chapter 2

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"So how was your Valentines night?" I lean against the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee in my hands watching Sehun blush for the first time in years. "It was good," he smiles as he makes himself some coffee. "I'm your best mate come on tell me the dirty details" I rush after him as he leaves the kitchen and walks into his bedroom nearly hitting me with the door as he tries to close it on me. "There is nothing to tell now I need to get ready for work" he gives me a pissed off look as I give in asking him and leave his room. I really thought he would have at least been happy or got a kiss or something.

Reaching my room I put my cup down on the bedside table and open my phone. Feeling all excited I open my DM's to see Baekhyun hasn't seen my message yet. Laying back on the bed deflated I guess he gets thousands of messages and can't read them all. "What's wrong with you?" I hear Sehun as I jump up from my bed seeing him come into my room and sit on the end of my bed. "I sent a Dm to Baekhyun from SuperM and I guess I thought he would see it at least". I get up from the bed and search my wardrobe for my clothes for work.

"Chanyeol, he kissed me" I turn so fast from my wardrobe I nearly fall over some of my dirty clothes on the floor. "Oh my god are you serious, ok tell me everything" I sit on the bed beside him as he lowers his head. "I shouldn't have gone last night. I made such a fool of myself" he lays back on my bed covering his face with a pillow and now I know there really is something wrong with him.

"His Ex showed up" he mumbles from under the pillow. Cursing to myself I pull the pillow away "What happened" he sits up on the bed hugging my pillow. "Everything was going well, he was ever the gentleman, I was beginning to see him in a romantic way then just before we could order this Chinese guy walks up and next thing I know they are hugging and laughing and smiling. He introduced me as his staff not his date. Oh Chanyeol I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me". Hugging him as he lays his head on my chest I feel so awful for him. "The guy just happens to be Lay that amazing artist from China. After a few minutes he left but I can still see a connection between them. He kept looking over towards his table on and off during the evening so I ate as fast as I could and didn't have dessert. When it was time to go he made his way over to his table to say goodbye they hugged and I just left the restaurant. He found me outside and apologised and drove me home. He got out of the car to help me out kissed my cheek and I thanked him for the dinner and just ran inside. Chanyeol I felt so stupid. I wasn't really into Suho that much but I thought I would give him a chance". I look into his teary eyes as I feel really sorry for him having to go through all that for his date to hug another guy.

"Are you going to go to work then today, can you face him?" I move his hair back from his face as he now feels like a lost child in my arms. "yes you guys would be lost without your bubble tea maker and I can't let him see he got to me" he stands up and heads to my bedroom door. "Oh by the way, the verified accounts on insta can see your messages without you getting the little word seen under the message" he smiles and leaves the room making me grab my phone and recheck my Dm. Oh my god so this means Baekhyun from SuperM could have seen my message all this time. I lay on my stomach on my bed and scroll through insta looking to see if any fans put up any new pictures of SuperM. After about 15 mins I hear Sehun shout that I better be ready in the next 15 minutes for work or he will destroy my SuperM album. I quickly get up from the bed, turn on my radio which is of course  a SuperM album and dance around my room getting ready for work.

At work

We have been in work the last half hour and I am still in shock that Sehun let me listen to SuperM in the car on the way here. I get all the boxes ready as a queue is building up outside again waiting for us to open. The little bell above the door dings to let us know when a customer enters making me look up to see our boss Suho enter. "Good morning all, Sehun can I see you in my office please" I turn to look at Jaehyun as we both shrug our shoulders. I just hope and pray Sehun doesn't start screaming his head off like he does when he is really pissed off.

After a few minutes he returns with Suho looking sad behind him as he walks to open the door of the cafe to let the customers in. "Are you ok?" I whisper to him as he just smiles, "I am now" before turning to deal with a customer.

I start to get the orders from the customers that are sitting at the tables also while looking at my upset friend. Heading back to get an order I approach him, "Sehun are you sure you're ok you're not your bubbly self" I wink at him being our best bubble tea maker. "I will be if you stop with those stupid remarks" he takes the order of drinks off me and turns to make them. The bell of the door goes off as more customers walk in.

"Ch.... Chanyeol either I am still drunk from last night or Byun Baekhyun and Lee Taeyong and Kai just walked in the door." I nearly get wiplash as I turn to see them and two other men enter the cafe with them as they sit in a booth. "Omg omg omg I feel sick, I'm gonna  pass out. That's the Byun Baekhyun omg" I hold onto the counter as Sehun passes me the drinks. "Here you idiot take these to the table you took the order from" he forces them into my hand as I turn while shaking and try to walk to the table handing the customers their orders as I rush back behind the counter. "I can't take their order" I panic as I look over the counter hoping they can't see how much of an idiot I am being. "They are just normal guys give me the order pad. I'll get the

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 14: I hope Chan is really ok??
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 13: I love the man bouquet 💐
748 streak #3
Chapter 14: So glad I ran across this story, I’ve binge read all the chapters. Thank you so much for this update.

Hopefully, Chanyeol will be okay. Baekhyun is going to be livid that they didn’t tell him the truth. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Chapter 14: Omg thank you so much for the update!! I feel bad that they had to lie to baekhyun but it's probably for the best right? Gosh hoping Chanyeol gets better soon TT
969 streak #5
Chapter 14: Welcome back!
I just hope that Chanyeol gets better before Baekhyun arrives in Korea!
Thank you so much for returning to this fic.
Chapter 13: Now let beak come back soon
969 streak #7
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for updating. I thought all writers are on vacation.
Baekhyun is trying to take care of his boyfriend even when they are apart. Baek is so sweet.
Chapter 12: This is so sweet, Baekhyun worrying and taking care of Chanyeol even from afar, he's too good, no wonder Chanyeol didn't want him to find out ><
Thank you for updating!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #9
Chapter 12: Taking care of his boy even from another continent!!
Chapter 11: Aaah Kai and Sehun!!! Hehe Sehun turning into a full fanboy and even calling him his baby that's sweet >< this was so so good! Loved it so much~