chapter 1

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"Cause when we jumping, we poppin we jopping" I sing on my way to the kitchen as Sehun stares at me with boiling water in a cup. "I swear to god you need to stop singing that song, and what the hell is jopping" he huffs before making his coffee. "It's when you......." I am just about to tell him when he faces me again this time with a devil look in his eyes making me shut up. "OK I'll stop, love ya bestie" I try as he just keeps staring. "Oh come on you know I like them, give them a chance" I pout making him finally laugh. "Get your ready for work or we will be late and I am not listening to that song fast car while you drive" he storms off into his room as I make myself some tea.

I have to admit I do go on about them alot, but how can I not?. They are a new band where they all have talents but oh my god Byun y Baekhyun has got to be the most iest man alive that I have ever seen. My mind drifts off remembering their press conference and how he spoke in English and yes I screamed which resulted in Sehun bashing me with a pillow to shut me up.

"You better be getting ready yeol" I hear him shout making me jump and run for my bedroom to get ready for work.


At work

I work in a cafe/ bubble tea cafe with my best friend Sehun and my friend Jaehyun. The owner of the place Suho has a thing for my bestie but Sehun being Sehun doesn't notice it no matter how hard Suho tries Sehun still doesn't realise he has an admirer. Maybe today being Valentine's day Suho might just come straight out and ask him for a date.

"Chanyeol are you drooling over SuperM again" Sehun says making me look at him with a smile "No" I smirk as I put my apron on and head to the bakery to put out all the love heart cakes and cookies before I get a scolding for daydreaming.

"Good morning everyone are we ready for a busy day today?" My manager Suho approaches us. "We sure are boss" Jaehyun says as he gets ready at the till since he is the wiz at taking payment. Sehun is the king of the bubble tea even though he drinks more than he serves but gets away with it since the boss fancies his . I on the other hand serve the good stuff. Yes you guessed it I give all the cakes and sweet treats to the customers.

"OK everyone be on your toes today there is a queue outside so let's get started" my boss heads over to the door opening it as we get ready for the morning rush.

First in the door is the ever lovely old lady Mrs Yen. "Oh Chanyeol darling how are you this fine morning, I brought you a little something dear" she reaches into her bag she always carries with her and takes out a red envelope handing it to me. "Oh Mrs Yen, what is this?" I smile as she blushes while I open it. Seeing it's a Valentines day card I let out a little laugh. "Oh Mrs Yen what would your husband say" I walk around the counter and kiss her on the cheek as the cue of people clap. "My husband wouldn't care once I bring him home his favourite strawberry muffin and some lemon bread for me" she smiles as I get her order together. "Any romantic plans tonight dear?" she asks me as I hand her the small box containing her order. "No romantic plans Mrs Yen maybe just a movie and some food" she signals for me to come around the counter as I get closer to her. "You my dear are a handsome young man you should find love soon just keep being you. I best go before these lovely people give out to me for holding up the queue". She heads off to pay for her cakes and leaves, making me wonder will I ever find true love, will I be good enough for anyone. Shaking the sadness from my head I put a smile on my face and head back to the counter to serve the rest of the queue.

6 hours later

Finally t

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 14: I hope Chan is really ok??
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 13: I love the man bouquet 💐
748 streak #3
Chapter 14: So glad I ran across this story, I’ve binge read all the chapters. Thank you so much for this update.

Hopefully, Chanyeol will be okay. Baekhyun is going to be livid that they didn’t tell him the truth. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Chapter 14: Omg thank you so much for the update!! I feel bad that they had to lie to baekhyun but it's probably for the best right? Gosh hoping Chanyeol gets better soon TT
969 streak #5
Chapter 14: Welcome back!
I just hope that Chanyeol gets better before Baekhyun arrives in Korea!
Thank you so much for returning to this fic.
Chapter 13: Now let beak come back soon
969 streak #7
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for updating. I thought all writers are on vacation.
Baekhyun is trying to take care of his boyfriend even when they are apart. Baek is so sweet.
Chapter 12: This is so sweet, Baekhyun worrying and taking care of Chanyeol even from afar, he's too good, no wonder Chanyeol didn't want him to find out ><
Thank you for updating!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #9
Chapter 12: Taking care of his boy even from another continent!!
Chapter 11: Aaah Kai and Sehun!!! Hehe Sehun turning into a full fanboy and even calling him his baby that's sweet >< this was so so good! Loved it so much~