Chapter 7: The Dreamcatcher


Ryujin and Lia took a Grab to go back to Ryujin’s house to pack her things up. Ryujin invites Lia to come in but Lia hesitated because she is afraid that Ryujin’s family is going to scorn and mock her or even hurt her.

Ryujin takes Lia’s hand and she guides her to take one-step at a time until they reached the front door. Ryujin scan her thumbs on the thumb scanner and the door open. The couple was greeted by the house maid.

“Young Miss Ryujin, welcome home.”

“Thanks Haneul. Where is my mother?”

“Mistress is attending her garden…did you already had your breakfast Miss Ryujin? Do you want me to cook something for you and your friend here?”

Ryujin shakes her head and tells her maid that she has already eaten and she wants to go and meet with her mother. The maid named Hanuel excuses herself after Ryujin dismissed her. Ryujin turns to Lia and she flashes a smile to Lia “I want you to meet my mom.” She said.

Lia was nervous but she tries to gather all of her courage to meet with Ryujin’s mother. If Ryujin did not reject her when she brings her to meet with her parents, then there is no reason for to be afraid to meet with Ryujin’s parents.

Ryujin leads Lia to her family garden, and Lia is amaze by the house’s interior design. Lia knows that Ryujin family comes from a very artsy background. Her grandmother was a Hanbok enthusiast and she had been contributing to the Hanbok Fashion industry, her grandfather was the founder or Korea top broadcast company, rivalling to her family broadcast company. Ryujin’s mother was crown as Miss Korea when she was in her teenage year. Ryujin’s dad is the king in the fashion world on top of being the most successful broadcasting company CEO. So it was a not surprise for Lia to see how well decorated Ryujin’s house is.

Ryujin opens the sliding door to the garden and there she saw her mother wearing a white big gardening hat attending to the flowerbed. “Mom…”

When Naeun gets up to greet her daughter, Lia was astonish by how beautiful Ryujin mother is. Ryujin is like a carbon copy of her mother. Naeun frowns when she saw Lia standing beside Ryujin, but she flashes the warmest smile when she saw that her daughter is holding hand with the other girl. She assumed that the girl that is holding with her daughter was the girl that her husband told her last night.

Naeun put down her gardening utensil and dust off her hand on her jeans before she walks to her daughter with the brightest smile ever. Naeun hugs her daughter tightly and then she turns to Lia and she hands out her hand “You must me Lia? Ryujin’s little girlfriend am I right?”

Ryujin blushes at her mother’s remark and Lia was a little baffled at the warm welcome of Ryujin’s mom. Lia accepts Naeun’s handshake and she was touched by how warm is Naeun’s hand is. It is just as warm as Ryujin’s.


Naeun shushes Ryujin before the girl can say what she wants to say. “I know everything, your father had told me everything…let’s go inside and talk, it’s a little hot out here.”

Naeun leads the couple to the living room to sit and she asked Haneul to prepare drinks for the couple while she goes to get change. Ryujin tries to stop her mother by telling her that she only coming home for a while, but Naeun ignores her daughter and she asks her to wait until she gets change.

“Your mother is a warm person.” Said Lia.

“She never treats anyone like that before, even I’m surprised.”

“You’re saying your mom is faking it?”

“No…I’m actually happy that she accepted you on the first meeting.” Replied Ryujin.

Lia smiles and she stares at their intertwined fingers, she blushes and a smirk creep up on her face “Yah, Shin Ryujin, you’re a lot more bold than I thought you were.”


“I mean you skip the dating process and getting to know me better to bringing me to meet with your mother…” teased Lia.

Ryujin smiles sheepishly and Lia could not ignore at how cute Ryujin so she pinches Ryujin’s chubby cheek but Ryujin frowns at Lia’s action and she pouts, to which make Lia wanted to pinches Ryujin even more.

Naeun came down and she saw how cute is the couple, she does not want to disturb them but decide to anyway. Naeun clears and she almost laugh when she saw the couple scramble apart and sits up straight.

Haneul comes in with a fancy teapot and cups, another maid join her and she carries a three tier dessert try with array of different type of desserts. Haneul display the cups and she pour out the hot drink that she made.

“Please enjoy.” 

“Thanks Haneul, you are dismiss, I’ll call you when I need you.” Naeun said to her maid. Haneul and the other maid bow and they leave.

Lia picks up the cup and she slowly bring it to her lips to taste and she is surprised by the taste of that drink. She is pretty sure that it is milk but it taste so sweet and the there’s a slight hint of flowery fragrance infused in the milk.

“This is good!” Exclaimed Lia while she covers because she was so surprised by the taste of the drink.

“Glad you like it. It was Yuna’s recipe, she was so obsessed with Study Ghibli and she always wanted to try the drink that in that Ponyo animation…” explained Naeun as she also take a sip of the drink.

“This is good Mrs. Shin…”

“Oh~ don’t call me that, call me…hmmm…” Naeun pauses as she thinks about the name that she wants Lia to call her “Call me mom…”

Lia and Ryujin looks at Naeun like confusedly, Naeun smiles at them and she takes another sip of the hot honey milk. “Lia, you lost your mom at a very young age, if you ever need anyone to view as a mother figure, I am here for you.”

“Doesn’t it bother you that I am a Choi?”

“Why would it be? Why do I have to be bothered by your surname?”

Lia takes a look at Ryujin and then back at Naeun “Mrs. Shin…”

“Aa-ah, call me mom…” Naeun cuts Lia off, Lia sighs and she takes a deep breath before muster up her courage to call Naeun ‘mom’.

“Mom…” it has been so long since that word ever comes out from Lia’s mouth, and she gets a litte emotional suddenly.

Naeun gets nervous when she saw that Lia is in the verge of crying “Oh no dear, if you hate to call me mom, then I am sorry for forcing you…” said Naeun trying to comfort Lia.

“Oh no…it’s just…it’s been awhile since I call out that name…I…missed my mom…” cried Lia. Ryujin quickly pulls her into her arms and let Lia cries on her shoulder. Naeun feels a little guilty for forcing Lia to call her mom, she is not in Lia’s shoes so she does not know how Lia felt.

“Oh dear, I am so sorry…look, you can call me whatever you want, you don’t have to call me mom if that will trigger your memory of your mother…”

Lia gets away from Ryujin when she heard what Naeun said “No, no…it is my pleasure to call you mom…I hope you don’t mind I call you that…” said Lia.

Naeun smiles and she gets up from her seats and she goes next to Lia. She puts her arm around Lia’s shoulder and brushes away the strand of hairs that covering Lia’s face “Of course I don’t mind. Ryujinie, I knew the situation that you are in right now, your father had told me everything. I do appreciate it if you can communicate with me as well, for I am your mother. Yesterday Yeji came and she waited for you. I know you’re feeling bitter for what Yeji had done, but she is your best friend, you guys had been friend since you were a baby.”

“If she is my real friend she won’t hide the fact that her parents are planning to marry her off just so they can cut the ties between our family.” Ryujin scoffed.

Naeun frowns at her daughter “Ryujin, I did not raise you to be like this. You should know better. The Hwang is having a crisis, their business is collapsing, Yuri and Tiffany did what they have to do to save the family. Yeji is their only daughter and if I were in their shoes, I probably did the same thing too. I know if Yuri came to us, your father is more than willing to help him. I know that Yuri did not want to burden your father anymore, and he had already discarded his dignity when he came to borrow money from your father a few years back. Yeji is unaware of this matter because he did not want to Yeji to feel like he had fail her as her father.”

Lia agrees with what Naeun said, she peek at Ryujin to see the girl’s reaction. There was no emotion on Ryujin’s face. It was really hard for Lia to read Ryujin’s face because she shows no emotion on her face. Lia sits silently in between the mother daughter. No words were exchange by the parent and child. It was like a tug of war, whoever speak up first loses the battle. Lia was surprise when it was Naeun that give up first by sighing.


“Yes…Ma’am…I mean mom?”

“Why did you fell for this stubborn daughter of mine?”


“Mom…” Ryujin cuts Lia off when she calls for her mother.

“Please…let me spend my time with Lia before I go to the state to study…”


“Please mom…” Ryujin’s voice begins to tremble and Naeun does not have the heart to reject her daughter so she nods to show her agreement.

Ryujin smiles when her mother agreed to let her spend her time with Lia, but when Naeun raises her finger, Ryujin knew that her mother is going to set some rule for them.

“You need to update me on your whereabouts, no leaving the country and don’t go to crowded places, we don’t know what the Choi is going to do to both of you if they know that their princess is dating the enemy of their household. And answer your call whenever me, your father or your sister call you.”

“I promise.”



Naeun sighs and she Lia’s hair, she symphatize with the Choi heir because she had to bear the consequences that are not beneficial to her at all. She is like a pawn that her uncle used to make his influential circle bigger. “I know that you are going to married to Yeji soon, and with me agreeing to let you spend time with Ryujin feels so wrong. Like I encouraging you to cheat on your future wife. I want you to enjoy your time with Ryujin…you should be enjoying your youth but you were forced to marry…oh poor child…”

Lia tries to smile at Naeun “It’s my duty as the sole heir of the Choi…” said Lia.

“I wished Ryujin could be mature about this matter like you.” Said Naeun sarcastically while giving side eyes to her daughter. Ryujin rolls her eyes at her mother’s snarky remark.

Naeun gets up from the couch and she asks Ryujin to wait for her to fetch something for them. Naeun vanishes to her husband study, leaving the couple alone in the living room. Ryujin and Lia did not speak to each other. Ryujin rested chin on her palm and stares at the wall and Lia fidgeted on the side while anxiously staring at the wall clock.

“Your mom is something.” Said Lia.

“She is huh…I’m kinda embarrass because of her.” Replied Ryujin with a smirk.

“You look just like her.”


“Yeah, like a carbon copy.”

“People said I’m a perfect mixture of my mom and my dad’s genes.”

“You are…you are beautiful as your mother but at the same time you are as handsome as your dad.”

“Are you trying to flirt with me right now?” Teased Ryujin and she pokes Lia on the side of her abdomen which causes the older girl to yelps because she is ticklish.

Ryujin who is amused by the ticklish Lia keeps on tickling her and she ended up pinning Lia down the couch. Their body were pressed so close together and Ryujin can feel Lia’s heart beating heart even though there are clothes in between their skins. Lia’s face flushes when she feels Ryujin’s hot breath brushing off her face.

Ryujin slowly leans in until their lips were inches away. Ryujin stares into Lia’s eyes and she got lost in Lia’s brown eyes. “I’ve always thought the stars in the night sky is the most beautiful things ever…but I was wrong.” Whispered Ryujin to Lia.

Ryujin brushes away strands of hairs that blocking Lia’s face and she stares intensely into Lia’s eyes “The most beautiful thing than the stars in the night sky is…my reflection in your eyes.” Joke Ryujin.

Lia who was getting redder and redder eagerly wanting to listen to Ryujin’s compliment got her hope smashed into million pieces when she heard Ryujin’s answer. She pouted and she smacks Ryujin on the shoulder. Ryujin laughs and she gets up from pinning Lia to the couch, she wanted to kiss the older girl so badly but she does not want her mother to walk up on them making out in her family living room. Lia continues to sulk and she refuses when Ryujin offers to help her to sit up. Lia crosses her arms and she looks away from Ryujin.

“Aigooo…Uri Lia unnie is sulking?”

Lia did not response to Ryujin and continue to look away. Ryujin continues to tease the girl, hoping that she will look to her side. Ryujin then tries to act cute to grab Lia’s attention and she managed to when she sees that Lia’s shoulder is trembling as Lia tries to hold in her laughter. Ryujin hugs Lia from behind and she rested her chin on Lia’s shoulder.

“Ryujinie is going to get sad if Lia don’t give Ryujinie attention.”

“Lia thought Ryujinie is going to say Lia is the most beautiful thing that Ryujinie ever know, but Ryujinie said it was her reflection…Lia is sulking.” Replied Lia in her aegyo mode, which melted Ryujin’s heart.

“Aigoo…why are you so cute!” Squeals Ryujin as she tightened her arms around Lia. They both laugh and slowly the laugh dies. Lia leans back and rested in Ryujin’s arm while Ryujin still rested her chin on Lia’s shoulder. Ryujin takes a deep breath and she says “You are the most beautiful girl that I ever seen, in your eyes I see the galaxy, I see my world…and it is the most beautiful thing that I ever see.” said Ryujin.

“I wish your father was as romantic as you are Jinnie…”

Ryujin and Lia immediately scrambles apart when they heard Naeun speaking behind them. “Geez, mom, can you please don’t creep up on people like that?” said Ryujin as she her chest to calm her heart down.

“I know you girls are madly in love, but boundaries, yeah boundaries…” then Naeun paused and she squinted her eyes on Ryujin “Jinnie…don’t tell me you crossed the boundary…”

Ryujin sweats profusely at her mother’s question, she tries to avoid making eye contact with her mother but Naeun knows her daughter well. Naeun smacks her forehead and she shakes her head, Lia’s red face give away the  answer that she needs to know. She tries not to be judgemental but she is glad that Ryujin is a girl.

“It’s a good thing I don’t have a son, or else, you could have knocked up someone’s daughter up…” states Naeun. She gives Ryujin a key and an envelop.

“What are these?”

“The key is for the vacation home that we owned at Jeju island, the envelop is money…your father asked me to give it to you. Apparently you only told your dad about your plan of running away with your lover. Your father told you to be careful and avoid using any of his credit cards to avoid the Choi to track you guys down. Your father said that the Choi is going to be suspicious if they suddenly could not keep track of Lia.”

Lia was surprise that Naeun knew about the Choi keeping a tab on her, she frowns and she stares at Naeun suspiciously. Naeun realized that Lia is being suspicious so she turns to Lia and she pats Lia on her head “Lia honey, I know what you are thinking, how did I know a lot of things about you. Why don’t you stay and have diner with us for today? I bet my husband will be thrill to meet you.”

“But mom…” Ryujin tries to cut off her mom but Naeun ignores her daughter.

“You will be safe here. And Jinnie, don’t worry, your father will arrange a short gateway for you and Lia to enjoy your time before your time is up…”


“Yes dear?”

“Thank you…”


JYP High

“Everybody, today we have a new student will be joining us…I hope you guys will be nice to him.”

Yeji was not in the mood when her homeroom teacher announced that there will be a new student joining their class, because she already know who is that new student is.

“By the way, he is Yeji’s cousin, so I hope you guys will treat him nicely.”

Everyone in the class turn their heads to Yeji and some of them even gasp because they did not know that Yeji has a cousin. The homeroom teacher turns to the door and he calls for Hyunjin to enter the classroom. The whole class turn head over heel for Hyunjin as they are mesmerized by his look. The girls in the classroom squeals while the boys could not stop muttering under their breath.

“Hi, I’m Hwang Hyunjin, I’ll be joining this class from today onwards. Please treat me well.” Said Hyunjin before he bows to the whole class.

“I know Hyunjin join us late, but I hope you guys can help him to follow up for our classes.”

“Yes teacher.”

The homeroom teacher turns to Hyunjin and he pats him on the shoulder and gesture to him his seat. He smirks when he sees that the teacher had arranged him to be seated next to his cousin. Hyunjin walks toward his cousin, and the whole could not stop commenting on how much the two cousins look so much like each other.

“Hey cuzz…”

Yeji ignores him and she gives him the cold shoulder. Hyunjin smirks and he slams his bag on the desks and it startled Yeji.

“Oh this is going to be a fun semester.” Whispered Hyunjin to Yeji.


Lia’s Shop

Lia requested if she could go back to her shop so that she can take a few stuff with her. She also texted Chaeryeong to tell her that she is going away for a few days and she leave Chaeryeong to take care of the shop. Chaeryeong did not asked furthermore, she just replied with an ‘OK’ and ‘Take Care’. Lia told Ryujin that she needed to tidy up her shop so she asked Ryujin if Ryujin could help her to packs her clothes. Ryujin gladly volunteer to help Lia to packs her clothes while Lia went to sort out the cash register and leaving note for Chaeryeong on the counter.

Ryujin goes to Lia’s room and she opens up the drawer to take out Lia’s clothes. She accidentally knocked down a wooden box that was on the dresser table. The box fall down and reveal a beautiful dreamcatcher. Ryujin was weirdly attracted to the dreamcatcher. She bends down to reach for the dreamcatcher, but before she could reach for the dreamcatcher, she was startle by someone calling out for her name.


“Jiu unnie? What…no…how did you get in here?”

“Ryujin listen to me, you are in great danger, go and take Lia and run as far as you could from here…”

“Jiu unnie…what are you rambling about?” Ryujin asked in skeptical tone “How did you get in here?”

“How I get in here is not important, what’s important is your life!!” Jiu is getting frustrated over Ryujin’s stubbornness.


Lia finished writing the notes for Chaeryeong and she sticks all of the notes on the bulletin board in the staff room. She is overall satisfied with her notes, so she decided to join Ryujin but she almost had a heart attack when she saw Sua and Siyeon standing by the staff room entrance.

“What are you guys doing here?”

“Lia you need to run away with Ryujin.”

“How many times do I have to tell you that I can’t? I need to save the Choi’s family…I know that you wanted me to end up with Ryujin just so that we can break the curse but, it is not as easy as you think it is. I am the one and only heir to the Choi family, and it is my obligation to continue what my father had built. It’s not like I am going to be married to Yeji for a long time…”

“We know about your plan Lia! That is not the point! Right now, Ryujin’s life is in danger…you guys need to run away from this town, run to whatever place that you can, as long as Yeji won’t get close to Ryujin.”

“What are you guys talking about? What do you mean Ryujin’s life will be in danger?”

“If you read Romeo and Juliet you will know what happened to Romeo’s best friend right?” Asked Sua.

“Yeah…but what…”

“So you know what happened to him in the story right?”

“He died…while dueling with Tybalt…Juliet’s cousin…”

“Jiu unnie said that the history is going to repeat itself. Yeji is Mercutio…but Jiu unnie said instead of Mercutio died for Romeo this time, Romeo is going to die in his stead…”

Lia almost falls to the ground when she heard what Siyeon said. “But…I…I don’t have any cousin…my cousin Sulli had passed away (RIP Sulli, you will forever be in my memories…).”

“Tybalt is Yeji’s cousin…he came back from the state because he wants a share in the Hwang Family fortune…though there is nothing left for him to get.” Said Sua and she laughed at the last of her sentence, to which she received death stares from Siyeon and Lia for laughing at inappropriate moment.


Siyeon sighs and she rubs her forehead at Sua’s randomness. “Jiu unnie could not see properly what the crystal ball tried to show her but if you continues your plan to marry Yeji. Ryujin is going to die!”

When she heard that Ryujin is going to die, Lia drops whatever that she is doing and rushes up to her room to get Ryujin. She was relieve to Ryujin sitting on her bed. Ryujin slowly lift up her head and she smiles at Lia. Lia rushes to Ryujin and she hugs her tightly “Ryujin…” Lia cried in her embrace.

“What happened?”

“Let’s elope, I don’t want to get married to Yeji anymore…I want to be with you.”

Ryujin gently Lia’s hair and, something about Ryujin’s smile that worried Lia. Lia lift her head and she saw Jiu standing by the door, bitterly smiling at them. “Jiu…”

“Jiu-unnie has told me everything Lia. I know about everything.” Said Ryujin.

Lia wipes away her tear and she begs Ryujin to run away with her. Ryujin shushes Lia to calm her down “We will stick to your plan.” Said Ryujin.

“But you will die!”

“I don’t believe in fate and destiny Lia…I believe in creating them…Since we already know that Yeji is going to get betrayed by her cousin, then we need to take extra precaution and avoid the situation where I have to save Yeji’s asses.” Ryujin sounds so optimistic but there is something about her smile that makes Lia doubt her.

Lia did not want to argue with Ryujin, so she did not say anything and hugs Ryujin tightly. She just need to find a way for her to protect Ryujin. Ryujin looks up to Jiu and Jiu’s heart was broken when she sees the light in Ryujin’s eyes slowly fading away. Ryujin mouthed something to Jiu and Jiu nodded at Ryujin before she left with a heavy heart.

Siyeon and Sua who had been waiting for Jiu outside of Lia’s shop, and they lift their heads up to their leader when they saw her exiting the shop.

“How was it?”

“I made an agreement with Lia…I need to have a meeting with you girls. Sua, can you gather all of the dreamcatchers together?”

“This is not going to end good ey?” Siyeon asked because she saw the sadness in the leader’s eyes. Jiu only smiles bitterly at Siyeon before she vanished.

Siyeon and Sua turns to look at each other than both gibe each other a pat on the back to encourage each other. The duo know whatever happened, their leader will never make a decision that will harm them.


Ryujin and Lia are back to Ryujin’s house and the moment Ryujin opens the door, Yuna came out to hug her. “Unnie!!”


“Ryujin…” she heard the familiar voice calling out for her name. She peeks behind Yuna’s shoulder and she saw Yeji. However, there is a stranger standing beside Yeji, though he looks a lot like Yeji but Ryujin never saw him before. Behind Yeji, Ryujin saw her father and mother smiling back at her. Ryujin feels Lia tightened her gribs on Ryujin’s hand she knows that the girl is nervous. She squeeze back to tell Lia that everything is going to be okay.

Ryujin could not keep her eyes away from the boy that stand next to Yeji. The smiles on his face creeps her out. Her basic instinct is telling her to protect Lia from that boy. Ryujin finally able to get her eyes from the boy when she heard her father calls for her.

“Ryujin, Lia, come in, let’s have dinner together.”


The dinner was awkward, it’s only Yuna who keeps on talking about her school and Hyunjin replying to Yuna’s rant. The reason why Hyunjin was with them because when Taemin went to pick Yuna and Yeji up, Hyunjin forced his way to join them.

Taemin could not say no, he just let Hyunjin tagged along. He could see how uncomfortable Yeji is around Hyunjin, so he tried not to talk about the situation between their families in the dining table.

“So Hyunjin right, why did you decided to come back to Korea?”

“Oh…my mom said since I’m the only male heir to the Hwang, I should come back to attend my cousin’s wedding to the Choi…oops…I shouldn’t had said that am I right cuzz? Your parents is close friend to the Shin but they are letting their daughter to marry a Choi?”

Ryujin was close to throw the knife to Hyunjin but he was lucky that Lia was there to calm her down. Yeji death stare Hyunjin and she wanted no more than to get out of the Shin house because she knows that her cousin is going to ruin everything.

Taemin clears his throat and he takes a sip of his wine “I know about the marriage…” he said and he continues to cut his steak before he continues “But so far as I know, Yeji’s grandfather has yet to name other people aside from Tiffany and Yeji as the heir to the family business? Where do you fit in this puzzle Hyunjin?”

“I am the only son of Hwang Chansung, and I deserved to be name as the next in line…”

“I did not said you don’t deserve to be part of the Hwang…I’m just surprised that you are willing to fly over to korea just to attend your cousin’s wedding and announced to the world that the Hwang actually have a male heir…”

Naeun knows that her husband is getting irritated at the young lad, so she quickly asks all of her family members to finish their food because it is getting late and they need to send Yeji back before Yuri and Tiffany get worrier that their daugther did not return for 2 days straight.

Naeun asked Yuna to takes Lia up to her room while Taemin tagged Yeji and Ryujin to the study room. Naeun herself said that she will handle Hyunjin so Taemin can have a word with Ryujin and Yeji.


“Make yourself at home Hyunjin. You can play all the games in this room. Just call me if you needed anything, or you can call Haneul…”

“Thanks Mrs. Shin…”

The moment Naeun left the room, Hyunjin’s face change. He takes out his phone and send a text message to someone before he turns on the PS5 to play.


Ryujin and Yeji sit opposite each other, both are not talking. Taemin was getting tired of the drama between the two. He tries to make the two best friends to talk but they refused.

“We are not getting anywhere with this.” Said Taemin with a sigh.

“Dad, why don’t you tell Yeji that I don’t want to hear anything from her anymore. I know everything, and I don’t need to know more.”

Yeji got trigger by what Ryujin said, so she stood up and she lunges herself toward Ryujin. “Can you stop being so childish?! For God sake I tried to stop the plan okay?! I tried to stop it! I don’t want to do anything with the engagement and the wedding. I know you love Lia, and you know I treasure our friendship more than anything else!”

Ryujin pushes Yeji away and she retorts back “If you treasure it more than anything else, you should have told me that you are marrying the girl that I like!”

“You’re mad because of one girl?!”

Taemin stood in between them to stop the fighting and he orders both to sit back at their own respective chair. “Talk it out, I’mma leave this room to give you two some room to talk…and I will come back to check on you two.”

Taemin gives Ryujin a warning with his eyes before he leaves the room. Ryujin roles her eyes and she crossed her arms and legs as a sign of protest. Yeji could not believe how childish her best friend is right now. Yeji knew that Lia is the only girl that Ryujin ever show interest in. Yeji sighs and she leans back to the chair and she looks at the sulking Ryujin.

“Ryuddaeng ah…are we going to fight over a girl?”

Ryujin was silent and Yeji sighs again “Ryuddaeng ah…she is all yours…I know that we are going to get marry soon but I promise you that I won’t touch her, it will just be a piece of paper.”

“I see the way you look at Lia Yeji…I know that you like her too. Just like me, we both never had anyone that we interest in until Lia appeared. I see the way you looked at her…how am I going to be calm about this whole wedding thing?”

Yeji takes a deep breath and she sighs again “Yes, I admit it, I like her but I know my limit. She likes you and not me. We’ve been friends since we’re young Ryuddaeng ah…why can’t you believe me that I will not do anything to Lia? I promise you…I will take care of her until the time you come back for her.”

Ryujin sighs and she takes a deep breath, she turns to Yeji and she sees how miserable Yeji look is. “I know you won’t do anything to her.”

Yeji was a little surprised at Ryujin’s response but then she gets a little mad because after trying so hard to apologize and talk to Ryujin,and this is the respond she gets. “Then why are you acting so mad?”

“I am mad, but I got over it. Lia had explained everything to me, and my dad had told me about your family situation. I am mad that you did not come and tell me what happened, I only got to know about it through Lia. You are my best friend and yet I knew the news from someone else.”

“Well aren’t you going to talk about yourselves? You made the decision to study abroad without telling me? I get to know about that information when you did not came to school and Yuna told me about it? Why did you make such decision Ryuddaeng?”

“How am I going to be able to stay around watching the girl that I love being with my best friend? It’s a mental torture Yeddong…”

Yeji gets up from her chair and she went to Ryujin, she kneels infront of Ryujin and she puts both of her hand on Ryujin’s thigh “I am sorry that things turned out this way. I will take a good care of Lia for you…wand when you come back, she is all yours. I want you to know that I care and I love you…you are like my sister Ryuddaeng and I treasure our friendship more than anything in my life. Please forgive me?”

Ryujin smiles and she cups Yeji’s face, I forgive you…”

The two best friend hugs each other tightly. Ryujin helps Yeji to wipes away her tears and they both laugh at each other’s ugly crying face.

“Can you postpone your plan to go study abroad? I need you to be at my wedding…”

“I…” Ryujin pauses and she remembers what she and Jiu conversed in the afternoon. She did not say anything, she only nods to agree to Yeji.

“I know it’s going to be painful for you to be there, but it means a lot for Lia if you can be there for her and for me.”

Ryujin nods again “Yeah, I know…I will be there. Is your cousin going to be there?”

Yeji reluctantly nods, she does not like the idea of her cousin being around her. She knows now that Hyunjin is here, that is going to make her mother more anxious than ever. She does not understand why her parents wanted her to be the sole heir of the Hwang Family. Yeji does not want to inherit all of the fortune because she does not interested in fashion world. She only did what she was told because her mother made her believed that she is the only heir of the Hwang, that was until she learned that she had a cousin.

“Uninvite him.” Said Ryujin.

“I can’t do that Ryujin…he’s my cousin…”

“Well then be careful around him. I don’t want him to be near you. I don’t trust him.”

“Me neither…”


Little did Ryujin and Yeji know, Hyunjin was eavesdropping outside of the room. He made an excuses that he wanted to go to the toilet when Hanuel asked him. Hyunjin smirked when he learned that Yeji and Ryujin are both in love with the Choi heir.

“Oh this is very interesting.” Said Hyunjin to himseld.

“Hyunjin oppa, what are you doing here?” Yuna asked the boy.

Hyunjin turns to Yuna and he fakes a sheephish smile “Oh, I was going to the toilet but I can’t find it!” he lied.

“The toilet is down the hall way on your left.”

“Thanks Yuna.”

Hyunjin smiles at Lia who was standing behind Yuna. However, the smile that Hyunjin gives Lia made Lia scared for some reason. There is something about this guy that just make her uncomfortable.

Hyunjin excuses himself and he walks away to the toilet. Yuna looks at him weirdly but then she brushes it off and she and Lia continue to walk to the kitchen to get something to drink. On their way, they met with Taemin. Yuna greets her father and Taemin gives her little princess a hug and then he smiles at Lia.

“Lia…you’ve grown so much…the last time I saw you was when you were still a baby in your mother’s arms.”

“You know my parents?” Asked Lia.

Taemin smiles and he invites the girls to join him at the living room so he can tell Lia what is their family relation is.

“Minho hyung was my best friend, that was until your uncle decided to continue come in between our friendship and your father believed in whatever that your uncle and your grandfather told him…he broke off our friendship. Lia…your mother was my friend too…she was one of my best friend, when that accident happened, I went to the hospital, maybe you forgot that I was there but I went to see your parents…and I will always remember how your mother told me to take care of you and not let the Choi control over you. So I went to meet wit your grandmother and I begged her to find a way to prevent you from living with your uncle…”

Lia wanted to cry after she heard what Taemin told her. She thought Taemin was bad just like how her famil always told her. When her grandma died, she thought no one cares about her anymore and it turns out Taemin that had always keeping a tab on her. Who would have thought that the person that her family taught her to hate is the one that take care of her secretly. Lia does not know how to express her gratitude toward Taemin. Yuna who saw the tears in Lia’s eyes quickly rushes to hug Lia.

“I believed my wife has given you with the key and money for yours and Ryujin’s gateaway am I right?”

“Yes, sir…”

“I purposedly choose Jeju because there’s where your father and mother first met.”

“Why are you willing to let us do this?”

“It’s hard when you can’t be with the one that you love, you still got time before your wedding and Ryujin still got time before she further her study. I just want you two to make memories that you can treasure in your heart forever.”


“You’re welcome…Jisu-yah.”

Lia was touched when Taemin called her by her korean name. Only her father that always called her by that name and she breaks down in tears. Yuna quickly catches Lia before she could fall on the ground. Taemin was concern that Lia suddenly breaks down.

“Did I said something wrong?”

“Lia unnie…are you okay?” asked Yuna.

“I’m okay…it’s just that it’s been so long since I heard someone call me by my korean name…it makes me missed my dad.”

Taemin squats next to Lia and he touches Lia on her cheek “He would be so proud of you if he is still alive…”


The Dreamcatcher Store

“What?! No I object!” Yoohyeon protested when Jiu finished explaining the situation that they are in.

“We have no choice Yoohyeon!”

“There must be a way that we can stop Romeo from dying!”

“It’s not just Romeo that is going to die Gahyeon-ah…”

“Unnie…what did you actually saw in the crystal ball?”

“The story is going to repeat itself again…there is no way for us to stop it. I manifested myself to Ryujin and I explained to her the fate that is going to befall on her and Lia. She said if that was is going to happen then let it happened. I tried to coax her into changing the storyline, she refuses.”

“Why?!!” Dami asked in frustration, because they have been waiting for centuries just so the star crossed lover can crossed path again and this time they will change their fate.

“Because I lied to all of you!”

“What?” the rest of the dreamcatchers were baffle by Jiu sudden outburst.

Jiu sits down in frustration and she cries. She covers her face to hide it away from her sisters “I…I lied…when we’re kicked out of heaven…we are already stripped off our celestial power and we are forever banned from heaven…there is no where for us to go.”

The girls gasp in disbelieve, the youngest of them all Gahyeon started to tear up “But…unnie…you said if we can get Romeo and Juliet to get together, we are going to get back to heaven and be reinstate to our position…”

Jiu could not face the youngest member of the group, she turns away and she cries too “I just told you I lied…”

“Then all that we did all this while is just useless?” Dami scoffs in disbelieve.

“We have two option, one is to relive our mistake for the rest of our lives and another one is to be cast out from heaven and be normal human on earth…I was going to choose to be cast away from heaven and become normal human being but then when I see that all of you wanted to fix the whole mess that we did to Romeo and Juliet because you guys wanted to be accepted back into heaven, I did not have the heart to tell you guys that we can’t go back. So I lied…we have been reliving the event with different timeline but the story will always end up the same. I lied that we have to get Romeo and Juliet together so we can get back to where we belong and I watched we fall every time because I knew the exact reason…I know how much you girls despise losing your power and become a mere mortal…So I had to do what I have to do. When I told Ryujin…she was mad at me, but she knocks some sense into me…We are the reason why Romeo and Juliet cannot end up together… and you know what? Ryujin is willing to let the history repeating itself for our sakes…she is willing to sacrifice herself for our sakes! When I told her that if she dies, so will Lia…she was silent but I know she is willing to die again for us…I cannot hold onto this lie anymore…”

“Why did you choose to tell us that now?” Gahyeon asked as her voice trembles.


Siyeon steps up for Jiu when she sees that the girls are being upset at their leader “Girls…Jiu unnie did what she had to do…but did any of us ask her what she wants?”

Handong goes to Siyeon sides and supported her “What Siyeon unnie said is true…we’ve always wanted to get back to heaven even though we commited a big crime…we all refused to admit our mistake. Jiu unnie tried her best to lessen our punishment when we were punished…So girls…let’s listen to Jiu unnie this time.”

Sua, Yoohyeon, Dami and Gahyeon finally get back to their senses. The apologized to Jiu for not being understandable of their situation and for not admitting to their own fault. Jiu forgives her girls and she intiate a group hug and everyone run toward her. They wipes away Jiu tears and she smiles at all of her girls proudly.

“I guess being a human is not bad at all…” said Sua.

“Yeah…beside, we lived long enough among the human as well…I think we can adapt just as well…” Dami adds on.

Jiu cringes when she heard what her members said, she forgot to tell them, if they are going to be born as normal human, they will lost of of their memories. Jiu decided to tell them the truth, because she does not want to hurt them any longer.

“You mean, we’re going to lose our memories and we will not remember each other?” Said Handong sadly.

Jiu nods, and once again she is in the verge of crying. Sua saw it, and she cracks a joke to lightened the heavy atmosphere “Well, we’ve been together for 7 ing centuries, let’s treat it as a restart. We can get to meet new people and most importantly, I can get away from Gahyeon ing loudness.”

“UNNIEEE!!” Gahyeon cries when Sua .

“Yah! Lee Gahyeon! You are too loud!!”

The other girls laughed at the loudest duo bickering with each other. Jiu joins them to laugh but deep down she knows the girls are sad that they are going to forget about their friendships, but it is the sacrifice they have to make to be forgiven for their sins.

Jiu once again goes and initiate a group hug with the girl. She made up her mind that she is going to let Romeo and Juliet have a happy ending this time. She is going to save Ryujin and Lia. She has lived for too long to see the star crossed lover fall in love and then loosing one other. She has seen enough, and this time she wants them to have the happy ending that they deserve. Although, she does not know how is she going to stop the event from happening, but she believes that with her girls around her, she will find a way to save the lover.

To be continue…

A/N: Guysssss, do you want a happy ending or a bittersweet ending? Please comment in the comment section~ and P.S I love Stray Kids, my bias is Bang Chan, but I have to use Hyunjin as a villain in this story, because that guy looks a lot like our Yeji and they even have the same surname, so...Hyunjin baby, I am sorry that I have to make you the bad guy~ stream 'Back Door' guys~~

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Chapter 9: Our great author has returned woohoo!!!!
Oh what is going on in this chapter and why did you almost kill off Lia. I almost flip the table when you did that but at least they are alive now but this situation is a bit not that nice. But i hope the devil explain herself and give jinlia a good ending. As for the dreamcatcher, i hope their father forgive them and bring them up to heaven after all this thing.
Cant wait for the next chapter with more explanation.
And please author, dont leave me hanging for too long. Hahaha jkjk, take as much time as you need. I will wait.
Chapter 9: The cup has been moveddd!! Welcome back authornimm
fiqachibi #3
what ever happened to this story...
binkkk #4
Chapter 8: authornim…?
u_ujiman #5
Chapter 8: Oh come on with this cliffhanger. :(
, he has a gun. Someone stop him!!!!
Lets just hope nothing bad happen to our girls.
Cant wait for the next chapter author.
soncelfeu #7
Chapter 8: so intense
Chapter 8: Bruhhhh
soncelfeu #9
Chapter 7: wow im so late, this is interesting, i wonder if this will continue and finish tho😭
cleofierayne 34 streak #10
Chapter 7: Mygoodness where did I wander all this time? Can't believe I let this story pass under my jinlia radar! 😭🤣 I'm glad I let my curiousity prevails hehehe

And authornim!wahh bravo🙌🙌 really like this the first time I read. Please let it be a sweet and happy ending! 🥺🥺🥺