightly squinted eyes and her skin glows beautifully. She’s radiant.


The combination of everything, from the way she seems to shine, the look in her eyes and the way she holds herself in the picture, to the way the clothes fit her and it all just looks so effortless, makes it mesmerizing. She looks amazing but also very soft and kind, and Seungwan feels herself mirroring her smile almost unconsciously, but she catches herself just in time and tries to play it off as itchy nose.


After a not so subtle clearing of , Seungwan indulges herself once more by letting her eyes roam over the woman’s perfect features again, her attention lingering on her lips and eyes a little too long to be an accident, before she quickly swipes further.


The last picture is one of the beautiful woman at what seems to be a camping site. A beautiful star-decorated night sky and the silhouette of some trees is visible in the background. The light of a campfire illuminates her face and the dancing flames are reflected in the glasses resting on her cute nose. She’s wearing a black-and-white striped shirt and is hugging her legs, her head resting on her knees, and she’s smiling lazily at the camera. She looks happy and completely relaxed and it looks like she is really enjoying the warmth of the fire. She must like those kinds of places where you’re surrounded by nature and everything is calm, Seungwan thinks. Like the world has slowed down and you can take a breather, away from the city and all the people and loud sounds. To let your mind roam free, think about everything and nothing at the same time. You can be with friends and you don’t have to talk, just each other’s company is enough.














“Earth to Seungwan….”








“Yah! Why did you scream?” Seungwan finally looks up and snaps out of her daze, alarmed at Seulgi’s impressively loud scream in her sensitive ears.


Seulgi and Sooyoung giggle lightly and exchange knowing glances. “I guess that’s a yes.”




“Are you okay?” Seulgi asks her. “You kinda spaced out for a second. Well, more like the whole 5 minutes you were looking at those photos.”


“Almost drooling.”


She clears . “Yeah sure, I’m okay. Just…… she’s really pretty. Like, way out of my league.”


“No Seungwan-ah, I am going to stop you right there. Don’t you dare say that. We’ve been over this before, you’re an absolute babe and you’re a remarkable person. You don’t even know how many people have crushes on you.”


“Yeah, what Seul said”, Sooyoung joins in.


“And after Giant here told me everything about your date, I am also convinced you guys would be so cute together. But for now, just enjoy the dinner, get to know her and be your charming self and everything will be great. Let’s just see what happens, alright?”


Seulgi is right, she has nothing to lose. It is just a first date to get to know each other. Who knows what will happen? Sure, Joy and Yeri seem extremely excited at the prospect of them hitting it off and apparently walking into the sunset for the rest of their lives, but they haven’t even met each other yet.


After mulling it over for a couple more seconds Seungwan has made up her mind, deciding to enjoy the night, whatever it may bring, instead of endlessly worrying about things she has no control over.


She looks back to her friends with a determined smile. “Okay. You’re right. We’ll just see how it goes. Now tell me, is this outfit good enough to make a good first impression?”


Seulgi wiggles her eyebrows. “She’s excited now.”


“You definitely like her unnie. You’re not fooling us.”


She rolls her eyes and mutters under her breath. “Whatever. She’s cute.”


“Also, I think you can open one more button unnie.”


“No, no, no, I don’t think so”, Seungwan says quickly.


Sooyoung raises an eyebrow at her in question, challenging her.


“I already have three ed! What more do you want?”


“One more. Maybe two”, Sooyoung replies, her eyes scrunching and red lips stretching into a mischievous smile.


Seungwan shakes her head. “No, I think this is enough.”


Sooyoung sighs but lets it go. “Alright suit yourself. You look amazing anyway.”


“Thanks. I’m going to take a shower to freshen up now. Please don’t tear my place apart in my absence.”


“I can’t promise anything. Now, give me the shirt, we will iron it for you. She has a thing with that.”




** These are all the chapters I have fully written so far. I was feeling generous so released them all on the same day. I'm working on the others (maybe 2-3 more) but I don't know how long that will take since I'm starting my PhD.... Anyhow, hope you enjoy and I will try not to take too~ long writing the other chapters :) **



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Hi~, I hope you're all doing well :) Just wanted to let you know that I am finally working on the next chapter again (my renewed energy seems to have coincided with Red Velvet's comeback) and it's starting to take shape the way that I want! I'll try my very best not to take too long anymore ;)


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Chapter 9: Re-reading this one uwu I miss these two so much
Chapter 9: I really Really like this story author-nim. Hope you can continue it. Please, don't let us hanging. We wenrenators are waiting! 🙏🏻
Chapter 9: Welcome back author
Chapter 9: If Yerim and Sooyoung saw these two holding hands, they would have a heart attack! Ah but it's all so cute, i think they've been slow with each other for so long that when the first kiss happens they won't resist and just be on it, it feels so right how they feel about each other. Cute.
baejoonism #5
Chapter 9: Yayyy an update!! Thanks for this authornim i really love this story. Really looking forward to the next chapter!
aglaonema #6
Chapter 9: 😍😍
1702 streak #7
Chapter 9: Welcome back and this is so uwu, seeing both slowly and surely fall In love gently~~~
Chapter 9: love everything about this chapter, you have a way with words authornim! much needed fluff:) thank youuu~
Chapter 9: Welcome back author nim~ thank you for this long chapter :D
Chapter 9: 💙💙💙