Chapter 9: Rewrite The Stars


The couple exited the wedding boutique after they have done their wedding photograph session. The bridal owner was perplexed when the Ryujin told her that she was there for her friend stead and requested to photoshop Yeji’s face to her face. The photographer did not refuse and proceed with the plan. Before they leave, the photographer gifted the couple with a original unedited photo for their memoir. Ryujin and Lia thanked the photographer.

Yuna and Chaeryeong had left earlier because they wanted to get some crepe on the way home.

Ryujin and Lia hold hand as they walk down the street. Ryujin wished that the time stop now. She holds Lia’s hand tighter not wanting to let her go. Lia noticed it so she graps Ryujin’s hand with both of her hands.



“Ryujin, look at me.”

Ryujin reluctantly turns to Lia and Lia sees the tears in her eyes. She let go of Ryujin’s hand and pulls Ryujin in a hug.

“It will be okay.”

“How you know it will be okay?”

“I trust you and I trust Yeji. Have faith in us.”


“Ryujin…I am yours and forever will be yours.”

“I love you, Lia.”

“And I love you too.”

The couple stay embraced for the longest that they know. When they pull apart, Lia noticed that someone is staring at them. Lia gasps when she saw what the individual takes out from his coat.

“Ryujin!” she screams.

It happened too quick for Ryujin to react when Lia pushes Ryujin aside and gunshot sound filled the air and people screaming around. Ryujin watches as Lia’s body falling to the hard concrete ground.

“LIA!!” Ryujin screams.

The individual that fires the gunshot hops into the car and recklessly drive away leaving the scene. Ryujin managed to have a look at the car plate before she rushes to Lia’s side. She cradles Lia in her arms.

“Someone calls 119!!” Ryujin begs.

Lia coughs out blood and she holds onto her wound. She teary looks at Ryujin. Her hands tremble as she tries to reach for Ryujin’s face.

“Save your energy.” Ryujin begs her.

“I…*cough* love you…” said Lia and her hand slowly falls to the ground but Ryujin manages to catch it.

As Ryujin tries to say something, the time stop. Everything around them stop moving. A portal appears in the middle of the road and the dreamcatchers appear from the portal. Jiu saw that they arrived too late.

“No!!” Jiu shouted as she rushes to Ryujin and Lia’s side.

“What is going on?” Sua asked unbothered but then she saw the bloody scene she starts to panicked.

The rest of the dreamcatchers run toward the scene and they gasped. Jiu waves her hand to reveal Lia’s lifetime timer. 10 seconds left before Lia lost her life. Jiu takes a deep breath and turns to the girl.


“Julia!!” the rest of the dreamcatcher’s gasps.

“Girls listen to me.”

“What is it Jiu?” Sua asked.

Jiu turns to the girls and she smiles at them with tears in her eyes.

“This is good bye girls.”


“What are you talking about unnie?” Yoohyeon asked, she knows that the eldest one is not trying to be funny at the moment, but something is teller her that something is not right.

Jiu takes out an orb and cast a spell that is inaudible to the rest of the dreamcatchers. A glow of light blinding the girls and before they could react, the light grows brighter and brighter until they heard Jiu said her farewell.

“Unnie!!” they screamed.



Jiu had been kneeling at the church pew kneeler for 3 hours now. Praying nonstop. Asking for guidance and forgiveness. A light illuminates the church and a tall figure with wings slowly approached Jiu.

“This is bad.”

“It is bad indeed.” Jiu agreed.

“I cannot help you with your mistake.”

“I know that, but I have something that I can offer so you can consider to undo what I have done.” Said Jiu.

The winged figure clicked her tongue and she hide her wings before she seated herself next to Jiu on the pew. She crossed her legs and stares at the cross hanged on the church’s ceiling.

“I’ll listen and we’ll see if it’s worth it.”

“Father banished us, but he did not entirely take away our powers. And he had given us a chance to repent.”

“Yeah…the old man really does believe that all his children will repent and worship him again.” Said the winged figured.

“I’ll give you my wings and my soul…in exchange…you will have to rewrite their destiny.” Said Jiu with hesitation.

The person that seated next to Jiu smile and she leans in to get a closer look at Jiu’s eyes. “You hesitated…”

“Of course, I am!” Jiu retorted “Giving my soul and wings to you meaning I am betraying Father!”

A sinister laugh escaped from the figure mouth “Jiu Jiu…you are one of the most faithful followers of Father and who would have thought…”

“You want it or not? You have been pursuing me for 700 years asking me to give up my powers and wings and soul to you and you will help me to solve their problem. Take it or leave it, Lisa…or should I call you by your real name…Lucifer?”

“Hmm…I guess…but yours alone won’t be enough…Gabriel.”

“Leave the other 6 alone.”

“Rewrite a whole damn destiny is a tough job you know.” Lisa said to Jiu.

Jiu sighed, she knows dealing with the devil is not a good choice but she is willing to try because she does not want to lose her girls and Romeo and Juliet. She messed up their love story and she is responsible to amend her mistake.

“I’ll give you their powers, only if you promise to let them live their life as normal person on earth and erase all of their memories about dreamcatchers.”

Lisa smirks and she offered her hand,but Jiu hesitant at first but she accepted Lisa’s hand. Lisa smirked and she said “It’s a deal.”

Lisa then proceeds to take out a golden orb from her pocket. She hands it to Jiu.

“When the time comes, you just said the spell and everything will be undone.”

“How I know if you are not lying about this?” Jiu asked.

Lisa smirked and patted Jiu’s head “I never said you could trust me, but since we used to be siblings, I promised you I will do as your request. I’ll throw you a welcome party in Hell. See ya, sister.”

Jiu clutches onto the orb until her hand bleed as she watches the devil walks out of the church. Jiu sighed and turns her sight to the cross. She apologized and she left.

End of Flashback.

Everything around gets into the portal that suddenly appears above the sky. Ryujin tries to hold on to Lia but she could not and she scream desperately for the love of her life. Everything went dark for a while.



Lisa ear twitches and she smiles when she sees that a portal is appearing in front of her.

“I see she has made her decision. All right minion! Get my book ready!”

“Yes, my lord!”

Lisa cuts her finger and she begins to write on the book that her minion had bring out.


5 years later

“Ryujin!!” a female with long black haired called for Ryujin.

“Oh…Karina unnie.” Ryujin greeted.

“Yah…we are engaged…don’t call me unnie.” Karina whines.

Ryujin who is now 23 years old, is the youngest heiress in Korea. What happened to her 5 years ago is still a mystery to her. Her parents found her lying unconscious at their home. She was in coma for a year and when she wakes up, she forgotten what had happened in previous years. She remembered her childhood, she remembered her high school years, but there was a blank page in her high school years that she could not recalls.

When she took over the family business, her parents decided to set her up with their friend’s daughter, who is also part of the South Korea conglomerate family. Ryujin did not object, she accepted the engagement and she had been engaged to her fiancée for a year now. Her sister Yuna is currently studying abroad. She is still friends with Chaeryoeng and Yeji but somehow, her heart was missing someone.

She tries to asked her parents what happened on those blank years, her parents said there was no such thing as blank years. Her parents even show her the family album and there are no such things as a blank year as Ryujin remembered.

“By the way, Karina.”


“Mom and dad invited us for a dinner tonight, 7pm. Wear something nice and I will pick you up by 6pm.”

“Sure, but what is this dinner about? I thought we were going to have dinner with them next week, to discuss about our wedding.”

Ryujin shrugs and shakes her head, she had no clue what is the dinner about, but she knows her parents’ friends are going to be there as well.


“Hmm?” Ryujin turns to her fiancée.

Karina hesitated and she shakes her head as she smiles at Ryujin “Nothing.” She said and she linked their arms together as they walk abreast to Ryujin’s car.

As they were walking toward Ryujin’s car that parked outside an abandon building. Ryujin saw the wind chime and the music box that is already collecting dust in that abandon shop. She walks toward the shop to get a closer look while Karina is wait in line up to buy crepes.

“Why does this look familiar?” Ryujin said to herself.

“Yah! Winter! I told you that was not what I was trying to do!!” a voice coming from the alley peak Ryujin’s interest as the voice sounded so familiar.

“Unnie! I saw what I saw!”


The two girls stop giggling when they sense that Ryujin is looking at them. At that moment, Ryujin’s heart skips a beat when her eyes met with one of the girl’s eyes.

“What is this feeling.” Ryujin asked herself.

“Unnie…yah Lia unnie.” The girl named Winter calls for the girl that she is with to get her attention.


“Yah…I don’t mean to distract you, but are you having slowmo moment with that girl?” Winter whispered.

“What?! No!” the brown-haired girl denied and she rushes Winter to walk away with her.

“Yah! Yah!” Winter tries to wriggles free from the brunette but the force was too strong.

“Ryujinnie~~” Karina calls for her fiancée.

Ryujin couldn’t take her eyes away from the brown-haired girl, the familiar longing feeling lingering in her heart. She knows she had seen that girl somewhere before but she couldn’t recall.

“Ryujinnie!” Karina calls again.


“What are you looking at? You didn’t even hear me calling for you!” Karina whines.

“Oh, it just…this shop, it’s very aesthetic don’t you think?” Ryujin lied as she pointed at the shop.

“It had been abandoned for years…”

“I know, that’s why I think it’s very aethestic. Anyway…have you gotten your crepe?”

“Yeah…come on let’s go…wait…” Karina stops Ryujin.

“What’s wrong?”

“Babe, can you come with me? I think I just saw someone I knew.” Said Karina as she pulls Ryujin with her. Ryujin offers to hold the crepe for Karina because she knows the latter will drop the crepe.


Lia fastens her pace as she pulls on her friend with her. She did not know what happened back there but she knows her heart is beating so wild when her eyes met the eyes of that stranger. It almost feels like her heart knows that stranger.

“What is this yearning feeling?” she asked herself.

“Unnie! You’re hurting me!” Winter yells when Lia did not hear her asking her to stop pulling her.

Lia stops and she let go of Winter’s arm. She apologizes to Winter for unable to control her strength.

“Geez…what is up with you. Remember don’t work up too much or else it will…”

“I know, my heart is weak…you don’t have to remind me.” Lia cuts her cousin off.

Winter smiles and she pinches her older cousin’s cheek for being such a cutie but then she almost jumps when she heard a familiar voice calling for her name.

“Winter Kim Min Jeong?”

Winter slowly turns to the person that called her. Her face turns pale when she saw her ex-girlfriend standing in front of her.

“Karina…un…nie…” Winter hesitantly greets the latter.

“Karina…who is she?”

Lia’s heart skips a bit again when she heard the deep voice of the stranger that she met eyes to eyes earlier.

“Ah…this is uh…my ex-junior in uni.” Karina lied.

“Ah…Hi, I’m Ryujin.” Ryujin introduced herself.

“I’m Winter…and uh…this is my new girlfriend! Lia.” Winter lied.

Ryujin’s brows furrow together when Winter mentioned that Lia is her girlfriend. She does not understand why she is upset at the fact that she feels this way toward a stranger that she just met.

Lia abruptly turns to Winter with a frown but her little cousin jabs her subtly with her elbow to ask her to act along. Lia clears and introduce herself “I’m Julia, but you can call me Lia…I’m Winter’s girlfriend.”

Karina suddenly links her arm with Ryujin’s arm and hugs her arm tightly, which perplexed Ryujin.

“Your girlfriend is cute, Minjeongie…by the way…Ryujin is my fiancée and we are going to get married next month…if you are still in town, I’ll send you the invitation cards, you can bring along your girlfriend with you.” Said Karina to Winter.

Somehow, Ryujin did not like Karina’s tone. She sounded very arrogant and somewhat intentional.

‘She’s engaged…’ Lia thought to herself and she can feel her heart hurt a bit when she heard that Ryujin is Karina’s fiancée. She does not know why is she sad over the fact that the stranger she just met is belong to someone else.

“Of course…just send me the card, I’ll be there, to support my senior, beside I am back for good because I’m going to help my family with our family business.” Winter shades back at Karina.

Ryujin winces when Karina’s nails dug into her forearm. She frowns and turns her head to Karina. She saw the expression on Karina’s face. It was full of anger and it was the first time Ryujin ever saw Karina expression like that.

“Karina.” Ryujin calls for her fiancée to grabs the latter’s attention. Karina snaps back to reality and she realized what she did and she apologizes to Ryujin.

Ryujin just shakes her head to assure Karina that she is fine. She takes out her card holder and give her cards to Winter and Lia. “Since you are Karina’s junior, here is my number. Call me whenever you need help.”

“Thanks.” Winter gratefully takes the cards from Ryujin.

Lia looks at the car and she is surprised to see the name on the card. Shin Ryujin. Lia lifted her head from the card and look at Ryujin one more time.

“Shin Ryujin.” She mumbles to herself.

“Karina, we need to get going now.” Said Ryujin to her future bride.

Karina nods and she stares at Winter for one last time “I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah yeah.” Winter replied Karina.

Ryujin takes a good look at Lia one last time before she turns and walk away. The longing feelings that she felt toward Lia turns into guilt now that she knows Lia belonged to someone’s else.

After the couple were out of sight, Lia grabs on Winter’s arm which causes the younger one to yelps “What was that for? I’m your girlfriend? We are not from Alabama sis.”

“She’s my ex…” Winter explained to her cousin.

“Oh…that ex?”

“Yes that ex…”

“I see…”


On the car ride to Karina’s house Ryujin noticed that Karina is exceptionally quiet. Usually Karina will speak nonstop, updating Ryujin about her daily life. Because Ryujin cares for Karina, she asked her if something is bothering her. Karina shakes her head and smiles at Ryujin.

“Tell me…Winter is not just your junior am I right?”


“Karina…we are going to get married in a month…please don’t hide anything from me or we are going to regret everything.”

Karina sighs and she rested her head on the window before answer Ryujin’s question. “We used to date.” Karina confessed.

“Figure…” Ryujin said.

“You knew?”

“Your expression gives away.” Ryujin chuckles and then she turns to Karina when she stops for the red light “Bad break up?” she asked.

Karina nods but then she abruptly straightened herself up and explain herself “But that happened a few years back, before we got engaged so I don’t want you to think that it’s our engagement that caused the break up.”

“I didn’t say anything, but I am curious, how bad it is that you have to taunt that girl.”


Ryujin noticed the silence from her fiancée, she grabs Karina’s hand and kisses it as she says “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I’ll wait until you are ready to tell me what happened.”

Karina was grateful that her parents chose the right person for her. Ryujin is the most understanding person that she ever met. She was against the engagement at first but after she went out on a date with Ryujin for a few times, she was willing to give it a try and little by little, she had fallen for the latter.

Ryujin parked outside of Karina’s condominium and she opens the door for her fiancée. The couple hug before bid each other good bye. Ryujin reminds her fiancée of the dinner tonight and Karina assures Ryujin that she remembers and she will wait for Ryujin to pick her up later.

Ryujin hops back in her car and drive home to get herself freshen up and be ready for the dinner.

Once she reached her house, she throws the car key on the coffee table and then she plops herself on the sofa. Takes a deep breath and slowly closes her eyes. The image of the music box and the abandon shop appears in her mind. She jolts up and rubs her face.

“What is this feeling?” she asked herself, then she jolts again when her phone rings.

She takes her phone and sees the caller ID. She smiles and she answers the phone.

“Yah, Shin Yuna, are you back in Seoul?” she asked.

“Unnie!! I know I said you don’t have to pick me up but you really didn’t come and pick me up from the airport??” Yuna whined through the phone.

“Yah, I offered you and you rejected, so why should I?” Ryujin said as she snickers. She loves to little sister.

“I am going to report you to mom and dad!” Yuna threatens her older sister.

“Boohoo, I’m scared! Hahahaha, don’t worry Yuna, I’ve asked Yeji to picked you up…I think she should be there by now.”

“I don’t see her any…oh! I saw her! Okay bye unnie I’ll see you at the dinner tonight!”

“Bye…send my regards to mom and dad!”

“You are going to see them tonight anyway! Send your regards yourself!”

Ryujin laughs and she bids her sister good bye before hang up. She takes a deep breath and look around her house. Her house was empty, only a coffee table and a sofa in her living room and a single bed in her bedroom. Her kitchen is pretty much unoccupied by any kitchen appliances as she seldom cooks and always eat outside before she comes home.

She moves out of her parents’ house after she graduated and had been living by herself since then. She takes off her sweatshirt and proceed to go to her bathroom to take a shower. She saw that it is almost 5pm so she decided to get ready.


Lia’s House

“We’re back!” Lia and Winter said in unison.

“Welcome home!”

“Mom!!” Winter screams in excitement when she saw her mother.

“Hello there little my little sunshine.” The older woman snuggles to her baby.

“Aunt Jessica, when did you arrived?” Lia asked her aunty.

“I just arrived about 10 minutes ago.”

“Yah little one.”

“Sinb unnie!!” Winter greets her older sister when she saw her peeking from the kitchen partition.

“Where’s aunt Taeyeon?” Lia asked when she sense that her mother’s sister is not around.

“Tch…she’ll be late.” Jessica chided and she went to her two daughters.

Lia’s mother calls for her and Lia went to her mother “Fighting again?” Lia asked her mother and her mother nods.

“Anyway Lia, please get ready, we are going out to have dinner with your father’s friend.”


“It’s an impromptu plan, but since we came back, your father’s friends wanted to throw him a welcome dinner, and who knows you might able to mingle around with some of your father’s friends’s daughters or sons.”

“Mom, I told you I am not ready to start a relationship yet.” Lia sighs.

“Well Lia, you’re 24 now, you need to start thinking about your future. You are the heiress of the Choi, you need to think about the family too you know.”

Lia rolls her eyes and just nod along to her mother’s words. She wishes her brother was here with her so he can defend her, but the lad is busy with his final year of high school back at Canada so he decided to stay there until he finished high school.

“Put on something nice okay?”

“Okay mom. Please stop nagging.”

Her mother watched her walk up to her room to get change and then she turns to her sister-in-law.

“What did my sister do this time?”

“She flirted with other woman.” Jessica answered.

Lia’s mother face palmed herself. Her younger sister had always been a wild one. It took her forever to admit that she is in love with the Jung heiress. It also took her sister to have two IVF babies before she pops up the question to the Jung’s heiress. Sometimes she does not understand why did Jessica decided to stay beside her sister’s side.

“Well, please join us to the dinner tonight, you are part of the family, beside I think your side of family is going to be there as well.”



‘Restaurant is closed for private function’ noticed is hang outside of the restaurant as the Shin family had reserved the whole restaurant for their private event.

Ryujin exits her car and she then goes to the passenger side as she helps Karina to gets out from the passenger seats. Karina wore a black body-hugging dress that flaunt her nice figure. Ryujin wore a velvet suit over a simple loose white shirt paired with high waisted sleek pants and a black combat boot. The couple were like made in heaven with their visual and their nice figure.

Ryujin handed the car key to the jockey and she holds Karina’s hand as they walk into the restaurant. Once they stepped inside the restaurant, Karina’s parents greeted them.

“There’s my favorite daughter in law and my lovely daughter!!”

“Hello there Mr. Yu.” Ryujin greeted.

“Daddy!” Karina goes in and hug her dad. It has been a while since she last saw her dad because her dad was busy building his empire so that one day, she does not have to worry about running out of money to spend.

“How are you Ryujin? You look slimmer now, are you eating well?” Mrs. Yu asked Ryujin.

“I’m good Mrs. Yu, I’ve lost a few pounds because I was busy helping my dad to run his company.”

“Ohohoho, please call me mom. You are going to be our daughter in law soon. There is no need for such formalities.” Mrs. Yu told Ryujin.

Ryujin awkwardly smiles at her future in law and then she excuses herself when she spotted her family.

“Unnie!!” Yuna screams at her sister and runs to her to hug her.

“Yah Shin Yuna you are going to choke me to death!”

“I missed you~~”

“I missed you too kiddo.”

“Yuna, let go of your sister, you’re going to choke her.” Said Naeun to her youngest daughter.

Yuna let go of Ryujin and hook their arms together as if her sister is going to run away from her.

“Ryujin, you’ve lost a few pounds? Did you eat well? You know you can always come home and have dinner with us.”

“I’m okay mom~ by the way, why did dad suddenly organize a dinner with all of his friends?”

“Oh, your father’s best friend had returned from Canada, so your father decided to throw him a welcome party.”

“Oh! Ryujin! There you are! Come on hyung! Let me introduce you to my daughter.”

Ryujin turns to her father’s voice and she was surprised to see Lia was tag along with the tall gentleman that her father is pulling. Lia was wearing a stunning white shoulder less body-hugging dress that accentuate her y collarbone.

“Hyung, this is my eldest daughter, who is also the one who is going to help me run my business when I retired. Shin Ryujin. Ryujin, this is my best friend, Choi Minho. Call him uncle Minho.”

“Ryujin huh, what a unique name that you named your daughter, Taemin-ah.”

Minho offers a handshake and Ryujin took it, but her eyes were fixating at Lia. Minho noticed Ryujin’s stares and he smiles. He let go of Ryujin’s hand and put his hand on his daughter’s shoulder to introduce Lia to Ryujin.

“Ryujin, this is my daughter, Ju…”

“Julia…” Ryujin cuts Minho off and Minho frowns.

“So, you two know each other?” Taemin asked.

Ryujin quickly snaps back to reality when she realized the situation that she is in. She stammers when she tries to explain “Ugh…yeah, we met this morning, ugh…with her girlfriend.” Ryujin explained.

“Girlfriend? Jisu-ah, do you have a girlfriend? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Lia gasps when her father question her. She does not want her cousin get in trouble especially in front of her ex’s fiancée.

“I’ll explain when we get home dad.” Lia tells her father.

Just as Lia tries to make an excuse to her father, Winter comes toward them.

“Oh, there she is, Lia’s girlfriend!” Ryujin said as she pointed at Winter.

Winter halts halfway and she breaks a cold sweat. Lia on the other hand, mentally face palmed herself.

“That’s not her girlfriend, that’s her cousin.” Minho chuckled as he thought that maybe Ryujin had a misunderstanding.

Ryujin did not know why she felt happy when she realized that Lia does not have a girlfriend. Taemin sense the tension between his daughter and Lia, he tries the direct the conversation to other direction.

“So hyung…did you comeback to run the Choi’s family business?”

“Ah…no…my brother is already taking over the business.”

“Oh? Then?”

“Me and my wife decided to just lay low and open a café.” Minho explained to which Taemin was surprised.


“Are you trying to ask me about the luxury life? Well, father did leave me a fortune…it’s more than enough. You know I despise the conglomerate life.”

It was like a wake-up call for Ryujin. She always feels that she is not suit to be the heir to her family business. Now she realized it. She wanted to live a quiet life, away from the money hunger world.

Taemin was baffle at Minho’s reasoning but he respects his best friend decision. Something change in his friend, perhaps after he got married and raising two children, he finally realized that money is not everything.

“Just let me know if you needed anything.” Said Taemin to his friend.

“Thank you.”

“Please be seated, they are going to serve the food soon.”

Taemin bows to his best friend and walk away to entertain his other guests. Minho excuses himself together with Winter and Lia but Ryujin grabs Lia’s wrist to stops her.

“Ouch.” Lia yelps.

“Sorry for suddenly grabbing on you…but…why did you lie?”

“What lie?”

“Winter said you were her girlfriend.”

“Maybe you should ask your fiancée on what she did to my cousin that she had to lie about her relationship.”

Ryujin does not understand why Lia sounded pissed when she answered her. She was not satisfied with Lia’s answered but when she wanted to stops Lia again, her fiancée calls for her.




“I told you to rewrite their story! Not to make it complicated!” Jiu screams at Lisa.

“Shush sis, shush…it’s just the beginning, it will end soon.”


“I told you I won’t let your gift go to waste. Trust me on the process.”


To be continue…

AN: I am so sorry for the long hiatus! I will try to finish off all my stories! I promised! By the way, I decided not to go with my original ending, which is a sad ending and very complicated by the way, so I tweak a little bit. Don’t worry, no one is going to die and no sad ending I promised! I will explain what did the devil do in the next chapter!

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Chapter 9: Our great author has returned woohoo!!!!
Oh what is going on in this chapter and why did you almost kill off Lia. I almost flip the table when you did that but at least they are alive now but this situation is a bit not that nice. But i hope the devil explain herself and give jinlia a good ending. As for the dreamcatcher, i hope their father forgive them and bring them up to heaven after all this thing.
Cant wait for the next chapter with more explanation.
And please author, dont leave me hanging for too long. Hahaha jkjk, take as much time as you need. I will wait.
Chapter 9: The cup has been moveddd!! Welcome back authornimm
fiqachibi #3
what ever happened to this story...
binkkk #4
Chapter 8: authornim…?
u_ujiman #5
Chapter 8: Oh come on with this cliffhanger. :(
, he has a gun. Someone stop him!!!!
Lets just hope nothing bad happen to our girls.
Cant wait for the next chapter author.
soncelfeu #7
Chapter 8: so intense
Chapter 8: Bruhhhh
soncelfeu #9
Chapter 7: wow im so late, this is interesting, i wonder if this will continue and finish tho😭
cleofierayne 34 streak #10
Chapter 7: Mygoodness where did I wander all this time? Can't believe I let this story pass under my jinlia radar! 😭🤣 I'm glad I let my curiousity prevails hehehe

And authornim!wahh bravo🙌🙌 really like this the first time I read. Please let it be a sweet and happy ending! 🥺🥺🥺