Chapter 6: The Other Hwang


“ARGH they are annoying!!!”

“I agreed!!”

“Is it that hard for them to just get together?!!”

“I know right?!!”

“This is ing frustrating!!!”

Dami entered the room and she squinted her eyes at the two small figure grunting and complaining on the floor. “Stop drinking.” said the shorthaired girl.

“Stop my !! Romeo should just grab the opportunity and runaway with Juliet, but no! Romeo is letting Juliet to married to other people and the worst part it, Yeji is Tybalt!”

“Why are they friend in the first place?!” Gahyeon complained as she slams her shot glass on the table.

“Lee Gahyeon…”

“Dami~ get off from my cutie Gahyeon! I am disappointed in what those two lovers did!” Said Sua.

Dami sighs and she massage the bridge of her nose. Jiu sent her to get Sua and Gahyeon but she did not expect to find the two guardian angels to be drinking booze and get themselves drunk. After spending centuries on earth, the angels pretty much can be consider as fallen angels because they did most of the forbidden stuff that angels aren’t supposed to do.

Getting Romeo and Juliet together could also help them to get the merit that they need to get back to heaven. Dami gets close to the duo and they are reeking alcohol. Dami pinched her nose and she snatched away the booze from them.

Gahyeon whines like a baby when Dami snatched the whiskey from her hand. Sua growls at Dami but Dami ignore her growl and she proceed to empty the bottle.

“Jiu unnie need to talk to us now.”

Sua and Gahyeon straightened up when they heard Jiu’s name. Despite the fact that they are not scared of Jiu but whenever Jiu gets into serious mode, Jiu is very intimidating so they rather not make any scenes.

“About what?”

“Romeo and Juliet.”


Shin Household

Yeji has been sitting in the living room for almost 2 hours. She did not even move a muscle. Naeun peeks through the sliding door and she almost scream when her husband tap her on the shoulder.

“You’re going to be the reason for my death!” Naeun whisper aggressively at her husband.

“She’s still here?”


Taemin sighs and he peek through the door to look at Yeji. He sighs and he asks his wife to go to bed first. Naeun reluctant but Taemin gives her the reassuring smile that she knows her husband will take care of thing. Naeun nods and she goes to their room.

Taemin clears his throat to get Yeji’s attention. Yeji lifted her head and she quickly gets up to greet the middle age man. Taemin asks Yeji to sit. Yeji sits back at the couch and she fidgeted, as she does not know what to do around Taemin. She feels like she has no right to be in the Shin house.


Yeji was startle when Taemin calls our her name “Deh…samchon…”

“How about you sleep over here tonight? You can sleep in Ryujin’s room.”

“Eh…it’s okay samchon…I’ll just wait for Ryujin, I’ll leave after I talk to her.” Said Yeji.

“Ryujin is not coming back tonight…Yuna did not tell you that?”


Taemin smiles when he sees how flustered Yeji got “Yeji-ah…I know about your father plan, I know about everything.”

Yeji was shock when Taemin reveals that he knew about her parent’s plan. Yeji cannot stop fidgeting at her seat, she keeps fiddle with the hem of her school skirt. She does not know what to say to the uncle that she consider as her other father. Taemin was there throughout her growth, she loves her uncle so much.

“Samchon I…”

“Before you can say anything, I do not blame you for what your father decided to do.”

“Samchon…why did you let Ryujin to further her study so far away from home? Why…”

“It’s better if she gets far away from here for the time being. I don’t want her to lose her focus on her study just because you and Lia. You know how hot headed Ryujin is, Yeji.”

“I know samchon…”

“It’s only for 3 years…”

“…Ryujin is my best friend but she did not tell me, I heard the news that she is leaving from Yuna…how could she hurts me like this?”

Taemin gets up from the chair and he pats Yeji on the head “Go to sleep child. Talk to Ryujin when you see her, it’s not like she is going to fly soon, she still has 1 more month before her enrolment. If Ryujin refuses to meet you, I will force her to. I know Ryujin loves you just as much as you love her…you two were like sisters. I’ll ask the maid to tidy up Ryujin’s room so you can sleep there tonight. I’ve already called Yuri hyung and told him that you are spending the night here.”

“Samchon…I am sorry for what my parents had done… I promise I will fix this matter.”

Taemin smiles “I know you will Yeji…now go to sleep.”

The next morning

Lia’s alarm clock rings and she tries to search for her phone but then she was surprise by a gentle moan that is coming from behind her. She turns slowly and saw Ryujin snuggling up to her. The memories from last night makes Lia blushed so hard that her face turn to same colour as the tomato. Ryujin stirs when she feels that Lia shifted. She snakes her arms around Lia and pulls her back to bed.

“Ryujin…you need to wake up, you have school.” Lia whispers.

“I want to spend my days with you.” Said Ryujin with her eyes still close and she takes a deep whiff of Lia’s hair.

Lia can feel their bodies pressed together under the sheets. The memories of Ryujin’s gentle touch and hot lips trailing down her body send shivers down her spine. She could feel that she gets turn on all of sudden but she was too shy to turn and face Ryujin because she knows that her face is so red right now.

Ryujin’s hand makes it way to Lia’s bosom and she cups it with her hand, which made Lia yelps in surprise.

“Shin Ryujin!” Lia tries to stop Ryujin before she loses her control.

Ryujin opens her eyes and her eyes met with the light brown orbs that staring back at her. Ryujin smiles and she leans in to capture Lia’s lips “Morning, beautiful.”

Lia blushes again at Ryujin’s greeting. She can feel her heartbeat going crazy. After her parents and brother died, no one ever greeted her good morning and this is the first that she heard someone else other than her family greeted her. For years, Lia had been alone and she almost get used to it. Today, when she woke up next to Ryujin, she felt weird but at the same time, she was happy and content, to know what she is love and she is not alone.

“Are you sure you’re not going to go to school?”

“I got accepted into Stanford, going to school is wasting my time.” Replied Ryujin with a cocky smug on her face.

Lia can feels the arms that wrapping around her waist get tightened, she rested her hands on Ryujin’s fore arm and she leans back to Ryujin’ body to feel more of her warmth. Then she got an idea of what she wanted to do with Ryujin for the day “Ryujin ah…”


“Wanna go meet my parents and brother?”


The weather gets chilly and Lia trembles when the cold wind blows. Ryujin noticed that Lia is trembling. She takes off her jacket and put it on Lia. Lia startled when the warm of Ryujin’s jacket hugs her small body. Lia rejects it but Ryujin insist on for Lia to wear it because Ryujin said that she is not afraid of the cold weather. Lia thanked Ryujin and she wraps the jacket around her tighter. Ryujin saw that Lia is rubbing her hands together to heat it up, so she grabs for her hand and warm it with hers own warm hand.

Lia was a little surprised that Ryujin’s hand is so warm. She feels like her hand is going to melt in the hand of Shin Ryujin. Lia smiles and she grabs on Ryujin;s hand tighter, to squeeze out all of the warms out of Ryujin’s hand. 

Ryujin chuckles at Lia’s antic, she pulls Lia’s hand closer to her lips and kisses it, and her action makes Lia blush as red as tomato. “Why did you do that?” Asked Lia.

“Why can’t I do it?” Replied Ryujin with a smirk.

Lia gently smacks Ryujin on her chest for making she feels embarrassed. Ryujin laughs and she pulls Lia closer to her body so that she can keeps her warm. The two walk abreast toward the Choi’s family cemetery. The surrounding is somewhat eerie, but Ryujin does not mind it at all because she gets to be with her beloved Lia.

They stop in front of Lia’s family grave. Ryujin got goose bumps when she looks at Lia’s father tombstone. She feels as if Lia’s father is glaring at her. Ryujin shudders at the thought of if she gets to meet Lia’s father in real life.

“Daddy…” Lia calls out to her father’s tombstone. She turns to the side and she greets her mother’s tombstone and lastly to her brother.

Lia uses her hand to dust off the tombstone. She tries to hold in her tears but Ryujin noticed her struggle. Ryujin reaches for Lia’s cheek and uses her thumbs to wipe the tears away. Ryujin puts her arm around Lia’s shoulder and comfort her. Lia lies her head on Ryujin’s shoulder as she stares at her family’s tombstones.

Lia was about to speak to her father tombstone but she was cut off when she heard Ryujin speaks.

“Mr. Choi…I don’t know how will you react when you see me but I and you know who I am. I am the heir of the Shin family, and I am in love with your daughter. I love her smile, I love her eyes, I love her personality, and I would do anything I can to protect her and give her everything that she deserves. I know the history of our families. I know that you and my dad used to be friend. I also know about the promise that you two made when you were still alive. I also know the situation that Lia is in right now. I promise you Mr. Choi…I will take care and protect Lia with all my life. Please bless our relationship…”

Lia looks at Ryujin with wide eyes “What do promise?”

“Did you know that our fathers used to be good friends? However, some misunderstanding caused the riff between our family grow bigger. They were going to end the war between our families. I promised my dad that I will fix the rivalry between our family. I promised you Lia…I will not let anyone hurt you and I will wait for you until you did what you had to do for your family.”

Ryujin intertwined their fingers together and she leans her forehead to Lia’s forehead “I love you Choi Jisu…I would die for you…I would give up my soul for you…”

Lia shushes Ryujin with a quick kiss “Shshh…Ryujin please don’t say stuff like that.” the memories of their past lives flooded into her mind. It was the same promised and it always end up futile.

Suddenly Lia feels like she does not want to get married to Yeji, she does not want to fix her family situation, because right here, in Ryujin’s arms is where she feels like she belonged. Tears begins to accumulate in her eyes, she quickly hides her face on Ryujin’s shoulder.




“Let’s runaway from here until my wedding day…please…I want to spend my time with you…”

“…are you sure?”

Without hesitation, Lia nods and Ryujin pulls her closer. Ryujin wanted to have more time with Lia. She got a feeling that the time that she had with Lia is short, and there is nothing more that she wants more than to spend time with Lia.

Ryujin gently kisses the top of Lia’s head and she says “Let’s go to a place where no one can find us.”


Dreamcatcher Shop

“Unnie~ everyone is here.” said Yoohyeon to the oldest members of the convent.

Jiu has the sternest look on her face. Gahyeon and Sua who was drunk quickly act sober because they are afraid that they are going to get scold by the oldest member of the group. Jiu invites all of the dreamcatchers to sit down as she looks through her crystal ball.

Jiu slowly gets up from her chair and she addresses the members one by one, and then she takes a deep breath.

“Unnie…you look serious…what is going on?” Dami asked.



“Romeo is in a great danger.” Said Jiu.

The room is silent when Jiu told them Ryujin is in danger, none of the members dare to speak out, until Handong slowly raise her hand up. “But unnie, we clearly get rid all of the obstacles that will bring danger to Romeo…”

“Someone will betray Romeo…” Said Jiu with the most nonchalant tone ever.

“That ing Hwang!!” Shouted Sua but with one stare from Jiu, she calm herself down and Siyeon smacks her on the thigh for reacting in such way when Jiu is being serious.

“If it’s really Yeji who will betray Ryujin, then we just need to do something about it.” Dami suggested, but Jiu shakes her head. “No, it’s not Yeji…but someone else.”

“Who?” all of the dreamcatchers asked their leader.


Hwang Household

Yuri was working out in their house workout room when Tiffany came rushing in. Yuri almost dropped the dumbbell on his toes when Tiffany slams the door open.


“What is it love?”

“Yeeun is here…”

“As in your sister in law Park Yeeun?”

Tiffany nods frantically. Yuri gasps and he slowly put down the dumbbell and he falls down on the floor. “That mean that brat is here?”


Tiffany had a younger brother named Chansung, but he passed away when he was in his late 20s, thus making Tiffany as the only heir of the Hwang family and when Yuri married her, he married into the Hwang family in order for Tiffany to keep her tittle as the Hwang heir. Things change when they knew that Chansung was married and he had a child with the woman. Tiffany parents however did not approved of the marriage because Chansung went against their order and married someone that is not from the family’s status quo. They kicked Chansung from the family and named Tiffany as the sole heir. However, Yuri and Tiffany failed to give the Hwang a male heir and when Chansung’s widow came to the family bringing her child with Chansung, Tiffany is afraid that her parents might change their mind so she keeps on preventing Yeeun to show up with her son to their family gathering.


JYP High

Yeji arrived early to school because Taemin had to drop Yuna off too. She greets her friend and teases the sleepy Chaeryeong when she saw her sleeping while standing.

“You practice until late again?” Yeji asked Chaeryeong.

Chaeryeong yawns and she nods to answer Yeji. “Have you seen Ryujin?” Chaeryeong asked once she finished yawning.

“Nope…I couldn’t get in touch with her at all.” said Yeji, there’s a hint of sadness in her voice.

“Don’t worry about it Yeji, Ryujin will eventually find you.” Said Chaeryeong.

“Hmm?” Yeji looks at her confusedly, then Chaeryeong realized that Yeji does not know that she knows what is going on among Yeji, Lia and Ryujin. Chaeryeong pretend to look at the invisible watch on her wrist and makes an excuse to leave for her classroom. Yeji bids her goodbye and as she was about to turn to her locker to put her things in the locker, she drops her shoes when she saw who stands in front of her.

“Hello cuzz…’ greeted the boy with the long blonde hair.


To be continue…

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Chapter 9: Our great author has returned woohoo!!!!
Oh what is going on in this chapter and why did you almost kill off Lia. I almost flip the table when you did that but at least they are alive now but this situation is a bit not that nice. But i hope the devil explain herself and give jinlia a good ending. As for the dreamcatcher, i hope their father forgive them and bring them up to heaven after all this thing.
Cant wait for the next chapter with more explanation.
And please author, dont leave me hanging for too long. Hahaha jkjk, take as much time as you need. I will wait.
Chapter 9: The cup has been moveddd!! Welcome back authornimm
fiqachibi #3
what ever happened to this story...
binkkk #4
Chapter 8: authornim…?
u_ujiman #5
Chapter 8: Oh come on with this cliffhanger. :(
, he has a gun. Someone stop him!!!!
Lets just hope nothing bad happen to our girls.
Cant wait for the next chapter author.
soncelfeu #7
Chapter 8: so intense
Chapter 8: Bruhhhh
soncelfeu #9
Chapter 7: wow im so late, this is interesting, i wonder if this will continue and finish tho😭
cleofierayne 34 streak #10
Chapter 7: Mygoodness where did I wander all this time? Can't believe I let this story pass under my jinlia radar! 😭🤣 I'm glad I let my curiousity prevails hehehe

And authornim!wahh bravo🙌🙌 really like this the first time I read. Please let it be a sweet and happy ending! 🥺🥺🥺