Chapter 3: The First Confession


Nightmare Café

The Shin sisters reached the café opposite of Lia’s shop. Ryujin hands her driver some cash to spend and ask him to go have something to eat so that he wouldn’t have to wait for them in the car. Yuna excitedly enters the café and ogling at all the pastry that being displayed. Ryujin stops at the entrance of the café and gaze over to the little baby blue shop that is across the road. She noticed that the lights are off and the closed signed is hanged. She wonders if Lia is there.

Ryujin turns to her sister who still has her eyes fixed on the pastry. She goes to her and taps her on the shoulder “Yuna-ah, unnie gonna go to check on Lia unnie, here’s the money, you order what you want okay?”

Yuna looks at her sister with her puppy eyes “Can I go with you?” she begs with a pout.

“No, you wait here.” Ryujin replied sternly.

“But unnie….” Yuna whines.

“If you can wait, unnie will buy you Twice Album…”

“Okay! I’ll stay!”

Ryujin smirks at how easy it is to sway her younger sister’s attention. She gives her sister the money and strictly tells her to do not go anywhere while she goes to check on Lia. Ryujin crossed the road to reach to Lia’s shop. She peeks inside and it was dark. It’s a good thing that Lia actually gave her and Chaeryeong spare keys, so she uses her spare keys to open the door. She sees the light upstairs where Lia lived is on so she makes her way there.

Lia is indeed there. She was asleep on the couch. Ryujin’s expression soften upon seeing Lia’s sleeping face. She felt guilty that now she looks like she is trespassing Lia’s privacy but she couldn’t help but to find herself walking closer to Lia.

Ryujin crouch in front of Lia, mesmerizing by Lia’s beauty. Ryujin’s eyes traces Lia’s face features from her brows to her lips. Ryujin can feels her face heat up from blushing too much. Ryujin sits in front of the sleeping Lia and she rested her shin on her knees, examining Lia’s sleeping face. The glimpse of the Shakespeare book caught Ryujin’s eyes.

“Romeo and Juliet….huh…never thought you like this kind of romance.” Whispered Ryujin silently. Ryujin sighs and continues to stares at Lia’s face. She gently removes the strains of hair from Lia’s face to have a better look at the girl’s face.

“I wonder if this what loves feels like?” Ryujin asks herself.

Lia begins to stir up and Ryujin gets panicked, she tries to get up but she stumbles on the rug and falls on top of Lia. Lia opens her eyes and she was surprised to see Ryujin face was so close to her.

“What are you doing here?” Lia asked.

“Ugh…you weren’t at the café so I came to check on you, this situation is a misunderstand, my leg stumbled against your rug and I fell on top of you.” Ryujin quickly explains before Lia could question her further more.

Their faces were so close and their bodies were pressed together that Lia can feels Ryujin’s heartbeat through their clothes. Lia can feel that her face is getting warm so she gently pushes Ryujin away. Ryujin gets flustered when she realized the situation that they are in and how she was too star-struck to move away from Lia.

“I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to do that.”

“It’s…it’s okay, but I prefer it if you didn’t trespassing.” Said Lia while a little sarcastic tone at the end.

“I was afraid you might pass out again.” said Ryujin cheekily.

There is something about Ryujin’s smiles that made all of Lia’s angers go away. She just seems like she can’t get angry at the girl. “I’m okay. Sorry I fell asleep…our date is it still on?” Lia asked with her eye smile.

Ryujin looks at her watch and turns to Lia “You’re only 25 minutes late, I can forgive that. Come on, Yuna is waiting for us.” Ryujin offers her hand to help Lia to gets up from the couch. Lia gladly takes Ryujin’s hand and the latter pulled her too hard that they almost stumble back. Luckily Ryujin able to balance herself so Lia only falls into Ryujin’s embrace. Ryujin had her hand protectively wrapped around Lia’s waist. The fragrance of Lia’s hair intoxicated Ryujin. Once again, Lia can hear Ryujin’ heart beating wild underneath her clothes. The warm of Ryujin’s embrace is addicting. Lia had never felt like this before and this is the first time.

“Sorry…” Lia apologizes.

“It’s okay, wow Lia, you really should eat more, you’re too light eh….” Said Ryujin.

Lia only smiles and she asked Ryujin to wait for her at the living room while she go get change. Ryujin sits on the couch while waiting for Lia. The photo frame on the bookshelf caught Ryujin’s attention. It was Lia’s family photo. Ryujin gets up from the couch and picks up the photo, somehow Lia’s father looks familiar to her. It’s like she had seen him somewhere before but she can’t recall.

“Ryujin I’m ready.”

Ryujin put back the frame to its place and she turns to Lia “Oh…wow…you…you look so beautiful.”

Lia blushes and she smiles “I thought this is going to be a friendly date?”

Ryujin was dumbfounded for a moment because she realized she showing too much of her feelings though she was supposed to keep it to herself but how can she when Lia looks so beautiful?

“Ugh well…it is. Unless you want something more…”

Lia chuckles at Ryujin’s bad poker face. She tidies up her couch and then invites Ryujin to follow her which Ryujin did. The two of them left the shop and headed to the café in abreast. Yuna who saw them from the inside of the café yell at them happily.


“Hi Yuna!” Lia greeted the younger girl and they exchange hugs which made Ryujin a little jealous that she couldn’t hug Lia so freely like Yuna did. She doesn’t want to have a heart attack if Lia hugs her like that.

“I’ll go order something to eat…”

“Oh I’ll go with you!” said Lia and she excuses herself as she follows Ryujin to the counter.

“Excuses me.” Ryujin calls for the cashier.

The cashier turns and Lia gasps loudly which alerted Ryujin and the cashier. “You okay?” Ryujin asks her.

Lia glares at the cashier but the cashier only blinks at her. It was Yoohyeon and Lia was surprised to see her there and when Lia saw the café name, it finally made sense. Those dreamcatchers aren’t people.

“Yoohyeon…” Lia greets the cashier and Yoohyeon pretended that she doesn’t know Lia but Lia is sure that is Yoohyeon because it is impossible that there are 2 identical persons with the same colour hair.

“Oh! You know each other?” Ryujin asks.



Yoohyeon and Lia had a glaring contest before the latter sighs and turns to Ryujin “I’ll have the chocolate croissant and pineapple tea…” said Lia.

“Okay, why don’t you go and sit with Yuna while I get our order.”

Lia nods and she goes back to sit with Yuna. Ryujin watches Lia because she is worried for her, her boss had been acting weird lately. Ryujin places their order and the cashier told her that they will send her orders shortly. Ryujin takes her change and goes back to her sister and boss.

“So, they are known as the two top in their school but sad thing is Jinnie unnie rejected all the girls that wanted to date her, so I was surprised when she told me that she had a date with you today!”

“Yah Yuna! Don’t go and spread weird rumour about me would you.” Said Ryujin to her sister.

“I was only telling the truth, girls are attracted to you unnie, but you always toy with their feelings, by giving them fake hopes~”

If eyes could kill Yuna is probably dead by now from Ryujin’s glare. Lia laughs at the sisters and Yuna timidly hide behind Lia. “I didn’t know you are that kind of girl Ryujin…” Lia teased.

“No~ Yuna is tale telling at you, I’m not that kind of girl, yes I admit I have lots of admire but I not the type that date them all.” Ryujin tried to defend herself.

“Chill Ryujin~ I know you aren’t a play girl because if you are, I don’t think you will be here without your girlfriend being jealous that you are on a date with a beauty like me~” Lia jokes which made Yuna laughs at her sister miserable expression.

The waiter comes with their order and it made Ryujin and Lia shocked to see the waiter “Jiu?” they both said in unison.

“Oh hi~ you two~”

“You know her?” Ryujin asks Jiu.

“Well of course I know Lia, her shop is just opposite of mine~ it’s good to see you again Ryujin! Please enjoy your food” said Jiu.

“Jiu unnie!”

“Ara~ Yuna~~ We’ll catch up some other time okay? I’m need to go back to work~” said Jiu.

Lia squinted her eyes and glares at Jiu but Jiu maintain her smiling face. Jiu put down their order and excuses herself. “How did you know her?” Lia asked Ryujin.

“She used to be my tutor during my junior high, but then my parents think that I don’t need any tutor so she was dismissed, I tried to keep contact with her but one day we stop texting each other, who knows I find her here.”

“Ahhh…the world is small.”

“Indeed, anyway! Lia, is there any place that you want to go after this? I mean it’s only 4pm…”

“Unnie! Let’s go watch movie!” Yuna suggested but Ryujin ignores her. Lia saw the pout on Yuna face so she tells Ryujin “Movie sounds good…maybe we can go watch movie together.”

Ryujin agapes at Lia siding with her sister, but she gives up in arguing with Yuna so she agrees to go to the movie. Lia told Yuna to choose the movie she wants to watch while she excuses herself to the toilet.

On her way to the toilet Jiu and the rest of the dreamcatchers appeared “I can explain.” Said Jiu to Lia.

“Then explain.”

“We are doing this to help you and Ryujin, we know about what your uncle is planning to do, we know that you are in dilemma now that you know Ryujin is a Shin, but you two are meant to be together, so we thought we should step up to help.”

“We are your guardians Julia, and we are here to help you.” Said Yoohyeon.

“Then how did Jiu can become Ryujin’s tutor if you are my guardians?” said Lia in sceptical tone.

All of the dreamcatchers turn to Yoohyeon and Yoohyeon clears “Correction, we are yours and Ryujin’s guardian…but so far only Jiu unnie had made appearance in front of Ryujin, the rest of us, we only watch her from afar.”

“Tell me Lia, did you feel something when you are with Ryujin?” Sua eagerly ask.

“I…” Lia pauses and she blushes “It’s none of your business…”

The dreamcatchers smirk at her and Lia covers her ears and make her way to the toilet, but the dreamcatchers follow her. Siyeon can be heard start to sing ‘I won’t say I’m in love’ to tease Lia.

“Come on Lia~ admit that you did feel something when you’re with her right?” Gahyeon teases some more.

“Who you think you’re kidding? She’s the earth and heaven for you~ trying to keep it hiding honey we can see right through ya~” Siyeon and Sua sing in the background.

Lia stares in the mirror and she can see how red is her face, she turns to face the dreamcatchers “I won’t say it.”

“Awww…” the dreamcatchers whine at Lia’s reply.

“Yes I know we are Romeo and Juliet’s reincarnation, but doesn’t mean that I will fall in love at first sight when I see her. I did feel something, but I don’t know if it’s love or just me being nervous around her!”

“Honey~ you are in love.” said Dami.

Lia just glare at them and ignore them. Jiu taps Lia on the shoulder and says “Look Lia, I know no matter how many times you and Romeo are being reincarnated, the two of you will always end up in families that hated each other, so it is crucial for you to break the curse, or else, this cycle will never end.”

Lia looks at the mirror and she lets out a loud sigh “It is unfair if only I know about this, why didn’t you tell Ryujin too?”

“We are risking our life too Lia…if we expose our identity to both of you, we will be erase from existence.” Said Handong “We only can expose our identity to only one of you.” She added.

Lia looks at the mirror and she sighs, she washes her hand and gives herself a little tap on the face and faces the rest of the dreamcatchers “Fine…but I can’t promise you if she feels the same way too.” Said Lia.

“Oh no girl, Ryujin does feel the same way too, it just that you don’t know that~” Jiu thought to herself before she let Lia goes back to Ryujin.




“You like Lia unnie right?”

Ryujin chokes on her water “Wh…what?!”

“You are easy to read unnie…” said Yuna sassily.

“So what if I like her?”

“You like me?” Lia’s voice coming from behind startle Ryujin and Ryujin jumps from her seat and her water spill on her skirt.

“Oh my gosh!” I’m sorry Ryujin!!” Lia hurriedly goes to grab some tissue to dry Ryujin’s off while Yuna just sit on the side sipping on her iced tea, watching her sister and her sister crush clumsily trying to dry her sister’s skirt.

Lia squat down to wipes the water off Ryujin’s leg but Ryujin panicked the moment Lia touches her leg, she bends down too quickly and bump her chin on Lia’s head. She accidentally bits her lips and it bleeds. “Ow…” Ryujin winces in pain.

Lia gets up and check on Ryujin’s lip, she takes the ice cube from Ryujin’s drink and put it on Ryujin’s bleeding lip to stop the bleeding.

“I am so sorry Ryujin!” Lia apologizes.

“Nah, it’s okay…it was my fault that I startled when you suddenly came behind me.”

Their moments were spoiled by Yuna’s laughs and Ryujin glares at her sister. Yuna wipes away her tears and sips on her tea “Seriously, watching you two is like watching a comedy drama~” said Yuna.

“Yuna, as my sister, you should help Lia to help me and not sit there and do nothing.” Ryujin sighs.

“Unnie, I just enjoy watching you become nervous and clumsy around Lia. Where’s that cool and reserved unnie that I know?” Yuna teases Ryujin and Ryujin face becomes red like a tomato. Yuna phone rings and the girl jumps from her seat, she turns to Ryujin with that big eyes of hers “Unnie!!” she squeals and wraps her hand around Ryujin’s neck “Unnie unnie! My friend got me a ticket for Blackpink concert! Can I go can I go?!”

“Blackpink? I thought their tickets all sold out?”

“Somehow my friend got me one, please unnie I want to go~~~” Yuna whines.

“I don’t know Yuna, it feels fishy…and mom told me to keep an eye on you!”

Yuna whines again “Unnie, I’m going with Yeojin and Cheorry~ you know them too unnie~ so please~~~”

“Why don’t we drop her off at the venue Ryujin? Then when the concert finish we can go pick her up.” Said Lia.

“But…I thought you wanted to watch movie together Lia?” Ryujin pouts at Lia.

“Maybe we can do other things…and we can go watch movie other time.”

“Then, does that mean you’re okay with a second date?” asked Ryujin.

Lia smiles and she shyly nods “Yeah, no problem.”

Yuna was staring at her sister with disgust face, it was the first time she sees her sister being so mushy and shy in front of girls. Yuna clears to grab her sister and Lia’s attention “Unnie, can I go please~~~”

Ryujin sighs, she wasn’t keen on a crowded place, because she didn’t like people pushing her around, so whenever she wanted to attend a concert, she’ll just buy the VVIP tickets to avoid all the crowds. “Okay…we will drop you off there, and once the concert finish, we’ll pick you up, so don’t try to go anywhere without notifying me! Mom and dad will kill me if they know I let you attend the concert alone without any chaperon!”

“Oh! Don’t worry Yeojin’s older sister, Haseul will be there with us!”

Lia smiles at the sisters’ interaction, these sibling squabble reminds her of her little brother. They used to squabble too, and Lia takes him for granted, now what he is gone, Lia’s only guilt is she didn’t tell her brother how much she loved him. Lia’s smiles slowly faded, Ryujin notices the expression on Lia’s face. Ryujin puts her hand on Lia’s hand, and Lia smiles at Ryujin but then she notices the wet patch on Ryujin’s skirt.

“Let’s go back to my place, Ryujin you need to change your skirt, it’s going to be sticky and uncomfortable later.”

“Oh no, it’s okay! It’ll dry.”

“Yes I know it will dry but it’ll definitely not comfortable when it all sticky later, so let’s go to my places, get yourself clean and change to something more comfortable.” Said Lia.

Yuna elbows her sister “Yah, don’t try to act good this time, just go for it unnie!” she whispers to her sister.


The trio reached Lia’s shop and they went straight upstairs to Lia’s living space. Yuna makes herself at home when she seated herself at the couch and she turns on the TV to watch some drama. Ryujin shakes her head at Yuna, she thinks her parents spoil Yuna too much that she got that carefree attitude of hers.

Lia came out from her room and hand Ryujin a clean towel and a long black skirt “Sorry, I don’t know if my jeans going to fit you or not, so I take the safe bet and get you this skirt.” Said Lia.

“You think I’m fat?” Ryujin raises her eyebrow at Lia.

“No! You’re not fat, it’s just me too slim.” Replied Lia.

Ryujin chuckles and she pokes Lia on the cheek “I was joking…thanks for lending me this, I’ll buy you a new skirt to repay for your kindness.”

“Oh no! You don’t have too! Just, wash it and give me back is enough. Go and clean yourself Ryujin.” Said Lia.

Ryujin takes the clean towel and skirt from Lia. Lia shows Ryujin where’s the bathroom and told Ryujin to just put the dirty skirt in the laundry basket, she will wash it and once it dries she’ll give it back to Ryujin. Ryujin proceed to takes off her skirt in front of Lia and Lia screams.

“Yah! Can you take it off while inside!”

“It’s a very rare sight to see me half Lia-ssi~” Ryujin teases Lia and Lia pushes Ryujin into the bathroom.

“Just get change quickly!!” Lia shouts at Ryujin and walks away.

Lia joins Yuna at the living room. Yuna scoots over to make space for Lia on the couch. “Unnie unnie!”


“You live here alone?”

“Yeah, alone…” Lia replied with a smile.

“Don’t you get lonely? Living by yourself?” Yuna asks.

Lia tries to maintain her smile, she admits it to herself that it gets lonely sometimes, but ever since she hired Chearyeong and Ryujin, her loneliness slowly fades away. She is grateful for those two. Lia doesn’t really have any friends, she didn’t go to school, most of the time she spends her time at the shop and her room. Despite didn’t attend school, Lia studies herself at home and will only go to school to take her exam paper. Her teachers will email her all the lecturing materials everyday so she won’t miss out any lectures.

“I did get lonely sometimes, but then now I got you with me right? You are more than welcome to stop by whenever you want Yuna.”

“Can I?!” Yuna squeals happily but then her excitement faded “Then Ryujin unnie is going to get jealous that you allowed me to hang around you.” Yuna pouted.

“Then we’re going to scold her for getting jealous!”

“Ryujin unnie really like you a lot Lia unnie.”

“Hmm really?”

“Yes!! I never seen unnie become so nervous around other girls, so I am positive that she likes you! Can you give her a chance unnie??” Yuna asked Lia with her puppy eyes.

Lia remembers that Ryujin is a Shin and she is a Choi, her heart sank, but she forces a smile “We will see about that.” She replies Yuna.

“You are beautiful unnie, if you become Ryujin unnie’s girlfriend then I can go and brag to my friends that my sister’s girlfriend is a beauty!” said Yuna.

Lia laughs at Yuna’s words, she pinches Yuna’s cheek and say “You’re a cheeky one Yuna, if your sister wants me to be her girlfriend then ask her to work for it~”

“She’s dense~ she won’t admit her feeling that easily.” Said Yuna.

“Who is dense?” Ryujin asked.

“No one~” Yuna shrugs.

Lia sees that the skirt fits Ryujin “I see it fits.”

“Hey! I’m not fat okay!” Ryujin protested and she pouts.

“Unnie, you’re a little chubby~” Yuna commented.

“Yah! Shin Yuna! Let’s go now or we will be late!”

“Unnie, you just send our driver away earlier, how are we going to get there?” Yuna whines.

“We can take the bus…” said Ryujin.

Yuna’s eyes shines when Ryujin mentioned bus, the heiress never rode any public transportation before. Her parents never allow her to because Yuna is weak, she gets sick easily and that’s why her parents are very protective of her. Taemin and Naeun never let Yuna go to crowded places or use any public transport, if it’s really unavoidable, then they will send their bodyguards to go with Yuna.

“Let’s go!!” Yuna puts on her shoes and dashes out.

“She seems happy when you mention bus.” Said Lia.

“Yuna once wanted to ride the bus to school when she was a 1st year middle school student, and she got a nasty fever, since then my parents don’t allow her to ride any public transportation or go to the crowded place anymore. Yuna has very weak antibody, that is why I was reluctant to let her go to the concert, but since Haseul is there, it should be fine.”

“Is it really okay to let her go alone?” Lia got worried after what Ryujin told her.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it, she’s getting a lot better lately, and I don’t want her to be controlled by my parents’ strict rules. She’s still a kid, I want her to explore the world as much as she wanted to, because life is short.”

Ryujin’s words hit Lia deep, life is short, Lia understand what Ryujin is trying to do for her sister, if Junsu is still alive, Lia would probably do the same thing as Ryujin did.


Blackpink Concert Venue

“OHOIII!! SHIN YUNA!!” a short girl with a loud voice yells for Yuna’s name from a far.

“Yeojin unnie!!” Yuna waves at the short girl.

“Unnie?” Lia raises an eyebrow when Yuna called Yeojin unnie.

“You’re surprise? Yeojin is a year older than Yuna.” Said Ryujin.

“But, she’s so small!”

Ryujin shrugs at Lia’s remark, she also surprised that Yeojin is just a year younger than her when she first met with the girl, apparently, Yeojin missed her middle school graduation, so she has to repeat her senior year again and that’s who she becomes friend with Yuna.


“Ah! Haseul-sunbaenim!” Ryujin greets another small girl “Thank you for taking them to the concert!”

“No no, it’s okay, I will keep Yuna safe, don’t worry~”

“We’ll come to pick her up once the concert is finish, thanks once again sunbae.”

“It’s okay Ryujin-ssi, please enjoy your date with that lovely girl.” Haseul winks at Ryujin.

“Ah, Sunbae…” Ryujin blushes when Haseul gestures to Lia.

“The concert is going to start soon, we need to get in, Yuna-ah~ say good bye to your sister!”

“Bye unnie! Enjoy your date with Lia unnie~~” Yuna bids her sister goodbye but her loud voice make everyone turn their head to Ryujin and Lia. Ryujin can hear people murmuring around them.

“Eh? Date?”

“Aren’t they too young to go on a date?”

“Aigoo, kids this day…”

Ryujin got embarrasses at the people staring at them, she grabs Lia and drags her away from the crowds.

“Ryujin, you’re hurting me.” said Lia when Ryujin tightened her grips on Lia’s hand.

Ryujin finally let go and apologizes to Lia “Sorry, I…I didn’t mean to hurt you, it just that I…I don’t like people staring at me, I hate it.”

Lia can see the anxiety in Ryujin’s eyes, she holds Ryujin’s hand and pulls her to the closest bench. “Ryujin you wait here while I’ll go buy us some drink okay?”

Lia goes to the food truck that was just opposite of the park and order a cold refreshing drink for Ryujin and herself. She got back to the bench and she give Ryujin the drink “Here.”

“Thanks…” said Ryujin and she sips on it.

“Tell me Ryujin…do you have anxiety?”


“When you said that you hate people staring at you, I can see the terror in your eyes. If you don’t mind, you can tell me about it. If you’re not ready to share it with me, then I will wait until the day you wanted to talk about it.” Lia tries to encourage Ryujin to talk to her. She holds Ryujin’s hand hoping that it will calm her down.

Ryujin takes a deep breath and look up to the sunset “My parents, they owned the biggest fashion companies, I used to model for their children fashion line back when I was in elementary school. I was fine at first, it was until the brand got popular and people start to gather around our old house and paparazzi following me everywhere, and all of sudden, I become the centre of attention. People want to be friend with me because I was famous and my parents are rich. They didn’t see me as who I am but they only see my fame and money…so I got phobia from all of the attention. I stopped going to school for a year and was home school. Seeing how hard the fame got to me, my dad discontinued the brand so that I won’t get reminded of the dark moment of my life.”

“So it was true…Ryujin is really that Shin heiress…” Lia thought to herself. Her mind becomes blank. She knows her heart but her father would probably be rolling in his grave if he knows that his precious daughter had fallen for his enemy’s daughter.

“Ryujin…could it be that you’re the Shin Taemin, the Fashion lord’s daughter?” Lia asked despite she already know the answer to that question, she just want to hear it from Ryujin’s lips.

“You know my father?”

The confirmation from Ryujin’s mouth feels like a spear penetrate Lia’s heart, Lia tries to take a deep breath and fake a smile “Who wouldn’t know the fashion king of South Korea?” said Lia “Then you are filthy rich! Why did you need to work in my shop?!”

“Ahaha, well you didn’t want to accept my money to replay you the cost of fixing the music box, and I like working at your shop. You’re not gonna fire me right now you know that I’m rich?”

A sly smiles creep on Lia’s face “Well it depends. If you buy me that crepe, maybe I’ll let you stay~”

“Right after I told you the story of me hating people for using me for money?” Ryujin frowns.


“Fine, I’ll buy you the crepe…honestly Lia…I’m glad we had this talk.” Said Ryujin “I just wish that you can open up about yourself more. I’ve been working with you for 3 to 4 months now, but I still don’t know much about you.”

“What do you want to know about me?” Lia asks as they make their way to the crepe stand.

“What would you like to eat?” Ryujin asks when they reached the stand.

“I want the banana brownies crepe.”

“One banana brownies crepe and one strawberry crepe.” Ryujin placed their order. Ryujin turns to Lia “I don’t know Lia, you are so mysterious, you always gone during the day and only come back during the evening, I never seen you in your school uniform, you’re so mysterious. I only know your name and your age…”

“Thought this is a friendly date?”

“Can’t a friend get to know her friend better?” Said Ryujin. Ryujin pays for the crepe and takes it from the vendor. She gives Lia hers and they sit at the nearby bench to enjoy their crepe together.

“I don’t go to school, most of the time I’ll just study at home, I only go to school when I need to take the exam.”

Ryujin was surprised by that fact, she didn’t expect Lia will tell her about her private life “Is…is there a reason why you don’t go to school?”

“No reason, I just don’t like school, so I requested to do home study and my result isn’t bad either so the school allowed me to do so.”

“There must be a reason why you don’t like school.”

Lia bites onto her crepe and she squeals at the taste “This is delicious!!”

Ryujin grins at Lia’s happy face “Glad you like it.”

Suddenly the Lia’s happy face turns to a sad frown “Lia? Did I say something wrong?” Ryujin asked.

“No Ryujin…I just that…I stop going to school after I lost my family…”

Ryujin realized what she just did, she made Lia remembered her sad past by asking her those questions “Oh no Lia! If you don’t want to talk about it, you don’t have to! I don’t want you to tell me if you don’t want to…”

Lia cuts Ryujin off by saying “It’s okay Ryujin, I never had friend that I can share my feelings with, today, can you be the one who will listen to my true feelings?”

The sun is setting behind Lia, and the golden shine illuminate Lia’s face. Ryujin doesn’t know why she got the urge to claims Lia lips. Ryujin fights off her urge and try to listen to what Lia had to say about her feelings.

Lia takes a deep breath and she faces Ryujin “My family died because of me…people around me keep telling me to stop blaming myself for their death, but if I didn’t invite them to come and see me perform, my mom, dad and little brother probably would still be alive. I was self-centric idiot who drove her family to their death…since then, I fall into a deep depression, I refused to see anyone, I locked myself in my room all day, until I fall sick. Then I dream about my little brother telling me to move on with my life. He said he wouldn’t forgive me if I don’t take care of myself. I tried to start my life again, but whenever I go to school, I can’t stop but to notice the way that people are looking at me. They look at me like I’m some kind of murderer…my grandma asked me to stop going to school and asked the teacher to allow me to be home school. The part where you are curious where I went to during the day and only come back when it’s almost dusk, I spent my time at my family grave. Only there I can find my peace…and forgiveness for my selfish act.”

Ryujin now understand the sadness that she always sees in Lia’s eyes. No matter how much she tries to mask it behind her bright smile, Ryujin always able to see through Lia. Ryujin holds Lia’s hand and looks into Lia’s eyes.

“I think the only way you can do to forget those guilt is to enjoy your life to the fullest. I know I can’t say that I understand how you feel, but if your parents and little brother can see your condition now and how you always blame yourself, they will feel sad. I know they won’t blame you for what happened to them. They wanted to go see you perform because you are their daughter and your little brother older sister. They wanted to show their support and love. I don’t know what I can do to ease the pain that you are feeling, but I promise that whatever happen, I will always be here for you. You are not alone.”

Lia tears fall down her cheeks, Ryujin uses her thumb to wipe it away. “Why are you crying?”

Lia shakes her head and embarrassedly wipes away her own tears, she looks into Ryujin eyes, and she can feel the love from Ryujin’s stares “Thank you for listening to my rant…honestly, I’ve been holding it for so long and I don’t really have any friends that I can talk to…thanks Ryujin.”

Ryujin let Lia rest her head on her shoulder as they watch the sun slowly letting the dark sky consume it “You can always tell me anything…and I promise I will always be there for you.”

“Even after your graduation?” Lia asked “Yuna told me that you are an ace student and a lot of universities are waiting to offer you their scholarship.”

“Well you’re taking the entrance exam too right? Then I will go to where you’re going to enrol!”

Lia laughs at Ryujin’s replies and she lightly smack her on the thigh “You don’t have to go to that extend Ryujin.”

Ryujin stares into the sky, she can see the stars and the moon are making their appearance in the darker sky now “I’m not joking Lia…to tell you the truth, I don’t know why when the first time I saw you, the clock stops ticking and you’re the only person that I can see. Everything around me just stop. I feel like we’ve met before…maybe not in this life, maybe in the past life…”

Lia can feel her heart beating fast, she knows what Ryujin is going to say next so she gets her head up from Ryujin’s shoulder and stares at Ryujin, it was a frown first but then it turn to a grin “What is this? Are you confessing your feeling?” Lia joked.

Ryujin sighs she looks up to the stars again, she closes her eyes and Lia looks at her confusedly. Ryujin opens her eyes and turns to Lia “I like you Lia…I don’t want to beat around the bush anymore. I like it whenever you smile, I like it whenever you’re happy or when you got angry at me and Chaeryeong for slacking off during work. I like it when you’re focus on writing your blog, I like it when you tell us about the food that you had, I like it when you, day dreaming whenever there aren’t much customers around. I like all the little things you do, like when you scrunch your nose whenever you pouted…” Ryujin stops and she reaches for Lia’s hand. She puts Lia hand on top of her chest.

“Can you feel it Lia? My heartbeat…”

“Yes…” Lia replied.

“Can you feel how fast it goes? It only beats like this whenever you’re around…”

Lia was moved by what Ryujin had said, she didn’t know that Ryujin would notices and remembers all the small details that happened in their daily life. She reaches out for Ryujin’s hand and put it on her chest as well to let Ryujin feels her heartbeat.

Lia scoots closer to Ryujin till their faces were inches away, she stares longingly into Ryujin’s brown eyes. Ryujin panics for a moment but then she pulls Lia into her embrace, she Lia’s hair and let Lia rest her head on her chest to listen to her irregular heartbeat. “Ryujin?” Lia calls for the short haired girl.

“Please, let stay like this for a while.” Said Ryujin.

Lia smiles and she burrows herself deeper into Ryujin’s hug and wraps her arms around Ryujin’s waist. After 10 minutes of cuddling, Ryujin breaks the hug and looks into Lia’s eyes. She leans forward but Lia stops her before their lips meet “What are you doing?” Lia asks her.

“I…I thought our feelings were mutual? I mean you didn’t back away…when…when I hug you?” stammer the short haired girl when she saw the frown on Lia’s face.

Lia smiles and she replies “We haven’t even go on an official date yet~”

“We are on a date now aren’t we?” Ryujin pouted.

“Let’s go on a real date Ryujin, not like this.” Said Lia.

“Then, tomorrow, let’s go on a date tomorrow…after work!” Ryujin said excitedly.

“Hmm, I’ll think about it~” Lia teases Ryujin. Lia finds its amusing to see Ryujin’s weird expression whenever she is let disappointed. Lia gets up from the bench and she offers her hand to Ryujin, Ryujin grabs it and Lia pulls the latter up “Let’s go on a walk while waiting for the concert to finish.” Said Lia.

Ryujin tugs Lia hand to grab the girl’s attention “What is it Ryujin?”


From afar, behind a huge tree in the park, the dreamcatchers are watching the couple. “Gosh!! Lia ruined the perfect moment!” said Sua in frustration.

“Jiu unnie! We need to put enforcement to tie those two idiots together!” Siyeon suggested to the eldest member of the dreamcatcher.

“Everyone, please calm down. Lia is scared beside this is their first date, who kissed on a first date?” Yoohyeon tries to calm her members.

“You and Jiu unnie kissed on your first date.” Gahyeon jabs on the grey haired tall girl.

“Good one Lee Gahyeon!!” Sua compliments Gahyeon for jabbing on Yoohyeon.

“Yah! Lee Gahyeon, Kim Sua!” Yoohyeon yells at them for making her embarrassed.

“Silent!” Dami commanded because they are making too much noise. “You guys are going to make our cover expose!” said Dami.


“Hmm? What is it Ryujin?” Lia asks.

“Do you want to be my g…gir…girl…ffff….g….girlfriend?” Ryujin stutters.

Lia wanted to say yes, but then she remembers that her uncle signed the contract with the Hwang. She is going to get engaged to Yeji, sooner or later. She feels guilty for what she had done to Ryujin. She had given Ryujin fake hopes, even if she agreed to be with Ryujin, then what about her obligation as a Choi? Lia can imagine the tragic love story is going to start all over again. She let go of Ryujin’s hand and with a sad look on her face, she rejects Ryujin’s idea of the two of us become a couple.

“I’m sorry Ryujin…I’m not ready yet to…”

Lia sees the bright smile on Ryujin’s face is gone, and is replace by a sad pout, though the latter later then try to mask it with a force grin. Lia grabs Ryujin’s hand again and hold it tight “Then maybe, just for tonight…let’s consider this as a romantic date, we still have 2 more hours to go before the concert end.”

“May…may I know why is that you are not ready yet to fall in love?” Ryujin asks.

“…I…Ryujin, there’s a lot of thing that you don’t know about me, and if you know, I think you will hate me…so it’s better if you stay away from me. I don’t want to hurt you because it will hurt me too…”

Ryujin grabs both of Lia’s hand and make Lia look straight into her eyes “Lia, I…I really want to show you how much I care and I am willing to do anything for you. I don’t care about your past or whatever secret that you are hiding from me. I just want us to be together.”

“We cannot be together Ryujin! I…if you really know who I am, you will hate me.” said Lia.

“What…what are you saying Lia? I don’t understand…”

“You don’t have to understand anything…let’s just…keep the things like how it is okay? I don’t want to ruin our friendship…”


“What the hell is Lia thinking?” Handong said out loud in frustration.

“That’s it! I’m going over there and tell Romeo the whole thing!”

“WAIT!!” Jiu stops the short member of Dreamcatcher “You are going to jeopardize our existence!”

“This is the right moment for them to confess their feeling and runaway together to live happily ever after!” Siyeon commented.

“It is not easy as what you guys think it is, Lia is making the right decision, I know it might take some times but if they seal their love today, their future is uncertain and many more will be hurt by their decision. We’ve waited for 700 years and a few more years shouldn’t be any problem…please be patient girls.” Said Jiu to the rest of the members.

“Why is it so hard, for them to just be together.” Gahyeon cries.


“Please…respect my decision.” Said Lia to Ryujin.

“I…” Ryujin pauses and she looks at Lia again, they were lovey dovey earlier but now the situation turned tense and Ryujin hated it. Ryujin thinks maybe she just crossed the boundaries by suddenly asking Lia to be her girlfriend. She decided to wait until Lia is ready, she knows Lia feels the same way too. When they hug earlier, she can feel Lia’s heartbeat too. Maybe there is a reason why Lia doesn’t want to admit her feelings, then Ryujin will have to wait.

“I understand Lia…”

Lia smiles at Ryujin’s answer, she takes a step closer to Ryujin and give Ryujin a quick kiss on her cheek which startled the girl. Lia blushes after she kissed Ryujin and she walks away, leaving Ryujin dazes on her on. Ryujin touches her cheek that Lia kissed, a smile creeps on her face, and she can feel her face heated up. She looks at the direction Lia just walked, Lia turns to her and gesture her to come with her. Ryujin shakes away all of her thought and she follows Lia.


Ryujin and Yuna drops Lia back at the shop after the concert finished. Initially, Ryujin was going to stop by at Lia’s place but she cancelled the plan because Yuna was too tired after all the screaming and fangirling during the concert.

Ryujin send Lia to the front door of the shop “Thanks for today Lia, I really appreciate that you are able to talk to me. I feel like we are getting closer.”

“No, I should thank you, Ryujin. I appreciate that you told me your feelings…and to be honest, I like you too, but now is not the time for me to be in love. I hope you understand.”

Ryujin rubs the back of her neck and smile sheepishly “Yeah…well…take your time Lia, who knows you’ll fall head over heel over my charming self.” Said Ryujin.

Lia laughs at Ryujin’s remark, she slaps Ryujin on the chest as she laughs “You are funny Ryujin…but you know what, maybe I will~” said Lia with a wink.

“So…see you tomorrow at work?”

“Yes…see you tomorrow at work…” replied Lia.

The two of them are reluctant to walk away from each other, that was until Yuna shouted from the car “Unnie~~ we have to go back now, it’s late! Mom and dad are going to kill us if we are not home by 12!”

“Just give me 5 more minutes!” Ryujin yells back.

“You should go Ryujin…”

“Yeah, I should…ugh…once again thanks Lia…bye and good night.”

“Good night Ryujin…Yuna! You too good night! Have a good rest!”

“Deh unnie!!” Yuna yells from the car.

Ryujin was about to leave the shop to go to her car but she stops and she turns back and slowly approach Lia “Ryujin?”

Ryujin kisses Lia on the cheek “Good night.” She said before she dashed to the car with her face bright red. Yuna gasped at what her sister just did. When Ryujin gets in the car, Yuna only stares at her with open.

“Fly are gonna get into your mouth Yuna, close it.”

“Unnie you should aim on the lips you coward!!” Yuna scolds her sister.

“What do you know?!” Ryujin shouts back at her sister.

Yuna wraps her arm around Ryujin’s shoulder and rest her head on her sister’s head “Ah, my unnie is becoming an adult~~”



Lia throws herself on her bed once she reached her bedroom. She looks at her phone that she was holding and stare at the photo that she and Ryujin took. Her heart ache when she remembers the look on Ryujin’s face the moment she rejected her confession. She scrolls through her phone to find Yeji’s number. She remembers that she asked for Yeji’s number from her uncle’s secretary. Lia stares at the phone number for a long time before she decided to press call button.


“Yeji-ssi…sorry to disturb you at this hour, can we meet tomorrow?”

“Who is this?”

“This is Lia…”

“Ah…Lia! Hi…ugh sure, what time do you want to meet?”

“Let’s meet at Han River 8am, are you okay with the timing?”

“Sure…ugh…is it regarding Ryujin?”

“Yes…and us too…”

“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow at 8.”

To be continue….

A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update! I was busy updating my other story, once the other one finished, I will focus more on this story!

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Chapter 9: Our great author has returned woohoo!!!!
Oh what is going on in this chapter and why did you almost kill off Lia. I almost flip the table when you did that but at least they are alive now but this situation is a bit not that nice. But i hope the devil explain herself and give jinlia a good ending. As for the dreamcatcher, i hope their father forgive them and bring them up to heaven after all this thing.
Cant wait for the next chapter with more explanation.
And please author, dont leave me hanging for too long. Hahaha jkjk, take as much time as you need. I will wait.
Chapter 9: The cup has been moveddd!! Welcome back authornimm
fiqachibi #3
what ever happened to this story...
binkkk #4
Chapter 8: authornim…?
u_ujiman #5
Chapter 8: Oh come on with this cliffhanger. :(
, he has a gun. Someone stop him!!!!
Lets just hope nothing bad happen to our girls.
Cant wait for the next chapter author.
soncelfeu #7
Chapter 8: so intense
Chapter 8: Bruhhhh
soncelfeu #9
Chapter 7: wow im so late, this is interesting, i wonder if this will continue and finish tho😭
cleofierayne 34 streak #10
Chapter 7: Mygoodness where did I wander all this time? Can't believe I let this story pass under my jinlia radar! 😭🤣 I'm glad I let my curiousity prevails hehehe

And authornim!wahh bravo🙌🙌 really like this the first time I read. Please let it be a sweet and happy ending! 🥺🥺🥺