Chapter 13

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Buzz buzz

Buzz buzz

Rushing from the bathroom Chanyeol hears his phone ringing. Grabbing it hoping whoever it is doesn't give up he starts to get butterflies seeing the name on the screen

" Hello" he answers nervously as he sits on the sofa

" Hey you"

" Baekhyun oh my god hi, it's evening here shouldn't you be still sleeping over there with it being so late?"

" It's just after midnight here, I got some sleep Chanyeol don't worry. So how is the soup?"

"Baekhyun, it's amazing you shouldn't have. Today was my second day having it. This place does some amazing soup" Chanyeol pulls his legs up closer on the sofa beside him trying to relax

" I'm so happy you're enjoying it, it's the least I can do . So tell me how are you feeling today ?"

" I'm ok I guess" Chanyeol touches his chest feeling a little pain

" Is that the truth?" Baekhyun playfully asks making Chanyeol blush like a love struck teenager

" Noooo"

" Please tell me Chanyeol "

" I don't want you to worry when you have so much going on over there"

" I want to worry, you get sick as soon as I leave"

" Honestly I feel like crap today these antibiotics are kicking me but nothing will stop me from watching your show"

" Please make sure you rest and the food will be coming out all week for you"

" You didn't have to do that but I'm so grateful you did and I miss you" Chanyeol slides the last bit in feeling all shy again

" I wanted to and I miss you too Chanyeol " Baekhyun lays in his bed across the world smiling  knowing chanyeol is probably blushing right about now.

"You really miss me?"Chanyeol can't believe it as he hides his face even though Baekhyun can't see him.

" Yes I wouldn't have said it otherwise silly"

" But your an idol I'm a nobody" hearing those words Baekhyun sits up in his bed so fast ready to put this tall giant straight

" Hey you are somebody, you are Chanyeol who works in the local bakery that makes the best doughnuts. You are the guy with a big heart that I want to know more of. I might be an idol but I'm human too. Don't put me on a pedestal because of my job"

" I didn't mean anything by it I'm sorry"

" Chanyeol, do you still want to meet me when I get home?" Baekhyun waits nervously hoping chanyeol won't let the idol label scare him away.

" Will you still want to meet me?"Chanyeol whispers

" Of course I do, I wouldn't have asked"

" Even with you being an idol"

" Me being an idol has nothing to do with me wanting to see you . I want to see you because I really like you, Chanyeol. Like I said don't let my job put you off"

" I'm just nervous and don't want to make this bad for you"

" How could you make things bad for me?. I've slept with you and I trust you 100%. If I didn't we wouldn't be talking at all"

" I guess I'm just thinking like this because your in the limelight and I'm not . I don't want to come between your dream job. I'm scared I'll fall more for you ....

" Chanyeol shhhh it's ok just rest when I get home we can talk better then over the phone ok"

" Sorry about this you didn't need to hear all this with you getting on stage later. I think I'm just feeling like this because I'm sick and also because I miss you"

" I know and you just need to be cuddled and taken care of and I'll be back before you know it"

" I feel really embarrassed now" Chanyeol hides his face behind a cushion wanting the redness to fade

"Don't be embarrassed with me . It's good you can speak to me so openly. I do have to go so I will DM you as soon as I can"

" I know your busy with your dream and thank you so so much for ringing me I wasn't expecting it"

" Well I had to hear that y deep voice of yours"

" Oh god no" chanyeol bursts out laughing nervously

" Haha I bet you're blushing now hmm?"

" You have no idea glad this isn't a video call"

" Maybe next time "

" Oh god"

" Well I best go chanyeol so rest well and e

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 14: I hope Chan is really ok??
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 13: I love the man bouquet 💐
748 streak #3
Chapter 14: So glad I ran across this story, I’ve binge read all the chapters. Thank you so much for this update.

Hopefully, Chanyeol will be okay. Baekhyun is going to be livid that they didn’t tell him the truth. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Chapter 14: Omg thank you so much for the update!! I feel bad that they had to lie to baekhyun but it's probably for the best right? Gosh hoping Chanyeol gets better soon TT
969 streak #5
Chapter 14: Welcome back!
I just hope that Chanyeol gets better before Baekhyun arrives in Korea!
Thank you so much for returning to this fic.
Chapter 13: Now let beak come back soon
969 streak #7
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for updating. I thought all writers are on vacation.
Baekhyun is trying to take care of his boyfriend even when they are apart. Baek is so sweet.
Chapter 12: This is so sweet, Baekhyun worrying and taking care of Chanyeol even from afar, he's too good, no wonder Chanyeol didn't want him to find out ><
Thank you for updating!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #9
Chapter 12: Taking care of his boy even from another continent!!
Chapter 11: Aaah Kai and Sehun!!! Hehe Sehun turning into a full fanboy and even calling him his baby that's sweet >< this was so so good! Loved it so much~