Chapter 9

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Baekhyun pov

Sitting on the side of my bed looking at my suitcases being rolled out of my room by staff members of SM I should be happy as later tonight we head to America. I actually feel miserable and just want to go back to the bakery and tell Chanyeol that I am so sorry. I also hope he can forgive me. He wouldn't let me finish off my sentence the other night. Instead he did, by saying that he would tell nobody of our kiss.

"Baekhyun this arrived for you" I look up seeing Taeyong standing just inside my room holding a small white box wrapped with a red bow. "Where did it come from?" I stand up moving closer to him as I take the box.

"We got a delivery of fresh pastries and cakes from yummy yummy bakery. This was with it with your name on it" Taeyong leaves and closes the door after him as I sit back on the bed.

Pulling the red ribbon off I carefully open the box. Inside is a pink doughnut with a pair of lips cut out of iceing placed on the top. Inside the lid of the box its says 'shhhhhhh". I laugh taking my phone out to take a picture before taking out the doughnut and taking a bite. As I munch on the doughnut I notice a small card laying on the box just under where the doughnut was.

Wiping my hands and placing the doughnut down on my bedside table I quickly open the card smiling to myself.

This is for you, I hope you enjoy and it brings back memories of a time were you could be yourself.


A lump forms in my throat as I keep reading the card as it brings my mind back to that night we almost kissed in the bakery. Grabbing my wallet from my chest of drawers I slip the card inside. Closing it over I hear a knock on the door as I quickly close the box and place the rest of the doughnut into my mouth.

Opening the door Taeyong is standing holding a cup of coffee toward me as I let him in.

"Are you ok?" he sits on the end of the bed while I sit at the top crossing my legs over each other. "I am now" I look at the box and smile making him question me. "It's Chanyeol isn't it, you like him?" I feel a blush cross my face as he let's out a screech before jumping off my bed and closing the bedroom door before jumping like a happy child onto my bed. "Spill" he smiles as he sips his coffee.

"Nothing to spill" I tell him as he keeps looking at me smirking. "Yes there is. It's written all over your face and if you don't tell me now I will annoy you the whole way to America and its a pretty long plane ride" he wiggles his eyebrows as I lower my head and let out a sigh.

"I kissed him" I slowly look back up at him as he is now smiling ear to ear. "Go on" he says sipping his coffee more making me smile. "That's it I just kissed him" I tell him as he leans forward "there is more to tell I can see it in your eyes" he watches me so carefully waiting for me to tell him more.


"Yes keeping going with the rest of the sentence"

"OK I really ing like him, there I said it" I fall backwards onto the pillow and he just stands up jumping around my bedroom.


"Hush up the others will hear you" covering my face with a pillow and turning on my side hoping the red blush across my face will disappear quick. "Let me guess he fancies you too and that gift was from him" he shakes me making me sit back up again with a sad face.

"Hey what's wrong?, I have never seen you like this baek" he quiets down and sits facing me on the bed again.

"I just guess I can't have him. He is so sweet and treated me like a normal person" I feel a lump in my throat form again as I try so hard to swallow past it.

"Your normal baek but I know what you mean and it must me so hard for you. Can I tell you a secret?" he whispers smiling ear to ear as I nod.

"I kissed the guy Jaehyun lastnight" he now starts to blush and get so shy I started to laugh a little at his cuteness. "Oh my god really, thats where you went lastnight" I find myself gasping in shock at this news.

"He is just so adorable baek and to be honest I really like him too" his smile fades a little as I am also reminded of Chanyeol and how I just walked away on him.

"I want to go to the bakery now" I blurt out as he looks up at me before jumping off the bed. "Let's go" he says with such excitement I find myself doing the same.

"Wait it's like 5 am will they be there?" I pull on my shoes as Kai knocks on the door before walking in. "Morning all" he smiles ear to ear making me and Taeyong look at him wondering why he is so fresh and dressed so well since we usually have to drag him from his bed.

"OK spill where were you?" I question him as he smirks. "I'm just home after being out" Kai lays on the bed as if he is a king.

"Who is he?" Taeyong asks making me look at Kai waiting for the answer.

"Just the most god like man I have ever seen" he smirks closing his eyes putting his hands behind his head still laying on my bed.

"Who? " we both shout making him jolt on the bed. "OK it was Sehun from the bakery now you can't tell anyone" Taeyong and I both look at each other and burst out laughing before we tell him why we are laughing and what has happened.

"Really I can't believe this, so where are you both going now so early?".

"To the bakery to see if they are there" I grab my wallet and jacket as Kai just smiles at us. "Oh they are all there, I just dropped Sehun there about 20 minutes ago something about their orders are out the door after people found out that idols eat there" he lays back on my bed as Taeyong and I rush out the door.

"Are we really doing this" he giggles and smiles like an excited child as I jump in the car nervous myself.

"I really shouldn't be seeing him Tae it's not fair on him" I starts the car and just drive fighting with myself that I should stay at the dorm but also go see him and apologise.

"Life is short, I'm nervous too but we are going to America later let's just enjoy the moment" he turns on the radio and starts dancing a little in the passenger seat as I decide yeah why not embrace the moment.



Pulling up outside the bakery we can see the lights on and a person just inside. Getting out of the car we walk across the road and knock on the glass door of the bakery.

"Hi" The owner says opening the door looking shocked at us.

"We wanted to drop by and say thank you for the cakes and pastries you sent us this morning" I look around the bakery not seeing anyone else.

"You are so welcome can I get you guys anything?" he asks as I look at Taeyong "Two coffees please if it's not too much trouble" tae says as we stand awkward.

"We are not open yet so please take a seat and I will get the coffees" .
Waiting in the booth the two of us are so nervous the kind of nervous you get as a teenager as you wait on your crush.

" Here you go, enjoy them on the house. I have to leave but the other two will be just out" he bows his head and leaves the bakery.

"Will we go find them?" Taeyong stands up and I try but my knees shake a little.

"OK let's go find them" I find my feet and have control over my legs as we head back behind the counter. As soon as we reach the counter Jaehyun appears holding a tray of cakes nearly dropping them as Taeyong catches them helping him. I walk past them both and head into the backroom Chanyeol and I where in before.

Stepping inside and closing the door as he hasn't seen me yet and thinks I'm Jaehyun I watch him finish off filling bags of cookies.

"Hi" I whisper as he freezes and looks at me before blushing.

"Hi.... Wh.... What has you here?" I watch him take off his gloves and throw them away before removing the work cap from his head as not to get hair in the food.

"Chanyeol I feel bad for the other night and I can't go to America knowing I upset you" I watch as he lowers his head.

"Please forgive me Chanyeol I am so sorry"

"It's ok I understand" he says softly playing with the cap in his hands.

"You don't understand at all" I watch as he moves closer. "Then tell me" he whispers back making me look down at my feet feeling all the courage I had leave my body.

"I really really like you Chanyeol and yes I know I am an idol but if I wasn't I'd try flirt and get with you" I blurt out knowing how I am not making any of this better on him.

"But you are an idol" he moves back to the counter putting his cap back on as he places cookies into a bag and closing them with a sticker.

"Chanyeol I'm so sorry I shouldn

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 14: I hope Chan is really ok??
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 13: I love the man bouquet 💐
748 streak #3
Chapter 14: So glad I ran across this story, I’ve binge read all the chapters. Thank you so much for this update.

Hopefully, Chanyeol will be okay. Baekhyun is going to be livid that they didn’t tell him the truth. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Chapter 14: Omg thank you so much for the update!! I feel bad that they had to lie to baekhyun but it's probably for the best right? Gosh hoping Chanyeol gets better soon TT
969 streak #5
Chapter 14: Welcome back!
I just hope that Chanyeol gets better before Baekhyun arrives in Korea!
Thank you so much for returning to this fic.
Chapter 13: Now let beak come back soon
969 streak #7
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for updating. I thought all writers are on vacation.
Baekhyun is trying to take care of his boyfriend even when they are apart. Baek is so sweet.
Chapter 12: This is so sweet, Baekhyun worrying and taking care of Chanyeol even from afar, he's too good, no wonder Chanyeol didn't want him to find out ><
Thank you for updating!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #9
Chapter 12: Taking care of his boy even from another continent!!
Chapter 11: Aaah Kai and Sehun!!! Hehe Sehun turning into a full fanboy and even calling him his baby that's sweet >< this was so so good! Loved it so much~